This email is for women only. If you're a man, please click here so we won't send you email for women. ⇐ Men Click Here Nothing kills intimacy and desire faster than pain. Not even the strongest woman feels like getting intimate with her partner when her body is screaming in pain and discomfort. Over 30% of women experience chronic pelvic pain at some point in their lives. Women cope with this kind of pain two ways: Some women force themselves to stay intimate and end up faking pleasure when they feel pain. Others choose to withdraw from intimacy completely. If you're experiencing something pain from sex, and your relationship is taking a beating because of your pelvic pain, I've got something for you. Pelvic therapist Isa Herrera, MSPT, with over 14,704 healings under her belt, reveals her secret to happier "Lady Parts" in 3 weeks or less with her quick and easy 5-step method. Isa is holding a FREE Masterclass where she talks about her experience with healing pelvic pain. Click Here To Sign Up FREE ⇐ Isa Herrera's Pelvic Healing Masterclass LIVE AND LOVE HAPPY Isa has had over 14,000 healings under her belt. That speaks volumes of how effective her methods are, and how many women are now living pain-free lives. In her Masterclass, she reveals her secret to happier "Lady Parts" in 3 weeks or less with her quick 5-step method which she calls the S.T.A.R.R. System. Here's what you're going to discover when you join her FREE Masterclass: • Discover the specific kind of pelvic floor you have (and why it's important for determining the kind of pain you're experiencing) • A super-easy pain-relief pelvic massage if you've been experiencing ANY pain during intimacy (this will help you reconnect again) • Why Kegel exercises might be making your leaking, pain, and prolapse worse (and what you should do instead) • 3 proven exercises proven to help to heal urine leaking (can be done in the comfort of your home) • The ONE exercise that instantly relieves annoying pain, burning or pressure in your pelvic area (can be done in under 90 seconds) Click Here To Sign Up FREE ⇐ Isa Herrera's Pelvic Healing Masterclass Live Joyfully, Susan P.S. Isa doesn't promise that ALL the pain will go away instantly. Our bodies are different. We react and heal at different paces. However, what she does promise is that her methods work. Tens of thousands of women all over the world now live with zero to minimal pain, leakage, and discomfort. I'll take that over ANY expensive surgical treatment. That's why I follow her advice daily. Click Here To Sign Up FREE ⇐ Isa Herrera's Pelvic Healing Masterclass Susan Bratton, "Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions" of lovers who crave lifelong intimacy and passion. As the Dear Abby of Sex, she has helped create and revive countless sex lives with her bestselling books and programs such as Relationship Magic, Sexual Soulmates, The Passion Patch, Revive Her Drive and her Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection. For more insider tips, follow her on Instagram and subscribe to her Better Lover YouTube channel. |
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