Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Are These Man Myths Standing Between You And Dating Success?

Hey Man,


Are you one of those guys who's STILL not going ONLINE to meet TONS of amazing women?

If not, I don't need a crystal ball to figure out why... it's because you think that "dating sites" are a waste of time. That they never really WORK.

If so, I hear you -- but here's what I want *you* to understand today.

Dating sites are actually just a tiny part of your "Online Dating Machine."

There are actually 8 other methods (some of them totally UNDER THE RADAR) for meeting AMAZING WOMEN online that work even BETTER than dating sites!

Problem is, YOU (and 99% of guys) have no clue they exist, so learn about them here.


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   Today's topic is SO INCREDIBLY CRITICAL to achieving dating success, I'd talk about it all day if I could.

   The topic is simply this:

   WAY too many guys confuse what they *THINK* it means to be a "real man" with what it ACTUALLY takes to succeed with women.

   To put it another way...

   If you're a guy who's still looking for the relationship of his dreams (or maybe hasn't even had much dating success yet) then tell me if any of the following statements apply to you:

A) You feel like there are specific REASONS that you haven't had huge success with women yet -- most of which involve feeling like you're somehow not enough of a "real man."

B) You use these reasons to "explain" and "excuse" all of your challenges with women, from not getting dates to failing to build great relationships.

C) You believe that if you could just become more of a "real man," all of your problems with women would magically go away.

   Okay, so how many of these statements apply to YOU?

   If you're like most guys suffering from a lack of passionate, fulfilling experiences with women, I can tell you this:

   It's almost GUARANTEED that at least 1 of the above answers applied to you.

   But even more interestingly:

   There's an EXTREMELY good chance that you would actually answer:


   Like I said...

   For more guys than I can count, their beliefs about what it means to be a "real man" are completely FALSE.

   As in, total MYTHS.


   Tragically, most men make it impossible to get their love lives on track because they accept one or more of these "myths" as an EXCUSE for not succeeding with women.

   They let their false beliefs about what it takes to be a "real man" bog them down in both life and love.

   They let these false beliefs hold them back.

   Worst of all, they let these myths give them a reason to continue ACCEPTING PAIN and FAILURE.

   Not good.

   But all of that in mind...

   If you're a guy who can't get a handle on what it takes to succeed like a "real man" with women, I need to share some information that you desperately need to hear.

   Strap in, here it comes... the top 3 "Man Myths" that might be keeping YOU from succeeding with the women of your dreams:


   This myth is like a disease. I wish I could wipe it out with a vaccine or something.

   The real FACT is this:

   Although most guys may focus on superficial traits like a woman's looks... WOMEN tend to focus more on "intangible" qualities.

   Qualities like personality.



   Especially when it comes to intelligent, interesting, attractive women, the "intangible" traits of CONFIDENCE and CONTROL are far more rare and valuable than just looking like Brad Pitt.

   But here's the REALLY great news for every guy reading this right now:


   Becoming the kind of confident, secure man that ALL women are looking for is actually a LEARNABLE SKILL.

   It's something that absolutely ANY guy can do.

   It simply takes a commitment to ONE THING:

   Working on your "inner game" -- AKA: how you feel about YOURSELF -- in order to turn the ship of your love life around.

   "Inner game" is really the entire foundation of how a "real man" acts...

   It has NOTHING to do with how loud and obnoxious he can be in public.

   It has NOTHING to do with how good he is at "hitting" on women.

   It has NOTHING to do with the car he drives, or how much he can bench press.

   It has EVERYTHING to do with how he feels about himself on the INSIDE.


   That's why... if you're having doubts about whether you can become the kind of "real man" who can create unstoppable feelings of attraction in a woman... here's the very first thing that I want you to do:

   Do something... anything at ALL... to start improving your INNER GAME.

   In other words, get out there and start doing something that makes you feel better about YOURSELF on the *INSIDE*.

   What's the easiest way to do it?

   I always recommend doing something in your life that takes you outside of your "comfort zone."

   Think outside the box about something you've always wanted to do... and START DOING IT.

   It sure as hell worked for me.

   Start playing ice hockey.


   Learn to play chess competitively.

   Become a wine aficionado.


   Point is, get good at something NEW beyond what you currently do, and you'll quickly start building new, ATTRACTION-BUILDING INNER CONFIDENCE.

   Make sense?

   If so, you actually can get TONS more simple, life-changing ways to start "evolving" into the "real man" that you were naturally BORN to be right here.


   In the meantime, check out:

   This one makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

   Stop for awhile.

   Then start again.

   This myth is the one that guys carry around like a ball and chain.

   It boils down to the belief that a man can somehow "convince" or "persuade" a woman to feel attraction for them through gifts... favors... expensive dinners... you name it.

   But the FACT is this:

   At best, doing these things only makes a woman start to feel that "I'll be your friend" kind of love.

   At worst, they can make a woman run for the hills because your constant "chasing" is "crowding her," even "creeping her out."

   Let me say this another way:

   You can only LOSE when you constantly attempt to "win" a woman's attention.

   That's why, instead of focusing on how to "win a woman over," I urgently recommend that men focus on one thing, and one thing only:

   Standing out from the crowd of all the other guys who are doing it.


   By learning to do something that 99% of guys HAVE NO CLUE how to do...

   I'm talking about learning how to connect with a woman's EMOTIONS.


   Basically, stop worrying about pick-up lines... and start learning how to have a heart-felt CONVERSATION with a woman about her passions and interests in life.

   Stop worrying about whether your car is cool enough... and start learning how to recognize what a woman is FEELING.

   Stop worrying about having enough cash to take a woman to a fancy restaurant... and start learning how to COMMUNICATE with her in ways that she knows so that you can UNDERSTAND those feelings.

   Do just that much, and you'll NEVER make the mistake of trying to "win a woman over" again... It will happen AUTOMATICALLY because you suddenly STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD just by what you say and do.

   More powerful, proven tips on how to make it happen right here.


   For now though, let's get to the KILLER MYTH that's torpedoed countless potential dates and relationships:


   Okay... deep breath... this one really gets me...


   In my line of work, I meet a LOT of guys who have challenges with dating and building relationships with women.

   And one of the first things I notice is that almost every one of these guys blames HIMSELF.

   In other words, when things don't work out, he always thinks it's ALL HIS FAULT.

   But the FACT is this...

   There's just no way to get around it. It's a law of nature: women come "pre-wired" with an internal idea of what comprises a desirable mate.

   It's a set of EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS that spark the first feelings of "attraction" in a woman and compel her to want to be with a particular man.

   And, harsh reality is, If you don't match up with this "internal template," you're dead in the water.

   It's natural. No blame necessary.

   Now... this fact can either work AGAINST you -- or you can make it work FOR you.

   And you know you're old pal Dave... I love harnessing the power of how things NATURALLY work between women and men to CREATE MIND-BLOWING DATING SUCCESS.

   But the problem is this:


   MOST men have no idea that this natural mechanism even exists in women... let alone how to trigger it.

   So, when a man has little or no success with women, obviously the first thing I do is point this mechanism out to him.

   The second thing I do is tell him to stop "blaming" himself -- and start learning what actually WORKS and USE IT to his advantage.

   Learn how to connect with a woman in ways that make you MATCH HER HARD-WIRED, PRE-EXISTING IDEA OF "MR. RIGHT", and it's 100%-GUARANTEED:

   Women will begin responding to you like they're under a magic spell or something!

   Believe me -- if you've never had women practically tripping over themselves to be with you, it'll BLOW YOUR MIND.

   But okay... right about now, you're asking how to actually DO it.

   How do you start SAYING and DOING all the things that make sure you "match" with a woman's idea of "Mr. Right"... and drive her insane with WANTING YOU because of it?

   Glad you asked.

   HERE'S how you do it, more quickly and easily than you ever dreamed possible.


   Bottom line:

   If you feel like there's an "invisible barrier" preventing you from finding and dating the kind of women you want, you need to get it through your head right now:

   None of these "Man Myths" are to blame, so leave them behind NOW, and start focusing on THE FACTS.

   Take the time to learn what it REALLY takes to meet and get dates with the women of YOUR dreams... and watch your whole life start CHANGING in ways you never thought possible.

   Once it finally happens, I can guarantee you this:

   You'll kick yourself for wasting so much time!


   And, once you do, be sure to keep me posted how it's going.


   I'll talk to you again soon.


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



P.S. Ever wonder why you have such a hard time approaching women?

Why your adrenaline starts pumping... your palms start sweating... your brain immediately starts creating EXCUSES *NOT* do it as soon as you see a woman you'd really like to meet?

The answer may surprise you... but how EASY it is to *ELIMINATE* YOUR FEAR of approaching women will totally SHOCK you!

Get the facts right here.



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If you didn't plant a gar­den for the sum­mer, now is the time to plant win­ter crops such as let­tuce, chard, spinach, onions, brus­sel sprouts, kohlra­bi (real­ly yum­my) and so much more.

Hav­ing a home gar­den is just one of the things you can do to become more self-suf­fi­cient.

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You'll not only find out how to make a super­food with a fan­tas­tic shelf life, but you'll also dis­cov­er all the sur­vival skills nec­es­sary for any cri­sis...

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You'll also dis­cov­er almost all the edi­ble and med­i­c­i­nal plants in North Amer­i­ca, includ­ing a pow­er­ful painkiller, a dri­ve­way antibi­ot­ic weed, a back-pain relief plant, and many more...

Here are some of the secrets this book will reveal:

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• Anoth­er super­food that was a sta­ple meal dur­ing the great depres­sion. This will help you pre­serve food and make one of the tasti­est meats you've ever had.

• The lost "Samu­rai Food" born out of war and neces­si­ty, packed with rich nutri­ents and pro­bi­otics.

• The lost method of build­ing log hous­es used by the pio­neers who set­tled in the West. Use this to help make your very own log cab­in for shel­ter or per­son­al use.

• The lost skill of wild plants. Mas­ter agri­cul­ture and med­i­cine, includ­ing edi­ble and med­i­c­i­nal plants found through­out North Amer­i­ca.

• How to make acti­vat­ed char­coal pills you can use any time. It helps with indi­ges­tion, low­ers bad cho­les­terol, pre­vents gas, and treats food and chem­i­cal poi­son­ing.

And so much more...

Check Out The Web­site Here ⇐ Lost Ways On How To Sur­vive

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Find out everything you need to know right here.

Check Out The Website Here ⇐ Lost Ways On How To Survive

P.P.S. Watch For More Awesome Articles Coming This Week:

- Did you get fat sheltering in place?

- ☄️ 2 Girls 12 Sex Toys? (VIDEO)

"...perfectly stimulates my g-spot and clitoris (and labia)..." (Mailbag)

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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Approaching A Woman, Getting Her Email & Number

Hi Man,



Then I suggest that you get a handle on one MIND- BLOWING YET 100%-UNIVERSALLY-TRUE FACT right NOW...

It's that women don't make logical "decisions" about whether or not they're going to "get physical" with a guy.


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Whether a man does the simple, specific things necessary to create certain feelings inside her... irresistible feelings that she can't stop, control OR ignore... even if she wants to!

Here's the "magic secret" how to do it... and to start GETTING SOME at last.


   My mailbag's busting out all over this week, so let's get right to it...




The other weekend I went out with a couple of
friends. One of them has a female roommate
(friends for years) who is smoking hot. She mostly
hangs with the guys and they are very protective
of her.

Anyway, right off the bat, after I was introduced
to her I shot off with the "nice necklace....what
did you get that out of a cracker jack box?"

She had a stunned look on her face like she just
got rabbit punched. My friend, her roommate, was
all pissed at me, kept telling me to be nice to
her, not to be mean, etc.

About 2 minutes later I ask her if I am being mean
(in hindsight I realize that was a mistake), she
says no, and we start talking. We talk a little
more. I tell her to buy me a drink.

She does.

We start talking again and she is swinging her
head, moving her hair, and she grabs her breasts,
you know kind of cups them with both hands.

I say, "What the hell are you doing...quit
grabbing your boobs".

She couldn't believe I had said that.  We start
talking some more and she tells me that in 5
minutes since I met her I told her things that no
guy has ever said to her.

I kind of went my own way after, didn't want to
but had to, with some other friends, but I didn't
try to get her number because I knew I would see
her again the next time I go over to my buddies

I had to give her the gift of missing me.

Believe me, I will be stopping by soon. I think
guys need to be tellers, not doers. As much as
women don't like to admit it, I think that they
like being told what to do.

Do you agree? Your thoughts please.

TT Kansas City



   You want my thoughts, TT? Okay, here they come...

THOUGHT #1: You're a stud. Pretty well done... so far.

THOUGHT #2: When she said: "In 5 minutes since I met you, you told me things that no guy has ever said to me", you should have followed up with something like:

   "Yeah, well that's not all I'm going to tell you. Now that you're doing everything I tell you, it's time for you to decide where you're going to take me to dinner. And make it somewhere nice. I'm picky."

   You see, before you give a woman the gift of missing you, you need to make her like you more.

   Make sense?

   But like I said... awesome start. Be sure to let me know what happens next.




I'm a long-time fan of your stuff... I've got all
of your products and am just waiting for the
lunchbox and the David DeAngelo action figure with
kung-fu grip :)

So anyway, I was at work the other day and this
cutie of an Asian girl had just started her first
day so I had to train her.

Well, she walked in with a bitchy attitude if I've
ever seen one and the minute she started whining
and being a total bitch, I just stopped, looked at
her and said to her very seriously:

"Listen here little girl, I don't know if other
people accept this behavior of yours but I
won't... got it? You're in my reality, so cut it
out now".

At that moment she FROZE and you could just see
her immediately transform herself into sweetest
little girl ever!!!

For the rest of the day, she was all over me and
wanted to know ALL ABOUT ME - yet I never gave her
a straight answer ONCE!!!

"Where do you live?", she asks. "I'm not telling
you. For all I know, you could be a psycho

As a matter of fact, I think I've seen your face
on America's Most Wanted." Then got a **SLAP IN

And, I just kept this up for the next 3 hours and David, let me tell you, she MELTED. She was grabbing my ass on the job and I told her that if she didn't stop I was going to call Sexual
Harassment on her (see the role reversal here!!).

It was phenomenal, man! I'm quitting my job next week so now I can go ahead and pursue this without "dipping my pen in the company ink", as you say. I'll let you know how it goes.

And this is all b/c I could have cared less what she thought of me and was out just to enjoy MYSELF
- I learned this well from your Advanced Series.

You must create YOUR REALITY and Live in it, or else you fall victim to someone else's whims. It's powerful stuff, man!


AG, Memphis



   Hey AG, GREAT story.

   Great because it shows you really GET IT.

   As you found out, once you get that "SLAP IN THE ARM" from a girl after using "COCKY & FUNNY," you know that it's game ON.

   That you're IN.

   As you seem to also get, reversing gender stereotypes is one of my favorite Cocky Comedy themes.

   The whole "If you don't stop grabbing my ass I'm going to call Sexual Harassment" line is golden.

   Another one of my favorites is accusing women of just seeing me as a sex object, and not caring about my  feelings.

   Another is telling a woman that I want her to support me and that if she's not nice, I'm going to divorce her, take half her money, and leave her with the minivan.

   A ton more of them are right here, if you're interested.


   No matter what, you gotta love the look on a woman's face when you say this stuff to her!

   But you gotta love it EVEN MORE when she suddenly reaches out... makes playful, teasing PHYSICAL CONTACT with you because of it!

   Like I said... once *that* happens, the rest is a piece of cake.



I've been reading your newsletters for a couple of
months now. I thought you were full of crap.

At first I began to read this because I was
interested to know how men went about their sexual
desires. Just out of curiosity only because I am
not into men. I love women, and I am a woman.

After this weekend you have persuaded me to buy
your products. I started in with a group of women
claiming I could read palms, and that led to your
cocky funny bit. I'm still laughing at how easy it
was to have these women eating out of the palm of
my hand.

Like I said I thought this was some much bull that
I would embarrass my self if I tried it.

Well, I had a few drinks and I got the courage to
do so, and it was amazing how the women reacted.

That's all I can say.

Sorry boys, I will be using your techniques
against you. You can have the bimbo's with the
fake tits. Keep those on your side, lesbians don't
like them much.

DD, South Florida



   Know what, DD... I'll bet all the men are going to be VERY upset with you for competing... AND stealing all the natural-breasted women.

   I guess we'll just have to make do with what you leave us.

   And yes, I get a lot of emails from women who use this stuff on both men AND women.

   Of course, stories from lesbians are my favorite, just because everyone knows that lesbians are COOL.

   Thanks for the email. I always love to hear from "The man on the inside".




I'm 35 and I gotta hand it to ya. Your emails have
helped me stay focused with the girl I'm dating
(she's an 8 out of 10).

Your techniques have also given me new strategies
every day with other women I meet. The Cocky &
Funny strategy works wonders and it's AMAZINGLY
EASY to hook a woman whenever I tactfully and
playfully poke fun at her.

Anyway, I wanted to agree with your point that age
is only a big deal when you make it one.

My current girl is only six years younger than me,
but my last girl was nine years younger.

Let me respectfully spell it out for anyone who

But, David, if I might suggest a couple of
additional ideas, and feel free to elaborate on

Young women love older men who are:

--Immaculately and tactfully dressed (no shorts or

--Not clingy.

--At least somewhat knowledgeable about business &
world events

--Able to pick a decent wine with dinner.

Anyway, just my two cents. Feel free to use
however you want.



   Yes, my friend, I can certainly roll with those two cents.

   I'd also add a few cents of my own...

   A younger woman ALSO loves an older man who:

1) Knows how to rock her world in the bedroom.

2) Mentors her.

3) Doesn't tolerate her drama.

4) Treats her like a lady.

5) Isn't a WUSSBAG.

But definitely... a LARGE percentage of "younger" women LOVE "older" men.

   Cool of you to throw this one out there, and thanks for your thoughts.



I have been thinking of buying your ebook and now
I am SURE I will.

I have been recently discussing CONFIDENCE and how
important it is in the dating game...

I have been making an effort to willfully increase
mine and I have been DIEING to try out this
approach of yours and not be intimidated by women.

I had a great situation happen to me on the bus
this morning: I am sitting there reading and this
HOTTIE comes up and asks if the seat next to me is
taken (she's about a 7.5 to 8 or so on my scale).

"No, not really", I say, kinda nonchalant, like
its no biggie. She made a comment about "just
making the bus" and we start talking.

I decided to try using the Cocky and Funny approach that I have heard about in the
newsletters (I am sure once I get the ebook that more will be revealed on that)... and she is

I'm making unbelievable progress with this chick
so I decide to try another tip the newsletters have mentioned... I just flat out ask her if she is single.

"No...unfortunately I'm not", she says."Hmmm...well, that's too bad...for YOU, I mean", I
tell her, giving her a knowing smile. BIG grin
from her.

MAN this was great... I was just saying all the things I usually WANT to say but are afraid they will not "sound good".

I was teasing this girl and she was eating out of my hand!

She, by this time, has already mentioned a friend
of hers that she want to set me up with and she says "WOW, how come I could never find any great guys like you when I was still in the dating

So I turn up the flame and bust her with, "You know... you could ALWAYS trade up"

She LOVED it!

"You're so AWESOME", she says, "Its so hard to
meet people nowadays, and you know, I hardly EVER run across guys that are so intelligent and funny as you are.

And, by the way, I really LOVED how you just came
out and asked me if I was single... most times guys are too scared to ask that and so both you just sit there and wonder and never know, that was really great".


Short story long, I get her email & she BEGS me for MY info as well... she makes a point (no less than 3 times, mind you) to mention to me "be sure and send me an email".

She also mentions a costume party she is planning and says she will definitely include me on the
guest list.

I haven't sent her anything yet...I'm letting her
stew for awhile... but plan to and am gonna bust her about the "Swiss Miss" costume she said she was planning on wearing to the party.


M.B. Dallas, Texas



   Well M.B., you know that I sometimes (lovingly) bust on Wussies, but you did everything RIGHT, so what can I say?

   Just a few small suggestions:

   When she said that she had a friend that she wanted to introduce to you, it would have been a good idea to have said,  "Tell me about her. Is she rich? Famous? A supermodel? I'm picky..."

   Then -- after she finished talking up her friend you could have said, "Well, I guess we'll have to see what she's like. In the meantime, think of more cute, single, rich friends... just in case I don't like this one."

   You see... there's a tremendous amount of power in making friends with beautiful women who have attractive friends.

   Think about it, then try some of this on her at the Costume Party...

   I think you'll be even more AMAZED at where things go.



I cannot believe people pay you for this crap. You
must be laughing all the way to the bank.

When you figure out what relationships are actually really all about, then you'll know for yourself what a fool you are.

Dating what you call hot, smart women demonstrates
how clueless you really are. You crack me up.



   Wow, now you've gone and hurt my soft little feelings.

   But really, did you have to be so mean about it?

   Listen, I'm glad you've turned my head around and shown me the light... and made me realize what a huge mistake it is to date HOT, SMART WOMEN.

   And on a more serious note... I don't laugh when I go the bank.

   And I also don't laugh at poor souls like you who just don't "get it" and (tragically for you) probably never will.

   But you really do add that little extra "something" that makes this the best job in the world, so write again.



I accidentally got on your mailing list, but I
read every email you send out.

I'd buy your ebook, but the thing is...I don't
really need help getting women, I am one.

Let me just tell you, that I didn't believe in that cocky funny thing until I met... We'll call
him... J.

I do not consider myself easy at all, but after only 2 dates I found myself in bed with this guy who totally epitomizes the cocky funny attitude.

I find myself chasing him until it is ALMOST
frustrating, and I can't believe it. I've never
chased a guy before. People should definitely listen to what you have to say.







Hi David,

I'm a 25 year old guy. I have a stable & good career, money is not a problem.

However, now I'm attracted to a 26-year old independent girl. She admits to being self-centered & that the world revolves around her.

I have taken her out for around 6 times but I've
never held her hand. Every time I take her out, she would say that I'm boring although she would say she was joking later.

The problem is that I really like her & I told her that (big mistake).

She replied by saying she is on neutral ground but she's quite comfortable with me & that's about it. She is sometimes very nice to me & at other times doesn't seem to care about me. This is what confuses me.

Is there any chance of salvaging this & making her
my girlfriend?

Thanks for your help. I'm on the verge of subscribing to your E-book. I've read the samples & thoroughly agree with the stories & advice.




   Uh-oh, B... what we have here is a CODE RED WUSSY ALERT.

   Dude, you are in DANGER.

   I thought there was hope for you... until I saw the SMILEY FACE at the end of your email.Now I'm convinced that you're going to screw this up for SURE.

   You're on the VERGE of getting my eBook?

   What, you like taking women out a half-dozen times and having them tell you that you're BORING?

   Great. Sounds like fun.

   You know, I'd give you some advice, but you're in need of major de-Wussing.

   You need a total mental overhaul, man. So get off the "verge" and finally step up and TAKE ACTION to escape the "Wuss Zone".

   Your simple "road map" for doing it is right here.


   Don't do anything else until you've downloaded it and read the entire thing.

   I mean it.



David, let me ask you something.

I am reading a lot of these peoples success stories as well as your advice and I get one common theme that's in all of them:


Now let me ask you something that I think a lot of
guys would like to ask but are too ashamed. What
if you're not really as confident as you portray
yourself to be?

And I am talking online now.

What if you think that if you act this confident online or on the phone, she'll be disappointed in what she sees when the meeting comes about, after expecting so much?

Because a lot of us guys, while these views of
ourselves may only be psychological, don't feel we
can maintain the image we portray them to believe?

A.D. from Queens



   Hey A.D., you bring up a real issue here that I think we all deal with at one point or another.

   But the reality is that if you don't GO FOR IT, you're not going to improve.

   Yeah, I think that "confidence" is important. But, the REAL key is to deal with your own personal INSECURITIES.

   That's where the REAL power is.

   Here's what I suggest for you:

   Make a list of all the things you're insecure about. Put things on there like "I don't make a lot of money", "I don't drive a nice car", "I don't look like Brad Pitt"... whatever.

   Then spend time ACCEPTING each of those things ONCE AND FOR ALL so you can LEAVE THEM BEHIND FOREVER.


   Think of a situation you're going to be in with a woman... and how the topic of the thing you're insecure about might come up.

   Imagine her asking you what you do for a living, and you feeling insecure because you don't make a lot of money.

   Now, realize that what you do is what you do, and if she doesn't like it, it has nothing to do with YOU. It doesn't matter.

   Then imagine another one, and how you'll respond to it.

   Go through the entire list.

   Learn to laugh at the things you're insecure about... I mean, really not give a damn about them anymore... and you will TAKE AWAY ALL THEIR POWER OVER YOU.

   I can *guarantee* you this.

   How do I know?


   Well, I used to be VERY insecure about the fact that I was poor and not the best looking when I was a kid.

   I thought that women would judge me because of it... something I've brought with me from childhood. My "baggage."

   Now, if a woman asks me about these things, I just laugh and tell her that I was ugly and poor.

   See, I've taken the time to really think through all the areas of my life that I'm "insecure" about, and worked out my issues around those areas.

   I think that's the REAL first step towards building "confidence" with women.

   So try it, and let me know what happens.

   Once you can really LAUGH at your "issues" and take away their power, things start to turn around for you FAST.



Hey Dave-

What's up out on the West Coast? Anyway things are
rolling here in NYC, thanks to your advice.

Just want to contradict a few things you've said:

The first is that you just help with picking up women and that you're not offering advice for relationships. This is not true as all this stuff still applies if you are in a relationship.

In fact it applies EVEN MORE.

I say this because our "alternate wussy self" is
always kind of lurking in the shadows waiting to
jump out and ruin everything.

Your teachings have helped me always be aware of

The second is that "women don't like men who act
like wussies--period. Unless you look like Brad Pitt."

This is also not true.

Yes, fellas, I am a recovering wuss. And not to
brag, But I essentially make my living as male model.

My whole life people have commented on how "good-
looking" I am. But at 24 years old, I can literally count my successes with women, due to a serious lack of confidence.

Yes, pretty sad.

But things have radically changed since I started
applying all these 'techniques'. So guys don't
make an excuse that you are not 'good-looking' enough, etc. Turn off the tube and get busy.

ES from NYC

ps: And that's just what I've learned from the newsletters! I haven't even gotten the book yet.



   Well E.S., you're right.

   Even though I used to stay away from giving "relationship" advice, I discovered that a lot of what I was teaching to GET women works just as well to KEEP women.

   In fact, I've since gone on to create a BLOCKBUSTER home-study course on how to become the kind of man that can GET and KEEP any "Total 10" woman that he wants...

   ... all by "transforming" himself, simply and step-by-step, into that one-in-a-million, needle- in-a-haystack "real man" that EVERY great woman would kill to have a relationship with.

   Now, I am *NOT* talking about getting plastic surgery to become as totally male-model handsome as you are, E.S.

   And I'm not talking about robbing a bank to get Mark Cuban money. (Now there's a guy who's not relying on his looks to get women...)

   I *am* talking about making a few, simple, INNER changes to yourself that will automatically make you start SAYING and DOING the kind of "real man" things that make amazing women go crazy for them.

   Just that simple.

   Learn more about how to do it (100% SUCCESS- GUARANTEED and RISK-FREE) right here.


   In the meantime, I know I'll continue to get a lot of emails from "good-looking" and "rich" guys who have never had success with women...

   ... all because (despite their awesome money and good looks) they still have no clue how to act like a "real man."

   Oh, and above all... if you haven't read my eBook "Double Your Dating", then you need to go and download it RIGHT NOW.

   It's a nuclear-blast introduction to ALL of my success-proven concepts and techniques.
   Thanks for your email, E.S. Good stuff.

   And that's about all for now.

   About 50 emails came in with more questions while I was writing this, so I'll talk to you again soon...


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



P.S.  By now, it should be pretty clear: MOST of what triggers attraction in women is not OBVIOUS.

In fact, most of the time, it's just plain ILLOGICAL.

Women NEVER say "Hey, you're doing the wrong thing."

Or: "You're not making me feel attraction for you with what you're doing."

Or: "Here, let me show you how..."

That's why I'm ALWAYS saying it for them.

Get the FACTS (including tons of simple, instantly usable tips for CREATING INSTANT ATTRACTION in amazing women) right here.



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★ Tending Your Enthusiasm

Personal Life Logo
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

In each moment, you have a choice.

You can choose to rail against the pan­dem­ic, pol­i­tics, the mar­ket... wast­ing time wish­ing things were oth­er­wise.

Or you can choose to stay pos­i­tive in the present moment... tend­ing to your enthu­si­asm for life.

When you delight in real­i­ty and accept it, your life becomes more flu­id and pleas­ant.

I recent­ly had the lux­u­ry of spend­ing 70 hours over the last two months locked inside a steel tube, breath­ing pure oxy­gen. I was so sick from coro­n­avirus with chron­ic fatigue and neu­ro-inflam­ma­tion that I did hyper­bar­ic oxy­gen ther­a­py to heal myself. But the only thing to do for those 70 hours was to watch a movie through the port­hole in the tank.


What hap­pened? My friend, who drove me to and fro for five days a week, showed up with a box of all the Oscar-nom­i­nat­ed movies from the last three years on DVDs for me.

The uni­verse pro­vid­ed just in time.

Then my Dad peace­ful­ly passed away last week. When I called my cousin, he said, "I just researched the fam­i­ly ceme­tery plot sit­u­a­tion. I have all the phone num­bers of the gravedig­ger, the funer­al home, and the ceme­tery con­tact."


The universe's sup­ply of good­ness is end­less.

If you feel wracked by guilt, let it go. If you need approval, free your­self of other's opin­ions.

To thine own self be true.

Live life by your own rules instead of act­ing based on the expec­ta­tions of oth­ers.

Trea­sure your free­dom, matu­ri­ty, and abil­i­ty to be self-direct­ed.

Trea­sure your con­nec­tions with your friends and fam­i­ly.

If you're plow­ing through life with a stony grim­ness, fig­ure out what light­ens you up.

Watch a fun­ny movie. Play games like Ges­tures and Cra­ni­um with your friends. Sit in the sun­shine and lis­ten to the birds.

Accept your­self with­out com­plaint.


Let go of your body shame. Rev­el in the amaz­ing abil­i­ty of your body to expe­ri­ence plea­sure.

When you savor each moment in life and stay present to the joy sur­round­ing you, you attract more hap­pi­ness.

Anoth­er hall­mark of a ful­ly-func­tion human is hon­esty.

Lying is real­i­ty dis­tor­tion.

Lying is self-delu­sion.

Cut away all the crap. Get rad­i­cal­ly hon­est. It will make your life so much juicer. You'll val­ue your­self more. You'll be clear­er, clean, and con­fi­dent in your inter­ac­tions with your­self and oth­ers.

This is an excit­ing time to be alive!

Where are you going over the next decade? What do you want to accom­plish? What kind of relax­ation and hap­pi­ness do you want to cul­ti­vate?

A desire to grow will keep your lust for life thrum­ming through your veins.

Get up now. Dust your­self off. Project your life plan into the future. Dream big.

Use your present moments to max­i­mize your hap­pi­ness and ful­fill­ment.

Choose Pres­ence,

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

P.S. Please make sure to check out this week's new emails. Each one is written to help you achieve the intimacy, relationship,and sexual vitality and freedom you deserve.

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Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

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