Sunday, January 30, 2022

NEW Relationship Agreement for couples

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Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Singles looking to start an excellent relationship…

And couples wanting to make your current relationship bloom even more…

Here's a creative way you can take all the friction and risk out of your relationship, marriage, or dating experience.

How? By putting it into writing.

This may sound far-out for some people, but if you're a person who likes to do quirky "couples" exercises, this one's right up your alley.

One of my readers, Dr. David Murphy of Sydney, Australia, introduced this fantastic idea.

For many, this common law Relationship Agreement is a beneficial, renewable, and flexible way to achieve the most out of your relationship, marriage, or dating life.

The Relationship Agreement provides a blueprint you can follow.

The Relationship Agreement, or RA, is a renewable set of rules, goals, expectations, and boundaries you set for each other.

Think of it as a "contract" for a project.

Every year you "renew" your RA together. Your review, update or change any of the details you agreed to uphold. You can take out the details you want. You can add more.

However, you both have to agree on them.

These details can include schedules and frequency of date nights, modes of communication, vacation plans… whatever is essential for the two of you.

Since finances can cause disagreements in relationships, you can also choose to include the running costs of your relationship in your RA. You can both decide if it should be split 50/50 or however you want.

What else can you include in your RA? Well, according to Dr. David Murphy, anything under the sun. Anything and everything that you want to measure.

If you have specific goals in your relationship, include them, like having your first child, getting in shape together, or traveling outside the country.

If you have specific requests, such as wanting your partner to show more affection, initiative, and leadership, or more patience and less nagging, by all means, include them.

I'm always a believer in the saying, "What is measured gets managed. What gets managed gets done."

The Relationship Agreement is for those not afraid to set up mutually agreed-upon rules and boundaries and have them in writing.

It's a NEW, quirky, and fun way to work on your relationship.

I love coming up with and discovering new and fascinating ways to help people achieve the relationship and intimacy they desire.

That's why I sent you articles I know you're going to love over the week. If you missed any of them, please take the time to go through the ones you like to read.

How To Make A Sacred Container Of Passion
Sacred container of love. We put in love, appreciation, willingness to be present with each other, spaciousness and time to enjoy a leisurely life moment.

How To De-stress Your Life
STRESS is the number one reason people don't have have more intimacy. The great news is that intimacy actually lowers stress!

The Kama Sutra Kiss
One of the most potent ways to create intimacy and passion in your relationship is HOT kissing! A kiss done the right way brings a lover to their knees.

Soulmate Manifestation (Confession)
Dreams do come true. And you really CAN manifest your dream lover. My good friend, Joy was able to visualize, magnetize, and create her dream relationship out of thin air.

A Man's Guide To Intimacy IV With Nancy Moonstarr
Join our very own Susan Bratton as she is interviewed by a psychologist, Dr. Nancy Moonstarr, along with 20 other experts as part of a series; 'A Man's Guide To Intimacy IV, Let's Talk About Sex! The Holy Grail of Intimacy'. Topics will include Monogamy plus Polyamory, Vanilla and Kinky Sex, BDSM, etc.

Love Is In The Stars
Hey, it's Suz. I'm inviting you to join my friend, relationship coach Carol Allen, for her free upcoming webinar for women to help you quickly and easily attract amazing men online (I promise you've never heard this stuff before), no matter how long you've been lost in the "digital desert."

WINGS of Inspired Business Podcast With Melssa Wittstock
I'm so excited to share my interview on the popular podcast Wings of Inspired Business today with my friend and 5-time serial entrepreneur Melinda Wittstock. Melinda is also the CEO and Founder of the innovative and popular social podcasting app, Podopolo, so be sure to download the app, follow Wings there, and join us!

The Manwhore Podcast With Billy Procida
Susan Bratton opens up about her very own sex life on Ep. 418 of The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-Positive Quest for Love. She shared how her dead bedroom turned into a polyamorous sex life filled with honesty and orgasms!

Why Your Hormone And Libido Levels Are Plummeting
What's missing is purifying our body at a cellular level. And getting across the blood-brain barrier to get the heavy metals out of our brain.

The "3-month natural facelift" (I do this.)
Simply giving your body the "building blocks" it needs to repair and rejuvenate itself is often enough to see incredible changes.

Create Love,

Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Expert to Millions", is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements DESIRE with Tribulus, Tongkat Ali and Fenugreek and her wildly successful blood flow booster, FLOW at

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA
Toll Free: (866) 731-9919
Main Number: +1(650)948-0500

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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How to eliminate toxins that kill your hormones

Personal Life Logo
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

One squirt pulls out toxins, and you poop them away.

The single most significant insight I gleaned from interviewing 28 of the most well-educated doctors and sexologists for my Sexual Vitality Summit was that we need to detox.

I realized that you and I are sick.

Sick in the sense that toxins from our "high-tech" environment and toxin-laden foods overload our bodies.

Even the soaps and shampoos we use have toxins.

And with all these toxins in our bodies, our hormone production and libido levels plummet.

If you have hormonal or libido issues, you may want to keep reading.

There's a reason why there is an abundance of detox solutions in the market today.

However, most of these solutions only detox at the surface level. Our skin. Our mouths. Our digestive tract. Our bowels.

What's missing is purifying our body at a cellular level—and getting across the blood-brain barrier to get the heavy metals out of our brain.

Something Like CytoDetox ⇐ The Most Powerful Detox Method


CytoDetox is a detox solution that I recently discovered. It's a safe, effective, and easy solution for supporting the body's ability to combat the inevitable toxins we encounter daily.

It contains a NASA-grown 50000-year-old mineral that removes the hormone-disrupting toxins from soy, plastics, parabens, phthalates, heavy metals, and more.

The breakthrough Molecular Clinoptilolite Fragments (MCF) binders in CytoDetox are designed to prevent the issue of RE-toxification.

The world does not need another liver, kidney, or colon detox system but instead a detox formula strong enough to purge the body of toxins at the cellular level where detox matters most.

Click Here To Check Out CytoDetox ⇐ Is This The Most Powerful Detox Method?

A detoxing expert, I know, says, "detox or die."

By the time we're middle-aged, we've packed in many toxins.

Detoxing is EASY with CytoDetox. Take it once in the morning and once at night.

One squirt pulls out toxins, and you poop them away.

To Boundless Sexual Vitality,

Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Expert to Millions", is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements DESIRE with Tribulus, Tongkat Ali and Fenugreek and her wildly successful blood flow booster, FLOW at

P.S. My best friend has been ill from mold exposure. These clinoptiliotes give her immediate and lasting relief as they bind to the mold toxins trapped in her cranial (brain) tissue and pull it out. She also offers this to her 5-year old son because he is also sensitive to mold. She says when she gives it to him, she can see that he's happier and easier to manage.

Watch For More Articles Coming This Week:

– The C.A.L.M Formula Gets You "In The Mood"
– This Video Gets You Laid
– The "3-month natural facelift" (I do this.)

– The Kama Sutra Kiss [Intimacy Tip]

– Soulmate Manifestation (Confession)

– "What gets measured gets done… even in relationships."

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA
Toll Free: (866) 731-9919
Main Number: +1(650)948-0500

Note: We frequently partner with companies providing products and services featured in our emails in an affiliate relationship. We vet the products in advance to ensure they are trusted resources and recommend you do your own research before you purchase too. We welcome your feedback and recommendations. If you find something of value, let us know. If we recommend something that doesn't work for you, let us know why. We care!

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. Our advice is not intended or implied as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is for general information purposes only. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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Sunday, January 23, 2022

3-Step Sweet Sensual Massage

Personal Life Logo
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

This week I want you to set aside ample time to exchange sensual massages with your partner, or if you're flying solo, give yourself one. This will rejuvenate you, and you will have more internal resources to deal with the upcoming week.

Here's how.

First, make sure you create a relaxing environment: Consider temperature, lighting, a scented candle, organic oil, soothing music, a glass of water, soft towels, a clean room, and privacy. Your loverspace must be conducive to relaxation.

Next, take a shower and groom yourself. Fingernails, toenails, scrub your face, wash your hair, trim your privates. Get shined up. It always makes one feel better.

Give yourself a full-body rub down with an emollient oil if you're single.

Sing along with the music. Singing activates your vagus nerve, which is calming. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth to increase your Nitric Oxide. This will improve your immune function and vascular system, so you get better blood flow. Breathing in and out for a count of five in both directions will calm you down more.

Think about how grateful you are to be alive in the most exciting time in history. Look out the window at the furthest vantage available to you – look at nature if possible.

Think about your bright future. What brings you joy? Where are you going with your life? What about the future excites you?

As you rub the oil into your body, make sure you cover every square inch from your face and neck to your toes. Take your time. Work the oil into your skin. Feel your skin. Feel the muscles and flesh under your skin. Are there spots that need an extra deep touch? Hold your hand on your heart when you get to your chest. Remember that you are precious, meaningful, and worthy of love, appreciation, and respect.

Practice loving touch with yourself. If you find spots that feel good, linger there.

The "goal" of this massage is to:

• Hydrate your skin
• Enliven your proprioceptive cells
• Feel pleasure
• Relax your nervous system
• Ground yourself
• Reconnect with your essential YOU

If there is more self-pleasure to create when you are done, do so now.

If you are lucky enough to have a partner, create your loverspace, and groom yourselves.

Having a massage table that is easy to set up and tuck away is fantastic for sheltering at home for the next few years.

Decide who gets to go first.

When you are the giver, take your time to pleasure your partner's entire body lovingly. While you're massaging them, tell them why they are so unique to you. Use a loving, warm, deep voice. Speak to them in a way that lulls them into joy. Ask them to tell you when something you do feels right or if they need you to adjust pressure or tempo.

As you stroke, knead and rub them, pour love from your hands into their body.

After you finish, help your partner sit up and regain their equilibrium. Bring them a glass of water. Thank them for being in your life.

When you are the receiver, give your partner plenty of good feedback to know what feels right. Moans and sighs are fuel for the masseuse.

After you are done, if you want to take your intimacy to the next level, it will feel even better.

Do everything very slowly. Start with my beautiful Soulmate Embrace holding and being held technique because arousal begins with relaxation. Getting in the groove of your bodies coming together takes time. Allow yourselves the gift of that time.

Because when you get down to it, what else is greater than the love of your partner, family, friends, and yourself?

That's the 3-Step Sensual Massage:

1) Set your Loverspace
2) Prepare your body to receive
3) Receive touch all over your body to center yourself

Email me back and let me know your favorite part of this experience if you do this. And please scroll down and sift through this week's articles. There are some DOOZIES in there this week!

Dip Into The Soulmate Secret Sauce
If you're single and dating, you can peek into a person's mind to satisfy their DEEP DESIRES better than anyone else ever.

Train Any Man To Be Your Bedroom Hero Tonight
Guys try desperately to give us women what we want, but, for the most part, they end up scrambling around in the dark.

3 Sultry Intimacy Techniques That Make You Unforgettable
Today I'm sharing 3 intimacy techniques that will make a woman incredibly attractive to her partner. Doing these 3 intimacy techniques will make you damn near unforgettable.

Too stressed for love? Do the Soulmate Embrace
Stress takes its toll on every relationship. That's because it's like a monster that just eats at the intimacy you have for each other.

What I Do To Get Radiant Skin
Get a bottle of Qualia Skin headed your way, and be amazed by the difference made from the best skincare nutrition on earth.

Nancy Moonstarr A Man's Guide To Intimacy
Please join our very own Susan Bratton as she's being interviewed by a psychologist, Dr. Nancy Moonstarr along with 20 other experts as part of a series; ' A Man's Guide to Intimacy, The Secrets To Keeping Her Wanting, Sizzling, and Forever Yours'.

How To Improve Trust In The Bedroom
For a lot of ladies, we feel like we can't let go and surrender to our body's true desires during hot sex because we may not fully trust our lover's reactions…

Receive Love,

Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Expert to Millions", is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements DESIRE with Tribulus, Tongkat Ali and Fenugreek and her wildly successful blood flow booster, FLOW at

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA
Toll Free: (866) 731-9919
Main Number: +1(650)948-0500

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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

What I do to get radiant skin…

Personal Life Logo
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

This email is for women only... if you are a man, please click here so we won't send you email for women. ⇐ Men Click Here

I'll be honest. Aging skin has become a huge focus of mine.

…along with sexual rejuvenation, cognitive health, and overall vitality.

This led me to do research and interviews with just about every health expert and doctor I could find. The videos and interviews I've done over the years are a testament to that.

One thing stood out in my research: most women address skin health the wrong way.

Sunblock, moisturizers, creams, and lotions all have their place. But do you notice something weird about them?

They're all trying to address skin health from the outside in.

To transform your skin's health from the inside out, you need to discover the wonders of Qualia Skin.

Click Here To Check Out Qualia Skin ⇐ More Hydration. More Elasticity. More Glow. (Use Promo Code SUSAN for 15% OFF)


I didn't even understand how a skin product could work this well until I researched the causes of aging skin.

Here's a key to understanding how aging skin creeps upon us.

When we're very young, our bodies are excellent at using nutrition in our diet for excellent skin health, even if that nutrition is mediocre.

But as we get older, our bodies become less efficient at using the nutrition in our diet for skin health.

Therefore, to maintain youthful skin as we age, we need more specialized nutrition than younger women.

Specifically, we need to include ingredients in our diet that have very potent skin health benefits, so our bodies have an easier time using our nutrition for skin health.*

We need the type of ingredients that support the following:

• Collagen and skin remodeling.
• Elastin.
• Ceramide levels.
• Skin antioxidant and renewal defenses.
• Epidermal and dermal thickness.
• Blood flow and nutrient delivery.

Qualia Skin is the result of nutritional formulators that care about these technical requirements of supporting the complete picture of skin health.*

Click Here To Check Out Qualia Skin ⇐ More Hydration. More Elasticity. More Glow. (Use Promo Code SUSAN for 15% OFF)

So what ingredients have these types of benefits, you ask? Here are a few examples:

• HydroPeach™ Ceramides (Peach Fruit Extract): a clinically studied Japanese peach extract that enhances hydration, supports moisture retention, and promotes smoother skin texture*.

• Red Orange Complex™ (Citrus sinensis Fruit Extract): a clinically studied citrus extract made from three varieties of Sicilian blood orange to support skin health before, during, and after exposure to environmental stress*.

• Aloe Vera Inner Juice Leaf Powder: an ingredient that supports skin hydration, elasticity, and smoothness by targeting the gut microbiome to transform skin health from the inside out.*

But these ingredients are hard to find, let alone all together in one skin nutritional formula.

That is why Qualia Skin is amazing.

It has all 3 of these ingredients, but it also has 18 others, including staples of great skin nutrition like biotin, selenium, and copper.

Simply put, one serving of Qualia Skin does more to nutritionally support great skin than any product I have ever found. Bar none.*†

Twenty-one of the best skin health ingredients in one easy serving per day!

For women over 30, this is a dream product.

Get a bottle of Qualia Skin headed your way, and be amazed by the difference made from the best skincare nutrition on earth.

Click Here To Check Out Qualia Skin ⇐ More Hydration. More Elasticity. More Glow. (Use Promo Code SUSAN for 15% OFF)

To Your Radiant Glow,

Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Expert to Millions", is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements DESIRE with Tribulus, Tongkat Ali and Fenugreek and her wildly successful blood flow booster, FLOW at

Watch For More Articles Coming This Week:

– Ladies, here's a Boyfriend/Husband Intimacy Training Trick

– ☄️ Create Unbreakable Sexual Trust (VIDEO)

– Too stressed for love? Do the Soulmate Embrace

– 3-Step Sweet Sensual Massage

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA
Toll Free: (866) 731-9919
Main Number: +1(650)948-0500

Note: We frequently partner with companies providing products and services featured in our emails in an affiliate relationship. We vet the products in advance to ensure they are trusted resources and recommend you do your own research before you purchase too. We welcome your feedback and recommendations. If you find something of value, let us know. If we recommend something that doesn't work for you, let us know why. We care!

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. Our advice is not intended or implied as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is for general information purposes only. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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