Wednesday, August 12, 2020

NEW! Intimate Breathing Technique for Lovers

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Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

In between each breath, you and your part­ner become more and more con­nect­ed, at peace, and are one. You breathe in your partner's breath... and they breathe yours out. The warmth and con­nec­tion that flows from your bod­ies are alive and vibrant. Time fades away as each breath pulls you deep­er into your lover's pres­ence.

Ready to breathe new life into your rela­tion­ship, Here is my pow­er­ful "Lover's Breath" tech­nique...

Before we get into this deli­cious tech­nique, let me ask you. Have you ever thought about a sen­su­al video col­lec­tion as the per­fect roman­tic gift?

What is more potent than learn­ing new bed­room skills togeth­er?

If you want to pre­view the col­lec­tion, click this link to get an email the day before the sale begins to see for your­self you want this:

Steamy Sex Ed® Ear­ly Noti­fi­ca­tion ⇐ Expe­ri­ence Incred­i­bly Hot Pas­sion. Get On The VIP List (Heart-con­nect­ed, sen­su­al, pas­sion­ate love­mak­ing videos)

You'll get a one-day advanced notice before oth­er peo­ple so you can have a chance to con­sid­er pur­chas­ing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Col­lec­tion before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

Take a minute to click the link above and then read on:

You already know that breath­ing deeply sends oxy­gen (and ener­gy) cours­ing through your body.

Breath­ing syn­co­pates your heart rate and con­nects your ner­vous sys­tem with your partner's.

When you focus on your breath, it gets you out of your mind chat­ter and into your body, which helps you calm down and FEEL more.

When you breathe more deeply, you expe­ri­ence more plea­sure.

Now go beyond just fill­ing your lungs with air, Yes, take even deep­er breaths. But instead of think­ing about the vol­ume of air that you're fill­ing your lungs, I want you to think about how you're actu­al­ly breath­ing oxy­gen into your entire body.

Oxy­genate your whole being, espe­cial­ly your eroge­nous zones.

Now you're ready for a lover's mutu­al breath­ing tech­nique.

I want you to try this with your part­ner tonight so you can "breathe" inti­ma­cy and warmth into your rela­tion­ship.

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I call this tech­nique, "Lover's Breath." This is how you con­nect your ner­vous sys­tems togeth­er through breath­ing.

In this tech­nique, the per­son with the larg­er set of lungs is the leader. In the case of a man and woman as a cou­ple, the man would lead this breath­ing expe­ri­ence... Unless she's a world cham­pi­on free­d­iv­er.

The leader starts breath­ing very slow­ly and delib­er­ate­ly and the per­son with the small­er lung capac­i­ty fol­lows your breath­ing.

What you have to remem­ber as the leader is that your lungs are big­ger and hold more air com­pared to their lungs, so what you're going to actu­al­ly be doing is breath­ing more shal­low­ly and a lit­tle bit faster than you might do nor­mal­ly.

If you have small­er lungs, you will breathe a lit­tle bit more deeply and a lit­tle bit more quick­ly than you nor­mal­ly do.

First, you start breath­ing togeth­er. It's nice to sit fac­ing each oth­er or lying down, look­ing into each other's eyes.

Then over time as you get into a breath­ing rhythm, you switch it so that when you're inhal­ing, your part­ner is exhal­ing.

You are breath­ing in your lover's breath, and they are breath­ing in yours. You are hold­ing your faces close, almost kiss­ing, eyes gaz­ing into each oth­er inten­tion­al­ly and pas­sion­ate­ly...

This inter­play of breath allows your ner­vous sys­tems to con­nect togeth­er to make you feel real­ly inti­mate­ly con­joined.

This is very erot­ic, very sexy, and real­ly a turn-on.


Every time you learn new bed­room skills, your sex life improves. Though you may have only been intro­duced to me recent­ly, I've been a trust­ed rela­tion­ship advi­sor to mil­lions of peo­ple around the world for over a decade.

If you want to learn more sen­su­al pas­sion tech­niques, get on our Steamy VIP list.

Get On The VIP List ⇐ Over 200 Advanced, Sen­su­al, Inti­ma­cy Tech­niques You've Nev­er Seen Before (NEW Ful­ly Remas­tered Videos)

Work On Love And Pas­sion,
Susan Brat­ton

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

P.S. There will only be a limited number of copies. And we usually sell out days before the sale ends. So I suggest you sign up for the VIP list to get your copy before everybody else gets the chance to order theirs.

So if you want to be at the head of the line, in front of everybody else who can't wait to get a taste of the NEW Fully Remastered Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, get on the VIP List today!

Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection VIP List ⇐ Jump To The Head of the Line!

The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection will be at 60% off VERY SOON!

P.P.S. Watch For More Awesome Articles Coming This Week:

- "Is FLOW safe for me?" (Mailbag)
- Sacred Spot Healing And Release for Lovers

- ❤ 3 Things I Love About You

- Slow Sweet Intimacy Videos [PICS]

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA, (888) 963-9025

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