"But if you make an organic salad and then dump sugar and chemical-filled salad dressing on it, you're defeating the purpose. Use this easy salad dressing recipe for optimal erectile health." Hi Jmonty1945@gmail.com, Nutrition - what you eat - is the single biggest factor in your sexual health. Arterial plaque shows up first as it clogs a man's penis veins. If he can't get it up, it's likely the fatty build-up in his arteries is causing issues with hardness. ED is an early warning sign for heart attack and stroke. Women are affected too, because we have the same amount of erectile tissue in our vulva as men do in their penis. So if we have fatty plaque, it affects our orgasmic potential. Women need erectile health too! THE FIRST VEIN TO CLOG IS IN THE PENIS Managing your gut microbiome has become a BIG THING. That's because people are now becoming more aware of how many chemicals and toxins are in our food. Sex is, in large part, about circulation. That's why a good diet combined with burst exercises will keep you healthy the most. Salad Dressing For Better Sex ⇐ Make This At Home Tonight Green Drink For Libido ⇐ Here Are Some Erectile Function Super Formulas (Great for women and men's sexual function.) Superfood Smoothies For Men ⇐ Helps Improve Semen Volume, Erection Strength, And Sexual Stamina EASY WAY TO EAT YOUR VEGGIES The single best way to easily modify your diet is to focus on increasing vegetable consumption and switching to pasture-raised, grass-fed meats and sustainable seafoods. The easiest, fastest way to pack vegetables into your diet is to eat salads. EASY! MAKE YOUR OWN DRESSING Use organic leafy greens and raw veggies like celery, carrots, radishes, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts of all kinds, tomatoes, peppers, scallions, zucchini, cabbages and whatever you love. Organic raw nuts and seeds like sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, almonds, cashews or walnuts are packed with healthy nutrients. As are herbs. Chives, parsley, dill and mint are all delicious additions too. But if you make an organic salad and then dump sugar and chemical-filled salad dressing on it, you're defeating the purpose. You won't believe how easy it is to make a couple of batches of dressing and store them in the fridge. Here's my go-to, salad dressing recipe for better sex! Salad Dressing For Better Sex ⇐ Make This At Home Tonight Green Drink For Libido ⇐ Here Are Some Erectile Function Super Formulas (Great for women and men's sexual function.) Superfood Smoothies For Men ⇐ Helps Improve Semen Volume, Erection Strength, And Sexual Stamina Eat Well And Make Love, Susan TIM MAKING OUR MORNING SMOOTHIES |
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