Wednesday, November 25, 2020

2020 Holiday Gift Guide Part 1 (FLOW)

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This is part 1 of my 2020 Hol­i­day Gift Guide. My sexy goody rec­om­men­da­tions! Get them for your­self and give them to your lover, fam­i­ly, and friends. Click here for my com­plete 2020 Hol­i­day Gift Guide.

There's ONE thing yoga prac­ti­tion­ers, ath­letes, and those who exer­cise often have in com­mon. And this ONE thing could very well pro­tect you from harm­ful virus­es.

What is it?

The answer is that all three heav­i­ly breathe through their nose and exhale through their mouth.

And they do this A LOT.

Now, if you're won­der­ing, what's so spe­cial about breath­ing? We all breathe through our noses, right?

Yes, we do. But not a lot of us do deep breath­ing exer­cis­es as often as the peo­ple men­tioned above. We breathe casu­al­ly but don't do it with inten­tion.

You see, accord­ing to one of the three phar­ma­col­o­gists who won the Nobel Peace Prize for dis­cov­er­ing Nitric Oxide and its ben­e­fits, breath­ing through your nose sig­nals the body to pro­duce Nitric Oxide.

Nitric Oxide is a mol­e­cule that increas­es blood flow through the lungs and boosts oxy­gen lev­els in the blood. The more oxy­gen is dis­trib­uted through­out the body, the bet­ter each organ func­tions.

NO also pre­vents blood clots in the arter­ies, relax­es the smooth mus­cles in your air­ways, helps you breathe more eas­i­ly, is the prin­ci­pal medi­a­tor of penile and cli­toral erec­tion, and cleans virus­es and pathogens from your blood.

Nitric Oxide also has anoth­er BIG ben­e­fit that helps us pro­tect our bod­ies, espe­cial­ly dur­ing times like these. More details below.

Click Here For FLOW ⇐ The World's First Organ­ic Nitric Oxide Sup­ple­ment

More Rec­om­mend­ed Gifts ⇐ The Com­plete 2020 Hol­i­day Gift Guide


Nitric Oxide has potent antivi­ral prop­er­ties. Stud­ies have shown that it fights against the her­pes virus, coro­n­avirus, cox­sack­ievirus, and han­tavirus to name a few.

In a clin­i­cal study back in 2005, Nitric Oxide inhib­it­ed the repli­ca­tion of the SARS-CoV virus, the coro­n­avirus that caused hav­oc in 2003. (See foot­notes for links to data and research.)

Suc­ceed­ing stud­ies showed that Nitric Oxide inhibits a key enzyme called pro­tease that the virus needs to make copies of itself.

The COVID-19 virus is in the same fam­i­ly as the SARS-CoV virus, so doc­tors and sci­en­tists are hope­ful that Nitric Oxide will have the same antivi­ral prop­er­ties. Doc­tors are now giv­ing Nitric Oxide direct­ly to COVID patients in some hos­pi­tals.

COVID is a virus that attacks the endothe­lial cells that line your blood ves­sels. Nitric Oxide is pro­duced con­tin­u­ous­ly by the 1 tril­lion endothe­lial cells in our arter­ies and veins.

How­ev­er, we DO NOT have an unlim­it­ed sup­ply.

Stud­ies have shown that our body's abil­i­ty to pro­duce Nitric Oxide great­ly dimin­ish­es as we get into our 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Those who know about NO's life-enhanc­ing and life-sav­ing prop­er­ties reg­u­lar­ly take Nitric Oxide sup­ple­ments, togeth­er with high-qual­i­ty mul­ti­vi­t­a­mins.

FLOW is the world's first organ­ic Nitric Oxide sup­ple­ment. We made sure to source only organ­ic water­mel­on for the cit­rulline that helps pro­duce NO in your body. The more qual­i­ty NO you can put into your body, the bet­ter life becomes.

Click Here For FLOW ⇐ The World's First Organ­ic Nitric Oxide Sup­ple­ment That Keeps Your Blood Clean and Pump­ing Well

More Rec­om­mend­ed Gifts ⇐ The Com­plete 2020 Hol­i­day Gift Guide

Stuff Those Stock­ings,

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at


1. The right way to breathe during the coronavirus pandemic
2. COVID-19: Nitric oxide shows promise as antiviral treatment
3. Nitric oxide may be an effective treatment for COVID-19

P.S. Ridiculously Stimulating Articles You Might Have Missed:

Acid Blockers: COVID Risk and ED in Women and Men
A bit of Apple Cider Vinegar before meals also helps regulate the PH in your stomach. Take a tablespoon with a little water. You won't have to do all this forever.

And Watch For More Awesome Articles Coming This Week:

- At-Home Vaginal Rejuvenation Gift (Holiday Gift Guide 2020)
- ☉☉ Couples' Bosom Lovin' (Sweet And Intimate)
- This BOOSTS Sexual Vitality, Gut Health, Hormone Balance + MORE

- Your Sex Toy Haul Here (Black Friday Deals)
- The most successful relationships are a result of intimacy + learnable skills. [Passion Tip]
- The specific words that powerfully elicit bonding emotions.

- My husband isn't "there for me." (Mailbag)
- Two More Sex Toys For You (Holiday Gift Guide 2020)
- 8 Playful Bedroom Adventures for Couples
- The Anxiety Magnesium Connection + FREE products

- Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Female Self-Love "Butterfly Warm-Up" Technique

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

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