Wednesday, November 4, 2020

1 Woman 2 Men + Expanded Orgasm Technique (Mailbag)

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A lot of women are sex­u­al­ly unsat­is­fied.

And it's not always because the man in the rela­tion­ship can­not phys­i­cal­ly sat­is­fy her.

Some­times, they don't want to give her plea­sure.

It sounds strange for a guy not to want sex. But it hap­pens.

A read­er emailed me about this very prob­lem. Now, in her sit­u­a­tion, not even TWO men can sat­is­fy her sex­u­al­ly.

What's the prob­lem?

Check out her email and my response below.

How To Reverse Erec­tile Dys­func­tion ⇐ Check Out My Video

Learn More About Expand­ed Orgasm Here ⇐ Watch All The Videos On This Page

Video Where Tim and I Talk About Our Expand­ed Orgasm Prac­tice ⇐ We Do It Too

No Sex­u­al Advice Please ⇐ Click here and you will only get Rela­tion­ship Advice


"Dear Susan,

I want­ed some advice on mak­ing both the men in my life devel­op their capac­i­ty to meet my sex­u­al and inti­mate needs.

My hus­band, in his 70's, does not ini­ti­ate inti­ma­cy or sex­u­al plea­sure. Only when I am get­ting into bed for a cud­dle, he becomes open­ly lov­ing and affec­tion­ate. He will cud­dle and plea­sure me with his hands. How­ev­er, there is no inti­ma­cy or pen­e­tra­tive sex. Not for more than three years.

I received a propo­si­tion last year. I had to con­sid­er whether I want to live in the present or go with society's pro­grammed morals. After con­sid­er­able reflec­tion, I decid­ed to live and love in the present.

I went ahead with anoth­er per­son. I stayed away overnight.

My hus­band accept­ed it. How­ev­er, I know he is like­ly affect­ed sub­con­scious­ly.

Now here's anoth­er thing. I found that I nev­er stopped lov­ing my hus­band, although I have shown anger in the past that he had aban­doned me in inti­ma­cy.

Yet, I also love the oth­er man. He is in anoth­er rela­tion­ship. It seems that maybe until recent­ly, they were not inti­mate.

He has been in chasti­ty since this sum­mer. I have the oth­er key. Both of us have had dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions in our lives, and he has not allowed me to remove the chasti­ty but has giv­en me plea­sure through oral sex.

I have not seen him for the past three months. I feel that we both need space to grow. Both need to learn about being emo­tion­al­ly healthy for our fam­i­lies (both of us have teenage and young adults as chil­dren). His wife needs him, and my hus­band needs me.

Both men show a lack of inter­est in meet­ing me halfway with inti­ma­cy and sex­u­al attrac­tion.

I won­dered if you can help me with how to go for­ward.

I have come to terms in life that we are all ener­gy and have to live in the present.

Yours sin­cere­ly,
Saman­tha (not her real name)"

Hel­lo Saman­tha,

Your hus­band prob­a­bly stopped touch­ing you because he has erec­tile dys­func­tion.

Help him reverse his ED by learn­ing what to do from my YouTube chan­nel.

How To Reverse Erec­tile Dys­func­tion ⇐ Check Out My Video

Guys often don't know how to fix this issue them­selves and need a woman's sup­port.

Restart your romance and sex­u­al­i­ty with him. Have him keep hold­ing you and giv­ing you orgasms every way he can: oral, man­u­al, and using sex toys.

You can still have sexy times with­out his erec­tion. Don't give up on him.

Con­cern­ing your lover, there is an issue where he isn't giv­ing you a hard penis either, for what­ev­er rea­son. So he is not a suit­able lover unless you want him for anoth­er rea­son.

If you're going to take a lover, find some­one who can sex­u­al­ly sat­is­fy you. There are tons of men out there with hard cocks who will ser­vice and sex­u­al­ly help you. I wouldn't hang on to this one unless he's mak­ing you hap­py because you risk a lot by hav­ing an affair.

Start work­ing on rekin­dling your husband's romance and get­ting him back in the lover's state of mind. I rec­om­mend that you con­sid­er start­ing an Expand­ed Orgasm prac­tice with him while try­ing to fig­ure out the best path to fix his ED or find that some­thing besides ED is pre­vent­ing him from hav­ing inter­course with you.

Learn More About Expand­ed Orgasm Here ⇐ Watch All The Videos On This Page

Video Where Tim and I Talk About Our Expand­ed Orgasm Prac­tice ⇐ We Do It Too

In the mean­time, if you want to, you can look for an alter­nate lover who can give you sat­is­fy­ing inter­course ses­sions. You might even ask your hus­band if you can take a lover. He might want to par­tic­i­pate, so you have two guys giv­ing you orgasms. Many men like to "dou­ble team" a woman and see her many incred­i­ble orgasms. You wrote to me for ideas, and this is an equal­ly rea­son­able option.

Bot­tom line: don't give up on your sex­u­al­i­ty. You're doing a good job try­ing to fig­ure out what to do. Keep going. Work both lines:

1) Solve your mar­i­tal sex­u­al issues
2) Find a lover who sat­is­fies you or reme­di­ate the sit­u­a­tion with your hus­band.

You'll know what feels right for you.

Let me know how it goes.

With Love,

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

P.S. Watch For More Awesome Articles Coming This Week:

- Riveting testimonial about the FLOW and TRIO supplements

- ☄️ No Gagging DEEP Blow Jobs (VIDEO)

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

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