Read on below for a personal story of mine on how even the most heart-breaking, soul-crushing things in our lives can lead to purposeful revelation, awakening, and greater ideas that would never have come otherwise... how something that could have hurt me turned into something wonderfully positive.
How do you do your thinking?
When I'm wrestling with something, I like to mull it over in my head.
I like to think aloud to Tim in a stream of consciousness, never sure what will come out of my mouth.
And I like to "sleep on it."
Often, when I awake, an answer is revealed.
But not this morning… and not yesterday morning, either.
What I've been thinking about is this email to you.
What can I say to you that I haven't said that would be valuable and meaningful to your intimate life?
On our website, you can search for free articles, ebooks, audios, and videos on hundreds of intimacy areas including:
• Your pleasure potential
• Lovemaking techniques
• Positions
• Touch techniques
• Arousal
• Libido
• Desire
• Tantric intimacy
• Becoming sexual soulmates
• How to be present behind closed doors
• How to ask for what you want
• Romance and passion techniques
• How to rewrite your libido story
• How to restore intimate function
• Libido supplements
• The all-important notions of engorgement and blood flow
• Genital anatomy
• How men and women like to be made love to
• How to establish polarity
• How to ravish a lover
• How to transform having sex into making love
• How and when to have the safe sex talk
• The benefits of self-pleasure
• Establishing your boundaries and stating your desires
• How to use online dating
• Romance games
• Love games
• How to schedule erotic playdates... and on and on.
All these topics and thousands more are at your fingertips using the search tools at and
To date, I've given you over 200 free videos, over 30 free ebooks, and more than 2,000 articles. Every day I answer one, two, three, four, five emails from you about your issues... pointing you in the right direction for answers, giving you actionable advice to remove your roadblocks to pleasure and connection. Every day we handle 20-50 customer care requests.
And I just want to thank you. YOU asked me about all of these things. You created my awareness through your questions, your seeking, your pain, and your desire.
You are my muse. My catalyst.
Your questions and problems are what drives me to keep creating solutions.
Just yesterday, I reached out to a customer.
The backstory of this interaction started in February.
Tim and I began to work with a company that could help us get our FLOW Nitric Oxide blood flow supplement and our three libido vitamins, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE onto Amazon.
It cost us $35,000 in fees to the company for the listings and support. It cost us $25,000 in inventory and warehousing. And it cost us six months of dedicated effort to launch it on Amazon.
And then the very first thing that happened when we went live was we got a 1-star review by a customer.
For many people, a negative review is a soul-crushing response to months of heart-connected work and dedication.
However, this customer was a "Game-Changer" for us. A customer who responds with truth is a HERO in our eyes because we can use this experience to improve ourselves.
The lone 1-star review meant that six months' worth of work and $60,000 were flushed down the toilet... if we don't discover the "WHY."
At first, we were crushed. Deeply, painfully, bereft. We asked ourselves, how could we recover from this?
It took us a while to mentally recover from the gut-punch and realize that this was not completely bad news.
In fact, this is actually GOOD NEWS!
That meant people were buying our products. It said that people want something MUCH BETTER than what the rest of the world is offering.
A healthier, sexier, livelier, energy-abounding life. A life that no other company is even planning to provide.
We spent so much time, money, and energy formulating and developing the very best product that we could ever imagine. Our readers, followers, customers, and fans have trust in us.
And it's only right we work our butts off to keep nurturing that trust.
This wasn't a roadblock. It was a right turn towards better customer service, interaction, and satisfaction.
The review meant that we needed to look deeper at what we were doing and improve every little thing.
It was an eye-opener to greater things. Here's why...
We reached out to the customer.
Finally, I was able to talk to him via text after two weeks of follow up.
It turns out he took all three vitamins at once.
The TRIO is a 90-day supply, yet he was taking it in 30 days. Of course, he developed diarrhea. If you took three times the amount of any vitamin, you'd get loose bowels. After overdosing, even when he tried two capsules, it caused him issues.
He said he wanted to get the maximum benefit, so he took all three at the same time.
And this may be true for many other guys and gals too. Many of us do the max, thinking we will increase our gains.
More reps. More weights. More rounds. More pumps. More knowledge. More action. More thrusts. More hits. More push. More meditation. More hugs. More of everything.
Thank god he replied to my text so I could find out what had happened.
I take responsibility for not being crystal clear that you only take DRIVE, or BOOST, or DESIRE - never all three together.
This was the revelation for me.
We are putting in place more stopgaps to make sure people understand the Libido TRIO is a 90-day supply. Taking them at the same time means you're taking 300% of the US Recommended Daily Allowance. They are made to take just two capsules a day, not six.
Once I spoke to him, he couldn't find where he'd emailed us. So he updated his Amazon reviews. He thanked me for all the articles and videos he'd enjoyed over the years from us. And he shared that due to my trusted recommendations, he'd gotten GAINSWave treatments to restore lost vitality.
We both felt a lot better, having figured out what the problem was and solving it.
I was very appreciative that I was able to resolve this gentleman's issues. And even more grateful that he updated our reviews and saved us from a complete loss of money and time.
If you buy our supplements on Amazon and love what we do, please leave us a good review. We really, really need it for our success.
I don't take my responsibilities for your health and happiness lightly. We are fragile creatures, and I hold you in my heart at all times.
We've had our Care team for over a decade, and we answer emails the same or next business day. If you send us an email and don't see a reply, please check your spam folder. We reply to every email.
Also, we have a new treat for you! We've established a phone concierge support line for you.
Mike is our new phone concierge. You can now CALL US and talk to Mike about any questions you have 9-5 US Pacific time at +1 307-240-6862.
And as always, you can reply to any email, and my Care team or I will respond.
We are building the best possible customer care infrastructure any supplement company can create. In these times of great mistrust, we will continue to be here for you, supporting you in your health and intimacy.
One more heads-up before you scroll down and read this week's free articles.
Our fantastic, sensual Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection will be 60% off on August 27th for five days only, or until we sell out. Fully Remastered for higher quality. We only have 500 copies available. VIPs get first chance at the sale price with no obligation to purchase. Click this link:
Click Here to get on the Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection 60% OFF Sale VIP List.
This is the collection I made for women to watch with their partners. Relatable couples demonstrate over 200 heart-connected pleasuring techniques.
If you're an existing customer, you will automatically get the new, digitally remastered videos in your online membership area. We will also be reaching out to customers who want to get the new DVDs shipped to you. Don't worry. We have a "Steamy Customer Care Package" for you.
Let me know what new subject areas you'd like me to cover. Call Mike to talk about anything related to our supplements. Buy on Amazon and write us a good review. Save up for the Steamy video sale. And now scroll down, so you don't miss this week's free sex advice.
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