Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why "Cocky & Funny" Attracts Women

Why "Cocky & Funny" Attracts Women

QUICK QUESTION: Have you tried out using the
Cocky & Funny technique with women, and you really
liked the results? Would you like to learn how to
MASTER the technique, and create SUPER attraction
with women? If so, then I want you to take a
minute and look at THIS:


    I get a lot of email from guys who don't quite
get the Cocky & Funny attitude.

    It just doesn't make sense to some guys that
teasing women, busting their balls, being slightly
arrogant, not kissing up to them, etc., could or
should make them feel attraction.

    I can understand this because I was exactly the
same way the first few times I heard it and saw it
being used.

    I kept thinking to myself, "If I do this cocky
and funny thing, I'm only going to come across as
arrogant... and that can't make women like me

    Well, was I wrong.

    You must always remember that ATTRACTION isn't
logical. It doesn't follow the rules that it
"should" follow. ATTRACTION is a very powerful
emotion that has reasons and triggers that don't
make any sense at first glance...

    I'm sure you've seen many attractive women with
guys who mistreat them, abuse them, and were
exactly the opposite of what you'd expect a woman
to accept.


    ATTRACTION. In the beginning she felt
attraction, and as bad as it may sound, almost no
amount of being "bad", abusive, or jerk-ish can
convince a woman, feeling a strong attraction to a
guy, to leave.

    So let me take the opportunity to talk a bit
about the Cocky & Funny attitude, why it works,
and how to use it to attract women (without having
to be an abusive jerk).

    First of all, you have to remember that the
formula is Cocky PLUS Funny. Always both.

    If you act too cocky, you'll only come off as
arrogant and insecure.

    If you're just funny, always telling jokes, and
making people laugh, you will probably come across
as "too goofy."

    But if you use BOTH together, you will create
magic. Cocky + Funny is like sparring... it's
sport... it's fun... it's   challenging... it's
interesting when used with skill.

    So let's get clear about what "Cocky + Funny"

    Here's a cocky statement:

"Her dress makes her look fat."

    Here's a Cocky + Funny statement:

"If she doesn't find a dress that fits better, the
fashion police are going to send in the SWAT team
for her ass."

    Get it?

    Start with arrogance, then add humor.

    So why does it work to attract women?

    Well, the short (email-newsletter size) answer


    Women are attracted to "alpha male" types - We
all know that. Women are attracted to a sense of
humor. We all know that one too.

    Women AREN'T attracted to men who give away
their power, kiss up to them, smother them with
attention, act like whipped puppies, and get
nervous just being in the same room with them.

    And by the way, giving away power to women is a
much more complex topic than using humor, etc. If
you have a problem giving away your power to
women, or becoming a "Wussbag" when you're around
a woman that you like, then you need to try THIS:

    If you meet an attractive woman, and
IMMEDIATELY start giving her a hard time about
something, busting on her, and having fun, it
basically says to her:

    "You are interesting enough to talk to, but
you're going to have to do a lot more than just
look good to impress me. Your beauty doesn't make
me nervous in the least, I'm perfectly calm, and
in fact, I'm so comfortable that I just noticed
something about you that I'm going to make fun

    There is no faster way on earth to communicate
all the right attitudes, beliefs, self-image,
comfort, confidence, and power than to be Cocky +

    (Except maybe to put on a perfect Brad Pitt

    Once you start using this attitude, you will be
totally astounded at the results.

    Here's a low-risk example:

    Next time you're at the grocery store in the
checkout line paying for your groceries, say:

    "So how much of this cash do you get to keep?"
(as you hand her the money)

    She'll probably laugh and say: "None... I

    To which you can respond with:

    "Oh, I figured you were pocketing 10 or 20%...
I assumed you were rich and could support me, but
now I'm not interested... I   want a rich girl."
(Turn up your nose.)

    This is a great one. It's always fun to ask a
woman if she's rich or famous, then when she says
that she's not, tell her that it messed up her
chances with you, and that you're not interested

    One of the keys to the Cocky + Funny attitude
is to never "crack." If she opens her mouth and
gives you the "I can't believe you just said that"
look, you need to turn it up a notch...

    Most guys will crack and say "Oh, I was just

    DON'T DO THAT! It makes you look like a wussy.

    In the example above, if the checker looks at
you and gives you the open mouthed "I can't
believe you said that" look and says, "Hey! I may
not be rich, but I'm nice!", you just look at her
and say "Nice isn't good enough, I need RICH AND

    Your goal is not to upset a woman, but to get
under her skin enough by teasing, busting on her,
and acting cocky and funny so that it ignites the
magical challenge/attraction mechanism.

    And once you can see that you're getting a good
response from a woman, GET HER NUMBER. Or get her
email. Don't stand around like a dork trying to
make her laugh.

    As you become better and better with these
tools, you can then begin "extending" the
conversation... increasing the attraction... and
taking things to the "next level."

    So get out there and use it, because the magic
formula of Cocky + Funny will create all kinds of
good things for you. You'll see.

    And if you're reading this right now and
thinking to yourself "I really need to learn how
to master this Cocky & Funny   thing", then I

    In fact, learning how to be Cocky & Funny is
one of the FASTEST, EASIEST, and MOST FUN ways you
can make women feel ATTRACTION for you.

    If you'd like to get a "fast track" education
on Cocky & Funny, then I HIGHLY recommend that you
check out my Cocky Comedy DVD/CD program.

    This program features me and several amazing
guest speakers teaching you STEP-BY-STEP how to
master the technique...   along with DOZENS and
DOZENS of specific Cocky & Funny "lines" and
"comebacks" for every situation you can imagine.

    Go watch some of the preview video clips, and
see for yourself how valuable this program is:

    Another skill you need to learn is how to use
your BODY LANGUAGE to trigger and increase
ATTRACTION with women. As you've probably heard, I
recently released an entire DVD program on this
exact topic.

    Just like my Cocky Comedy program, this is a
cutting-edge education that isn't available
ANYWHERE else... at ANY price.

    Using tools like Cocky Comedy and Body Language
to attract women has MANY advantages. You don't
have to buy women gifts, you don't have to chase
after them... and you don't have to take them out
to dinner hoping that they'll "magically" feel it
for you because they appreciate the food so much.

    Just like my Cocky Comedy program, I've put up
a set of preview video clips for you to watch...
and I think you need to go check them out right
now. They're here:

    Oh, and if you haven't taken the time to
download my online eBook "Double Your Dating",
then you need to go and do that RIGHT NOW. You can
download it and be reading it within a few
minutes. Go and download it here:

    I'll talk to you again soon,

         Your Friend,

         David D.

P.S. You should also take a minute and look at the
other programs I've created to help you learn how
to attract and meet women. You can see them all,
plus watch video clips of them right here:

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Friday, October 29, 2010


If you're like 99% of guys, you won't even TRY to
approach a "hot" woman because you think you'll
BLOW IT. That you'll be EMBARRASSED and

But here's the REAL TRUTH:

and you can approach ANY woman you want...
ANY TIME... ANYWHERE... and get mind-blowing

Everything you need to know is right here:

Dear Man,

   Something's been bothering me...

   I'm talking toss-and-turn, up-all-night
bothering me.

   It's just this:

   I hear from SO many men who have SO many
problems approaching attractive women.

   And in the end, they all share just one thing
in common...

   They're AFRAID of rejection.

   They EXPECT to fail, so they won't even try.

   It's a "self-fulfilling prophecy" and a TOTAL

   These guys are doomed to NEVER experience what
it's like to be with a hot woman!

   Just tragic.

   But here's the part that REALLY has me up at

   All of their fear is COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY.


   I said it.

   I feel better already.

   Maybe now I can stop crying myself to sleep
every night...

   But seriously... the REAL question is...

   WHY do so many men feel this way?

   In reality, what do they think is going to
happen if they walk up to a super-hot woman and
try to start a conversation?

   Do they think she'll scream and run?

   Do they think she'll slam them upside-the head
with an Aquafina bottle?

    Are they afraid she'll laugh and point and
call her friends over to see the freaky "wuss"
that dared to talk to her?

   Well, as the famous shrink once said, the word
"fear" really stands for this:


   Get it?

   It still holds true.

   Yet every time I talk to guys about this, it's
always the same...

   They're SCARED TO DEATH they'll blow it if
they even try to approach a woman.

   In other words... most men EXPECT negative
outcomes. And they don't CONSCIOUSLY REALIZE that
they're sabotaging themselves for no good reason.

   Don't believe me?

   Let's do a little exercise to prove it...

   Take a moment and imagine a smoking-hot woman.

   Go all out.

   Think about the kind of woman you might see in
a bar or club, maybe at a coffee house or
supermarket... wherever... that you INSTANTLY
wish you could meet.

   She has that killer look... the way she
carries herself... the body... the smile that
makes your heart pound and palms sweat.

   Now... imagine walking toward her.

   In a moment, you'll have to open your mouth.
You'll have to actually SAY something to her.

   Okay... now you're next to her.

   And remember -- this woman is HOT. So
drop-dead gorgeous, there's already a
Brad-Pitt-looking dude coming this way with a
big, cheesy smile.

   But right now it's your turn... you have just
ONE CHANCE to talk to this woman before Brad gets

   Now FREEZE this moment.

   Think about how YOU feel.

   And predict, in all honesty, what's likely to
happen next.

   Now, I'm no mind-reader... but let me guess
what you're thinking...

   You're thinking that EVERYTHING IS ABOUT TO GO

   That you're about to BLOW IT and lose this
woman (as usual) to Brad.

   And you know what?

   You're exactly right.

   For most guys, "negative expectations" like
these TAKE OVER their minds in this scenario...
so much that they can't even IMAGINE a positive

   And guess what...

   Once upon a time... I couldn't imagine
"success" either.

   In fact, I spent YEARS trying to overcome my
fear and shyness.

   See if you can relate to this...

   You see a woman you want to meet in a bar or
club, maybe at a coffee house or supermarket...

   She just has "that" look. A way about her that
makes your heart beat faster. Your palms sweat.

   Then what happens?

   If you're like I used to be, you immediately
go into "IF ONLY" world.

   You start FANTASIZING...

   IF ONLY I could meet this woman.

   IF ONLY I could talk to her without sounding
like a dork or wuss.

   IF ONLY I could make her smile at me like she
smiles at Brad-Pitt-looking dudes.

   IF ONLY I could feel her hand wrap around mine
and lead me back to her bedroom.

   Point is... you see this woman, and you want
all this, but you literally feel like there's a
WALL between you and her.

   One so tall and thick that you can't even get
yourself to walk in her direction... let alone
start a conversation with her.

   This sensation sucks.

   Like I said... I'VE BEEN THERE.

   But after taking the time to watch and learn
from the "naturals" -- the kind of men who know
exactly what to say and do to SUCCEED with
women -- I discovered my biggest mistake was
simply this:

   I had NO IDEA how to overcome my FEAR.

   I had no idea about the #1 WAY to start having
IMMEDIATE, mind-blowing success with women.

   And that is:

   Just TRY.

   Yup. You heard me.

   It's so basic, it hurts.


   It's kindergarten when it comes to becoming
successful with women.

   The ONE AND ONLY way to turbocharge your
success with women RIGHT NOW is to START TRYING.

   In fact, I recommend you learn much more about
the GUARANTEED POWER of "just trying" right here:

   But for now, what I REALLY want to talk about
when it comes to "trying" is this:

   What YOU'RE busy doing INSTEAD.

   If you're like 99% of guys...'re doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

   When you see a woman you'd like to meet... you
WISH... and you WANT... and you FANTASIZE...

   ...and then DO NOTHING.

   What SHOULD you be doing?

   You should be looking at EVERY woman you want
to meet as an opportunity... a chance to work on
yourself and your "skills"... instead of looking
at her as an impossible challenge.

   When you teach yourself to think about things
this way, you become less attached to the
outcome... you become more relaxed...

   ...and more able to TAKE ACTION.

   Look at it this way...

   If you just TRY -- just go up to a woman and
open your mouth and say something -- ANYTHING AT
ALL -- you're already doing more than 99% of

   Now look... there's no doubt that starting
conversations with hot women can be a nerve-
racking experience.

   In fact, most guys are so intimidated that
they avoid them altogether... and miss out on
almost every day.

   And that's where BEING PREPARED comes in.

   When I talk about "being prepared," I am NOT
talking about having cheesy "pick up lines" ready
to unleash at the drop of a hat.

   In fact, guys don't realize that their lame
attempts to get a woman's attention this way are
actually TOTALLY DESTROYING their chances with

   They don't realize what they're saying and

   Even worse... these guys are making it
IMPOSSIBLE for these women to feel ATTRACTION.

   And, as you know, it's the basis of
everything I teach... ATTRACTION IS THE WHOLE

   That's why, if the first impression you make
on a woman is that you're a WUSSY... then it
doesn't MATTER what you say and do next.

   She's NEVER going to feel any ATTRACTION for

   And then it's GAME OVER.

   So... how do you create the RIGHT first
impression immediately -- and trigger INSTANT

   I can tell you this:

   It takes a whole lot more than cheesy
"pick-up" lines.

   The fact is, it takes a PROVEN SYSTEM for
approaching women in EXACTLY the right way and
starting conversations.

   It requires making the whole PROCESS so
"second nature" to you that you don't even have
think about it.

   And once you can do that, I GUARANTEE IT:

   You'll NEVER feel that sickening "IF ONLY"
feeling when you see a hot woman you'd like to meet.

   You'll always have the confidence you need to
TAKE ACTION instead of "wishing" and "wanting."

   Most importantly -- as you approach her,
you'll ALWAYS come across as calm, cool, and

   And all of this ADDS UP to ONE THING:



   So what's the bottom line here?

   It's this:

   The BEST WAY to get this part of your life
handled for good is to stop making excuses.

   Stop the "She'll never go for me" and the
"She'll think I'm a loser" and the "I don't want
to bother her"...

   ...and START TRYING.

   That in mind, I have a few questions for

--Do YOU want to kick your fears of approaching
women to the curb forever?

--Do YOU want carry the SKILLS you need (to
approach ANY woman you want) right in your back

--Do YOU want to know EXACTLY what to say and do
to spark attraction INSTANTLY?

   If you answered "YES" to any of the above,
   then there's no two ways about it... You're
   ready to stop the "IF ONLY's"... and START
   getting results with amazing women.

   Here's how I want to help you make it
happen... I want to teach you 4 things:

#1) How to read a woman's signals to know EXACTLY
when to approach her.

#2) How to come off BETTER than every other guy
who's ever done it.

#3) How to do it at EXACTLY the right time.

#4) What you must SAY and DO to GUARANTEE

   And. in my acclaimed "Approaching Women And
Starting Conversations" DVD program, all of this
*exactly* what I'm going to teach you.

   Best of all, you'll learn it all (and much,
much more) so QUICKLY and EASILY you'll be
kicking yourself for waiting so long to do it.

   This complete DVD home-study course is
designed to CHANGE EVERYTHING you think and feel
about approaching women.

   It's designed to ELIMINATE YOUR FEARS for good
-- and replace them with the FAIL-PROOF SKILLS
you need to make SUCCESS WITH WOMEN a permanent
part of your life.

   Once you do just that much, I GUARANTEE IT:

   Like magic, instead of women INSTANTLY
REJECTING YOU... they'll BEG to spend more time
with you.

   Ready to make this one happen?

   Excellent. Then click here:


      Your friend,
      David D.

PS - Did you know there's a simple, "magic" thing
you can do RIGHT NOW that will INSTANTLY TRIPLE
your chances of success when you a approach a

I can teach it you in just 30 seconds -- along
with TONS of other "magic tricks" that will
practically FORCE a woman to respond positively
to you -- but only if you click here:

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all of the following: You understand that this is
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Big Mistake ALL Men Make On A Date

The Biggest Mistake Men Make On A Date: PAYING

NEWSFLASH: The biggest mistakes men make on dates
can seem like pretty small things. Problem is,
they add up fast to KILL ATTRACTION and RUIN YOUR
CHANCES for success.

In fact, most of these "little things" are so
obvious and shockingly simple that you could
change most of them RIGHT NOW to get
life-changing results. Check out the UNBREAKABLE
LAWS and DEADLY MISTAKES men make with women that
blow their chance for success right here:

Hey Man,

    Tell me something and be brutally honest: are
you one of those guys who still pays a woman's
way on a date? I'm no mind-reader, but I'll bet I
know the answer...

    Of course you're paying for women on dates.
And that's why this URGENT TIP is aimed directly
at you: you need to STOP IT. Right NOW.

    I know, I know... You think you're impressing
her. Scoring points. But here's the shocking (and
slightly counter-intuitive) fact:


    Stay with me, since the reasons for all this
can sound as misleading as they are simple.

    For our purposes, I want you to consider
"traditional dinner dates" to be a thing of the
past. History. As far as we're concerned, they're
now officially EXTINCT.


    Because when you ask a woman out and then pay
for the date, you're making her think of you in

    Pretty profound, I know. But please, hold the

    Let me explain this a little more...

    A lot of good research suggests that women
think men, who are potential mates, fall into one
of two categories. I call these categories
"Lover" and "Provider".

    The basic idea goes like this:

    In a "traditional" boy-meets-girl situation,
the girl makes a decision early on whether you're
the type of guy that she should get physically
involved with quickly (spelled A-T-T-R-A-C-T-I-O-
N), or if you're of the "nicer" type (spelled
W-U-S-S-Y) that would be glad to "prove" himself
to her by paying for lots of expensive dates,
buying flowers, etc.

    I realize that I'm generalizing here, and that
I'm being a bit extreme... but I'm making a point,
so go with me.

    A very common approach that men use is the old
"Can I take you out sometime?" line.

    At first glance, it sounds innocent enough.

    It has the ring of "I'm a nice guy, and I'd
like to take you to dinner so I have a chance to
get to know you better" to it, right?

    Well, it may seem that way at first glance,
but let's get a little deeper into what ELSE
you're saying when you ask a question like this
one (or start off by paying for dinner, etc.).

    Here are a few of the OTHER LESS OBVIOUS
things that you're saying when you offer to "take
a woman out".

1) You're starting off the relationship RIGHT
FROM THE BEGINNING by offering to buy something
for her, and more importantly YOU'RE SETTING AN
EXPECTATION. In other words, when you do this,
you're setting an expectation that you're going
to do this from NOW ON.

2) You're subtly saying, "I feel like I need to
use a bribe to get you to see me again". I'm sure
that men have been bribing women with food and
gifts since the dawn of our species. Does this
sound far-fetched to you? Check out how our
closest relatives, the chimps use food to
persuade females to have sex with them. No,

3) Once you "take a woman out" and prove to her
beyond the shadow of a doubt that you like to pay
for things, you set a whole series of other
subconscious expectations in place. Without going
into detail, most of these other expectations
will only lead her thinking of you in the "nice
guy" category, and costing you time and money
that you might as well have thrown down a rat

4) By going out to a typical nice restaurant
setting, you start a whole chain of events that
often leads to two people looking at each other
over a candle, in a loud room full of other
people, with a typically uncomfortable "OK, so
tell me about yourself and don't ask me too many
personal questions please" look on your faces.

    I don't know about you, but this just isn't my
idea of a good time.

    So, what's the alternative?

    Thought you'd never ask.

    Success with women is about becoming the type
of man that NATURALLY attracts them. Becoming the
type of man who projects power, confidence, and
masculinity. The kind of cool, charismatic guy
that other men want to emulate and women LOVE to
be seen with.

    Of course, there's a lot that goes into
eliminating all the "uncool" baggage and habits
that guys carry around like man-purses, usually
without even realizing it.

    The inner "wussy" that sabotages your success
with women can be sneaky. In fact, sometimes it's
hard to see even when it's staring straight back
at you from the mirror.

    If you want to learn more about obliterating
your inner wuss, I recommend stepping off right
here and taking a look at this:

    In the meantime, what's the fastest path to
becoming the kind of man women not only feel
attracted to, but couldn't resist if they tried?

    As I said earlier, a great place to start is

    Instead, just say, "Do you have email?" If she
does, hand her a pen and say, "Great, write it
down for me." Then, follow up by inviting her to
join you for a cup of tea and some stimulating
conversation. Here's an example email for you:

"Hi, it was fun talking yesterday... I'm thinking
that we should get together tomorrow for a cup of
tea and some stimulating conversation. You seem
like you might make a nice friend."

    Then, if you're REALLY cheap, show up 5
minutes late so she buys her own tea and is
waiting for you. You can even say, "How
inconsiderate of you... where's mine?"

    Basically, here's the key:



    First off, that means no more meals on you. No
more gifts.

    If you want her to feel a powerful,
subconscious attraction for you, you need to set
yourself apart in "manly" ways that aren't
perceived by a woman as weak, catering or fawning.

    You need to create a personal connection the
instant you meet her. You need to show her you
aren't nervous or intimidated or kissing butt.

    You have to develop communication skills that
trigger intense biological responses in her that
she couldn't overlook or ignore even if she
wanted to.

    The single most important technique for
accomplishing ALL OF THIS is so simple, obvious,
and 100% COST-FREE that I feel like I just want
to scream it from the rooftop. But since I'm
pecking at a laptop, I'll just type it like this:


    Sounds obvious, but we all know that in the
heat of battle, it's the hardest thing to do
without coming off sounding incredibly lame.

    When the opportunity presents itself, will you
step up with an exquisitely timed wise-crack that
makes her sit up and take notice?

    Will you know how to tease her so she thinks
"No man's ever talked to me like that before, and
I think I like it!" instead of thinking "What an

    Master this and you've mastered what I call
"Cocky Comedy," AKA the "Universal Tool for
Attracting Women." For way too many reasons to go
into here, I can tell you it's by far the most
POWERFUL TOOL you can use to set yourself apart
from other guys.

    If you want to learn more about it (and I
highly recommend that you do) take a look at this:

    As you can probably tell, I've spent a lot of
years figuring out how to become the kind of guy
that women want to be around.

    I've spent a lot of time watching guys who are
what you might call "Naturals" with women.

    I've spent a lot of time trying out just about
every imaginable idea and strategy with women...

    And guess what?

    Most of them SUCKED.

    Most of them didn't work.

    Most of them felt strange and manipulative.

    Most of them were just plain not good.

    After trying all this stuff and feeling around
in the dark for quite a long time, I started to
realize that my problem wasn't the TECHNIQUES I
was using, it was the way I was approaching

    You see, I hadn't really taken the time to
understand women and the psychology of dating and

    I was just trying to learn tricks, hoping that
they would magically fix everything for me.

    Well, they didn't.

    What DID fix things, and ended up leading me
to fantastic success with women, was all that
stuff I talked about above:


    In other words, mastering what I call
"Advanced Dating Techniques," the powerful
methods and tools.

    You need to make success with women a part of
who you are, every day, all the time.

    In my "Advanced Dating Techniques" program, I
spend several HOURS teaching you a very special
perspective and understanding... so that you will
have the only pair of 3-D glasses... while
everyone else has no idea what's going on.

    I highly recommend that you get yourself a
copy of my "Advanced Dating Techniques" CD/DVD
program. It is literally JAM PACKED with hundreds
of concepts and step-by-step techniques for
meeting women, dating women, and taking things to
a "physical level" smoothly... and with a minimum
amount of rejection and failure.

    Go here to get the details and to check out a
few great free samples:

    Now back to those expensive, embarrassing
attempts men make to attract women by paying for

    Bottom line: it's true, buy a woman enough
dinners and material things, and she may begin to
feel some AFFECTION for you. But meals and
presents will never lead to ATTRACTION.

    Big difference.

    You need to understand that NOT buying a woman
dinner, NOT showering her with gifts, they're
just small pieces of the puzzle. And they're
definitely not the first pieces. First of all...


    But don't worry, that's what I'm here for. And
I can't wait to tell you more about how YOU CAN

         Talk to you soon.

         Your Friend,

         David D.

P.S. There are many different elements of success
with women and dating. I've created a series of
different programs to help you learn ALL of
them... right from the comfort of your home. You
can get all the details, and see some great video
clips of my different programs... right here:

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Attraction And How It Works With Women

Attraction And How It Works With Women

>If you love the topic of attraction, and you'd
like to get my most in-depth thinking about it,
then go and read THIS:

    Our topic this week is ATTRACTION.

    Before you read further, I'd like you to take a
minute and think about what the word ATTRACTION
means to you.

    By the way, I'm talking about the romantic
concept of ATTRACTION... not gravitational
attraction, etc.

    If you can, WRITE DOWN exactly what you think
the word ATTRACTION means. The process of writing
down your thoughts helps you to organize them (I
recommend that you also keep a journal of your
experiences as you improve in this area of your
life). There are no right or wrong answers here,
so think about it for a few minutes...





    OK, did you do that? Nice.

    So what did you come up with?

    A lot of guys seem to think that ATTRACTION is
when one person wants what another person has.

    Some think of ATTRACTION as the result of being
good-looking or otherwise "attractive." In fact, I
think a LOT of people confuse ATTRACTION with

    When I think of the concept of ATTRACTION, I
think of it primarily as an EMOTION. It seems to
me that it's more a COMBINATION of powerful
emotions that come together to form a very, very
special new SUPER-emotion.

    However you think about it, there is a process
that happens that keeps men and women getting
together to have sex...

    You are reading this right now, which is a

    Think of the thousands upon thousands of
generations of ancestors that you have had... and
think about the fact that NOT ONE OF THEM DIED A

    And not one of them died in childhood.

    And then think about the fact that you beat out
about five hundred MILLION other sperm-racers to
get to the egg first.

    You are the result of, and represent, probably
the most amazing process I have ever heard of.

    One of the parts of this process that
fascinates me is how each pair of your ancestors
decided to get together with THAT PARTICULAR

    I know that some people will be upset that I'm
talking about this whole concept in such an
analytical, detached way... women in particular
seem to love the fantasy of two people being "soul
mates" and "knowing that your special someone is
out there" and "it just happening."

    If you're one of those people, stop reading
now! lol...

    After working on this area of my own personal
life for a few years, and trying all kinds of
techniques, it finally dawned on me that

    If a woman feels ATTRACTION for a man, then
nothing else really matters.

    Looks, age, nationality, wealth, religion,
personal loss, peer pressure from friends and
family... none of it matters!

    On the other hand, if a women DOESN'T feel
ATTRACTION for a man, then nothing else matters in
that case either!

    You can't "talk" a woman into feeling
ATTRACTION, any more than you can "talk" a person
who hasn't eaten for three days out of feeling

    I mean, if you really wanted to be fancy, you
could learn to be a hypnotist and talk them into
it that way...

    But I'll tell you a little secret: Even THAT
isn't the best way to do things! (I actually know
several people who use this method of hypnotizing
women... and I haven't met one yet who could use
this technique alone to get women... there's
ALWAYS something else going on.)

    What I'm trying to say is that one day it hit
me like a ton of bricks that ATTRACTION IS THE KEY

    If you don't know what it is or how to create
it, you'll wander around trying different
techniques... and probably never land on something
that works consistently.

    And once I realized this, all kinds of things
that didn't make sense before INSTANTLY made sense
to me.

    All of a sudden I realized why women dated
abusive jerks... ATTRACTION.

    I realized why women dated men who were clearly
using them and cheating on them... ATTRACTION.

    And I also saw the FLIP SIDE!

    I realized why women pass up guys who are
honest, stable, attractive, and wonderful for
losers... ATTRACTION.

    Think of ATTRACTION like a drug (which it
really is). If a woman is under the influence of
it, then she's gone. She'll do anything to get
more. One of the things that most fascinates me is
the "language" that triggers attraction inside of
women. I call it "Sexual Communication" and you
can learn all about it here:

    If she's NOT under the influence, then YOU'RE
gone. Nothing you do will matter if she doesn't
feel it.

    If you doubt what I'm saying, ask the next 10
SUPER HOT women you see what they think of this.
Read this newsletter to them, and watch their
reactions. You'll see.

    OK, now that you've heard a little bit more of
my personal perspective, I'd like you to look back
into your life and think about all those
situations with women that made no sense at all...

    Think about the women that you treated
wonderfully that passed you up for the jerks...
and think about all the women "friends" you had...
the ones who told you about how mean and
inconsiderate their boyfriends were... while you
looked at them thinking "I would kill my own
mother for just one date with you."

    Is it all making sense now?



    It's harsh to think about, but it's true. (By
the way, if you don't do something to learn how to
make women feel ATTRACTION, then most likely, this
is going to keep happening to you for the rest of
your life.)

    I have to point out one more thing. As I
mentioned earlier, I think a lot of guys confuse
the idea of being "attractive" with the emotion

    You can make a woman feel an INCREDIBLE
ATTRACTION, even though you're not what most
people would think of as "attractive." Of course,
you have to know how...

    The point is that if you're not tall, handsome,
and dashing, you can LEARN how to make women feel
this wonderful emotion called ATTRACTION.

    It's a skill. It's taken me YEARS to be able to
even talk about this stuff in simple terms like
this that makes sense, and it's taken me the same
time to figure out how a regular guy like you or I
can make women who we used to think of as "out of
our league," feel ATTRACTION for us.

    How, you ask, can we do that?

    Well, you've read about the technique called
"Cocky and Funny"... that's a part of it.

    But there are several other pieces of the
puzzle, from voice tone and body language, to
specific ways to touch a woman to get her
physically turned on, and everything in between.
It's a system, and it all works together.

    There are two KEY aspects of learning how to be
successful with women and dating:

1) The Inner Game

2) The Outer Game

    The INNER GAME is all about learning how to
THINK and how to manage your thoughts and
emotions. It's also about understanding how and
why attractive women feel that amazing emotion
called ATTRACTION for some men, and not for MOST

    The OUTER GAME is all of the techniques, what
to say and such.

    Which is more important?

    Well, they're BOTH important.

    But what I notice is that most guys want to
learn the OUTER GAME first.

    In other words, they want pick-up lines, fancy
tricks, and other things.

    I can remember when I first started learning
this stuff.

    I had this idea in my mind that if I could
learn how to get women to give me their numbers
that I'd be the MAN.

    Well, I learned that I can get just about any
woman's phone number in a few minutes.

    But guess what?

    Once I learned how to get women's phone
numbers, I ran into a much BIGGER issue... the
women usually flaked out on me, didn't show up,

    And the ones that DID show up were difficult.

    Nothing happened.

    I realized that there had to be more.

    And, as it turns out, there is... A LOT more,
in fact.

    The REASON that the "Inner Game" is so
important, is that attractive women don't judge
you on your "pick-up lines."

    And just because a woman gives you her phone
number or email address DOES NOT mean that she
FEELS anything inside (like ATTRACTION).

    Women don't DECIDE to feel ATTRACTION for a

    ATTRACTION is something that happens on its
own, for its own reasons.

    Attraction Isn't A Choice!

    The way to cause women to feel ATTRACTION for
you is to UNDERSTAND how and why it works, and
then communicate in a way that makes it happen.

    In my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD
program, I spend several HOURS teaching "The Inner
Game"... all those things that help you get the
INSIDE together, so you can then get the OUTSIDE

    This stuff is CRITICAL to your success.

    I wouldn't have taken all the time, effort, and
energy to put this together unless I thought it
was important.

    If you want to overcome your challenges and
really take your success to the next level, then
you owe it to yourself to check it out.

    It's here:

    And if you haven't had a chance to download my
eBook "Double Your Dating: What Every Man Should
Know About How To Be Successful With Women," then
you need to do that now. You can download it and
be reading it within a few minutes...

    If you've tried all kinds of techniques, and
nothing seems to "work," then you need to work on
your Inner Game.   When you get the inner game
together, everything will start to work a LOT

    I'll talk to you again soon.

         Your Friend,

         David D.

P.S. If you'd like to see all of the different
programs I've created to help you learn how to
meet women, take a minute and check this out:

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

5 Ways To Lose A Girl FAST

5 Ways To Lose A Girl FAST

NOTE: If you're ready to finally say goodbye to the "inner
game challenges" like insecurity, fear, and anxiety
that are holding you back from TRUE success with
women... here is your answer:


    Now THIS sounds like an interesting topic,
doesn't it?

    Why would you want to know how to LOSE a girl?

    Well, I'm going to propose a DANGEROUS IDEA.

    I'm going to suggest that you are probably
already an EXPERT in LOSING a girl.

    You might even be a "natural" at it.

    Most guys are.

    But the PROBLEM is that most guys don't
UNDERSTAND why they're so good at LOSING women.

    In other words, they walk through the world
screwing up one situation after another, and never
realize JUST HOW GOOD they are at being BAD with

    And they don't realize that just by changing a
few key things they could change their level of

    One great way to increase your success in life
is to start REALIZING what you're doing. Once you
actually understand what you're doing and the
results you're triggering, you can CHANGE.

    So open your mind. Listen up.


    As you've probably heard me say about a million

    In fact, we're PAINFULLY predictable.

    We all do basically the same things when we get
into common situations with women...and we don't
even realize it.

    I call this the "Originality Paradox."

    In our desire to be "original" and "unique," we
guys tend to do the SAME THINGS! Said differently,
while you're doing something that seems thoughtful
and original, the attractive woman on the other
end is thinking, "He's just like all the other


    So why is being predictable so bad?

    Look at this formula:

    Predictable = BORING.

    Boring = NO EMOTIONS.

    No Emotions = NO ATTRACTION.

    No Attraction = NO GETTIN' SHIZZY WITH THA

    One of the VERY BEST ways to lose a girl is to

    Another huge mistake men make is GIVING AWAY
OUR POWER to women.

    I'm not going to go into it, but the reality is
that women are NOT attracted to WEAK men. And I'm
not talking about muscles here.

    If you act like a Wuss, you are shooting
yourself in the foot. Before we go on, I want to
mention something VERY important. If you have a
nasty case of "Wuss-itis" and you can't seem to
get rid of it, then go read THIS before you read
the rest of this newsletter:

    Here are a few examples of how we guys act
PREDICTABLE, give away our power, and make about
147 other huge mistakes with women we've just met:

1) Call Her All The Time

    If you like someone, it's logical that you're
going to want to let them know, right?

    Well, only if you like the idea of coming
across like a total Jack-Wuss. I just made that
up, by the way. Combination of Jackass and Wuss.
Not sure if I like it, but I'm going to go with

    Where was I?

    Yeah, calling her all the time.

    Calling all the time is usually triggered by
INSECURITY and NEEDINESS. It sounds like a good
idea, but it almost NEVER is.

    This is a great way to lose a girl before you
even have her. We might even call this one "Have

2) Offer To Take Her Somewhere "Nice"

    What do most guys do when they meet a girl that
they "really" like?

    Well, they call her up, and they get into a
boring conversation about schools and families and
jobs and 100 other painfully boring things...and
when they finally realize that they've been on the
phone for an hour, they realize that they'd better
do SOMETHING soon...because she's starting to talk
about having to go wash her dog....

    So what do they do?

    They think to themselves, "Self, you'd better
get up some nerve and ask her out. Hey! Self! I
have a GREAT idea. Ask her to go out with you to a
REALLY NICE place. She'll be far more likely to
want to do that, and besides, then she'll know
that you REALLY like her...."

    And what does this REALLY communicate?

    Right, right.

    That you have the confidence to just ask her to
spend time with you for NO REASON other than the
fact that you want to...and that you must not be
WORTH spending time with - without some kind of
"meal incentive."

    Meal Incentive... lol... I crack myself up.

    Well, this is one more example of something
that "sounds good" in the moment, but is BAD BAD
BAD for business.

3) Do "Thoughtful" Things From The Beginning

    What's better than a nice, thoughtful guy
showing up at the door with flowers and candy for
the first date?

    Well, to quote an old Saturday Night Live
episode, "Throwing an entire box of thumb tacks on
the floor, and rolling around in them naked."

    Or maybe taking one of know...
SERRATED KNIVES...yeah, that's it...and putting it
between your big toe and second toe and slicing
back and forth really fast...and then pouring...
you know...HOT SAUCE...yeah, that's it...on the

    I hate it when that happens!

    But we men do this kind of thing all the
time...because it sure sounds good in the moment.

    By the way, don't try the thumb tack thing or
the hot sauce thing UNLESS you're considering
purchasing flowers and candy to bring to a first
date. In that case, please take these measures to
prevent yourself from acting on the uncontrollable

    If you come on too strong, you appear just like
every other predictable Wussboy who has ever
tried to make himself look better by giving gifts
and food and favors in exchange for attention and

4) Tell Her How You "Feel" About Her Early On

    This might be one of my favorites.

    I'm starting to think that we guys must come
stock with a mechanism that actually compels us to
open our BIG FAT MOUTHS and screw things up with
only the BEST women.

    I'll call this the "Feeling Confessor"
mechanism. It is triggered by strong feelings of
attraction and emotion toward an unusually
attractive woman.

    I've talked to A LOT of attractive women in my
life. And they all have one similar experience to

    For some UNKNOWN and UNGODLY reason, men just
seem to LOVE telling SUPER HOT women how they FEEL
within the first couple of dates.

    As you might realize, I get a lot of emails
from guys...

    And one of the common emails I get goes a
little something like this:

"David, I met this unbelievably hot girl...she's
smart, interesting, successful...everything seemed
to be going I decided to tell her how I
felt...and for some reason she said that she needs
some "space" and some "time to be alone"...I don't
get it...."

    Again, when you do this you're making all kinds
of huge mistakes...and basically doing everything
you can do to LOSE her.

5) Keep Telling Her How You Feel When She Needs

    And as if the last example wasn't painful
enough, most guys usually like to use this final
"nail in the coffin" technique as well...

    Here's the situation:

    You've met a girl you really like. Maybe you've
gone out with her a few times. Doesn't matter.

    You do all the things you can think of to SCREW
IT UP, and you finally succeed.

    You prove to her that you just don't get it,
and you don't know how to handle a woman like her.

    So she says, "I need some space" or "I need
some time to myself."

    And what do most guys do?

    Of course. They KEEP telling her how they feel.

    And they do it in 100 annoying ways.

    The thought that most guys have is, "If she
only understood how I REALLY FELT ABOUT HER, then
she would LOVE ME."

    It's painful just typing the words.

    So there you have it.

    Part of the magic formula for losing a girl
fast. Interesting, isn't it?

    But there's a much DEEPER message here.

    The message is this:

    If you don't understand the process of how to
make women feel ATTRACTION for you, including the
things to AVOID doing, then you're not going to
have success.

    Not knowing the rules of a game makes it very
difficult (or impossible) to win.

    And, unfortunately, we guys have a HUGE
disadvantage when it comes to women and dating...

    We have emotional responses to situations that
take over our "thinking," and makes us do all the
wrong things.

    We usually sabotage OURSELVES.

    Well, the good news is that it does NOT have to
be this way. There is a BETTER way.

    If you found this particular discussion
interesting, then you're probably ready to learn
the DEEPER secrets of how to be more successful
with women and dating.

    If you're ready to STOP losing women faster
than you can meet them, then it's probably time
for you to step up and get yourself an education
about how to attract women and KEEP them

    And the best education in the world is my
Advanced Dating Techniques program. It's over 12
full hours of me teaching all of my very best

    This program will teach you everything from how
to overcome your fears of women to how to take
things to a "physical" level without running into
rejection. It is literally JAM PACKED with
HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of amazing step-by-step
techniques for overcoming all of your obstacles
and getting to the point in your life where you
have the kind of success that you've always wanted
with women.

    Go check out the great free samples here:

    And if you're reading this right now and you
haven't yet downloaded your copy of my online
eBook "Double Your Dating," I have something to
tell you...

    My eBook is the foundation for everything that
I teach in these newsletters, and it's the
foundation for my Advanced Dating Techniques

    Guys are surprised when they listen to the
Advanced Program because I don't just rehash
"Double Your Dating" and I talk about a few new

    The Advanced Program is almost ALL new stuff!

    And you need to read "Double Your Dating" TOO
because it contains a lot of valuable material
that sets the stage for everything else. It's
here, go download it now:

    I'll talk to you again soon.

         Your Friend,

         David D.

P.S. You can watch video clips of all my other
programs online anytime, 24/7, right here:

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mental "Tricks" For Approaching Women

Mental "Tricks" For Approaching Women

NOTE: There's ONE thing that every woman wants
to know when she meets you - are you "Mr. Right?"
Find out how YOU can be "Mr. Right" and attract
a high quality girlfriend right here:

    You know, it's been too long since we talked
about how to get a woman's email address and phone
number quickly after meeting her.

    I thought it might be time to have another
conversation about it, and give you some more
great ideas...


    I can still remember exactly what it was like
before I learned some of the secrets of how to
meet women.

    I have very clear memories of women that I saw
literally YEARS ago who I wanted to meet... but I
just didn't know what to do or how to do it.

    In some of the cases, I was actually talking to
the girl, enjoying a conversation... and REALLY
wanting to ask her for her number... but I just
didn't do it.

    But WHY?

    Why didn't I just say, "Hey, give me your

    The fact is that I was AFRAID.

    I was afraid that I'd say the wrong thing, or
that the woman I was talking to would say "no," or
that I'd offend her... or whatever.

    At the time, I always assumed that this was
some kind of strange curse that I had. I was
afraid of women, and didn't know what to say to
them, and I was ALONE.

    In other words, I not only felt like I had a
SERIOUS insecurity issue and fear, but even WORSE,
I didn't feel like I could TELL anyone about it...
or get help.

    I felt like a dork if I even MENTIONED the
topic to other guys... as if even talking about it
made it clear that I was a loser who didn't even
deserve an answer.

    So here I was, over and over again, in
situations where I would see women I wanted to
meet... but I just didn't know what to do.

    And I didn't know what would happen if I DID do
something. I was afraid of the unknown.

    Eventually, this led me to believe that there
was probably something wrong with ME - that I
should just accept and deal with it... and that
I'd probably wind up either alone or having to
settle for a relationship with a woman that I
wasn't attracted to.

    Ever been there?


    Well, when I finally made the decision to learn
about how to meet women on MY terms, I made it my
goal to learn how to get women's phone numbers.

    I "naturally" assumed that if I was able to get
a woman's number, that would be the key. That was
the "hard part" to me. If I could approach women
and get their numbers quickly, I thought I would
be "The Man."

    So I went to work.

    Here's what I learned...

    To begin with, I learned that most women will
respond somewhere between "neutral" and "positive"
to being "approached" by a man.

    Explained differently, out of the hundreds and
hundreds of times that I've started conversations
with women and seen my friends start conversations
with women, I have VERY, VERY rarely seen a woman
respond by getting upset, saying something rude,
or acting offended.

    The typical worst case scenario is a woman not
even stopping and just walking away, or responding

    And like I said, this is a typical WORST case.

    Another important lesson that I learned is that
when a woman responds in a way that is something
other than positive and receptive, it's usually
about HER, not about ME. In other words, either
she's not a nice person, she's not available,
she's in a hurry, she's in a bad mood, or
whatever... things that aren't within my control,
and that aren't my fault (or problem).

    I also realized that I was CAUSING a major
problem for myself without even realizing it...

    I used to have this idea that it would be
better if a woman didn't think that I was
"interested" in her. I thought that if I could
figure out a way to start a conversation and make
her like me because I was a "nice guy," then I
could somehow get her to see me in a "more
romantic" light later on.


    Little did I know that women ASSUME that you're
interested in MORE than friendship from the very
beginning, no matter WHAT you do or say.

    So when you try to act all innocent and
friendly, like you just want to be friends, women
usually assume that you're HIDING something, or
that you're just another major Wuss Boy...

    This is a bad thing.

    I learned that it is FAR better to make no
excuses at all and NEVER try to cover up the fact
that you're approaching her.

    Later on, as you're talking to her over tea or
coffee, and you're teasing her, making fun of her,
and busting on her, SHE'LL start to wonder on her
own what the hell is going on... which is perfect.

    In the beginning, just be damn good at what
you're doing... and don't try to cover it up or

    Pretending that you're a nice, friendly guy
who's only starting an innocent conversation is a
direct express route to an evening of self

>>>Before I get to "the goods," I need to
mention something. If you'd like to become a
MASTER of approaching women and starting
conversations, then make sure you check out my
"Approaching Women" DVD/CD program. It's the
ULTIMATE education on this topic. If you'd like to
see some video clips of the program and get all
the details, just go here:


    OK, so here are a few pointers when

1) It's OK To Ask Immediately...

    It STILL amazes me that a woman will give her
phone number and/or email address to a guy after
only a minute or two of conversation... but it's

    If you act cool about it, so will she.

    Do this: After talking for a minute or two say,
"I'm going to get back to my friends" (Or whatever
you were doing), and then turn away from her and
begin to leave.

    If you're getting ready to actually LEAVE the
place where you are (say you're at a bar, and
you're getting ready to go home or go somewhere
else), it's even BETTER.

    In that case say, "We're going to leave... it
was nice talking to you"... then turn away.

    Now, just after you break eye contact and turn
away, TURN BACK and say, "Hey!"

    She'll look back up, and be surprised...

2) Start With Something "Low Risk" she looks up ask, "Do you have email?" in
a calm, normal tone of voice.

    When she says "Yes" - you say, "Great, give it
to me, I'd like to talk to you again."

    Then pull out a pen, and hand it to her.

    As she's writing down her email address, just
as she writes the @ symbol (in other words, in the
middle), say "...and write your number there

    Finally, tell her to write her name down as

    Why do it this way?

    Good question.

-   At first you're asking, "Do you HAVE email?"

    This is a no-brainer. If she does (and most
women do), she'll say, "Yes." You're just treating
the "yes" as if she said, "Yes, I'll give it to
you..." It's a smooth, easy way to ask a "low
risk" question, and have a woman be the one to
MOST likely give you her information.

-   Email is considered "safe."

    I mean, what are you going to do, send her 100
emails a day? Ooooohhh, scary.

-   You're waiting until she's actually in the
MIDDLE of writing down her email for you to ask
her to also write her number down.

    This makes it FAR more likely that she'll give
you her number. At this point she's already
demonstrating to you and her that she's OK with
you contacting her again... and since she's
ALREADY writing, she's very likely to just KEEP
writing... her number.

3) The "Do You Have A Card" Variation

    You can also ask, "Do you have a card?" if you

    This is a classy, low risk way to ask a woman
for her contact information.

    Now, a lot of women DO NOT have cards, so
you're going to need the follow-up for when she
says, "No, I don't have one on me"... such as
"Well, invent one for me!"

    This is funny, charming, and smooth.

    Just take out a pen, and hand it to her.

    She'll know what to do.

4) Be Ready

    Probably half to two thirds of the time, a
woman will just write down her email for you.

    It's AMAZING how easily women will give out
their email addresses.

    But sometimes you'll meet with resistance.

    I can't go into all of the millions of possible
scenarios, but I will talk about the most COMMON

    Probably a quarter of the time, a woman will
say something like, "I don't give out my email to
people I don't know" or "I don't even know you"

    This one used to REALLY stump me... until I
found a simple solution...

    Here it is: Just point to the paper, and say
"Write it down."

    If she keeps resisting, make a joke.

    Say, "It's OK, just write it down. I'll only
email you every five minutes for the next month."

    The SIMPLE "Write it down" works wonders.

    You'll probably overcome HALF of the "I don't
give out my email/number" comments with this one
simple answer. Use it.

5) Mentally Rehearse

    One of the greatest investments you can make in

    Take some time to imagine exactly what it's
going to be like when you ask a woman for her

    Close your eyes, and picture a situation.

    Imagine how you're going to be standing, what
you're going to say, what she's going to say, how
you're going to take out the pen and hand it to
her, how you're going to answer any objections
that she gives you.

    Don't wait until you're in the situation to
realize that you don't know how to handle

    You'll realize all kinds of great stuff when
you mentally rehearse.

    You'll be vividly imagining a great
conversation, then you'll get to the part where
you ask, "Do you have email?" and she says, "Yes"
and you say, "Great, give it to me, I'd like to
talk to you again..." and as you mentally put your
hand in your pocket you'll realize that you don't
usually carry a pen with you!

    Or you'll realize that you don't carry paper
with you.

    Or you'll realize that your pen is usually in
your jacket, which is usually on the back of your
chair, and not with you at the bar.

    When you mentally rehearse, you program
yourself for success. So just DO IT!

6) Don't Sell Too Far In Advance

    This is SUCH an important concept. Maybe even
the most important thing I'm going to say.

    When you're getting a woman's email and number,
DO NOT try to convince her to marry you on the

    Don't "ask her out."

    Don't tell her that your mom is going to love

    Don't ask typical stupid questions like, "Do
you have a boyfriend"... and make it seem like
you're qualifying her for marriage.

    No, no, nooooo!

    As a matter of fact, the ONLY thing you want to
do is get her information.

    Many guys make the mistake of talking about
going out on a date, being interested, etc. or
tipping the woman off in some way that he's VERY
interested in her.

    This creates pressure and resistance. There's
ZERO mystery or tension created when you do this

    All you have to say is, "I'd like to talk to
you again." That's enough.

    And by the way, when you DO talk to her again,
make sure you avoid the same mistake! Don't talk
future and relationship and marriage then either.

    Just take things to the next step, which should
be a simple thing like tea and stimulating

    One small step at a time, and don't sell too
far in advance... ever. It only creates resistance
and nervousness on the part of the woman when you
hint that you're "interested" in a big way.

    So there you go... you've now learned how to
get a woman's email and number within minutes of
first meeting her.

    Use this stuff, it's taken me YEARS to figure
it all out...

    And if you'd like to know what to do AFTER you
get her email and number, I have some advice for
you. Check out my Advanced Dating Techniques

    Remember at the beginning of this email when I
mentioned that I originally thought to myself that
if I could get a woman's number fast, I would be
"the man"?

    Well, I quickly learned that there is A LOT
more to this than just being able to get numbers
fast (although being able to get a woman's number
in 2 or 3 minutes doesn't exactly suck)...

    There are many steps between first meeting a
woman and getting her to feel a POWERFUL GUT LEVEL
ATTRACTION for you... and between her feeling that
attraction and the two of you "getting physical".

    If you know all the steps, and how this all
works it will likely go very smoothly and
naturally. If you DON'T know all the steps, it
will likely NOT go smoothly AT ALL, and you'll run
into more problems than you can imagine.

    That's where my Advanced Dating Techniques
program comes in...

    You will get over 12 solid hours of digital
video and/or audio of me teaching everything from
the ground up on how to take things all the way
from beginning to end... from the first meeting
through the first date...all the way to the
bedroom, and beyond.

    You'll learn how to overcome your limiting
beliefs about women... how to eliminate your fears
of talking to women... how to make women feel
ATTRACTION for you, even if you don't have money
or looks, etc.

    In other words, it's a complete system.

    You'll learn everything you need to know in
order to start meeting and dating more women

    The best part?

    You have ZERO risk.

    I'll send the program to you... and you can try
it for a month. If you don't like it, just send it
back and you don't have to pay anything.

    Isn't that the way it SHOULD be?

    All the details, and some great audio and video
samples are here... check it out:

    ...and if you STILL haven't downloaded your
copy of my original eBook "Double Your Dating,"
then you need to do that now. It's jam packed with
dozens and dozens of my personal techniques for
meeting and dating women, and it comes with THREE
great bonus booklets that aren't available
anywhere else. Go download it here:

    I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.

         Your Friend,

         David D.

P.S. If you're serious about learning how to
attract women, make sure you check out all of the
other programs I've put together to teach you. You
can watch video clips of all of them right here:

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