Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ask for what you want? (Intimacy Checklist 2 of 7), make some time for this...
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Click Here to get on the Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection FLASH Sale VIP List Now.

Sometimes, we know what we really want from our lovers...

It's screaming from deep within our soul.

But we don't have the words.

So we don't bother asking for it. This leaves us wanting, empty, lacking, and in need of some type of emotional or physical closure.

Women may feel their partners don't love them enough. Men may feel their lovers have lost their attraction for him.

We all have the power and the capability to fill our partners with an infinite amount of love.

Let's not let the lack of "words" stop us from giving and receiving pleasure.

Like when your body badly needs a certain type of human touch. A warm, loving massage. A long hug. But you don't know how to describe the kind of touch you need.

Or you want your partner to openly express their love for you more openly and more often.

How do you say it?

Well, the truth is... there's no right or wrong way to say or ask what you want.

The ONLY real wrong way is NOT asking.


Sometimes all it takes is to use the words you're already used to, words both of you are familiar with... and "mash" them together.

"Kiss the back of my neck like you're taking short sips of hot coffee..."

"Honey, just like John Cusack's boombox serenade scene in "Say Anything"."

Nobody else has to understand the words, phrases, and expressions you use with your partner.

It's your own secret love language!

Most relationships have huge gaping holes on a physical, emotional, and sexual sense. This helps you both fill these holes for each other.


Another way is to always be on the lookout for new ways to give and receive pleasure.

You can learn how other people express their desires to their lovers from watching movies and TV, reading books, and even just listening to other people's stories.

That's why here at Personal Life Media, we always give you lots of options on how to satisfy yours and your partner's physical, emotional, and sexual desires.

A few days from now we're going to have a quick FLASH SALE for our bestselling Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection.

It's a collection of over 200 advanced, heart-connected lovemaking techniques made for couples to watch together... and do together. And for singles to be ready when you find "the one."

The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection is available in digital streaming and download as well as physical DVD's.

However, we will only have 200 copies during this FLASH SALE (we usually have 500), and we sell out all our copies every time.

I suggest you sign up for the VIP Early Bird list to get one day advanced access to your copy.

Click Here To Get On The Steamy VIP Early Bird List

We also sent your articles over the week to help you grow your personal love language with your partner (or future partner.)

Take some time off today to read through the ones you like.

How she becomes his "perfect lover" fantasy woman.
There's a cultural peer pressure we women put on each other that tamps down our sexuality in "polite society." But if you want to increase your sexual energy, watch my videos to improve your sexual self-confidence asap!

Goddess Lovemaking Techniques
I made my Steamy Sex Ed Video Collection® for couples to watch together, singles to prepare for when they find "The One", and for lovers who want heart-connected, slow, sensual lovemaking. Click here to learn more.

Sensual Healing Massage Techniques
Watch my Steamy videos to overcome or help your partner overcome past trauma... things like being shamed about your sensuality, growing up in a repressed environment, being made to feel bad about your body, being abused, etc.

NEW! Lovers' Breathing Technique
In between each breath you and your lover become more and more connected, at peace, and one. You breathe in your lover's breath... and they breathe yours out.

☄ Dating for Old Farts
In this video series I teach you how and where to find love if you're middle aged or older. (Though the advice works for anyone of any age!) If you're in a relationship, consider forwarding this to a single friend who you know would be a great partner.

Why men lie
If you've ever had your heart broken and can't *trust* men, you need to drop everything and watch this incredible presentation.

These articles aren't about your romance, but they're all written to give you more ways to improve your quality of life.

♋ Your NEW MOON Complimentary Astrology Reading
World renowned Astrologer Adrian Ross Duncan is giving away complimentary astrology readings. Use this special link to help you map out the rest of 2018. Click here.

M.A.T.s for Fat-burning
Recently I discovered an interesting factor that not a lot of people understand how our bodies burn fat. It's something called Metabolically Activated Tissue, and understanding this could be the key to your weight loss success story.

101 Recipes to Make Your Own Gut-Healing Bone Broth in 30 Minutes
When you have this new Bone Broth recipe book by your side, you'll find that making your own bone broth is fast and easy. Plus, it's delicious, nourishing, and flat-out HEALTHY!

Confirm your spot for this FREE Law Of Attraction Masterclass
My good friend Natalie Ledwell - best-selling author, Law of Attraction expert, and personal growth teacher - is holding a FREE Masterclass to help you put your success on autopilot.

Expand Your Life,
Dr. Patti Taylor

Dr. Patti is an author, coach, and seminar leader. She has a PhD in Expanded Orgasms, and is the creator of the bestselling program Expand Her Orgasm Tonight and The Seduction Trilogy: Seduce Her Tonight, Seduction Accelerator and Sexual Trainer. She's been a practitioner and teacher of Expanded Orgasms for over 30 years.

Follow me on Twitter
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Expand Her Orgasm Tonight
Seduction Trilogy

Personal Life Media, Inc.
20 Sunnyside Ave., #212
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA, (650) 948-0500


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