Sunday, January 31, 2021

Use Powerful Chemistry To Attract Women


  Hey Man,


 When I first made the decision to learn how to become more successful with women and dating, one of the first things I did was meet and learn from guys who were ALREADY masters in this area.

   I watched with my own two eyes as these guys approached women, started conversations, and created "chemistry"...right in front of me.

   I would ask these guys questions about how they did it...and they'd answer with all kinds of different answers.


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   The truth is that most guys who know how to attract women will think you're a little WEIRD if you ask them how they do it.

   To a "natural", it's OBVIOUS how to attract women. If you ask a NATURAL how to meet women, he'll say "just go over and start talking to her." As if it's that easy...

   As you can imagine, this created a little bit of a problem for me.

   I could SEE that these guys were able to attract women... and I could literally watch it happen over and over. But when it came to EXPLAINING what they were doing, most of these guys just didn't know how.

   Well, the more I watched, and the more I asked...and the more I TESTED what I was learning from these guys, the more I began to realize that the reason they couldn't exactly explain what they were doing is because what they were doing was mostly NON-VERBAL.

   It was a combination of several different types of "signals" they were sending to women... that these guys just "understood."

   After a lot of study, testing, and trial-and- error, the picture began to come together for me...

   What these "naturals" were doing was speaking a DIFFERENT language with women. It was a language that no one had ever actually described or explained to me...

   The most interesting part?

   As I started to do research on the topic, I found that even though this stuff was right out "in plain sight", no one had ever really noticed or DESCRIBED it.

   To make a long story short, I took this new "secret" information that I discovered, and put together an entire program to teach it to other guys...

   As far as I know, this is the only program of its kind ever created. In fact, I get emails all the time from guys who say that just one time through this program instantly changed their views on women and attraction... and allowed them to spark attraction and build "chemistry" or "sexual tension" with women in every type of situation...again, IMMEDIATELY.

   I call this little-known language "Sexual Communication." I feel that it's one of the most important keys to success with women. In fact, I think that much of my success with women and dating is the direct result of learning and understanding this ONE concept.

   As you know, I've released the 2nd Edition of this program in a high-quality streaming video format, so you can watch it INSTANTLY, online.

   Inside this program, I will teach you about a concept that took me a tremendous amount of time and effort to learn... and I'll give you an advanced education on the topic over the course of hours.

   Just like all of my programs, this one comes with a zero-risk proposition: you can watch it for 30 days before you decide if you'd like to keep it or receive your money back.

   Do this. Go and read all the details here.


    I'll talk to you again soon.


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
Double Your Dating LLC 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 United States (800) 749-1325

Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Words I Swore I'd Never Say...

Hi Man,


Did you know...the BEST WAY to spark INSTANT ATTRACTION in a beautiful woman doesn't rely on "tricks", "techniques" or "pick-up lines"?

The fact is, do just 1 simple thing, and you won't even have to THINK about making it happen...the hottest women on the planet will actually come to YOU.

Ready to discover the #1 secret of mind-blowing success with "Total 10" women?


Then go here now.


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   We have to talk. I mean, like, right now.

   I recently came to a realization... and it's going to make me say something that I'VE NEVER SAID BEFORE.

   In fact, once upon a time, I swore that I'd NEVER say these particular words at all. Ever.

   So I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about all this.

   So be gentle with me.

   Let's ease into it this way...

   After talking to so many men who can't get dates with the women they REALLY want (or can't get dates with ANY women at all) the biggest obstacle these men face became obvious.

   Time after time, the reason for their failure was EXACTLY the same:

   You guessed it...

   It's FEAR.

   Most men get nervous at just the *thought* of talking to a beautiful woman.

   They're afraid they won't know what to say. That they'll hem and haw, or get tongue-tied.

   They're afraid they'll be humiliated.

   They're afraid they'll be insulted, laughed at and mocked.

   Usually, they have so much fear that they never even try to talk to an attractive woman, let alone get a date with one.

   So... what DO these guys do instead?

   They make excuses for themselves.

   They tell themselves that they're not good- looking enough.

   That they don't have a cool enough car or job.

   That "Total 10" women are only interested in rich, powerful guys.

   Listen... I know these excuses well. Because I've BEEN THERE.

   I lied to myself the exact same way... for YEARS AND YEARS.

   But I'm here to tell you right now...

   These excuses for failure with beautiful women are total B.S.

   They're a smoke screen.

   They're NOT REAL, and it does NOT have to be this way.

   How do I know?

   Because, like I said, I've been there...

   But I finally learned the real truth:

   When it comes to approaching and getting dates with highly attractive women, my fear was way out of whack with THE REALITY.

   The sad fact was...before I understood what it took to BECOME THE KIND OF MAN THAT THESE WOMEN WANT... my fear was the only REAL obstacle stopping me from getting dates with them!

   But, after years of not getting women, I finally got tired of watching other guys go home with the kind of women that I went home alone and... shall we say... fantasized about.

   And I finally decided to do something about it.

   I decided that the BEST way to overcome my fears was to get all "Nike" on the situation, and "JUST DO IT."

   So, like some kind of kamikaze pilot, I started approaching women. All the time. Everywhere.

   Of course, always expecting them to turn into monsters before my eyes.

   Expecting them to hiss and spit at me.

   Expecting them to do everything they could to blow me up or shoot me down.

   But guess what?

   The more that I approached these women and tried to start conversations, the more I realized something.

   Yes, in the beginning, I didn't get any dates (more on the reasons for that in a moment). But here's the thing:

   The smoke finally cleared, and I finally could see THE REAL TRUTH about all this. And that was...

   There was actually NOTHING TO FEAR about approaching beautiful women.

   Nothing at all.

   I found that, if you approach these women in a positive, respectful way, they will almost ALWAYS respond positively to you in return.

   Like I said, you may not get an actual date right off the bat (at least, not until you learn EXACTLY what you need to do to make it happen...) but these women definitely won't turn into "monsters".

   They won't try to humiliate you.

   They won't try make you feel bad.

   In fact, most of the time if they're not interested, they'll go out of their way NOT to blow you up or shoot you down.

   They'll actually bend over backwards NOT to hurt your feelings.

   They'll say something like, "That's so nice of you, but I have a boyfriend" or something similar.

   They'll probably even smile at you.

   Awesome, right?

   But why am I telling you this?

   I'm telling you because, right now, I can almost guarantee it...

   The #1 thing preventing you from getting amazing women...and possibly even keeping you from CHANGING YOUR WHOLE LIFE because of it... is your FEAR.

   That's why I need you to understand right now, before you waste any more time being "afraid", that ELIMINATING YOUR FEAR IS EASIER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED...

   ...once you have the tools in your "mental arsenal" to do it.

   That in mind (and before I get to those WORDS I SWORE I'D NEVER SAY) here are 3 quick tips to help you overcome your fear of being rejected by beautiful women.

   These are quick, easy, and you can try them out tonight.

   And after you do, I'll begin to see a new world of possibilities.

   Here we go...


   The first thing I want you to do is go out to a bar or club. Alone. Find a seat at the bar where things are busy.

   In fact, make sure you visit a place that is REALLY busy, so you can see a lot of people interacting.

   And just WATCH other men.

   Observe exactly how, when, and where they approach the most beautiful women in the room.

   And pay close attention.

   You'll begin to pick out the guys who approach a lot of women, asking them to dance, buying them drinks, etc.

   Watch what happens. Note what works and what doesn't, right there in front of your own eyes.

   Soon enough, you'll be able to see for yourself that most of the time, even if the woman isn't interested, nothing bad happens.

   And seeing the reality of these interactions will start to reprogram your mind IMMEDIATELY.

   You'll realize that women don't usually "reject" a guy.

   Even in the most intense situations, even after they're "worn out" by being approached all night long...most women are kind, gentle, and work hard to let a guy down VERY easy.


   Next, practice approaching women who are actually PAID to talk to you.

   Let me repeat and be clear...These are women who are paid to TALK to you. Just TALK.

   Got it?


   So who are these magical women whose job it is to talk to you? And more importantly... where can you find them?

   Well, you'll find them everywhere. Especially in one my favorite places...

   The mall.

   Stores in malls mostly hire attractive young saleswomen.

   Walk into any store and you'll find one fast.

   I want you to start a conversation with one of these women.

   Ask about the ties or cologne or whatever. Then take advantage of that free "face time" with a beautiful, friendly woman.

   Practice making eye contact with her.

   Come up with a few jokes.

   Ask her for samples and ask her to give you her opinion.

   The more you do all of this, I guarantee it...

   Once you get used to starting conversations with women you don't know, and staying comfortable while you're talking to them, you've already won half the battle.


   It amazes me how many guys don't plan ahead.

   It's the best investment in success, yet almost no one does it.

   As the old saying goes... "Fail to plan, and you plan to fail".

   But most guys have no idea what they're going to say or do in advance, so they get even more nervous and afraid as they approach a woman.

   And then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

   After all, fear is NOT KNOWING what's going to happen in a given situation. So...mentally rehearse what you will do and say to handle every possible situation when you approach a woman.

   When you plan out how to respond EXACTLY RIGHT to a woman no matter what she says or does, you'll magically start to RELAX.

   You'll start to be more "in the moment" instead of constantly searching for words and struggling to come up with the next thing to say.

   You'll come across as cool and confident.

   And once you can do THAT, you can spark attraction in any high-quality woman you want... NATURALLY...without even having to THINK about it.

   And then these women will actually start coming after YOU.

   To get the specific details about what you need to say and do to make it happen, go here now.


   In the meantime, let's look at the big picture...

   Overcoming your fear is just the first step toward getting the kind of women you've always dreamed about.

   After that... it's REALLY game on.

   Next: you must learn how to be DIFFERENT than the 99.99% of guys that beautiful women "reject" immediately.


   Duh. Makes sense, right?

   Well buckle in, because it's leading to those WORDS THAT I SWORE I'D NEVER SAY...

   They're words inspired by the fact that high- quality women are looking for men to behave in a very particular way...and these women will INSTANTLY REJECT a man right off the bat if he doesn't act that way.

   I know...sounds incredibly unfair, right?

   You've finally overcome your fear...but these women are immediately classifying you as a "reject" anyway...without giving you a chance to prove otherwise!

   But here's the truth about what they're REALLY doing...

   These woman are putting you to "THE TEST."

   They're instinctively evaluating you.

   But for what?

   Well, here's the news:

   It's NOT to see if you're rich or handsome enough.

   What these woman are REALLY looking for -- whether they're conscious of it or not -- is the possibility that you're (drum roll please...)


   I know.

   What a buzz-kill, right?

   It couldn't be less fair... or further away from the way that us guys think.

   But lucky for you, I'm here to translate.

   Here's what it all means...

   Either consciously or subconsciously, attractive women test every man who approaches them to see if there's any chance at all he's "Mr. Right"... the kind of man she can see herself with for the long term.

   And the even-more-brutal fact is: a beautiful woman will reject 99.99% of the men who approach her because they instantly act in a way that proves they're NOT "the one."

   They'll act like either JERKS or WUSSIES.

   They'll act too rude, or too nice.

   They'll act "needy."

   They'll ooze insecurity and weakness.

   They'll seem out of control, over the top, or under confident.

   In other words, they'll  act like the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what an attractive woman REALLY wants.

   And like I said...a beautiful woman will use this "test" every time, even if she really has no intention of looking for "relationship".  

   But here's how this is GREAT news for you...

   If you can be that one guy in a thousand who knows how to pass her tests and comes across as "Mr. Right"...'ll suddenly seem to have the "magical powers" you need to GET ANY WOMAN YOU WANT.

   You'll start making the most amazing women on the planet start to feel an instant, irresistible attraction to you -- no matter how "hot" or "unattainable" they used to seem.

   You'll suddenly have the confidence you need to stop making embarrassing mistakes on approach -- and start having your pick of the crop.

   You'll suddenly have the air of a "natural" -- the kind of man who attracts top-notch women without having to use any pick-up lines or techniques at all!

   In fact, all of this is what reminded me of something recently...

   I was asked a great question in one of my advanced seminars that went to the heart of what we're talking about.

   It went something like this:

   "Dave, once I know how to spark attraction and get dates with beautiful women, how do I keep them coming back for more?"

   Like I said, it was a great question.

   And I'll tell you what...because I'm in such a daring mood, I'm going to take things even a step further.   

   Get ready, because here it comes...

   As I've said, once you know how to become "Mr. Right", you can use that knowledge to attract and get dates with any woman you want.

   Now hold on to something...

   This is where I'm going to say words I once swore that I'd NEVER, EVER say...

   Here goes...


   Whoa, steady...hope you didn't spill your Red Bull.

   I know... If you've been learning from me for a while, you know I swore I would NEVER, EVER talk about relationships.

   So what's changed?

   This did...

   I've heard so many men who've mastered my dating techniques (and arrived at a certain point in life) say that they now want MORE.

   They want to take things to the "next level" in their lives.

   They want to create the foundation for a long, exciting, fulfilling relationship with their "perfect woman"...

   ...and they challenged me to help them do it.

   Well you know me...I can't walk away from a challenge.

   And the really fascinating thing to me about all this is, when it comes to turning dates with great women into amazing long-term relationships...


   In fact, if you try to use my techniques for meeting women and getting dates to keep a "Total 10" woman around, it'll totally backfire.

   And I mean BADLY.

   The reason is: it takes something TOTALLY DIFFERENT to keep a woman "addicted" to you than it does to get her attention in the first place.

   And that "something" is revealed in the descriptions a woman uses for the man she wants to be with for the long-term.

   As I told you earlier, one of those descriptions is "Relationship Material."

   Another description is "The One."

   Another is "Mr. Right."  

   See the pattern here?

   If you want to attract and KEEP the kind of spectacular woman you've always dreamed about... then you MUST become the kind of "Mr. Right" that this kind of woman is looking for.

   And the truth is -- 99.99% of guys have no clue how to do it.

   But when YOU'RE ready, I can help you do it...

   ...and it's easier than you ever imagined.

   In fact, I've brought the secrets together in my acclaimed "Become Mr. Right" Video Program, so I suggest that you check it out ASAP.

   It's really the ultimate training for men who want to stop fantasizing about a mind-blowing love life and finally start living one, whether that means experiencing multiple "Total 10's" at the same time...

   ...or finding long-term happiness with that one perfect girl.

   There I go...I said it again. Think I need to go lay down...

   But seriously, here's why I couldn't be more excited right now...

   This in-depth, video training program will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know make your hottest dreams come true.

   It includes the most powerful set of tools available ANYWHERE for starting, building, and sustaining a powerful relationship with a "Total 10" woman, including:

--The #1 way to get a "Total 10" hooked on you in the first place (hint: if you don't do this, forget having any chance with her.)

--How to get beautiful women without using any "techniques" at all (or even having to think about it)!

--How to create red-hot intimacy with a "Total 10" woman (while avoiding every obstacle that stops other guys from succeeding with her).

--The "secret checklist" that beautiful women use to decide if you're a "reject" or "Mr. Right" (I love this one -- it's like having the answers before you take a test).

--How to avoid the #1 MISTAKE that guys make to FAIL EVEN WORSE with a woman than before they started trying! (If you've never gotten results in your life, it's probably because you are making THIS hard to spot but easy to fix mistake)

   And much, much more.

   Let's face it: if you haven't figured out how to get and KEEP an attractive woman by now... odds are that you're NEVER going to figure it out on your own.

   But the thing is: the clock's ticking... and I want YOU to start making your dreams come true.

   And I mean RIGHT NOW.

   That's why I'm also making my "Become Mr. Right" Program available to you 100% RISK-FREE. You have absolutely nothing to lose...but a WHOLE NEW LIFE to gain... so click here to get started.


   And when you start getting the women of your dreams, feel free to thank me all you want.

   It's what I live for.


   I'll talk to you again soon.


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



P.S. - If you haven't had a "Total 10" woman yet, needless to say, you're missing out and I feel SORRY for you.

But the thing is, there are probably just a few common "mental barriers" standing between you and making your dreams come true.

But the GREAT NEWS is: It's SIMPLE to knock down these barriers... once you know what they are.

(Hint: one of them is so obvious -- and easy to fix -- that you won't believe you've let it stop you for this long.)

Find out the SHOCKING TRUTH about what's standing between you and mind-blowing SUCCESS with super-hot women.


Click here NOW.


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Double Your Dating LLC 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 United States (800) 749-1325

Monday, January 25, 2021

How Guys Screw Up First Dates...

Hi Man,


Want to approach that amazing woman that you've been dreaming about... then get her number... then get a date with her... then take things EFFORTLESSLY to a "physical" level with her...

... all without *any* NERVOUSNESS or FEAR of rejection whatsoever?

If so, then you've got to check THIS out.


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    No big surprise... I get email from a LOT of guys who want to know how to behave around women.

   And naturally, many of these questions focus on the first meeting or the first date.

   That's why I want to devote this entire newsletter to a concept that I feel is VITAL to understanding how you MUST behave around a woman you've just met...

   In a few moments, I'm going to share a SIMPLE, 3-POINT PLAN that ANY man can use to avoid the biggest mistake most guys make to screw up a date.

   But first, let's get right to "the problem":


   No doubt about it: there's a KEY difference between the way men and women act when they first meet a "potential mate"...

   Women usually act in a way that can be characterized like this:

   "You're interesting to me. I'd like to get to know you better, and we can see where this goes."

   Men usually act in a way that can be characterized like this:

   "I am so interested in you that I'm nervous. In fact, I'm already thinking of you as a potential girlfriend or wife... or at least a one-night stand."

   In other words, women are usually casual and laid-back when they're first meeting a guy...

   But GUYS tend to act like every girl is a POTENTIAL WIFE.

   As you can imagine, this creates a lot of tension and pressure.

   And I'm not talking about the GOOD kind, either.

   I'm talking about the kind that makes men shiver and shake with nervousness, and women feel uncomfortable because the MAN is acting uncomfortable.

   I KNOW that you can relate to this in some way.

   And if so... chances are good that *you* are a man who starts acting all freakish and nervous when you're talking to a woman... and therefore you SCREW THINGS UP before you even have a chance to get started.

   But that's OKAY.

   I was right there with you, not very long ago.

   And listen... treating a woman I'd just met as if she could be the love of my life was something that I would always do...

   ... until I learned a very different approach that actually WORKED.

   I began to ASSUME, and therefore ACT like, every woman had SOMETHING that was going to annoy me, bother me, or SCREW UP HER CHANCES with me.

   The MAIN reason that I did this?


   It's because IT was actually TRUE!

   The fact is that MOST women are NOT compatible "long term" with most men.

   In other words, if you do get into a long-term relationship with a particular woman, the chances are that she's going to have things about her that you don't like.

   This is why one of my favorite Cocky & Funny themes to follow is, "You're screwing up your chances with me."

   Here's how it works:

   Let's say I'm walking down the street with a girl to have a cup of tea. We'll assume that she and I just met the night before, I got her number, and now we're walking from my place to tea.

   On the way in the door to the coffee shop, let's say she trips over the doorway.

   I might look at her, shake my head in an "overly dramatic fake annoyed" way, and say, "This relationship just isn't going to work."

   Then, let's say fifteen minutes later, she spills her tea on the table and herself.

   I'll shake my head again and say, "What did I tell you about this kind of behavior?"

   In other words, I'm communicating the very OPPOSITE of "You're a potential wife."

   Instead, I'm saying, "I'm so comfortable around you that I can even make fun of you without caring what you think of me."

   Does this sound a little crazy?

   Good. It should.

   But trust me.

   If you spend a couple of hours having regular, normal conversation... being Cocky & Funny, enjoying yourself, NOT trying to impress her, and generally demonstrating that you could care less how things turn out...

   ... you'll be FAR more likely to take things further than if you act as if she might be the love of your life and you wind up acting so nervous, stilted, and DUMB that she runs away.

    Oh by the way...

    If you're a guy for whom being naturally, effortlessly, CONFIDENTLY funny with women doesn't come naturally (just like it didn't for me...)

   ... then I want you to know that there's a "magic cure" that I discovered for this "disease" that quickly CHANGED EVERYTHING for me.

   It's an incredibly simple way to go from being a "stick in the mud" to the kind of guy who always knows EXACTLY what to say...

   ... at EXACTLY the right time...

   ... in EXACTLY the right way...

   ... to make a woman laugh and therefore create the first SPARKS of irresistible ATTRACTION.

  Whether you need the full "magic cure" for becoming a Cocky & Funny master... or you just need to "fine tune" the Cocky & Funny skills you already have... then you should take a minute and check this out right now.


   But anyway...

   Back to the 1 thing that most guys who are unsuccessful with women do that screws things up... and a SIMPLE, 3-POINT PLAN to keep in mind to make sure you never do it again.

   Again, here's the one thing that YOU need to AVOID...


   And here's my simple plan for what you need to do instead:

1) Lean back and be cool.

   Like I said, make jokes about her screwing up her chances with you.

   Tell her that she's a nice friend.

   Assume that she has qualities that are going to annoy you, then point them out (in a Cocky & Funny way, of course).

   This way, suddenly you'll come across as cool and comfortable in your own skin, and it will be reflected in everything from your personal style to your body language.

2) Don't lose your composure.

   You see, most men "lose it" with a great woman the moment she starts "testing" them with questions to see if they're needy, insecure, or inexperienced.

   So stay on course. Stay composed.

   No matter what she asks, react with your body, behavior, moods, and responses based on what YOU need to do to CREATE ATTRACTION instead of KILL IT.

   If she mentions that other men... or says she's unavailable... or complains about something you do... you need to react like a man who couldn't care less what she thinks, has a life of his own, and loves to be in control.

3) Learn how to "get" women.

   Unfortunately, most guys look for tricks and "pick up lines" when it comes time to LEARN how to meet women.

   They don't realize that every trick in the world isn't going to help them if they don't UNDERSTAND what's really "going on" inside a woman... then learn how to use that knowledge to CREATE LIFE-CHANGING NEW SUCCESS in life and love.

   In other words:

   First, you need to learn how *NOT* to do things like treating a woman like she might be your future wife...

   ... and then you need to learn everything you must do RIGHT (and there are many).

   Today, I wanted to let you know that there is a way to get *ALL* of this handled... quickly and EASILY... so that you can FINALLY start enjoying the kind of success with women you've always dreamed about.

   It's my legendary, success-proven home-study program called "Advanced Dating Techniques," one that I literally spent YEARS researching and putting together to GUARANTEE that it *works*.

   Here's a quick example of how this program is SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to start turbocharging your success with women IMMEDIATELY:

   In the very first segment of the program, we focus entirely on your "Inner Game."

   In other words, right off the bat, we focus on helping you understand what's *really* going on INSIDE YOURSELF... and INSIDE THE MINDS OF THE WOMEN YOU WANT.

   This program goes into DEPTH about ALL aspects of psychology and behavior of men and women...

   ... and then teaches you how to USE THAT KNOWLEDGE to start getting incredible, real- world results in your love life.

   Of course, I also teach a TON of specific, step-by-step, immediately usable techniques as well.

   Hundreds of them, in fact.

   In "Advanced Dating Techniques, you get over 12 solid hours of high quality streaming video of me teaching everything (from the ground up) on how to take things all the way from beginning to end... from the first meeting through the first date... all the way to the bedroom and beyond.

   You'll learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs about women.

   You'll learn how to eliminate your fears of talking to women.

   You'll learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION for you, even if you don't have money or looks, etc.

   In other words, this is *THE* complete system... everything you MUST know to start meeting and dating more women IMMEDIATELY...

   ... and right now you can put it all to work for you 100% RISK-FREE.

   Get the details right here.


   Don't let this one slide.

   Do me (and yourself) a favor, and have a look at those FREE VIDEO CLIPS right now.

   There are simple, hidden "secrets" waiting for you that you'd never have thought of in a million years... but that you can start putting to work for you TONIGHT.

   So go ahead.

   Have a look, let me know what you think, and then I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.


   I'll talk to you again soon.


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



P.S. Umm... if you STILL haven't downloaded your copy of my original eBook "Double Your Dating"...

... then you need to do that RIGHT NOW as well.

The "Double Your Dating" eBook is the universal starting point for dating success... jam-packed with dozens and dozens of my best, easiest, most fundamental techniques for meeting and dating women.

*PLUS* it comes with 3 amazing, game-changing BONUS booklets that aren't available anywhere else.

You can download it all for FREE, right NOW, and try it out before you buy... so what are you waiting for?

Get started here.


If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
Double Your Dating LLC 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 United States (800) 749-1325

Friday, January 22, 2021

3 Guaranteed Ice-Breakers (Plus 1 Shocking Prediction!)

When it comes to successfully approaching women, there are 5 DEADLY THINGS a man should NEVER, EVER say.
These are the guaranteed GAME KILLERS...the TOXIC WORDS that lead to INSTANT REJECTION every time.
Learn what they are (and what you should be saying INSTEAD) right here.
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   Know what?
   Sometimes I look back at my life and still can't believe it...
   I can't believe I wasted so much time NOT getting women...all because my FEAR of just walking up  to one and SAYING something!
   Tell me if you know what this feels like:
   I basically went day after day, seeing great women everywhere... the the gym and the park...
   ...some of them so beautiful, friendly and AVAILABLE...
   ...yet there I was -- totally HELPLESS to do anything that might give me a chance to be with them!
   Basically, just the thought of approaching one of these women gave me the cold sweats. It would have been easier to perform a root canal on myself than to just walk up and SAY SOMETHING.
   So, logically enough, I did NOTHING.
   Well, not quite nothing...
   I actually went home alone and fantasized about what it would be like to be with these great  women.
   I know. Not a pretty picture.
   Even worse, each time this happened, it made me feel even MORE HELPLESS (and HOPELESS) about myself and my future with women...
   ...if I couldn't even TALK to one, how was I ever going to get one!
   This, my friend, was a HORRIBLE feeling.
   That's why, if YOU'RE feeling this way right now, I want to do something about it IMMEDIATELY.
   I totally understand that being unable to START CONVERSATIONS with women is the #1 ROADBLOCK guys face when it comes to getting I want to get this handled for you RIGHT NOW.
   To do it, I'm going to share 3 of my all-time favorite ice-breakers -- word-for-word opening lines that CHANGED EVERYTHING for me.
   Simply by helping me kick-start conversations with beautiful woman, they helped me like I never thought possible...
   Looking back, I can see that they actually helped me kick-start my entire life!
   Which leads me to something else I want to share today...
   I'm not getting into the psychic business or anything, but today I ALSO have a SHOCKING PREDICTION for you.
   It's a prediction that'll blow your mind... simply because you'll immediately know it's 100% TRUE...
   ... and it's GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU, almost GUARANTEED!
   In fact, it's going to happen to about 99 out of 100 unlucky guys reading this newsletter right strap in and read on to see if this earth-shaking prediction applies to YOU, too.
   But right now, first thing's first...
   When it comes to succeeding with women, you CAN'T WIN if you can't even GET IN THE GAME.
   So without further delay, here they come...3 of my favorite ice breakers...
   Let's say that you find yourself in a place where there are women you'd like to approach... but that there are lots of OTHER GUYS around as well.
   Of course, this usually is the you need to learn how to make this common situation work for YOUR ADVANTAGE.
   Let's imagine you're at a bar...or a grocery store...or the dog park...or wherever.
   The first thing I want you to do is find ANOTHER who looks a certain way...
   I am NOT talking about picking out a poor homeless fellow who's wearing rags, here.
   I'm talking about spotting one of those totally clueless who wears beach sandals to the store...or Jersey-Shore muscle shirts on the dance floor...or needle-thin ties (straight out of 1982) at the bar.
   Don't worry -- no matter where you are, there will be no shortage of these clueless fashion train-wrecks to pick from.
   Once you spot that guy, here's what I want you to do:
   Walk up to a woman while you LOOK AT THAT GUY.
   We clear on this?
   I want you to make NO EYE CONTACT AT ALL with the woman you're approaching. Then, as you look at the guy, say to the woman:
   Wow! Check out that guy over there. What's up with those flip-flops? (Or shirt, or tie, or whatever he has going on).
   Once you do this, here's what's going to happen next:
   First, the woman will look at YOU in surprise.
   But guess what: you still WON'T look at her.
   You'll still be looking at the guy...shaking your head a little...almost like you can't believe what you're seeing.
   At this point the woman will say something like, Excuse me? What did you say--
   ...but YOU'LL STILL be looking at the other guy.
   So here's what she'll do next:
   She'll follow your gaze to him.
   Now, if you're totally spot-on in picking out a genuinely cluelessly dork, here's what the woman will do next:
   She'll LAUGH.
   But why?
   And the bigger question: Why is this important to your success approaching women?
   It comes down to a simple, fail-proof math equation:
   What I'm saying is, it's basically SCIENTIFIC: Making a woman laugh releases certain chemicals in her brain...
   ...which then create certain feelings in her...  
   ...which then lead to irresistible OPENNESS TO BEING APPROACHED.
   Got that?
   It's why I just can't say it enough:
   Any time that you can make a woman laugh, DO IT.
   It INSTANTLY paves the way to SUCCESS with her. More on the details of how (and why) it works right here.


   But for now, all that YOU need to understand is this:
   Approaching a woman this way comes with a couple MAJOR benefits:
1)  It immediately proves you're not a WUSS. And like I always say...being a WUSS is the fastest way to FAIL with women.

2) When you show (in a humorous way) that you recognize another guy's cluelessness, it instantly pre-qualifies you to a woman. It tells her that YOU are NOT clueless, and that you're worth spending time to get to know.
   These are both HUGE in determining how a woman will react to you when you approach.
   Before you try this one, make sure that YOU do have a clue when it comes to how you dress and your personal hygiene.
   Otherwise, the women will just look at you and laugh AT you.

   So shower. Use deodorant. Make sure you're wearing neat, clean clothes with subdued style and colors (always a safe bet).
   Geez, do I really have to tell you all this? Nuff said.
   Let's get on to our next ice-breaker...and then that SHOCKING PREDICTION of mine...
   Let's say you're in a crowded bar or club, and you see an attractive woman across the room.
   This time before you approach, I want you spot some other guy who's actually hitting on another woman (and, by the way, probably BLOWING IT).

   Walk up to the woman you'd like to meet and point this situation out to her.
   Just that simple.
   Say to her: Wow. Look what's happening over there...
   Again, this one comes down to human nature... women can't get enough of watching guys trying to be smooth and make their move with other women.

   Don't believe it?

   Just check out the latest ratings for THE BACHELOR.

   I rest my case.

   So...find a guy who's in the process of hitting on a girl, and you're set. Point it out, then share one of my favorite observations:
   Know why they call it 'hitting' on a woman? Because it's usually so PAINFUL for her. Right? This will pull a woman into the conversation with you for 2 reasons:

1) Like I said...women are naturally intrigued by the moment of connection -- especially when the scene is playing out live and in-person in front of them.

2) If a woman's intelligent, she'll immediately LAUGH at the Cocky & Funny nature of your pointing this out to her...She'll realize the irony (and confidence) of your commenting on something that you're actually doing yourself at the same moment...approaching women!
   More specifics on how to then follow through and close the deal right here.


   But for now, on to our final conversation-starter of the day.
   (Damn these are good...I should write a book or something...)

   Here comes the most simple and effective ice-breaker of them all...
   Walk up to a woman and simply say:
   Did you hear what happened today? Say this to ANY woman, and it's GUARANTEED you'll have her FULL ATTENTION.

   Again, proven science is behind this one...the fact that ALL human beings are hard-wired for news and gossip. Simple as that.
   So, what I'm suggesting here is that you do a little homework before you go out.
   Check the newspaper -- or even better, a news website (more on why that is in a moment) and memorize the WEIRDEST, FUNNIEST STORY you can find.

   Then you're set.
   When you go out later, approach a woman and ask her if she's heard what happened today.
   Then tell her the weird/funny story, and the benefits will be three-fold:

1) If the story's odd or funny, it'll MAKE HER LAUGH. (Can you tell how critical this is yet?)

2) You'll show her you're a man who's up on things, and that's a GREAT way to CREATE ATTRACTION in women who value INTELLIGENCE.
(IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: whereas men often see BEAUTIFUL WOMEN as trophies, women often feel the same way about INTELLIGENT MEN.)
3) If you have a link to the story, you can offer to email it to her. And then guess what -- YOU'VE GOT HER EMAIL. Nice!

   So there you have it...3 guaranteed ice-breakers for starting conversations with women, any time, any place.
   What are you waiting for?
   I mean, you understand that you'll NEVER WIN if you can't even GET IN THE GAME, right?
   Of course you do.
   Which takes us to my...

   It's simply this:
   Even with these success-proven ice-breakers locked and loaded, I bet that YOU still won't go out tonight and try approaching women!
   Am I right?
   And it's all because (if you're like I used to be) you still FEAR RESISTANCE, or worse... flat-out REJECTION.
   It's because, even with these ice-breakers in hand, you feel like you still have no clue what to SAY and DO if a woman doesn't react positively to your approach.
   So, as a quick Bonus Tip, I also want to share an easy example of how to handle resistance as well...

   Let's say you try one of these ice-breakers, and the woman tells you, You're a funny guy, but you don't have a chance with me.
   Here's how to handle it:
   Immediately turn to a buddy you're with and tell him: Okay, dude. You lost the bet. Pay up.

   Believe me...just uttering those words will SNAP a woman's attention to you.

   Continue to tell your friend: I told you she would totally blow it...that she was one of 'those' women. I could tell.

   Now you'll have her hook, line and sinker.
   Because you've just set off about dozen ALARMS in her.

   She's now thinking to herself, Wait a minute... what kind of bet was this about me?...What did I 'blow'?...What am I 'missing out' on?
   And most intriguing of all to her...What kind of woman does he think I am?
   At this point, she'll either try to prove you wrong about her (by doing all the things that a successful approach would have caused her to do in the first place!) or she won't do anything at all.
   If she does try to prove you wrong, EXCELLENT. You're back on track.
   If she doesn't, no big deal, just move on. There are plenty of women out there... and you've got your ice-breakers locked and loaded!
   Either way, here's the bottom line:  
   Your ONLY goal right now is to start making a woman feel interest in you the moment you open your GET TO IT (and prove my shocking prediction wrong!)
   That in mind, I also want to leave you with this...

   If these Ice Breakers make sense to you...if you get how and why they work...then I CANNOT SAY THIS STRONGLY ENOUGH:

   You are the kind of man who stands to BENEFIT THE MOST FROM THEM!
   It's because you already get it...You have the critical instinct (that most men lack) about what it REALLY takes to become successful with women... if you'd only START TRYING!!!

   Of course, maybe you feel like you still need a bit more help and inspiration to make it happen.
   Totally understandable.
   If so, here's what I suggest:
   If you see the science and logic behind the ice-breaking tools I shared today, I recommend you grab my complete Approaching Women program.

   This is my home course where I deliver EVERY SUCCESS-PROVEN TOOL AND TECHNIQUE that the masters use to successfully approach women, including:

--How to INSTANTLY stand out from EVERY OTHER GUY (so that approaching women becomes FUN and EASY instead of scary and painful.)
--Exactly what to say and do to succeed on almost EVERY approach (including DOZENS AND DOZENS of POWERFUL word-for-word lines, tools, and techniques)
--How to eliminate the DREAD and FEAR of approaching women that's crippled your success and self-esteem for so long (and how to CHANGE YOUR WHOLE LIFE FOREVER by starting to SUCCEED!)

   Plus a whole lot more, all of which makes me want to say it again:

   As a prime candidate for success using Approaching Women, I want you to have a look at this program ASAP.

   It's available for INSTANT VIEWING through online streaming... so you can go start watching it right now.
   Just take it for a test drive entirely at MY risk -- if it doesn't work for you (but it WILL!) just let me know, and you'll get a full refund, no questions asked.
   Learn more by clicking here.


   In the meantime, I'll be busy putting together another newsletter packed with more powerful tips (and maybe a few more SHOCKING PREDICTIONS!) so look for it soon.


   I'll talk to you again soon.


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



PS: Did you know it's actually better to NOT be the life of the party when it comes to approaching women?
If you've ever wondered why some sensitive, silent types often do so well with women, here's the secret that every shy guy needs to know.


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