Sunday, September 5, 2021

Romance Trick #9: Sharing Favorite Frames, words and sweet conversations make love the best...
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Welcome to Part 9 of my Romance Challenge Series.

Each week I'm dropping one of my road-tested Romance Tricks That Work Like Magic to add a dash of zing to your love life. Practice this tip on friends with minor adjustments if you're solo, so it's less intimate but still loving. Your friends want to be actively loved by you too.

Romance Trick #9: Sharing Frames

One effective technique to continually expand the passion in your relationship is Frame Sharing. Frames allow your partner to understand what it's like for you when the two of you are together.

Because we all enjoy hearing and talking about memorable moments, this is a compelling romantic experience for your lover.

Here's how to share Favorite Frames with your significant other.

The Favorite Frames technique expands and deepens your experience together, making it an even more meaningful memory.

After being intimate, I like to share favorite frames so my partner can take even more pleasure in experiencing my experience as I tell him about it.

But you can do this anytime and anywhere.

People find they enjoy reliving specific date experiences, and also they find they enjoy new details they missed at the time.

You might think this happens only when you hear your partner's frames, but I think you'll find that when you share a frame, you will recall something you missed at the time.

Talk about your experience during (if appropriate) and afterward in a specific way:

Each of you shares one specific frame (or snapshot in time) of the experience related to something you felt in your body that you enjoyed.

For example, John might say, "Sue, when I hugged you more tightly as we kissed, I noticed you relaxing and letting go. I felt a warm rush of energy and love for you."

And then Sue might say, "John, when you took me in your arms, I felt my whole body sink to a new level of letting go and opening up, and this rush of sensation came up through my pelvis, that then shot right up into my belly, like white-hot heat."

You can share frames about the following sorts of details:

• How the room looked or felt
• The music you liked and its effect on you
• Specifics about your partner's appearance that pleased you
• And your experiences during the physical and communication components of the date

At other times, you may find it fun to share frames around non-date moments, such as how delighted you were when he fixed your computer or how much you enjoyed being surprised when she cooked your favorite dinner - and even cleaned up afterward.

Now, I'm sure you're excited about trying this out ASAP. However, before you do, I'd love for you to check out the articles I sent you over the week. You'll love talking to your partner about them too. Add new things for your "Favorite Frame Sharing" moments.

How To Get My Husband Back
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10 Ways To Get Him FIRED UP Again For You
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Awakening Your Feminine Radiance
Your past relationships may have taught you that being vulnerable doesn't work out. So you put masks up to protect your heart and try to be someone you think men (and the world) will approve of. Well, ladies, it's time to radiate your authentic feminine essence AND toss the masks!

The Heart Matters with Susan Bratton
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3 Things I Love About You
Whether you're single or in a relationship, what I'm about to share is going to make your life happier.

Share More Intimacy,

Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Wellness Expert to Millions", is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements DESIRE with Tribulus, Tongkat Ali and Fenugreek and her wildly successful blood flow booster, FLOW at

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

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