Sunday, September 29, 2019

Safe Grounding Technique (Passion Playdates #6), at the end of every passion playdate...
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Passion Playdates are when you and your partner set aside a specific time for passion play and sensual "private" activities. You both come in as beginners, assuming you know nothing. Then you proceed to learn new things together.

Think of it as a fun "couples sexercise" that grows and enriches your intimacy - physical and emotional.

To culminate this series on Passion Playdates, I'm teaching you "responsible grounding after the date."

The act of blocking out the world and taking yourselves into your own little Loverspace is a truly otherworldly experience. You're floating out in the ether of pleasure... You're high on oxytocin - the bonding hormone... You may have had sex so spiritual you felt good...

Sometimes a passion playdate becomes so good, so pleasurable, so beautiful an experience that you and your lover may forget that you're with another human being...

The purpose of Passion Playdates is to connect with your lover and go on an intimate journey together to expand your pleasure.

That's why you also need to ground yourself after every Playdate.

Today's Passion Playdate couples' sexercise is actually how to get back into the present moment with your lover and ground yourselves after each date.

You and your partner can do this by applying pleasurable and steady "pressure" to each other through hugging, talking, eating, taking a warm or hot shower, or by other means, you know work for you.

Some people find that simply looking around the room, feeling solid walls, and touching their partner gets them re-oriented.

Others also feel that positive, bodily-centered recapping and talking about the experience you had during the date is an excellent way to ground yourselves and put things into perspective.

If you're not going anywhere after the date, and you're simply going to transition into a relaxing activity like watching TV, lying in bed, or going to sleep, then minimal grounding is necessary.

If, however, your previous Passion Playdate was so superb that it lasted for a looong time, you may want to do responsible grounding for a half an hour or more.

Take adequate time to save and process the experience. Don't just jump up.

Talk to your partner.

Make sure you both are present in the moment, connecting your hearts and souls after you've just connected via your bodies.

These activities not only ground you back to reality...

They also enhance your relationship and intimate life, opening up your mind to new experiences you and your partner have not had before.

Just the way our articles this week were all written to help you expand your sensual experiences in one way or another.

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