Saturday, March 24, 2012

Live April 27-29 Seminar Spots GOING FAST (read this one)

OK, it's only been a couple of weeks since I announced my live program at the end of April, and things are happening fast.

>>> Here's What's Going On <<<

1) I emailed all the men on my Double Your Dating list, and we're almost sold out of spots for individual men. Those spots will probably all be sold out within days (the spots for women are filling up as well, but if you're a guy, then this is seriously urgent.)

2) The hotel rooms we've contracted for at the event hotel are also filling up fast. We've got only 50 or so rooms left at our special $99 per night rate.

3) Dating gurus and relationship experts who are friends of ours are starting to tell all of THEIR subscribers and customers about this program - and we're getting a big surge of registrations.

>>> Here's What To Do <<<

If you're a single man (or you're in a relationship but still want to come to the event alone), then go and register RIGHT NOW. I'm serious about this, we're going to be sold out of those spots soon.

If you'd like to register as a couple, or you're a woman who would like to attend by yourself, it's also a good idea to get your registration done today - so you can get one of the remaining hotel rooms at our special $99 rate.

I just looked - and the lowest price that you can find rooms online for the weekend of our event at the hotel we're at is $284 per night (no joke). You will be glad you got in at $99 per night through our special deal with the hotel - so register now.

>>> Information & Registration <<<

This is most likely the only live relationship program that I'll be teaching live this year - and I think it's going to be the best live training that I've done EVER.

You can get all the details and register for the program HERE:

Reserve your seat now, and I'll see you at the end of April!

David D.

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