Sunday, September 3, 2017

♆ Make defeat your fuel.

Here's what to do when you fall.
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Come on. One more.


We've all made mistakes. We've all had our shortcomings.

But our failures don't represent our future.

I wouldn't be here with the love of my life if I just let my mistakes dictate how my life would unfold.

Sure, you may have forgotten your anniversary.

Sure, you messed up and made a BIG, stupid mistake.

Sure, you weren't as sexually charged that night.

There's always a next time.

And next time, you'll do better. Much better.

Here is a fantastic commercial about bouncing back. ⇐ 1 Minute YouTube Video


The secret to victory is defeat.

Don't be afraid to fail.

Keep going for it.

"It" being love, affection, and deep, passionate connection.

It is your human right to have all the love and great sex you deserve.

You are loved if you are reading this.

If there is something eluding you or whenever you are lonely or desire more, know that Sloane, Patti, Tallulah, Jim, Tim and I are here to pick you up, dust you off and help you start again.

What's your defining moment?

Go and create it starting today.

Here are this week's emails, all written with your happiness, fulfillment, and development in mind.

Because it's not about yesterday.

It's about right now, tomorrow, and onward.

Touch her HERE.
"Taking the lead turns me on even more. And now I know that what she wants sexually changes each day. I pay attention to her sexual moods more now."

"I lavish her breasts with affection..."
According to Psychology Today, touching and foreplay is linked to better sexual health in older adults. Discover her most sensitive hotspots and add these sizzling touch techniques to your repertoire...

☄ Vaginal Rejuvenation #5-#8
If you or your partner have been struggling with any vaginal atrophy, scar tissue, pain, diminished lubrication, flaccid tissue or lack of clitoral sensation, watch this saga of my rejuvenation procedures.

You have what's called, "A Personal Growth Mindset."
Have you heard of The Raikov Effect? It's a technique that combines several genius modeling methods which you practice in your head as you listen along with an audio.

Men can't get hard and women can't orgasm because of this...
So many men and women email about their struggles with achieving great sex. But when we dig a little deeper into their problem, they reveal that they have some underlying health issues...

✂ Is "Fibrin" The Cause of Your ED?
Jesse Cannone, independent health researcher and certified fitness trainer, has found another possible root cause of man's worst sexual nightmare.

Ladies... Get Him Back ← 3 Steps To Love You Again
If you find it so hard to move on, and you're really sure that you want to get back with an ex, then here's something you might want to know...

♬ Audios For Better Orgasms (Free Download)
Here are some audio tracks that help men have better bedroom performance, better orgasms, and sharper seduction skills.

Meet the luckiest man alive
On this event, Adam will share with you how to create an attractive lifestyle that effortlessly draws women into your life without having to use "creepy pickup lines."

✈ Fancy an international girlfriend or bride?
Avoid the pitfalls of international romances and end up with wedding bells. We booked a workshop with Mark Edward Davis that you can join for free here.

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
[email protected]
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My Youtube "Better Lover" Channel
I ♥️ My Wife
Personal Life Media on Facebook
Twitter @SusanBratton
Medium @SusanBratton
YourTango Expert

Personal Life Media, Inc.
20 Sunnyside Ave., #212
Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA, (650) 948-0500
[email protected]

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