Wednesday, January 8, 2020

21 Top Longevity Experts Reveal What You MUST Know for the 2020s

Responsive Content Left Email Template, over 60 life-changing secrets you can discover...
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

You hear a lot of the same health advice repeated over and over out there.

So, here's a crucial question for you as you enter the new decade...

What are you NOT hearing about that will make the biggest difference in your health and life?

And here's the answer...

Check Out The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit ⇐ 21 Leading Longevity Experts Reveal Their Most Crucial Advice For This 2020


You see, in this important and unique free online summit, my good friend Brian Vaszily has gathered 21 of the world's top longevity and anti-aging doctors and researchers from different areas of expertise.

This includes the Harvard Medical School longevity researcher Time magazine named "One of the 100 Most Influential People in the World."

It includes the world's leading breast cancer and breast health expert, the MD to notables such as Angelina Jolie and Sheryl Crow.

It includes world-renowned Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and many others.

And in The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, Brian is going to challenge each expert to answer this one mission-critical question for YOU...

"From your area of expertise, what are your 3 top health secrets that almost no one knows but everyone needs to know because of how powerfully it can change their lives?"

That's why this is one important online summit you truly don't want to be left out of, so...

Check Out The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit ⇐ 21 Leading Longevity Experts Reveal Their Most Crucial Advice For This 2020

Be sure to watch the short trailer...

And please do not miss the schedule of speakers a bit lower on the page, because there you'll get a "taste" of what you're going to discover from each expert.

As you'll see, this will indeed be life-changing... and possibly even life-saving.

You see, Brian Vaszily is on a unique and much-needed mission.

And this Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit really is the pinnacle of that mission.

If you're in your 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, or beyond – and especially if you're a woman – I am certain you'll appreciate what he's doing, and his emotional story of WHY, which you'll discover in that second video.

Don't miss this powerful summit!

Because YES, there are a wide range of little-known secrets that can make a world of difference in how you look and feel, in avoiding and even overcoming disease, and in living long doing it.

And you deserve to know those secrets, too, to start your new decade right!

Check Out The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit ⇐ 21 Leading Longevity Experts Reveal Their Most Crucial Advice For This 2020

You Deserve To Live Happily,

Susan Bratton, "Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions" of lovers who crave lifelong intimacy and passion. As the Dear Abby of Sex, she has helped create and revive countless sex lives with her bestselling books and programs such as Relationship Magic, Sexual Soulmates, The Passion Patch, Revive Her Drive and her Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection.

For more insider tips, follow her on Instagram and subscribe to her Better Lover YouTube channel.

P.S. When you do sign up today, you're also getting two (2) free reports:

1) "25 Surprisingly TOXIC Everyday Products to STOP Feeding Your Body"
2) "The Top 30 Herbs and Botanicals for Anti-Aging and Longevity"

These are both clear, research-based, practical, and very useful reports in their own right, and you'll see more about both of them under the trailer.

Check Out The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit ⇐ 21 Leading Longevity Experts Reveal Their Most Crucial Advice For This 2020

P.P.S. Ridiculously Stimulating Articles You Might Have Missed:

☼ May I interview you?

Six of my email newsletter readers like you will be taking my new blood flow supplements and libido vitamins and allowing me to interview you.

And Watch For More Awesome Articles Coming This Week:

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- ☄️ 2020 Sex Trends (VIDEO)
- How People Like To Be Talked Dirty To
- Natural Stem Cell Activation

- ⚜ "Occasional Affair." (Mailbag)

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My Youtube "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
20 Sunnyside Ave., #212
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA, (650) 948-0500

Note: We frequently partner with companies providing products and services featured in our emails in an affiliate relationship. We vet the products in advance to ensure they are trusted resources and recommend you do your own research before you purchase too. We welcome your feedback and recommendations. If you find something of value, let us know. If we recommend something that doesn't work for you, let us know why. We care!

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and all of our collective brands' advice are personal opinions. Our advice is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for general information purposes only. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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