How Tim and I get rid of belly fat. (secret cheat!) Have you been hearing about all the people who are fasting? Water fasting. Intermittent fasting. The Fasting Mimicking Diet. Tim and I are finishing our fourth "fasting mimicking diet." FMD today. We started on Sunday. He usually loses 7 lbs, I usually lose 5 lbs and most of what we lose is belly fat. The FMD cleans out our cellular debris (autophagy) and releases stem cells to heal our bodies. Everybody is talking about intermittent fasting. The way I like to do it is with this box of tasty, but calorie-restricted food called ProLon. ProLon (prolong your longevity) is a fasting mimicking diet with 5 days of all the food you need shipped right to your house. Check Out Prolon ⇐ Fasting-Mimicking Meals With The Benefits Of Long Fasts Without The Hassle And Hunger (Save 10% with my Promo Code PLM10 by January 31st) THE FOOD YOU EAT You know that our ancestors had lean years and food shortages. And they fasted for religious reasons - Yom Kippur, Ramadan, Lent. Today we eat all day and into the night. Which doesn't give our bodies time to reset and clean up at a cellular level. When you stop eating your cells can do what is called autophagy. (aw toff a gee) It's like spring cleaning for your cells. Cellular rejuvenation. ProLon is a 5-day dietary program that nourishes your body while promoting regenerative and rejuvenating changes, including effects on a wide range of markers that contribute to aging, such as cholesterol, inflammation, and fasting glucose. 20 years of extensive preclinical and clinical studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and conducted at the Longevity Institute and Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute of the University of Southern California (USC) resulted in the development of the first FMD® (ProLon®) which stimulates: • High level of protection and stress resistance in cells • Removal of damaged cells and tissues • Self repair of cells resulting in regeneration and rejuvenation within your body Check Out Prolon ⇐ Fasting-Mimicking Meals With The Benefits Of Long Fasts Without The Hassle And Hunger (Save 10% with my Promo Code PLM10 by January 31st) This is the day one box of food sitting on my counter. PROLON PREPARED FOOD The food tastes great and it guarantees you will go into autophagy without having to learn a bunch of stuff about fasting. I'm busy! I just want the benefits of losing weight and avoiding diseases that shorten my life. (and a nipped in waistline) Yesterday, Tim and I went to see a very famous man named Aubrey de Grey speak. He's a world renowned biomedical gerontologist (life extension scientist). He said that calorie restriction doesn't make you live longer. The reason fasting works is it prevents you from getting the diseases that kill you like heart disease and stroke, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. He even looks like Methuselah! Haha AUBREY DEGREY AND I 2020 What Aubrey said about fasting preventing you from getting the diseases that make us sick old people was an epiphany for me and makes complete sense. He also says start early doing anti-aging things like fasting. The earlier in life you begin fasting, the more your body can repair damages that occur, thereby staving off disease. Tim and I like doing these 5-Day fasting mimicking diets after we've traveled. Eating out and drinking more than normal pack on the pounds. My friend Dr. Felice Gersh, who ran Obstetrics for University of California Irvine (a MAJOR hospital) has done ProLon 13 times. She says she's "de-aging" herself. She travels around the world speaking and has amazing energy. When you do the ProLon fast you just eat what's in the box when they tell you to. You gain an incredible amount of extra time because you're not foraging, feeding or cleaning up. With the ProLon fast you: • Lose Stubborn Abdominal Fat • Activate Rejuvenation from Within • Experience Mental Clarity • Your Skin Looks and Feels Better Day four is when I hit this massive peak of mental clarity. Day five I take a really big poo. At first you think, "How could I poo that big if I haven't eaten in four days?" Then you realize, OMG that was cellular waste my body is getting rid of! You have until the 31st of January to get ProLon at 10% off. The boxes keep for a while so you can get the discount and still do the fasting mimicking diet in February or March with no problem. Once you do one, you'll see how easy it is and how little you miss food - and how much you love the extra time you get! What you'll love most is feeling lighter, healthier and knowing you're staving off illness so you can add life to your years! Check Out Prolon ⇐ Fasting-Mimicking Meals With The Benefits Of Long Fasts Without The Hassle And Hunger (Save 10% with my Promo Code PLM10 by January 31st) To Optimal Health, Susan Susan Bratton, "Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions" of lovers who crave lifelong intimacy and passion. As the Dear Abby of Sex, she has helped create and revive countless sex lives with her bestselling books and programs such as Relationship Magic, Sexual Soulmates, The Passion Patch, Revive Her Drive and her Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection. For more insider tips, follow her on Instagram and subscribe to her Better Lover YouTube channel. |
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