Wednesday, October 25, 2017

She's lying like mad to you.

You can't grow if you don't know.
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

If you wonder whether your partner is cooling off or lying about their feelings for you, read this.

Why The Golden Rule Is Ruining Your Relationships ⇐ Watch This Short TV Segment

I was talking to Jim about WHY his girlfriend broke up with him.

He thought it was a communication issue. That he didn't communicate his appreciation of her or made sure they were on the same page.

Jim said, based on what Trina told him, that it wasn't that he'd done anything wrong. She just said she had doubts about their future together.

And he said there was something odd. She was the first woman to ever tell him that during sex.

I said, "Jim, she was lying to you to protect your feelings. Here's what she really meant:" (scroll down)


This is the classic, "it's not you, it's me." She didn't want to say how she really felt. She didn't want to hurt your feelings. She just wanted out without drama.

I think Trina was lying like crazy to you.

It would be super helpful if you could call her up and ask her to actually tell you the truth, no matter how much it hurts in the moment. It would be super beneficial to at least get her honest perspective. Otherwise you're just guessing and beating yourself up. You can't grow if you don't know.

The "doubts about the future" meant she didn't think you were a suitable partner. Find out why. I know you. You're a handsome, kind guy with a lot of skills. You are the kind of guy that women want. So why didn't Trina think you had a future together.

When she said sex wasn't about the end result, she was also lying. She wasn't having orgasms. Which means she wasn't satisfied. She was sparing your feelings. Not satisfying a woman is the kiss of death. Where guys need frequency, women need satisfaction. When you can't sexually satisfy her, she doesn't think you have the skill to do so. And because her brain is her biggest sex organ, her reservations about your future together were also impacting her ability to climax.

If you knew and had met her Relationship Values and you had enough sexual pleasuring techniques at your command, you could have potential averted this heartbreak.

I was on the news again talking about the importance of meeting your partner's needs. You can watch it here.

Why The Golden Rule Is Ruining Your Relationships ⇐ Watch This Short TV Segment

When you call and ask her for the truth, tell her you are not trying to get back together. That you just want to know what she was really thinking so you could learn and improve. It takes a real man to hear the truth. And whatever it is, you can handle it and the information will make you stronger.

Study our sex programs so you can make sure you give your future partners lots of satisfaction. Our Steamy Sex Ed™ Video Collection has over 200 heart-connected lovemaking techniques that generate hours of orgasmic pleasure together.

Get on the Early Notification List for Our Upcoming Sale of Steamy Sex Ed™ ⇐ Click Here

And figure out your Relationship Values using the Relationship Magic workbook. It's VITAL to understand what you want and what any new partner TRULY wants from a relationship with you right from the start.

Your relationship can get better and better when you meet each other's unique relationship values. And when you establish that solid foundation of meeting each other's needs, the sex can get on an upward pleasure spiral when you learn a range of sexual pleasuring skills.

It took Tim and me years to perfect this values workbook and assemble these sexual techniques. You can get up to speed in a matter of hours.

You have plenty more chances to get this right. Start now!

Why The Golden Rule Is Ruining Your Relationships ⇐ Watch This Short TV Segment

Please consider subscribing to my YouTube Better Lover channel. My goal is 10,000 subscribers by the end of November. I need your help! I release one video each week.

To The Upward Pleasure Spiral,

P.S. Watch For Ridiculously Stimulating Articles Coming This Week:

- The Foreplay Hug Technique

- ☄ Is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for you?

- Open Relationship?

- Watch Tallulah's Review of Squirting Orgasm Shortcuts

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My Youtube "Better Lover" Channel
I ♥️ My Wife
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