Sunday, November 25, 2018

How to strike the perfect balance of sensuality and excitement (Erotic Playdates #13), make some time for this...
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Erotic Playdates are when you and your partner set aside a specific time for passion play. You plan for (and look forward to) sensual "private" activities where you come together beginners to learn new things together.

Think of Erotic Playdates as fun "couples sexercises" that grow and enrich your intimacy - physical and emotional.

This is hot monogamy at its best and it's also great for singles who date!

Take a deep breath... hold it in... and release.

Your breath is one of the most potent tools you have to spark intimacy and sensuality in your life. Truly.

When we get excited and aroused, our heart tends to beat faster. Our autonomous nervous system is activated. We often say that this arousal activates the system that tells our body to "fight, flee, feed, freeze, or fornicate (or make love)."

Clearly, this kind of energy has a valuable purpose. But we also want to regulate it, and for our purposes direct it toward heart-connection, sensual awakening, and more intimacy between partners.

Why bother doing this?

When we keep this sensual excitement in just one part of the body (head, heart, genitals) we're robbing the other parts of our body from experiencing this energy. And as a side effect, we're also robbing out partner from feeling it from us as well.

By spreading the breath throughout our body together with your partner in a playdate, we have the best of both worlds.

We get the sensual excitement we are seeking, and we are steering it into other parts of our body (and not just in our head, heart, or genitals) and passing this energy back and forth each other.

Here's how you and your lover can do it.

Using your mind, lock on to the sensations you're feeling. Take the sensual energy up slowly, so that you have plenty of time to explore how to spread it.

The idea is to generate sensual energy and to learn how to spread it.

Begin by breathing the energy you're feeling up through your body. You may wish to imagine it going through your spine and trunk of your body, to your head, your fingertips and toes. Flow that energy all around your body again and again. Keep the energy flowing as you breathe in and out.

Then continue to visualize this energy flowing from you and to your partner. Then visualize it flowing throughout their body.

Don't get hung up on the exact sequence. There's no right or wrong order. It's all up to you and how YOU circulate your sensual energy.

Just breathe in and out, and visualize your sensual energy flowing throughout your bodies.

You want to achieve a perfect balance of relaxed and alert. This should not relax you to the point of becoming limp and soggy. It should balance your sympathetic nervous system (the part in charge of your arousal) and your parasympathetic nervous system (the part that relaxes you.)

When you're in balance, that's exactly how you'll feel. Relaxed and alert. This perfect balance is ideal for heart-connected experiences, playdates, date nights, and even lovemaking.

All this is to achieve your most ideal relationship and sensual life. Try it tonight. You'll be surprised how good it feels. That's how an erotic playdate SHOULD feel.

NOTE: We're getting an insanely high number of requests for Steamy Sex Ed® from those who weren't able to get their copy last October.

The demand is so high, we're getting a new batch of copies and bringing our bestselling program for a 4-DAY FLASH HOLIDAY SALE.

However, we can only offer 300 copies this time.

So if you want to be at the head of the line, in front of everybody else who can't wait to get a taste of Steamy Sex Ed®, get on the VIP List today!

Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection VIP List ⇐ Jump To The Head of the Line!

This week's emails are also meant to help you co-create with your partner (future partner) your most ideal connection.

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Expand Your Life,
Dr. Patti Taylor

Dr. Patti is an author, coach, and seminar leader. She has a PhD in Expanded Orgasms, and is the creator of the bestselling program Expand Her Orgasm Tonight and The Seduction Trilogy: Seduce Her Tonight, Seduction Accelerator and Sexual Trainer. She's been a practitioner and teacher of Expanded Orgasms for over 30 years.

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