NEWSFLASH: The biggest mistakes that most men make on dates are actually pretty small things.
Problem is: they add up fast to KILL ATTRACTION and ruin a man's chances for success.
Most of these things are so small... and so shockingly SIMPLE to fix... that you could change them RIGHT NOW and start getting life-changing results with women!
If YOU'RE wondering what you've been doing wrong all this time (usually without realizing it)...find out here.
Tell me that you're not one of those guys who's still doing *THIS* with a woman...
Making the single BIGGEST MISTAKE that 99% of men keep on making...
It's simply this:
Now listen, I'm no psychic of mind-reader, but I can see this one clear as day:
Of course you're still paying for women on dates!
It's so common-place and assumed to be the "right" thing to do that most guys usually don't even give it a second thought.
That's why this URGENT TIP is aimed directly at *you*.
If you want to start succeeding with women, you need to STOP doing this.
As in, right NOW.
I know, I know... you think you're impressing a woman by paying her way. Scoring points. Doing the right thing.
But here's the shocking (and slightly counter-intuitive) fact:
Stay with me, since the reasons for all this can sound as misleading as they are simple.
For our purposes, I want you to consider "traditional dinner dates" to be a thing of the past.
As far as we're concerned, they're now officially EXTINCT.
Because when you ask a woman out and then pay for the date, you're making her think of you in THE COMPLETELY WRONG WAY.
Pretty profound, I know. But please, hold the applause.
Let me explain this a little more...
A lot of good research suggests that women think men, who are potential mates, fall into one of two categories.
I call these categories "Lover" and "Provider".
The basic idea goes like this:
In a "traditional" boy-meets-girl situation, the girl makes a decision almost INSTANTLY on whether you're:
#1) A LOVER -- the type of guy that she wants to get physically involved with because he gives off the right "signals."
#2) A PROVIDER -- the "nice guy" type (also known as a just a "FRIEND") who will constantly try to "prove" himself by paying for lots of expensive
dates, buying her gifts and flowers, etc.
So ask yourself this, and be BRUTALLY HONEST:
Which type are YOU?
If you're a Type #1, there's nothing you need to learn here. Women are dragging you back to the bedroom almost every night, so congrats. Go get
ready for all the fun you're going to have tonight.
But if you're a confirmed Type #2, then read on... I'm going to tell you what you can do to start turning this sinking ship around RIGHT NOW.
Let's start here:
I realize this may be generalizing a bit... but I'm making a point, so go with me.
A very common approach that "Type #2" men like to use is the old "Can I take you out sometime?" line.
And, at first glance, it sounds innocent enough.
It has the ring of "I'm a nice guy, and I'd like to take you to dinner so I have a chance to get to know you better" to it, right?
Well, it may seem that way at first glance, but let's get a little deeper into what ELSE you're communicating when you ask a question like this one (or start off by paying for dinner, etc.)...
1) You're starting off the relationship RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING by offering to buy something for her... and more importantly YOU'RE SETTING AN EXPECTATION.
In other words, when you do this, you're setting an expectation that you're going to do this from NOW ON.
2) You're subtly saying, "I feel like I need to use a bribe to get you to see me again". I'm sure that men have been bribing women with food and gifts since the dawn of our species.
Does this sound far-fetched to you? Check out how our closest relatives... the chimps use food to persuade females to have sex with them.
No, really.
3) Once you "take a woman out" and prove to her beyond the shadow of a doubt that you like to pay for things, you set a whole series of other
subconscious expectations in place.
Without going into detail, most of these other expectations will only lead her thinking of you in the "nice guy" category, and costing you time and money that you might as well have thrown down a rat hole.
4) By going out to a typical nice restaurant setting, you start a whole chain of events that often leads to two people looking at each other over a candle, in a loud room full of other people, with a typically uncomfortable "OK, so
tell me about yourself and don't ask me too many personal questions please" look on your faces.
I don't know about you, but this just isn't my idea of a good time.
So, what's the alternative?
Thought you'd never ask.
Success with women is about becoming the type of man that NATURALLY attracts them.
Becoming the type of man who sends signals of power, confidence, and masculinity.
The kind of cool, charismatic guy that other men want to emulate and women LOVE to be seen
Of course, there's a lot that goes into eliminating all the "uncool" baggage and habits that guys carry around like man-purses, usually without even realizing it...
The inner "wussy" that sabotages your success with women can be sneaky.
In fact, sometimes it's hard to recognize even when it's staring straight back at you from the mirror.
If you want to learn more about obliterating your rampaging, game-killing Inner Wuss, I recommend stepping off here and taking a look at this.
In the meantime...
So what's the fastest path to becoming the kind of man women not only feel attracted to, but couldn't resist if they tried?
As I said earlier... a great place to start is NOT ASKING WOMEN "OUT" at all ANYMORE.
Instead, just say, "Do you have email?" If she does, hand her a pen and say, "Great, write it down for me." Then, follow up by inviting her to
join you for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation.
Here's an example email for you:
"Hi, it was fun talking yesterday... I'm thinking that we should get together tomorrow for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation. You seem like you might make a nice friend."
Then, if you're REALLY cheap, show up 5 minutes late so she buys her own tea and is waiting for you.
You can even say, "How inconsiderate of you...where's mine?"
Basically, here's the key:
First off, that means no more meals on you.
No more gifts.
If you want her to feel a powerful, subconscious attraction for you, you need to set yourself apart in "manly" ways that aren't perceived by a woman as weak, catering or fawning.
You need to create a personal connection the instant you meet her. You need to show her you aren't nervous or intimidated or kissing butt.
You have to develop communication skills that trigger intense biological responses in her that she couldn't overlook or ignore even if she wanted
The single most important technique for accomplishing ALL OF THIS is so simple, obvious, and 100% COST-FREE that I feel like I just want to scream it from the rooftop.
But since I'm pecking at a laptop, I'll just type it like this:
Sounds obvious... but we all know that in the heat of battle, it's the hardest thing to do without coming off sounding incredibly lame.
When the opportunity presents itself, will you step up with an exquisitely timed wise-crack that makes her sit up and take notice?
Will you know how to tease her so she thinks "No man's ever talked to me like that before, and I think I like it!" instead of thinking "What an*******!"
Master this and you've mastered what I call "Cocky Comedy," AKA the "Universal Tool for Attracting Women."
For way too many reasons to go into here, I can tell you it's by far the most POWERFUL TOOL you can use to set yourself apart from other guys.
Take a look at this!
As you can probably tell, I've spent a lot of years figuring out how to become the kind of guy that women want to be around.
I've spent a lot of time watching guys who are what you might call "Naturals" with women.
I've spent a lot of time trying out just about every imaginable idea and strategy with women...
And guess what?
Most of them SUCKED.
Most of them didn't work.
Most of them felt strange and manipulative.
Most of them were just plain not good.
After trying all this stuff and feeling around in the dark for quite a long time, I started to realize that my problem wasn't the TECHNIQUES I was using, it was the way I was approaching things.
You see, I hadn't really taken the time to understand women and the psychology of dating and attraction.
I was just trying to learn tricks, hoping that they would magically fix everything for me.
Well, they didn't.
What DID fix things (and ended up leading me to fantastic success with women) was all that stuff I talked about above:
In other words:
Mastering the powerful methods and tools that I call "Advanced Dating Techniques"... and making them a part of who you are, every day, all the
To get started, I highly recommend that you click below to watch my "Advanced Dating Techniques" program RIGHT NOW -- instantly ONLINE.
It's literally JAM PACKED with hundreds of concepts and step-by-step techniques for meeting women, dating women, and taking things to a
"physical level" smoothly...
... all totally without fear of rejection or failure!
Now back to those expensive, embarrassing attempts men make to attract women by paying for stuff...
Bottom line: it's true, buy a woman enough dinners and material things, and she may begin to feel some AFFECTION for you. But meals and presents will never lead to ATTRACTION.
Big difference.
You need to understand that NOT buying a woman dinner and NOT showering her with gifts are just small pieces of the puzzle.
And they're definitely not the first pieces.
First of all:
But don't worry, that's what I'm here for.
And I can't wait to tell you more about how YOU CAN DO IT... more EASILY than you ever dreamed possible.
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