Friday, July 31, 2020

[Urgent] 6 Hours Left To Change Your Life

Hey Man,

This is coming down to the wire…

If you have any interest at all in changing your life by succeeding in love at last, you MUST take action now.

6 Hours Left To Take Action And Change Your Life

This is your LAST CHANCE to save big on my powerhouse new program called "Love: The Final Chapter"- including over 30 hours of intensive "live" training that reveals every secret and technique you'll need to:

  • Find and meet your own "most amazing woman in the world"
  • Make her feel that unstoppable feeling called attraction for YOU
  • Create the lasting, passionate, fulfilling relationship of your dreams with her
  • Plus much, much more!

It took me at least 20 years to find these answers.

Now, the only question is... how much time do YOU want to waste feeling insecure, frustrated, even hopeless about love?

6 More Hours To Save Big On Love's Magic Secrets

In "Love: The Final Chapter," I welcome dozens of experts, special guests, and regular guys (just like us) as I share the magic secrets of meeting and keeping your ultimate dream woman.

Then I go even further…

My own "most amazing woman" - my wife - joins me on stage to give us a rare and priceless inside view of our relationship…

… including a complete, totally priceless "answer key" for what every great woman REALLY wants from a man.

But like I said… time is running out.

There are 6 hours left to get all of this and more… all at HUGE SPECIAL SAVINGS that I want YOU to get in on as a loyal viewer of my videos.

Click here for all the details:

6 More Hours To Take Action And Change Your Life

And remember... in just 6 hours, this special offer is going away and may NEVER be available again.

By the way - like all of my programs, "Love: The Final Chapter" also comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Add it all up, and you have absolutely nothing to lose. That in mind… isn't it time YOU started feeling happy in love at last?

This is the best way by far that I've found to do it.

I really hope you don't miss out.

David D.

P.S. Since I don't want money to stand in the way of your relationship success, I also have an affordable payment plan option.


Double Your Dating LLC 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 United States (800) 749-1325

Meet Hundreds Of Great Women Without Leaving Home! Here's How

Hi Man,


Did you know there's a way to build *intense* sexual feelings in a woman... all while just chatting online?

Just type a certain message to her, and she'll be dying to meet you, and I mean ASAP.

This one's the ultimate "online aphrodisiac" with results that carry over into the "real world" almost TOO WELL.

Learn all about it here.


 Having trouble viewing this email? CLICK HERE


   Okay, you read the subject line of this email.

   You clicked to open it.

   So there must be something INSIDE YOU RIGHT NOW that likes the sound of it:



   Maybe it's because you're shy.

   Maybe it's because you haven't had much experience with women yet.

   Maybe you've had BAD experiences out there in the "real world."


   Point is, in today's world more than ever, it's like a life-changing MIRACLE for certain guys...

   You really CAN meet tons of great women, all right from the comfort of your own home, more easily than you ever dreamed possible.

   So why aren't YOU?

   Why aren't you using the same computer you're looking at right now to ping, chat with and meet DOZENS of girls... maybe even HUNDREDS... one of whom might be your future "Mrs. Right?"

   To put it another way:

A) You have a computer.

B) You know how to type.

C) You're a guy who opened this email from me.


   There's no reason that A + B + C shouldn't add up to AMAZING possibilities for you to connect with these great women... real, flesh-and-blood women... all of whom are also looking for someone RIGHT THIS MOMENT.

   I can guarantee you this...

   It beats the hell out of sitting home playing Call Of Duty and surfing porn.

   (Not that I know this from personal experience.)

   But again:

   Fact is, if you're NOT taking advantage of this miraculous way to connect with and meet great women by the dozens almost EFFORTLESSLY...

   WHY NOT?????

   I ask you this with such urgency for 1 reason:

   My own personal experience.

   See, I wasted a tragic amount of time before GETTING A CLUE about climbing aboard the express to success called MEETING WOMEN ONLINE.

   Here's what clueless, old-fashioned David D. used to think:

   Even though I was okay at meeting women and getting dates in the real world (maybe even BECAUSE of it) I believed that meeting women
online was a whole other ballgame. One that I just didn't "get." One that I thought would be hard to learn.

   I thought it required an entirely different set of skills than meeting women in more traditional ways.

   And I was RIGHT about that much, at least.

   When it came to meeting women online, I found out fast that I had to get phone numbers differently.

   That I had to handle phone conversations differently.

   That, when it came time to set up that first "real world" date, I had to do it differently.

   Right on down the line.

   But guess what:


   Once I learned how to make meeting women online work for me, I WAS BLOWN AWAY.

   In fact, I was more than blown away...

   I was downright KICKING MYSELF for wasting so much time before finally discovering the miracle that I was missing out on.

   Sure, it turns out meeting women online was a different ballgame...

   A game that was **MUCH EASIER TO WIN**!!!!

   I always say that, suddenly, it was like I had my own "dating success machine," because there's just no clearer way to put it.

   Suddenly -- no exaggeration -- succeeding with women was as simple as turning on my computer.

   Meeting and dating a woman from the online world was actually FAR EASIER than meeting a woman the "regular way" because everything was so SYSTEMATIC.

   Once the processes were in place (like where to go online... what to say to women in emails and chats... how to get real-world dates) succeeding with women became truly AUTOMATIC.

   Which brings me back to why I'm checking in with you today...

   Let me ask you this:

   If you could wave a magic wand, jump around in circles on one foot, and suddenly have MAGICAL, AUTOMATIC, 100%-GUARANTEED SUCCESS meeting HUNDREDS of amazing women... wouldn't you do it?

   Of course you would!

   So again... WHY AREN'T YOU?

   Why are you wasting so much time... maybe even YOUR WHOLE LIFE... trudging through each day WITHOUT meeting great women when it's actually so easy to do?

   Well. If you're like I used to be, it's probably because getting started with something "new" is the hardest part.

   It's SO MUCH easier to just fire up Call Of Duty again, or surf porn a little while longer.

   Again -- not that I know this from personal experience.

   But let me tell you this...

   You can choose to do nothing to change your life today.

   You can choose to do nothing to change your life TOMORROW.

   But look down the road a few months... a few YEARS... and the future starts to look a little scary.

   Maybe even VERY scary.

   That's why I want to do something NOW to help you get over that "starting-something-new" fear.

   When it comes to getting up to speed on this, I've taken the time to put together "Meeting Women Online," a ONE-STOP CRASH COURSE on how to do it.

   It's basically an online home-study guide that's 100% GUARANTEED to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about using the internet to meet tons of women and get dates -- WAY more easily than you ever could "the old-fashioned way."

   So there you have it.

   If you want to skip all the blood, sweat, and tears (not to mention the FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT) of trying to meet women out in the real world, then my "Meeting Women Online" program is basically a miracle.


   Once you do, you'll see the FULL PROGRAM is available for viewing online at your leisure, waiting to teach you:

* How to create an unstoppable, machine-like system for getting tons of AMAZING WOMEN women to COMPETE FOR YOU online... and off!

* The top 9 places to meet women online, and how to take advantage of them SIMULTANEOUSLY to create a TIDAL WAVE of responses (SHOCKER: "Dating sites" are just the beginning. My other 8 secret spots work even better!)

* How to get ANY woman to give you her phone number and want to get together with you in the real world ASAP

* How to handle that crucial first phone call and meeting (including EXACTLY what to say)

* The perfect "real-world" places to go with a woman so that things are guaranteed to go well...and then get HOT AND HEAVY fast

   Plus a ton more.

   Bottom line:

   You can continue to do nothing (a sure way to guarantee a future full of video games and porn).

   Or, you can take the EASIEST PATH to changing your entire life...

   Just watch some of my "Meeting Women Online" program for yourself and try out a few of the tips.

   If you're not amazed by the number of great women you connect with IMMEDIATELY... to the point that you can't believe you ever spent a day
without it happening... then no problem. I'll give you a total refund.

   But guess what...

   I know you're going to love this program.

   In fact, if you're like me, you're going to see it as a LIFE-CHANGING MIRACLE.


   Then, if you still don't think this information will start changing your whole life, that's cool.

   My thoughts and hopes for your future playing "Call of Duty" are with you...

   But really, check it out.

   You'll be glad you did.

   Okay, that's all for now. Next time we talk, I know you'll have learned a thing or two about MEETING WOMEN ONLINE...



   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



P.S. By the way... there's 1 HUGE MISTAKE almost all guys make when trying to get women to respond to them online.

Most guys include something in their profiles and messages that make women run screaming in the opposite direction.

That's why one of the first things I do in "Meeting Women Online" is show you what this mistake is -- and how to NEVER make it again.

If you learn nothing else today, you've GOT to learn this. Check it out here.



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Double Your Dating LLC 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 United States (800) 749-1325

My Offer (Your Chance At Love) Goes Away IN 12 HOURS!

Hey Man,

It's the last day, I know you want to get to your weekend, and so do I, so I am going to make this quick.

I'm offering you a chance of a lifetime to discover and understand what makes love REALLY WORK.

If you think that someday you are going to want to find that PERFECT woman for yourself, and have a relationship with her, you NEED to know how to create a special, intense and thrilling relationship that SHE will want to keep going for a lifetime.

The alternative? Take your chances, maybe screw it up, maybe make it, and end up like the other 95% of men who do not have this figured out.

This offer ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm EST.

Go get access to Love the Final Chapter IMMEDIATELY.

Get Love The Final Chapter Now



Double Your Dating LLC 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 United States (800) 749-1325

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Slash ¼ off the price of your DESIRE supplements

Personal Life Logo
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

That's right.

We appre­ci­ate you so much. That's why we're going to give you 25% OFF on your DESIRE bot­tles for life through your month­ly sub­scrip­tion.

DESIRE is part of a 90-day libido vit­a­min trio that can be cycled each quar­ter for max­i­mum health and inti­mate vital­i­ty. Made for mid-life cou­ples to take togeth­er.

DESIRE con­tains the libido botan­i­cal, Tribu­lus Ter­restris.

Tribu­lus is one of the top 3 libido-boost­ing botan­i­cals that stud­ies have shown to have pos­i­tive effects on men and women.

Its ori­gin is from Ayurvedic med­i­cine among ancient Indi­an civ­i­liza­tions and tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese med­i­cine.

Tribu­lus has shown to pro­mote healthy blood glu­cose and blood pres­sure lev­els.

It also may have a pos­i­tive effect on those with anx­i­ety and depres­sion. Tribu­lus has also shown to have pos­i­tive effects on pain, arthri­tis, inflam­ma­tion, and autoim­mune con­di­tions.

The oth­er two dai­ly vit­a­min-min­er­al for­mu­la­tions in this libido trio are BOOST with 300mg Fenu­greek and DRIVE with 300mg of Euryco­ma Longi­fo­lia, also known as Long­jack or Tongkat Ali.

The same mul­ti-vit­a­min mul­ti-min­er­al com­plex is in all three bot­tles. The only dif­fer­ence is which libido botan­i­cal is includ­ed. Take DESIRE first. Then try BOOST and DRIVE the fol­low­ing months. See which you like best, or con­tin­ue cycling through over­time for the ulti­mate libido sup­port.

Click Here To Get 25% OFF On Auto­Ship ⇐ Can­cel Any­time, Adjust Your Ship­ments, You Call The Shots, Opti­mize Your Health (Yes, we ship to Aus­tralia now!)

Get It On Ama­zon ⇐ Click Here To Buy DESIRE on Ama­zon (at the retail price)


What's the big deal with methy­lat­ed nutri­ents?

Methy­la­tion makes nutri­ents eas­i­ly absorbable by your body.

Stud­ies show that pos­si­bly up to 40% of peo­ple have a cer­tain gene anom­aly that makes it hard­er for them to syn­the­size B vit­a­mins, espe­cial­ly Vit­a­min B9 (folic acid.)

Ren­der­ing a lot of com­mon mul­ti­vi­t­a­min sup­ple­ments inef­fec­tive.

Whether or not you have the gene anom­aly, you're bet­ter off with methy­lat­ed nutri­ents since they're absorbed much eas­i­er.

Your body loves methy­lat­ed nutri­ents. And prop­er methy­la­tion of the foods you eat ensures you're using the good stuff from every­thing you're putting into your body.

With DESIRE, we made sure to for­mu­late it with methy­lat­ed nutri­ents to ensure max­i­mum syn­the­sis and absorp­tion.

Instead of the cheap­er folic acid, we use Methyl Folate.

Click Here To Get 25% OFF On Auto­Ship ⇐ Can­cel Any­time, Adjust Your Ship­ments, You Call The Shots, Opti­mize Your Health

Get It On Ama­zon ⇐ Click Here To Buy DESIRE on Ama­zon (at the retail price)

DESIRE also con­tains 100% rec­om­mend­ed USDA of vit­a­mins and min­er­als.

From A-Zinc... Get 100% of the rec­om­mend­ed dai­ly allowance of vit­a­mins and min­er­als with an addi­tion­al 300mg of Fenus­terols® Fenu­greek seed extract for blood sug­ar and cho­les­terol reg­u­la­tion and inti­mate vital­i­ty.

It has all the essen­tials with B-Com­plex fea­tur­ing B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 and Vit­a­mins A, C, D3, E, and K1, plus Iodine for thy­roid sup­port, Iron for red blood cells, and min­er­als includ­ing Boron for hor­mone man­age­ment, Chromi­um, Cop­per, Mag­ne­sium, Man­ganese, Molyb­de­num, Sele­ni­um, and Zinc.

Now you can save 25% when you sign up for a month­ly ship­ment.

Just click on the link below and enjoy DESIRE at 25% OFF every sin­gle time.

Click Here To Get 25% OFF On Auto­Ship ⇐ Can­cel Any­time, Adjust Your Ship­ments, You Call The Shots, Opti­mize Your Health

Get It On Ama­zon ⇐ Click Here To Buy DESIRE on Ama­zon (at the retail price)

Love Your­self,

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is the best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs on lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills such as Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection, Hormone Balancing, The Pump Guide and Thrust In Time. You can find The Susan Bratton Show™ on YouTube at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, FLOW, BOOST, DESIRE, and DRIVE at

P.S. $22.47 per bottle instead of $29.99.

If you want to place your order by phone, call Mike, our new customer care phone support.

+1 307-240-6862

Leave a message if he's on the line and he will call you back.

Click Here To Get 25% OFF On AutoShip ⇐ Cancel Anytime, Adjust Your Shipments, You Call The Shots, Optimize Your Health

Get It On Amazon ⇐ Click Here To Buy DESIRE on Amazon (at the retail price)

P.P.S. Ridiculously Stimulating Articles You Might Have Missed:

The Banana Diagrams (NEW!)
A woman has as much erectile tissue in her aroused vulva and genital structure as a man does in his penis. Warning! This article has a LOT of custom illustrations I've had made of the female genitals: The parts. What to touch. How to touch. THE BANANA DIAGRAMS When people ask me, "What makes sex […]

Summer Lovin' Giveaway #3: MysteryVibe Crescendo
The Crescendo is flexible and conforms to your body — whether you're an innie or an outie. It can wrap around your penis for self-pleasure or be used as a cock ring during intercourse to hit her clitoris and give him pleasure too.

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
35 Miller Ave., #153
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA, (650) 948-0500

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and all of our collective brands' advice are personal opinions. Our advice is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for general information purposes only. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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Deadline Approaching! Get $100 OFF NOW Before You Lose It!


You're dangerously close to missing out on this incredible offer...

This week ONLY, I made my most powerful program on love and relationships, "Love The Final Chapter" available to YOU at an incredible $100-OFF SAVINGS.

But I am going to close it soon.

If you haven't watched the video yet, drop what you are doing and watch it NOW. It's THAT important.If you HAVE watched it, I'm not sure what's holding back from really changing your life and taking advantage of this offer.

It could be fear - maybe you are afraid of the unknown and are afraid to change what you have been doing, or you are afraid of failure.

If that's the case, I have a question for you.

How is your current method, if you have one, working for you so far?

Have you FOUND the love of your life?

If you have, do you KNOW what to do to keep her?

Let me tell you, a Total 10 Woman is not going to stick around with a guy who is fumbling around, not knowing what he is doing and showing her that he is not READY to step up to the plate.

If what you are doing right now is not working, it's NOT GOING TO WORK. You need to learn a new approach, and that is exactly what I am offering you with my Love The Final Chapter Program.

Get Love The Final Chapter Now

I have even created a super easy payment plan for you if finances are holding you back.

Get the Payment Plan

You will never regret this.


PS - Bottom line: The offer closes soon. You only have a limited time to get the program at the $100 off savings, and then the price will rise and you will have to pay more to learn what I am offering you now.

I want $100 Off!


Double Your Dating LLC 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 500 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 United States (800) 749-1325

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How To Get Noticed By Your Dream Woman

Here's something a LOT of you guys have been asking me for lately:

A SIMPLE, STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM for building up your *CONFIDENCE* (no matter how "insecure" or "down" you currently feel) so that you can finally start succeeding with women...



Having trouble viewing this email? CLICK HERE

Your wish is my command...

Click below to learn about the most powerful, effective, totally *SIMPLE* personal growth system I've ever seen... one that literally WORKS 100% OF THE TIME (for reasons that will blow your mind) to build up YOUR confidence FAST!

Check it out here.


   Is there a smart, cool, beautiful woman in your life that you're more than just a little "interested" in?

   A woman that you see at work... around the supermarket or at the park... wherever... that you literally DREAM about being with?

   If so, let me guess:

   You wake up realizing that you don't HAVE A CHANCE IN HELL of getting her to notice you.

   And it literally HURTS.

   All that "dreaming" and "wishing" and "wanting" actually causes PAIN.

   Believe me, I know.

   But I'm here to tell you (over and over until it finally SINKS IN) that it does NOT have to be this way...

   By taking just a few simple steps in your life, it's possible to not only get "noticed" by your dream woman... but to make her feel ATTRACTION for
you more QUICKLY AND EASILY than you ever thought.

   And it all starts with asking yourself ONE SIMPLE QUESTION...

   What is it about this "dream woman" that makes you want her in the first place?

   Take a moment and really think about it...

   The answer may not be as obvious as it sounds.

   Ask yourself: "What are the QUALITIES this woman has that make me feel like she's so perfect for ME specifically?"

   Done? Cool, now the fun part...

   Next, ask yourself this:

   "What do I have to offer HER in return?"

   That's right, you heard me.

   You've just made a list of what makes this woman your "dream woman"...

   ... but what can *YOU* show her IN RETURN to make her give you a second look (let alone a FIRST one)?

   Now hold on... what was that loud SUCKING SOUND I just heard?

   If you're like most guys, it was the sound of your hopes of ever getting your "dream woman" going down like the TITANIC.

   And the tragic fact is this:


   Truth is, 99% of all men feel that, deep down inside, they have absolutely NOTHING to offer a great woman to make her want them.

   And -- logically enough -- it's for this same reason that they believe they'll never get her.

   I mean, just imagine that I could put you in a room with your dream girl right now... that I gave you 5 minutes to make your case about why she should give you that second look...

   What would you say to make her know that you're different than the bazillion other guys who hit on her all day?

   Odds are, you'd say something like:

   "I'll treat you much better than those other guys can...  I can make you happier than they can because I'll truly value and appreciate being with


   "I'll be your loyal love-sick puppy... I'll be at your beck and call like a total Wuss... I'll buy you gifts and be your doormat... just NOTICE ME!"


   What a disaster.

   That's 5 minutes of a woman's life that she'll never get back.

   So let's get to what actually WORKS...

   Rewind... I'll give you those same 5 minutes with her...

   Again: how do you show her in this small amount of time that you're worth getting to know better?

   BIG HINT: There's only ONE way to do it...

   You MUST show her INSTANTLY that there's a chance you might be her "Mr. Right."

   That you might be the kind of man who can offer her something that she RARELY gets to experience in life, no matter how many guys keep hitting on


   You must show that you're the kind of man who might be that elusive "needle in a haystack"...the kind that she can spend *her* nights dreaming

   And guess what... despite what you keep telling yourself, the top qualities she's looking for in her "Mr. Right" do NOT include "movie-star"
looks... "sugar daddy" money... fancy clothes and cars... etc.

   When it comes to making a "Total 10" woman notice him, "Mr. Right" brings a totally different set of qualities to the table to "turn her head."

   Qualities that are TOTALLY DIFFERENT than what you (and most other "average" guys) think.


   What do YOU think these qualities are?

   If you answer like 99% of other guys, I can tell you this:


   Find out what these qualities are (and how *YOU* can QUICKLY and EASILY make them a natural part of who YOU are)
right here.


   But for now, on to the specifics:

   If your "dream woman" isn't looking for the kind of man you always thought she was... then who IS she looking for?

   And more importantly:


   Short answer:

   It can be...

   ... ONCE you know how to come across as that "needle in the haystack" I was talking about...that unique "Mr. Right" EVERY woman dreams about
finding (but rarely can).

   Okay, so how do you do it?

   How do you get THERE from HERE?

   How do you go from "dreaming" about that amazing woman you see every day to actually getting her to notice you?

   Today I want to share with you EXACTLY how I did it -- but then I also want to give you the "keys" to the whole "CANDY STORE"...

   I want to give you access to every tool you'll need to make great women notice you. And -- MUCH more importantly -- then start feeling ATTRACTION for you, more quickly and easily than you ever imagined possible.

   Sound good?


   First, that specific example... how I made all this happen for myself...

   After years of blood, sweat, failure, and tears, here's what I finally learned:

   Making a high-quality woman notice me came down to doing 1 thing:


   Sure, nothing to it, right?

   More on how to do the seemingly impossible in a moment...

   For now... needless to say, once I acquired this kind of confidence, the effect on my love life (and my life in general) was positively NUCLEAR...

   Suddenly, amazing women were finding ways to start conversations with ME.

   They were asking ME what I was doing this weekend.

   They were acting nervous around ME!

   I couldn't believe it... it was as if I was suddenly Brad Pitt... even though nothing about my outward "appearance" had changed.

   It was all because, even though most guys try (and fail) with women by relying on looks, money, and "tricks" to get their attention, I finally realized it took something else entirely...

   Which again begs THE BIG QUESTION...

   How do you GET this kind of confidence?

   More importantly:

   How do you make it a natural, built-in part of who you are if you never had it before!

   Well, that's a HUGE question -- and exactly what I needed to know at the time.

   So I learned from men who already HAD this kind of confidence with women.

   And guess what:

   These guys sure as hell weren't Brad Pitt.

   They were "regular" guys like me who just seemed to be able to approach women (and every situation in life) like there was no way they could possibly lose...

   And -- if they DID lose -- they always acted like it was no big deal.

   In fact... they acted like it must be some kind of mistake!

   Gotta love it...


   So I observed and talked to these guys, and here's what I found out FAST:

   To a man, I found out that their confidence flowed from GETTING RESULTS in *other* areas of their lives FIRST.

   It came from having other PASSIONS in life and PURSUING THEM TO THE MAX... that their true inner strength came from IDENTIFYING GOALS, then GOING AFTER THEM like a bat out of hell.

   But again: what does this mean for YOU?

   How do *you* harness the power of having other passions in your life... ones that, once developed to the max... can help you AUTOMATICALLY BROADCAST "Mr. Right" signals to "Total 10" women?

   Excellent question.

   First, the obvious answer:

   Well, it would be awesome if we all were born to be a "superstar" at something...

   But, of course, most of us aren't a born Michelangelo or Marlon Brando or Michael Jordan.

   I sure wasn't.

   Not even close.

   That kind of talent and passion simply doesn't come as "standard equipment" on most guys.

   Which is why it's up to YOU to take action to GET some of it (even if you're as "average" as they come).


   And I quickly learned there's only one way to do it:



   Then reach a FEW SMALL GOALS in these areas that add up to a VERY BIG CHANGE in how you feel about yourself.

   It's creating this CHANGE in yourself (not the actual "talent" you have or don't have) that's the key...

   It instantly projects the kind of CONFIDENCE that makes you come across as a potential "Mr. Right" to the women you want.

   In a nutshell, here's how I did it for myself...

STEP #1:

   I picked out a few things in life that I was already interested in (For you it could be anything... hiking... biking... cooking...painting... ) and then I found experienced "mentors" in these areas.

   These were simply teachers who were skilled and experienced in what I wanted to learn... who could literally "school" me in it.

   Above all, these were folks who could stoke my PASSION and CONFIDENCE to stellar new levels, even if my actual skills might not ever get there.

STEP #2:

   I surrounded myself with other people who were trying to "master" these skills, too.

   I joined groups and clubs of similar enthusiasts, and I made these people my friends, so that my "goals" were now all around me, all the time.

   These were people that I could talk to about my passion and learn from... all while meeting even MORE people who shared the same interests and

STEP #3:

   I practiced.

   I practiced with the group.

   I practiced alone.

   I kept going when I was tired.

   I got inspired when I was down.

   I learned things from the group that no single teacher could.

   Then I practiced more.

   And then some more.

   In fact, I made "practice" more than just an occasional small "part" of my life...

   I made it a built-in, every-day FACT of my life. To the point that NOT practicing felt like not putting on pants before I went out...

   I actually felt vulnerable and bad about myself when I failed to do it!

STEP #4:

   As I got better at everything I was learning, I went out and started "broadcasting" the NEW CONFIDENCE that came with GETTING RESULTS.

   It's a confidence that came AUTOMATICALLY because, once a man starts "feeling" RESULTS in new areas of his life, he INSTANTLY starts showing

   In fact, he couldn't stop showing it if he tried.

   He suddenly exhibits attractive body language without even thinking about it.

   He suddenly has new strength in his voice.

   He always has something to talk about with passion and knowledge (so no longer hems and haws and searches for words).

   And so on down the line....

   He basically starts carrying himself in the "right" way to get noticed by great women.

   Evidence shows, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that "broadcasting" these signals is the most powerful way to ATTRACT AND KEEP HIGH-QUALITY

   But in the end, there's only one way for you to find out and prove it to yourself:


   You've got to get out there and FEEL IT HAPPEN.

   To make it happen for you as easy as humanly possible, I've actually created an INSTANTLY ACCESSIBLE online study program that takes
everything I've just discussed about improving yourself to start broadcasting the right "signals" to women...

   ... and teaches you in FAST, CLEAR, EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND lessons how to use it as your "LAUNCHING PAD" to mind-blowing success! Take a look.


   But for now onto...


   Finally... I re-arranged my life to maximize the time I spent around the women that I really wanted.

   I made sure that I was in the right the right times... so that the new "signals" I was sending would be "received."

   Then I sat back and watched these women start NOTICING me!

   I'm talking big-time.

   And listen, I'm telling you... this can happen for *YOU*, too.

   In fact, you simply CANNOT FAIL...

   ... once you get the CONFIDENCE you need to get noticed by the women of your dreams!

   But like I said -- this just one path to becoming the "Mr. Right" that EVERY Total 10 is looking for...

   Now, for the keys to the whole "candy store" that I promised.

   If you want to learn EVERYTHING (and I mean ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING) there is to know about ATTRACTING and KEEPING a Total 10 woman more easily than you ever thought possible...

   ... I've developed a success-proven "TOOL KIT" designed to make it happen for you.

   It's the WORLD-FAMOUS HOME-STUDY COURSE for becoming the kind of man that *every* Total 10 is looking for.

   It's called "Become Mr. Right," and it's the ONLY program that delivers the "keys" to the candy store that you've been looking for.

   This comprehensive set basically includes every tool, tip, and techniques you'll ever need to unlock off-the-hook success with amazing women,

*How to learn ANY skill in life TWICE AS FAST... and become a COOL, CONFIDENT EXPERT in it!

* How to "clean up" every aspect of your life and create a positive aura around you that makes you stand out from all other men

* How to get "inside the mind" of a woman to discover what she's looking for in her "Mr. Right"... then show her those exact qualities!

* How to create INSTANT INTIMACY with a "hot" woman (while avoiding all the "lethal" mistakes that make her reject 99% of guys right off the bat).

   Plus a bunch more...

   So do yourself a HUGE favor...

   Check out "Become Mr. Right".


   Once you do, you'll know it for a FACT:

   Your dream girl will NEVER notice you... until you GIVE HER A REASON TO!

   So stop "dreaming" about that amazing woman in your life... stop "wishing" and "wanting"...

   Instead, learn how to show her that you just might be her "Mr. Right"...

   ... and actually GET her!

   Then, once you do, drop me a line and let me know how your life has changed...

   ... because I personally guarantee it's going to!




   I'll talk to you again soon.


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



P.S. Have you ever been a situation where you think that things were going well with a girl... but then, all of a sudden, she just doesn't seem all that "into you" any more?

She stops calling you back... answering your pings... etc. etc.?

I can tell you that this used to happen to me.


And it SUCKED.

But here's what I noticed...

Most of the time, it happened when I was dating (or trying to get a date with) a woman that I *really* liked... the kind I secretly believed was "out of my league" and could never REALLY like me.

If, deep down inside, you know exactly what I'm talking about here, here's how to stop "scaring away" so many great women. Check it out!



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