Thursday, July 16, 2020

Most powerful detox method for better hormones?

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Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

One squirt pulls out tox­ins and you poo them away.

The sin­gle biggest insight I gleaned from inter­view­ing 28 of the most well-edu­cat­ed doc­tors and sex­ol­o­gists for my Sex­u­al Vital­i­ty Sum­mit was that we need to detox.

I came to the real­iza­tion that you and I are sick.

Sick in the sense that our bod­ies have been over­loaded with tox­ins from our "high-tech" envi­ron­ment and tox­in-laden foods.

Even the soaps and sham­poos we use have tox­ins.

And with all these tox­ins in our bod­ies, our hor­mone pro­duc­tion and libido lev­els plum­met.

If you're hav­ing hor­mon­al or libido issues, you may want to keep read­ing.

There's a rea­son why there is an abun­dance of detox solu­tions in the mar­ket today.

How­ev­er, most of these solu­tions only detox at the sur­face-lev­el. Our skin. Our mouths. Our diges­tive tract. Our bow­els.

What's miss­ing is puri­fy­ing our body at a cel­lu­lar lev­el. And get­ting across the blood-brain bar­ri­er to get the heavy met­als out of our brain.

Some­thing Like CytoDetox ⇐ The Most Pow­er­ful Detox Method


CytoDetox is a detox solu­tion that I recent­ly dis­cov­ered. It's a safe, effec­tive, and easy solu­tion for sup­port­ing the body's abil­i­ty to com­bat the inevitable tox­ins we come into con­tact with on a dai­ly basis.

It con­tains a NASA-grown 50,000-year-old min­er­al that removes the hor­mone-dis­rupt­ing tox­ins we get from soy, plas­tics, parabens, phtha­lates, heavy met­als, and more.

The break­through Mol­e­c­u­lar Clinop­tilo­lite Frag­ments (MCF) binders in CytoDetox are designed to pre­vent the issue of RE-tox­i­fi­ca­tion.

The world does not need anoth­er liv­er, kid­ney, or colon detox sys­tem but instead need­ed a detox for­mu­la strong enough to purge the body of tox­ins at the cel­lu­lar lev­el where detox mat­ters most.

Click Here To Check Out CytoDetox ⇐ Is This The Most Pow­er­ful Detox Method?

A detox­ing expert I know says, "detox or die."

By the time we're mid­dle-aged, we've packed in a lot of tox­ins.

Detox­ing is EASY with CytoDetox. Take it once in the morn­ing and once at night.

One squirt pulls out tox­ins and you poo them away.

To Bound­less Sex­u­al Vital­i­ty,

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

P.S. My best friend has been ill from mold exposure. These clinoptiliotes give her immediate and lasting relief as they bind to the mold toxins trapped in her cranial (brain) tissue and pull it out. She also gives this to her 5-year old son because he also has a sensitivity to mold. She says when she gives it to him she can see that he's much happier and easier to manage.

P.P.S. Ridiculously Stimulating Articles You Might Have Missed:

Summer Lovin' Giveaway #1: The Hot Octopuss ATOM PLUS
If you have not bought our supplements yet, tell us why you want to try FLOW, BOOST, DRIVE, or DESIRE down in the comments section.

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- Summer Lovin' Giveaway Gift #2 Inside

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA, (650) 948-0500

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All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and all of our collective brands' advice are personal opinions. Our advice is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for general information purposes only. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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