NOTE: When most guys try to be `funny" with a woman
they end up coming across as goofy or dorky. Not
good. If you want to learn the right way to use humor to
make any woman feel attracted - or even ADDICTED -
to you, go here:
After reading your book, I put many of your
tactics into action. I work in a casino, so I get
to meet a lot of beautiful young women. Once I got
over the initial reluctance to ask them for their
email/phone number, I started getting quite a few
numbers in a night.
The other night there was a woman who was so
gorgeous, it hurt. I walked over and chatted with
her for a few minutes, then asked if she had
email. She said "Sure, I do! Let me write it down
for you." Without asking she put down her phone
number as well. The younger guys who work for me
now call me a "God". They have no idea how I can
do it. Better looking guys are complaining that I
get more phone numbers and emails in one night
than they've got their whole lives. One of the
women was classic. She looked like Sheryl Crow
and Jennifer Aniston combined. She complained she
wasn't winning on the machine and asked me what
the secret was. I said, "I don't know the secret
today, but if I figure it out, I'll email it to
you. All I need now is your email address and
your phone number in case email is down." She was
taken aback, but asked for my pen and wrote it
down. Now instead of being alone on my days
off, I have a lot of options which are all great
ones. Thanks for your advice and changing me out
of wuss mode. I.
Options are great, aren't they?
And isn't it amazing how a woman will give out
her email and number if you just talk for a few
minutes and then ask for it?
I can remember when I first started learning
this stuff... it seemed to me that no woman in her
right mind would just give out her phone number to
a complete stranger...
But then I discovered that no woman is actually
IN her right mind! (Or at least this is my logical
deduction, because they all seem to give out their
phone numbers and email addresses so readily!)
But to get back to the concept of "options"...
When you, as a guy, have options, it changes
When you have a date that evening plus three
women to email or call, things are TOTALLY
DIFFERENT than when you have nothing going on.
You feel different, you talk different, and you
communicate in a different way.
I believe that one of the reasons that
attractive women come across so powerfully is
because they KNOW that they have options.
And one of the benefits of learning how to be
more successful with women and dating is that you
learn to CREATE YOUR OWN OPTIONS. When you know
that you can walk out the door anytime you want
and meet women, it frees up a lot of mental energy
that was previously focused on other things.
Energy you can use to improve other areas of your
Thanks for your email... it's inspiring.
Hey, David.
I've read DYD, have been getting your
newsletters, totally understand what's going on.
I've seen it working, and know it's for real. But
I've got a BIG problem. I've got to recondition
myself from more years than I care to admit of
doing things the wrong way. I always idolized
superheroes like Batman & Superman who always
acted with the utmost respect and decorum. Like
musclebound male versions of Miss Manners. My
heroes were modest, reliable, helpful, well-
mannered, and strong (OK -- they're not *totally*
lame). Definitely not *cocky*. I always *hated*
mouthy guys who are all show and no go.
As for sex, in my younger years it was Catholic
training: everything sexual was *evil* (unless
you're a priest hitting on the altar boys), and I
was so naive and mixed up I really thought I was
going to *hell*.
After I wised up and dropped that it was
*sexual harassment* that I kept hearing about all
the time. The message I got then is that it's not
OK to be sexual until you're already going with
someone. Of course now I know that that only
applies to man who a woman is NOT ATTRACTED TO.
OK, so now I *understand*. But am still
reflexively *doing* the same wrong things. What's
the best way to actually go about reconditioning
my *behavior*? I can be a good smartass when I
have the right stimuli, but what's the best way to
practice loosening up with the sex talk? I don't
want to klutz things up with awkward, forced
attempts on women who *are* good prospects. I can
be cool enough to get dates, but want to take it
to the next level. The best thing I can think of
is either to practice on female *friends* I've
already written off or go to places I don't really
care to hang around regularly, like techno-disco
meat markets where I probably couldn't be as crude
and crass as the average ass-grabber if I slammed
a fifth of Daniels and *tried*.
This may apply to a lot of other guys who are
"struggling with the material." Any better ideas
how to get through the learning curve as quickly
as possible without poisoning one's reputation by
being tagged an uber-klutz? FB Michigan
Well, you say that you've read my book, but you
need to go back through it... remember, it's a
reference manual, to be referred to again and
again... not a fictional book to be used as
If I were you, I'd get online and start
chatting with women with instant messenger
services and/or in chatrooms, as I describe in
Chapter 7.
Bust on them, tease them, talk about every
topic you can think of, including sex (make sure
you're talking to women who are of legal age, by
the way!).
You'll find that starting conversations with
women online and practicing your skills is a lot
more convenient when you can do it from the
comfort of your computer. And you'll see... it's
very easy to talk with women about any topic. Get
over your preconceived ideas, and just do it.
And get over this worshipping Batman, dude.
Didn't you see the Saturday Night Live skits where
they were mocking him and Robin as the
"Ambiguously Gay Duo?"
Not good role models, man.
I've been reading your advice for a while now
and I have to laugh because I discovered several
years ago cocky and funny really work. I am
naturally cocky and a smartass to boot, so it
usually worked, but not always. Then, my buddy
told me something that drives 'em wild. The dude
is 6'3" and 300 lbs, and he always had a good
looking woman on his arm. His advice: Show a
little interest, then ignore them. Of course I
over simplified it, but you know what I mean. How
many men have said that you can't pick up women in
a topless bar? I did all the time, and rarely
spent any more money than on drinks for myself.
The other guys are feeding the girls dollar bills
and getting no where. I'm just an average looking
guy, but the honies went for it like mad. You are
on the mark and anyone that has problems meeting
women should heed your advice. PS: I love the way
you bust on the chicks that write to you and say
how wrong you are!
lol... thanks!
Yes, women really love it when you show some
interest, but then don't hang on them. Women, and
especially attractive women, LOVE a good
challenge. It's fun for them.
And yes, I do enjoy emails from women... both
positive and negative. I just wish more women
would write me! (And I wish that when they did
write that they'd send PICTURES! I have gotten a
few, but c'mon!)
Wasssup!! I just have to tell ya that i think your
a god to all guys out there who have trouble with
women! I've been reading your e-mails for about
two months now and i gotta tell ya, your a
genius!! I haven't even purchased the book yet but
everything you say makes perfect sense. So i have
decided to purchase Double Your Dating. I can't
wait to see how it works out. I have the hardest
time meeting women and the bad thing about it is
most girls think im good looking. But they think
im boring.
Here's my question to you. Im not sure about
the whole c&f thing, how do i be cocky yet not
come across as an a&*hole? And I've really never
been the funny type of guy i just don't know how
without saying or doing something that might make
me look like a wussy. Can you help a bro out
OK, here's the basic formula for Cocky & Funny:
Take an arrogant comment, then add humor.
It's a killer combination. The key is that it
HAS TO BE FUNNY. It actually has to make others
You must make sure that you are Cocky enough,
because if you're only FUNNY, then you will come
across as GOOFY, which isn't what you want.
So, for instance, you might be at a bar, and
you're having a drink. Let's say your drink has
too much alcohol in it, and you're going to
comment on it.
An arrogant comment might be:
"This bartender sucks. There's too much booze
in my drink."
Add a touch of humor, and it turns into:
"Whoa, this bartender either loves me or is
trying to kill me. This drink is pure alcohol. Is
there an AA meeting nearby? Cuz I'm gonna need it
when I'm done with this one."
You feel me?
It's the COMBINATION that makes Cocky & Funny
work like magic. Too little or too much of either
and you will come off as an idiot.
And remember, have fun. Practice is what will
help you improve.
(If you're reading this right now, and you KNOW
that you need to brush up on your "Cocky & Funny,"
then go get yourself a copy of my "Cocky Comedy"
DVD/CD program. It's the ULTIMATE education on
Cocky & Funny, and you can only get it here:
Man, life has changed over the last 4 months since
grabbing your book and applying C&F! My friends
are amazed at how many women I am dating and life
is great! One of the most important points I have
followed from you is breaking down the whole
pickup/dating/score routine and approaching each
part as a skill I must learn. Got past the
email/phone number part, past the first date and
first kiss part, and finally the step towards
intimacy. But alas, I'm down to the one skill
that I have problems with and that I've never seen
you really address: The graceful exit skill...
Let me explain...OK, I meet a girl, we go out,
maybe we end up in each other's arms, maybe not,
but there comes a point when I just want to end it
and move on to another girl. I always get nervous
with the "Well, it's been fun, but we this isn't
going to work out so have a good life..." Do I
call and leave a voice mail? Do I phone her? Do I
break it off face-to-face? What's the confident,
C&F way to leave a girl and not have PLAYER
stamped onto my forehead because of it? Loving
life, S.R. P.S. You should pay people for
referrals as I have got about 10 of my friends to
buy your book! HA HA
You're a very, very, very bad man.
In the best way possible, of course.
I think the key to dating more than one woman,
or to not seeing a woman more than once or twice
Women will only resent you if you mislead them.
So don't. It's not necessary.
Just have fun, be straight up, and enjoy
You don't have to break something off if it
never was "something" to begin with. Are you with
The big mistake is to call twice a day, see her
five times a week, act like her long-lost love,
and then drop her without explanation.
I think you get what I'm saying.
I have been subscribing to the newsletter for
about 6 or 8 months and have purchased your ebook
a couple after subscribing. Your information has
been invaluable and well worth the price. It has
completely changed the way I look at women, I
never pine over them anymore and wonder "what's
wrong with me". Now I know what was wrong with me,
I was a wuss! But that's all changed now and have
become the Jedi Master. I've even come up with
some Jedi Techniques of my own.
At any rate, I met this one girl at a party one
night who I knew came with a few acquaintances of
mine who I told about the party. I got to talking
to her and we talked for a few minutes and poured
on the C&F, but I never got her info. I know, I
know, the 3 minute technique, but I knew I could
obtain it from her friends, and the way she
interacted with me, I knew she wouldn't have
minded at all (Important Note: this is my success
story, I wouldn't recommend doing things like this
unless you have developed the confidence that your
book helps teach). Well, I never had to even asked
her friends because two days later, she ended up
looking me up in the University's online student
directory and then she looked up my IM name and
IMed me with a "mysterious person" message. I
immediately figured out it was her and then
accused her of stalking me and told her that's
pretty illegal. She almost thought I was mad at
her! It was great! Anyways, she is a real quality
girl (not to mention about a 9, not perfect, but
gorgeous nonetheless) and we set something up to
go play pool at a local bar where I again poured
it on thick. Now mind you, I hadn't made any big
advances or anything but as she dropped me off
back home, she came in to use the bathroom. After
she came out, she wrapped her arms around me and
let me have a little taste. I said goodnight to
her and that was that night. A few nights later, I
told her I was going to be cooking and that she
should come over which leads me to...
***Tip 1***
One of the best techniques is to invite a girl
over for dinner at your place, especially if you
know how to cook. I find that many women don't
know how to cook or only "cook" stuff like Mac and
Cheese and other junk. The best part about this is
they get to see your skill, which is pretty
attractive to women when you can make a good meal,
and you have the most control because it is your
own place. The other part, is make sure you don't
start making dinner until she is already at your
place, she's not getting an entirely free meal!
Make her help. If she refuses, use the C&F
techniques and have her do something. Put her on a
task that's not too difficult so she can't mess it
up. For example, if you're making lasagna, make
her grate cheese or something (making her wash
dishes is rather insulting unless you're doing
most of them and she wants to help, which she just
might). And when you're all done with dinner,
take it to the couch and turn on the TV or watch a
movie or something. Which brings me to...
***Tip 2*** If you're sitting down next to a
girl that you're talking to in a private setting
and you get a little of that silence, not the
awkward kind, but the kind where you just kind of
look at each other. If you're thinking to yourself
"should I be kissing her?". The answer is a
screaming "YES". This can be preceded by the
"kiss Test" as well, but I know a lot of guys will
still have insecurities about this kind of thing.
Think about it this way. If you don't kiss her,
then she'll probably think you're a wuss because
you don't have the balls to do something she
probably wants you to anyways. After talking with
a number of my girl-friends, I've found out that
if a guy tries to kiss a girl, unless there is an
obvious unattraction, she will most likely go with
the kiss. At any rate, in this day and age, she's
not going to slap you and walk out the door. It's
not like you grabbed her crotch or something.
***Tip 3*** MC from the Mediterranean asked a
question about calling the next day. I just wanted
to point out you have already answered this
question in some form and you know what to do! You
can generally sense if a girl is sensitive about
something like that. If not, send her some sort of
message that next day, preferably email, but if
you're on the phone, have something you're on the
way to or busy with. Call, say "hi" and that you
had a great time, don't ask how she's doing or
what she thinks about what or if she had a good
time, but find some way to use C&F to make a light
conversation that will keep her wondering and even
thinking about you. Don't bring up the sex unless
she does so in a favorable manner.
***Tip 4***
Not so much a getting girls technique, but rather
something you need to do alone. In your spare
time or even when doing mindless tasks, go over
your past failed attempts when you have a clear
head about them and think about what happened.
You'd be surprised at how easy it is to find the
things that went wrong. You'll also be surprised
to find out that these are probably mistakes you
make all the time! This is the best way to
recognize the problem and rectify it so that its
not repeated. Your techniques are nearly
priceless and have stroked the confidence of guys
everywhere. I've even recommended it to friends
that have some serious wuss problems. I have yet
to see if they've taken it to heart or even
subscribed, but I'll help them yet! Things are
going great with that girl and I know it wouldn't
have happened if it weren't for your book. Its now
become second nature, and you get all the credit.
Thanks again Dave Your once Jedi Apprentice, now
Master, D.M.
Great ideas... great.
Nothing else needs to be said...
Except that you stole those ideas from me,
I'd just like to say your book helped in my
confidence level and my cocky/funny routine. I
have always been funny and was always successful
at making women laugh. I had the problem of, well,
closing the deal. I would strike the conversation,
make them laugh, and just joke with em, but could
never get their #. And I would never ask at the
right times, being shot down was a large part of
my night.
After reading your book, I met and talked to
this girl online. At this point I didnt care about
relationships or anything. I just wanted to have
fun. So we talk about 3 days online, and I called
her maybe 1 time and asked her to lunch. The whole
lunch I am making her laugh and break out a little
of the cocky routine. She's laughing and we both
having a good time. Later this month it will be 6
months that we've been together and I just
recently was told, that she tried everything she
knew the first 2 weeks to turn me on. Shes easily
a "8-9" and any other man would have given in and
been the "proverbial" wussy. Let me tell you
cocky/funny/un-clingy = ATTRACTION. It works, it
really does! Thanks for the confidence boost. I
just have to give you kudos to what you have
discovered here. I think you have solved the "8th"
wonder of the world: Women and dating.
You're welcome...
And you're right: Most attractive women DON'T
KNOW WHAT THE HELL TO DO when they meet a guy that
is charming, funny, "un-clingy" and in control of
himself and the situation.
They get turned on, they think about you all
the time, and they generally feel a level of
ATTRACTION that they can't control (and don't want
to control, because they love it!).
Good job, and I'm glad to hear that you've
found a nice girl for yourself. MAKE SURE YOU
DON'T TURN INTO A WUSS-BAG and screw it up!
you are really the man! i started reading your
material and realized what i wuss i had been with
the one girl i dated. before we were dating i was
textbook cocky and funny, but after we were dating
i became super-wuss man and i became "just a
friend". well every girl since then has been
absoultely begging for my attention (even girls i
meet online that live hundreds of miles away that
i practice on). i have two or three girls call
everyday but i'm always too "busy" to talk for
very long (hey i have to watch my sportscenter) i
was on an airplane to NYC when this hott girl sits
down in the seat next to me (i was window and she
was aisle) i had my laptop out and when she sat
down i acted like i didnt notice. well a few
minutes later i had to put away my laptop so i
pulled out a book and began reading it. she then
pulls out makeup (yes makeup) and starts putting
it on in the plane. i gave her a funny look and
said "didnt you have time to do that at home?"
Her: "(laughing) i did have time, but i didnt want
to. all i'm doing today is flying." Me: "oh i
see...(pause) you're lazy." Her: "no i'm not" Me:
"sure you are. but then you saw me and decided you
want to look good right? Her: (just laughs) Me:
"hey, dont worry about it... nothing new to me."
Her: "(laughs) well i mean..." Me: "(interruping
her) it's fine! dont be embarrassed. you're not
the first woman to try and pick me up this
morning." Her: "(still giggling) how can you be so
mean to a complete stranger?"
now i'm stuck... i didnt have anything left to
say... so i just said "i dont know" and (luckily)
she continued the conversation and i eventually
got her email and number and everything. but if
you could tell me something cocky and funny that i
could have used to respond to that it would be
much appreciated. thanks!
lol... you get it all, and you're trying to
tell me that you didn't know what to say in this
How about this:
After she said, "How can you be so mean to a
complete stranger?" you could have said:
"I'm not being mean at all, I'm just trying to
let you know that it hurts my feelings when you
treat me like a sex object... like a piece of meat
to be used for your entertainment... can't you
just get to know me for who I am? And then later
use all the makeup tricks to seduce me?"
There are all kinds of directions you could go
with this... you were doing great.
Just make sure you always end by turning it
around, playing hard to get, and getting the
Try this:
"OK, look. You're nice and everything, but
you're moving a little too fast for me. Here...
here's a pen. Write down your email address and
number, and maybe we can talk on the phone
later... then we'll see."
Or if you want to get together right after you
get off the plane, say:
"Hey, I'll tell you what. I see that you only
want to use me for my charm... but why don't we
have a drink tonight so I can find out if there's
more to you than just the makeup and cheap lines."
You're doing great.
i don't know if my story fits in with your
success story, but here it is for what it's worth.
as a 50 year old dutchman, never been
married.....great.. and having lived in holland,
the us, mexico, australia, most parts of asia and
now the ast 6 months in china, i can say one
thing, i totally agree with your c&f concept and
also that it is a proven international concept.
even though i don't have your e-book i have been
practising your c&f concept all my life in
countries where the chicks have different cultures
and don't speak english. funny is'nt, yes, the
answer is simple, don't be a WUSSY, girls are the
same everywhere it's just the more you do c&f the
easier it gets! there is not a day or every
couple of days that go by without a number to
contact some of these pretty things 18-25 year
olds. sometimes i don't even have to ask, they
give me their numbers to me, why because i am c&f,
rude, unpredictable, then smile, then rude again
and say hey babe just because you give me your
number does not mean we are getting layed tonight,
i am too busy anyway, just give me your number and
maybe i will call you in the next couple of days
when i have time. in china it works slightly
differently because of the language barrier, so i
use body and sign language, think about that one
and tend to pick the babes from the shops or
hotels where they work(as it is easier to get them
after work for some fun) same c&f thing i tell
them i'll be back in 2-3 days, very busy etc. then
i drop in the nexy day or so for a quick hello and
tell them again that i'll be back in 2-3 days,
this keeps them curious and hungry. when i get
back i pick them up near closing time, so i know i
am set for the night. the only drawback!! is that
as i travel so much is that i stay mainly in
hotels and so they are knocking on my door for
more, often whilst i am busy with another chick,
this creates great c&f scenarios and the funny
thing is they want me even more after that! so i
am having great fun and i still don't know how
manage to get some of my work done. so great work,
david keep it up! cheers, s.
A 50 year old Dutchman that dates 18-25 year
olds all over the world by being naturally Cocky &
Funny, huh?
Well thanks for your email, I love stories like
yours. Stay in touch and share some of your
techniques with us!
...and if you're reading this right now and
thinking to yourself, "You know, I need to learn
this stuff about how to meet and attract women so
I can get rid of that insecure and fearful feeling
I have"... then YOU'RE RIGHT!
I think that every man should invest in
himself, and learn this skill.
Unfortunately, most guys never take the time
and invest in themselves... and they wind up going
their whole lives WISHING that they could attract
the kinds of women that they want.
Well, I used to be one of the guys who didn't
know what he was doing with women. Now I'm one of
the guys who can go out anytime, in any situation
and attract women.
What's the difference?
And if you'd like to learn, then I recommend
you learn the things that I learned FIRST.
It's taken me a long time to figure all this
stuff out, and it's also taken a lot of time,
effort, and energy on my part to put it all down
on paper and on audio and video... so that any guy
can learn from the things I've discovered.
I'd like to personally invite you to check out
my materials. In a matter of hours you can learn
things that it took me YEARS to figure out... all
from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
My Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program
has nearly 18 hours of me teaching live... all
recorded and edited in high-quality digital video
and audio. It contains literally HUNDREDS of great
ideas for meeting and dating women... and it's
probably the single best investment you can make
in your dating life.
You can check out some free audio and video
samples here:
And if you haven't downloaded my online eBook
"Double Your Dating", then you need to go and do
that now. You can download it and be reading it in
a few minutes from right now. It's here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
David D.
P.S. DO NOT forget to check out my entire list of
programs... all in one place online. You can read
about them, watch sample video clips, and get all
the details here:
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