Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Love You Have To Give

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Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Are you expe­ri­enc­ing all the love you want? Could you be hold­ing back your love?

Is your heart tru­ly ALL IN for keep­ing the core val­ues of your rela­tion­ship intact?

There are as many rea­sons we hedge our bets when it comes to being "all in."

I am con­tin­u­al­ly sur­prised at how many peo­ple feel betrayed and can nev­er open their hearts again to love. They stay closed and miss out on the best part of life because they can't work through the hurt.

Could you be avoid­ing feel­ing the love you are receiv­ing? Some­times, it's so scary to open your heart to love that you don't ful­ly take it in. Your part­ner loves you com­plete­ly, but you are unable to receive it.

My dear men­tor, Dr. Deb­o­rah Anapol, who has now left this life, wrote an out­stand­ing book called, The 7 Laws of Love. She explains that your heart is both a door and a mus­cle:

The more you use your heart, the bet­ter it works. Love is a prac­tice.

It's eas­i­er to give love than to receive it, and most peo­ple can actu­al­ly feel more of the feel­ings of love by loving—so love as much as pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence more love in your life.

Don't wait to be loved—start lov­ing, and you will expe­ri­ence the ben­e­fits of love.

The door swings both ways—the deep­er and more intense­ly you love, the more it hurts when the love is lost. But when you get the expe­ri­ence of feel­ing those feel­ings on both sides, it is what makes life worth liv­ing. So don't be afraid to feel.

Why do many of us strug­gle with love?


Many of us strug­gle with love in no small mea­sure because most of us are not secure­ly "attach­ment par­ent­ed." A set of core fears keeps sab­o­tag­ing you. Anoth­er of my men­tors, Dr. Susan Camp­bell, explains how to rec­og­nize what core fear might be hold­ing you back from a life of love.

Some­times we don't have the mod­el for what love looks like. We under­mine our inti­ma­cy (con­scious­ly or uncon­scious­ly) when it comes to being "all in."

Could you love MORE?

Do you feel deeply loved?

No mat­ter what the "rea­son," hold­ing back has a sig­nif­i­cant impact on every aspect of a rela­tion­ship, sex includ­ed.

Sure, in the ear­ly stages of a rela­tion­ship, when you're essen­tial­ly check­ing each oth­er out, it's nat­ur­al and healthy to take your time going "all in."

How­ev­er, you will feel the impact if the "check­ing-out" is laced with the oth­er person's judg­ment.

I didn't know it at the time, but rad­i­cal hon­esty and accep­tance are the core val­ues in a rela­tion­ship, and they played a sig­nif­i­cant role in the res­cue oper­a­tion that saved my mar­riage.

See, my moth­er brought me up, and she repeat­ed­ly told me: "Nev­er trust a man. Always stay in con­trol of your finances so you can get away when­ev­er you want to."

Mom was try­ing to pro­tect me. I don't blame her at all because she always act­ed in my best inter­est. How­ev­er, that fear of not being able to trust, when I actu­al­ly COULD trust my hus­band, reared its ugly head and almost bank­rupt­ed the love I should have had and could have had.

I absorbed her belief not to trust men and did as she'd advised when I mar­ried Tim. I didn't know then, but now I under­stand that my core rela­tion­ship val­ue is anti­thet­i­cal to my mother's belief.

She'd cho­sen poor­ly, but I chose well. So, hold­ing back almost ruined my mar­riage.
Beneath the fear­ful con­di­tion­ing, I want­ed my man to take care of me, which includ­ed man­ag­ing the finances. Secu­ri­ty, includ­ing finan­cial secu­ri­ty, is my #1 rela­tion­ship val­ue. I wouldn't be in a rela­tion­ship if I couldn't have finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty.

But hav­ing been spoon-fed fem­i­nist val­ues, I couldn't admit—much less accept—my desire to have a man take care of me for many, many years into my mar­riage. Far from being "all in," I had one foot out the door for much of the time.

It's a bit para­dox­i­cal, giv­en that I rec­og­nized Tim's busi­ness savvy very ear­ly in our rela­tion­ship. Here was a guy with fis­cal mus­cle who han­dled mon­ey with com­pe­tence and ease. And yet, I couldn't imag­ine merg­ing our finances. "Get a joint check­ing account? Why in the world would I do that?" It took a long time to exam­ine this belief and even longer to accept that he enjoyed man­ag­ing our finances. And I sucked at it.

When we were eleven years into our mar­riage and amid a 3-year rough patch, I said to him:

"I'm not sure if I can stay with you. I want my hus­band to be finan­cial­ly suc­cess­ful so I can relax and know I'll be safe."

This added insult to an injury Tim was already suf­fer­ing: our sex life was just plain dis­sat­is­fy­ing. I'd become bored with sex, and I couldn't have orgasms from inter­course back then. Even hav­ing an orgasm at all required a lot of effort. Now and then, I'd give him "mer­cy sex," which didn't help at all and made him feel even worse about the rela­tion­ship, so he checked out emo­tion­al­ly. His moti­va­tion to take care of me was at an all-time low. Nei­ther of us could see any way through this painful impasse.

We were on the brink of divorce when we both real­ized that break­ing up our fam­i­ly was not an option.

At that point, I said, "All right, I'm gonna have sex with you and try hard to have orgasms." It took some doing, but in time, I could bridge the Orgasm Gap and enjoy mak­ing love. Tim began to re-attach to me emo­tion­al­ly. But I still had a lin­ger­ing fear that he wasn't going to make enough mon­ey to keep me feel­ing secure.

I was 45 at the time and put him on notice, say­ing, "I'll let you know by the time I'm 49 if I can ful­ly com­mit to our rela­tion­ship, and it hinges on whether or not you're doing a good job tak­ing care of me." His anger at my lack of inti­ma­cy had dri­ven a wedge between us.

I let him know that school was still out for me on the mat­ter, say­ing, "I don't want you to think I'm com­plete­ly com­mit­ted to the mar­riage. I'm not."

I real­ize that is a tru­ly shit­ty thing to say. But one of Tim's top four core val­ues in a rela­tion­ship is hon­esty. He'd rather know I wasn't "all in" than be blind­sided if I decid­ed to leave our mar­riage.

By that time, we had learned the pow­er of under­stand­ing each other's core val­ues in a rela­tion­ship.

When you know what your part­ner needs most from a rela­tion­ship with you, you can pri­or­i­tize your actions to make them incred­i­bly hap­py.

I would write Rela­tion­ship Mag­ic—a work­book for dis­cov­er­ing your own top four core val­ues in a rela­tion­ship. This book has helped thou­sands of sin­gles and cou­ples become deliri­ous­ly hap­py and sat­is­fied with their rela­tion­ships:

Dis­cov­er Your Top 4 Core Val­ues In A Rela­tion­ship ⇐ Well Over 25,000 Copies Sold ($9.95 dis­count link for my fans only.)

When I turned 49, it hit me: "Oh my god, did I say that to him?" We'd just been through a finan­cial dis­as­ter and were pulling up from the bot­tom after almost los­ing our house. We'd put ALL of our life sav­ings into Per­son­al Life Media. We lit­er­al­ly couldn't make the next house pay­ment, and we were so afraid our house wouldn't sell. It did. Thank good­ness. So like a lot of peo­ple, we had to down­size. We moved to a less expen­sive town and rent­ed while we fig­ured out how to make our busi­ness sup­port us.

It tru­ly amazed me when I real­ized that I'd come to trust Tim with our finances. We had to hit bot­tom togeth­er for me to appre­ci­ate that if any­body could pick up the pieces and put us on sol­id finan­cial ground, it was my dar­ling hus­band with me 110% hav­ing our back. We'd final­ly become a team. Through thick and thin, all odds and near divorce, I com­mit­ted to him and rad­i­cal­ly accept­ed our rela­tion­ship for its ups and downs.


That's when I said, "He's my man; I'm all in. I fill in his weak­ness­es with my strengths. We know what each other's foibles are, and I'm con­fi­dent we can make this work if we stick togeth­er." I let go of expect­ing him to do it all and took respon­si­bil­i­ty for doing my share to make us suc­cess­ful as a cou­ple.

I final­ly grew up!

After 27 years of mar­riage, I have relaxed into our rela­tion­ship. I am going to stick by Tim, no mat­ter what. At this point, we are prac­ti­cal­ly one unit. I know him bet­ter than any­one else in the world. We com­plete each oth­er.

Once I rad­i­cal­ly accept­ed him and myself for what we brought to the table as a cou­ple, every­thing got bet­ter, and bet­ter, and bet­ter.

As I hope you can see from my sto­ry of mat­u­ra­tion that rad­i­cal accep­tance and rad­i­cal hon­esty can work mag­ic in a rela­tion­ship. Like uncon­di­tion­al love, rad­i­cal accep­tance is a pre­cious gift to give and receive.

You may be miss­ing a ton of hap­pi­ness and love just by not giv­ing your part­ner your all.


Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

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Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

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