Friday, July 17, 2020

"Fasting-Mimicking Diet" SUPER EASY!

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Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

How Tim and I get rid of bel­ly fat. (secret cheat!)

Have you been hear­ing about all the peo­ple who are fast­ing? Water fast­ing. Inter­mit­tent fast­ing. The Fast­ing Mim­ic­k­ing Diet.

This "fast­ing-mim­ic­k­ing diet" is the eas­i­est way to reset your blood sug­ar, lose bel­ly fat, and increase your healthspan.

Tim and I have done five of these food-in-a-box 5-day fasts. He usu­al­ly los­es 7 lbs, I usu­al­ly lose 5 lbs and most of what we lose is bel­ly fat. The FMD cleans out our cel­lu­lar debris (autophagy) and releas­es stem cells to heal our bod­ies.

Every­body is talk­ing about inter­mit­tent fast­ing. The way I like to do it is with this box of tasty, but calo­rie-restrict­ed food called Pro­Lon.

Pro­Lon (pro­long your longevi­ty) is a fast­ing-mim­ic­k­ing diet that ships 5 days of all the food you need right to your house.

Check Out Pro­lon ⇐ Fast­ing-Mim­ic­k­ing Meals With The Ben­e­fits Of Long Fasts With­out The Has­sle And Hunger - Save 10% with my Pro­mo Code PLM10


You know that our ances­tors had lean years and food short­ages.

And they fast­ed for reli­gious rea­sons - Yom Kip­pur, Ramadan, Lent.

Today we eat all day and into the night. Which doesn't give our bod­ies time to reset and clean up at a cel­lu­lar lev­el.

When you stop eat­ing, your cells can do what is called autophagy. (aw-toff-a-gee) It's like spring-clean­ing for your cells. Cel­lu­lar reju­ve­na­tion.

Pro­Lon is a 5-day dietary pro­gram that nour­ish­es your body while pro­mot­ing regen­er­a­tive and reju­ve­nat­ing changes, includ­ing effects on a wide range of mark­ers that con­tribute to aging, such as cho­les­terol, inflam­ma­tion, and fast­ing glu­cose.

20 years of exten­sive pre­clin­i­cal and clin­i­cal stud­ies spon­sored by the Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health (NIH) and con­duct­ed at the Longevi­ty Insti­tute and Dia­betes and Obe­si­ty Research Insti­tute of the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia (USC) result­ed in the devel­op­ment of the first FMD® (Pro­Lon®) which stim­u­lates:

• High lev­el of pro­tec­tion and stress resis­tance in cells
• Removal of dam­aged cells and tis­sues
• Self-repair of cells result­ing in regen­er­a­tion and reju­ve­na­tion with­in your body

Check Out Pro­lon ⇐ Fast­ing-Mim­ic­k­ing Meals With The Ben­e­fits Of Long Fasts With­out The Has­sle And Hunger - Save 10% with my Pro­mo Code PLM10

This is the day one box of food sit­ting on my counter.


The food tastes great and it guar­an­tees you will go into autophagy with­out hav­ing to learn a bunch of stuff about fast­ing.

I'm busy! I just want the ben­e­fits of los­ing weight and avoid­ing dis­eases that short­en my life. (and a nip in my waist­line)

Tim and I went to see a very famous man named Aubrey de Grey speak. He's a world-renowned bio­med­ical geron­tol­o­gist (life exten­sion sci­en­tist). He said that calo­rie restric­tion doesn't make you live longer. The rea­son fast­ing works is because it pre­vents you from con­tract­ing dis­eases that kill you like heart dis­ease and stroke, dia­betes, can­cer, and demen­tia.

He even looks like Methuse­lah! Haha.


What Aubrey said about how fast­ing pre­vents you from get­ting the dis­eases that make you a sick old per­son was an epiphany for me and makes com­plete sense.

He also says start doing anti-aging things like fast­ing ear­ly. The ear­li­er in life you begin fast­ing, the more your body can repair the dam­ages, there­by staving off dis­ease.

Tim and I like doing these 5-day fast­ing-mim­ic­k­ing diets after we've trav­eled. Eat­ing out and drink­ing more than nor­mal pack on the pounds.

My friend Dr. Felice Gersh, who ran Obstet­rics for Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia Irvine (a MAJOR hos­pi­tal), has done Pro­Lon 13 times. She says she's "de-aging" her­self. She trav­els around the world speak­ing and has amaz­ing ener­gy.

When you do the Pro­Lon fast you just eat what's in the box when they tell you to. You gain an incred­i­ble amount of extra time because you're not for­ag­ing, feed­ing or clean­ing up.

With the Pro­Lon fast you:

• Lose Stub­born Abdom­i­nal Fat
• Acti­vate Reju­ve­na­tion from With­in
• Expe­ri­ence Men­tal Clar­i­ty
• Your Skin Looks and Feels Bet­ter

Day four is when I hit this mas­sive peak of men­tal clar­i­ty. On day five, I take a real­ly big poo. At first you think, "How could I poo that big if I haven't eat­en in four days?" Then you real­ize, OMG that was my body is get­ting rid of cel­lu­lar waste!

The box­es keep for a while so you can get the dis­count and still do the fast­ing-mim­ic­k­ing diet in Feb­ru­ary or March with no prob­lem.

Once you do one, you'll see how easy it is and how lit­tle you miss food - and how much you love the extra time you get! What you'll love most is feel­ing lighter, health­i­er and know­ing you're staving off ill­ness so you can add life to your years!

Check Out Pro­lon ⇐ Fast­ing-Mim­ic­k­ing Meals With The Ben­e­fits Of Long Fasts With­out The Has­sle And Hunger - Save 10% with my Pro­mo Code PLM10

To Opti­mal Health,

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

This is my beach house. ProLon ships right to your door, wherever you are. All you need is a pot and a stovetop.

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Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA, (650) 948-0500

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