Thursday, December 10, 2020

Eat THIS "spice" for stronger sex hormones

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Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Turmer­ic is a trend­ing health top­ic right now, along with green smooth­ies, pro­bi­otics, apple cider vine­gar, and kom­bucha. Want more ener­gy, focus, mem­o­ry, and a bet­ter mood? Read on...

My friend Cody Bram­lett is hav­ing a "Buy 1 Get 3 Bot­tles FREE" PROMO for his Turmer­ic Bioper­ine sup­ple­ment.

Click Here To Get 3 Bot­tles FREE (Buy 1 Get 3 FREE) ⇐ Ener­gy + Focus + Mood + Mem­o­ry + More

I was lis­ten­ing to Dr. Geo Espinoza, the holis­tic doc­tor, and author of a new book called Thrive, on a pod­cast recent­ly.

He said the best veg­gies to eat are cruciferous—broccoli, Brus­sel sprouts, cab­bage, bok choy, cauliflower—because of the anti-can­cer sul­foraphane. But the BEST thing to do is to elim­i­nate or con­trol meta­bol­ic syn­drome.

Meta­bol­ic syn­drome is present as a fat bel­ly, often with high blood pres­sure, high lipids, and cholesterol/triglycerides.

Meta­bol­ic syn­drome gen­er­ates blood sug­ar imbal­ance and inflam­ma­tion.

In men, bel­ly fat means too much estro­gen. A man's testos­terone to estro­gen ratio should be 14:1, and as soon as estra­di­ol creeps up to 8:1, the fat starts turn­ing their testos­terone to estro­gen.

He says con­trol­ling meta­bol­ic syn­drome is cru­cial, and "cur­cum­in is a phe­nom­e­nal botan­i­cal." It's in Dr. Geo's TOP FIVE along with enough vit­a­min D to get to between 40-65 nanograms per mil­li­liter.

Turmer­ic is derived from the rhi­zomes (under­ground stems) of the plant Cur­cuma lon­ga, a gin­ger fam­i­ly mem­ber. It is respon­si­ble for the yel­low col­or of Indi­an cur­ry and Amer­i­can mus­tard. Cur­cum­in, which has pow­er­ful antiox­i­dant and anti-inflam­ma­to­ry prop­er­ties, is the most active turmer­ic con­stituent, mak­ing up between two to six per­cent of this spice.

That's why I'm so excit­ed to tell you about my good friend Cody Bram­lett, who just announced a BANGER of a deal for his Turmer­ic + Bioper­ine sup­ple­ment.

Act fast; this offer won't last long.

Get 3 Bot­tles FREE When You Buy 1 Here ⇐ Ener­gy + Focus + Mood + Mem­o­ry + More


Turmer­ic is known for its anti-inflam­ma­to­ry ben­e­fits.

While you can always add turmer­ic into your food and tea, tak­ing it in cap­sule form makes it so much more con­ve­nient.

I tried drink­ing it in tea form, but the taste didn't quite do it for me.

Now, turmer­ic alone gives you so much; increased ener­gy, improved focus, mood, and mem­o­ry, pro­motes bet­ter qual­i­ty sleep, con­trols appetite, and fos­ters health­i­er skin.

Cody's unique blend of Turmer­ic and Bioper­ine, how­ev­er, gives you even more. It includes:

- Man­ganese (revi­tal­izes and reac­ti­vates dor­mant sex hor­mones and helps with your metab­o­lism)
- Iron (helps with weak­ness, fatigue, and blood issues)
- Vit­a­min B6 (superb for its anti-aging prop­er­ties and improves hair, skin, liv­er, and eyes)
- Fiber (works won­ders for your diges­tion, con­trols appetite, and fos­ters kid­ney health)
- Cop­per (nur­tures nerve health and gives you youth­ful hair, eyes, and skin)
- Potas­si­um (sup­ports healthy blood pres­sure, reduces anx­i­ety and stress, and improves mus­cle strength and metab­o­lism)
- Vit­a­min K (builds strong bones and pro­motes heart health)
- Cal­ci­um (helps reg­u­late blood sug­ar lev­els, boosts heart health, and builds strong bones)
- Chromi­um (reg­u­lates appetite and crav­ings and helps boost metab­o­lism)

Instead of tak­ing all these indi­vid­u­al­ly, you can get them all in one cap­sule.

The best thing is you get three bot­tles FREE when you buy one today.

How­ev­er, you bet­ter be quick. I can only imag­ine how fast these bot­tles will fly off the shelves because this deal is a no-brain­er.

Per­fect for jump­start­ing your health for 2019 and beyond.

Click Here For The Best Deal On Turmer­ic You Can Find ⇐ Buy 1 Bot­tle And Get 3 FREE

To Bet­ter Health,

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

P.S. Ridiculously Stimulating Articles You Might Have Missed:

NEW and Improved Libido Botanicals Here (Holiday Gift Guide 2020)
This is part 8 of my 2020 Holiday Gift Guide. My sexy goody recommendations! Get them for yourself and give them to your lover, family, and friends. New and improved libido vitamins available!

And Watch For More Awesome Articles Coming This Week:

- Shine some red light on that sexy body! (Holiday Gift Guide 2020)
- Over 20 Top Experts Share Their Essential Secrets To Look And Feel Younger, And Live Longer

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

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