Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Make A Woman Laugh

How To Make A Woman Laugh

IMPORTANT: I get a TON of questions from guys who
want more specific training, word-for-word "lines"
and other "Cocky Funny" techniques. If you like
using Cocky & Funny, and you want to master it,
then you should definitely read this and watch the
video clips:


Hi Dave! I used your email close twice now and it
worked like magic both times: once with a
statuesque black woman, the other with a cute
Asian. Yeah!

One was in a bookstore, the other in a cafe: I
chatted for five minutes, started leaving, then
asked for email.

But what do I at a party where I'm likely to stay
for at least an hour? Pretend to leave, get email,
then stay!? What's the strategy here?



Isn't it amazing how easy it is to get an email
address from a woman you've just met? I didn't
believe it myself at first...

Well, it sounds like you have quite the diverse
taste in women... glad to hear that my techniques
cross all racial and cultural boundaries.

If you're at a party, the strategy is:

"Well, it was nice talking to you... I'm going
to get back to my friends... {turn away}... Hey,
do you have email?"

Then get her email and go back to your friends.
If she starts up a conversation again with you,
you now have all kinds of options.

Think about it.

And, if you or she leaves early, you can still
contact her later. Nice.


I bought your book and its been money well spent
as far as I'm concerned. The email/phone approach
works like magic; I have never, ever gotten a
phone number in a bar before, and now I can! Also
the "are you touching me" line you mention in your
book is a real winner. And all the general advice
about body language, attitude, its all working.

So now I'm wondering if you can provide some
advanced know-how. The sort of girls I like are
the blonde, high-maintenance "Los Angeles" looking
babes, and they seem to be the hardest for me to
succeed with. Any suggestions on what I should be
doing to attract them? What look I need to have,
methods of approach, things to say, whatever...

(To explain where I'm coming from, I'm tall
(6'2"), thin but cut, average looking, run my own
business and make good money. I try to be both
funny and arrogant but am usually more funny than
arrogant. My style is goatee, black turtleneck,
khakis, black loafers.)

Thanks in advance for any extra tips you can



Lease a Mercedes 500SL, get a big gold chain,
pretend to be a big-time producer, and make
references to your "connections".

The problem with the type of woman that you're
usually something like, oh, self esteem,
insecurity, lack of attention from a father
figure, a neurotic need for approval... you get
the picture.

If you want a fake woman, then be a fake man.

Your other option, of course, is to TURN UP THE
going to have to see her fake beauty and raise her
an arrogant attitude unseen since Ali.

Try it. If it isn't working, turn it up. You're
probably asking for trouble, but since you

Hi Dave,

Great book! It certainly makes much more sense to
bypass those "dating rules" that women seem always
play and make your own rules instead.

I do need your opinion here: I'm successful,
intelligent, cocky/funny (bordering on
a**hole/arrogant at times), not bad looking, and
in good shape. However, I'm Asian/American and
shorter than the average white male. On the
internet, I've had many comments how great I seem
until they learn that I'm Asian-- then I don't
hear from them again. In person, it's a slightly
different story because I can use funny/cocky,
which gives me better responses.

I know that Asian American males have always had
huge gripes about white women and even women of
their own race who will NOT date them because of
the stereotypical (nerdy, needy, backwards, or
arrogant, bad to women, philanderers... list goes
on) AA males that are always portrayed on TV and
movies. And also, you just hardly ever see AA
males with white women (especially in the white
suburbia where I happen to live).

Do you have any special advice here? Any
personality traits we should emphasize? Have you
seen AA males be successful using these techniques
and what have you observed?




I have an Asian friend who's probably about 5'
5" tall, and he's ALWAYS surrounded by young
women. And I mean surrounded. Like 5 or 6 at a
time. There are biases everywhere, in all
cultures... if you buy into them, then they apply
to you. If you don't, then they don't.

Whose reality do you live in anyway? Yours? Or


Hi, this maybe a dumb question but what does
"cocky" mean and can you provide me some examples.




The formula is:


Cocky alone is not attractive. Arrogance repels
people like bad breath. But a FUNNY arrogance...
Ahhh, that's the stuff that miracles are made of.

The cocky man says, "You are acting like a
little girl, and it's annoying me."

The cocky+FUNNY man says, "If you keep acting
like a brat I'm going to spank you like a red-
headed-step-child." (The usual response is
"Ooohhh, be careful, I might like that.)

No, really.

A cocky+funny man is always on the lookout for
an opportunity to show off his arrogant humor.

She gives a compliment on the clothing...
Cocky+Funny Man says:

"I just met you and you're already starting
with the compliments. Look, I'm not going home
with you. I'm not that easy."

I've just placed a pearl of wisdom before you.
If I were you, I'd pick it up, look at it from
many angles, and improvise variations. This is
magic waiting to happen.


"HEY DAVE! I have a teensy weensy little questions
for you, but first I'd like to say that your book
kicks serious butt!! I have had more luck with
women since I got it... Not that I really needed
it or anything, (cough cough) ahem! Anyways, now
to my question.

1)I know how to be cocky, I know how to be funny,
I treat women the special attractive way they
should be treated... but I have no clue whatsoever
as to what signs a woman will give off when she is
feeling attracted, I keep doing silly, stupid
things like um... backing off afterward 'cause I'm
not sure what her reaction meant, which I am
positive is a problem.

So if you could help me here I would be most



The main sign that a woman gives off is VERY
simple to spot:


You can stop clapping. I know it was profound.

But really, if a woman isn't interested, she
won't keep talking to you. She'll start looking
around, acting bored out of her skull, or moving
around in an uncomfortable manner.

The first minute or two is often like this
anyway as two people begin a conversation... but
if it continues past about 3-5 minutes, you need
to move on and try to be a little less boring with
the next girl!

I knew you would find my answer profound... but
if you're still waiting for her to tilt her head,
lick her lips, and twirl her hair then you need to
stop reading books published by guys that have
nothing better to do than spend 25 years watching
people in bars and writing down what they do.

It's simple:

1) Meet girl
2) Get email and number
3) Invite for tea and stimulating conversation
4) Meet and tease, be cocky & funny
5) If she's not psycho, invite her over
6) Use The Kiss Test

7) Don't screw it up!

I may have oversimplified a bit here, but I
think you get the idea. Don't worry about what
she's thinking... just do what you know is
ATTRACTIVE, and then lead. Things will work
themselves out if you keep doing the right things.


Been reading your newsletter, and bought your
book. I've read it once and will read it again for
better comprehension.

Success Story:

In the meantime, I've been putting into practice
what you teach. I wanted to share this success
story with your readers, as an example of how well
this stuff can work.

At a bar with a bunch of friends for a stag party.
Took the stag-boy around the bar to get his t-
shirt signed by all the women (this is a great way
to meet and talk with every woman in the bar).
Anyway, later I saw a blonde that I had talked to
earlier. She was talking with 3 guys. I went
over and tapped her on the shoulder and said "Hey
can I talk with you a minute?" and walked away
about 10 feet.

She came over, I used your email/phone # material,
and gave her pen and paper to write it down. You
should have seen the looks on the faces of the
three guys who were just talking to her. It was
worth it just for that.

I got 4 numbers that night and have been out with
2 of those women.


Like many other guys who write you, I've been
trying to develop the cocky-funny attitude. I've
watched most of the comedians and movies you
suggested in your book. I'm working hard on this
but it's just moving along slowly.

Now that getting emails/numbers isn't a problem,
and even getting dates (although I know I could do
better if I was more cocky-funny) is now more
possible, I now have run into a whole new problem:
how to create tension/tease/act cocky-funny on the
first date so that SHE calls ME for the second
date (hopefully cooking a meal at her place).

Anything you suggest for us guys at this stage of
our learning that isn't already in your book would
be most helpful.




You're doin' great... and you'll figure it out
as you go.

One of the best things you can do is to take
out a pen and paper, and write down the ten most
common situations that you find yourself in, then
write down some cocky, funny lines to use.

For instance, you might write:

End Of Date

1) Say to her, "Now don't call me three times a
day... I had fun too, but no stalking"

2) Kiss her and say, "Call me"

3) Tell her, "I'm busy tomorrow, but if you tempt
me with a good enough offer, I might make time for
you the next night..."

Are you feelin' me?

Just work out the different situations on paper
first, then do them in real life. You're on the
right track.

If you REALLY want to learn how to master the
art of taking things from one step to the next
with a woman in a SMOOTH way... you should also
check this out:


You've guessed it - the magic formula is working.
I went for 10 years with only 3 women, and in the
last 3 months, since I read the book, I've slept
with 3 more. The C&F theory is 100%. I picked up
one girl at supermarket, got her email, sent her
an email, got a date, left early ("got to go - too
busy, sorry...", waited 10 days, got another date,
asked her if she'd like to see me again, told her
"I think you should, because I'm almost perfect"
(she laughed), kissed her and you can guess the
rest...This stuff is dynamite. I'm a good looking,
successful 36 year old (separated), but I act an
idiot in front of women - or used to. Now I feel
*totally* in control, and am enjoying playing with
your ideas. Spot on!



Isn't it amazing what a little attitude
adjustment can do? I appreciate your email because
a lot of guys don't realize that JUST BEING GOOD
LOOKING doesn't do it. In fact, I know more
average looking guys who are successful with women
that "good looking" guys who are. Funny, isn't it?

Actually, it's COCKY and funny. Ba-Dum-Bum.

Dear David,

I met this girl on the internet and we have been
out twice. On the computer and on the phone she's
all sweet and inviting but in person she is
entirely different. On our second date she told me
that she didn't feel "connected" with me.
Meanwhile I have been nothing but a gentleman to
this woman. Help, what did I do wrong.




I have two ideas for you:

1) Stay tuned and read every email that you get
from me.


And listen to the little audio clip at the end
of the second page. You need to learn that
ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE. And it isn't logical.

Again, stay tuned.

Hi David,

I spend a lot of time in the library these days
studying for an exam - Psychology of all things-
but it hasn't helped because oftentimes I see an
attractive girl at the next table or perhaps a
cute girl walks past - never to be seen again. My
problem is that I'm totally at a loss as to what
to say and how to arrange it so we meet in what
seems like a natural and unsuspicious way. I can't
just go up to a study-table and suddenly introduce
myself and I'm certainly not going to follow
anyone around. Any suggestions?



Like I say in my book "Double Your Dating"...
women KNOW what you're doing when you approach
them. Heck, even if you're just being nice and
friendly they'll SUSPECT that you're picking up on

So, get over this "unsuspicious way" idea.

What... do you want to start talking about math
or anthropology, then slide in under her radar
with your smooth Mac Daddy techniques... and have
her wake up enamored with you?

Well, now that I put it this way...

Just sit close and start up a conversation. Ask
them what they're studying. Say anything. Then be
cocky & funny. Say you have to go, that it's been
nice chatting... and "Hey, do you have email?"

Quit trying to be the "Secret Agent Mac" of the
campus. And besides, women think that men who are
self conscious approaching them are WUSSIES.

And, in case you didn't know this, WUSSIES

Revenge Of The Nerds will NEVER happen to you.


First of all, I've got to say that your advice is
brilliant! There's a lot of con-men out there
selling silver bullets for guys women problems,
but you're writing makes you figure out what works
best for you. Since I've started following the
Cocky-Funny approach, I've noticed better results
with women in general.

Recently, I was out with a group of friends for
someone's birthday. I met this great chick who we
both have mutual friends with. Well needless to
say we both were attracted to one another and were
dancing in the club later with each other. One of
my friends was talking to her and then afterwards
she went a bit cold on me. He told me later that
she said she liked me but had just started going
out with another guy for 2 weeks.

Now I'm not one to try and steal another guys
girl, but I felt that the two of us really
connected and would like to see this girl. I
haven't got her number, but my friend has a good
excuse to ring her and I know I will be seeing her
again in a couple of weeks through friends. Well
my question David is this. You're tips helped make
her attracted to me, but what can I do if she's
still unsure about what to do with her current

I'd really appreciate your advice!



Well, if you haven't read my book, then you
need to get it ASAP and learn how to use the
"friendship" approach with women.

I think that most guys are just too damn
anxious to get their willies wet sometimes.
Instead of trying to convince her to leave some
guy she's been dating for two weeks based on a few
dances, instead say:

"It was nice meeting you, you seem like you
might make a nice FRIEND. Maybe we can have coffee

Get it?

I've learned the hard way that it's much better
to get to know a woman as a friend FIRST anyway.
It puts you in the right frame of mind, and you
get to learn a few things about her before you
apply all of your serious advanced smooth-mac
tactics (and very well may just save you from a
neurotic experience of the unwanted kind).

When you say "friends" first, it says all the
right things. Think about it.


I have a question about fat womens. if a women sit
in the house all day worry about things and
trying to destroy my career of making music and
looking for some attention and money should i get
rid of the fat pig or stay with her till things
blow and hit her like a punching bag to settle her
emotions down? she not my girlfriend she just a
sick women who was cool with me since my youth but
she hates everything I'm into. well I'm ready to
treat her like dirt as far the game go she play to
talk trash about my talent and putting her nose in
my business.what should I do punch her like a pimp
or kick the fat bic.. to the curb.(we ain,t got
anything in command)


I have to warn you beforehand, I'm not a
qualified relationship expert or licensed
practitioner, but I may be able to offer you some

It sounds to me like your relationship could
possibly have eroded beyond repair. Again, I'm not
a qualified expert, but this is just my personal

In addition, I realize that on occasion a woman
can behave in a way that is unsettling, but
violence is never an acceptable way to settle a
dispute of this nature.

In other words I just don't think that if you
"punch her like a pimp" that it's going to solve

Good luck with your " of making music
and looking for some attention and money..."

*** I know, it just isn't possible that someone
could have sent me this letter... but sometimes
life is just this way. I cut and pasted it exactly
as it was sent to me... with no edits. Unreal.***


Dave, I wrote you last week saying that I really
like this girl and wanted to "push her over the
edge" and get her to see me more. Well, I took
your advice and waited for her to call me. Well,
she did, and everything that you said would happen
did. She told me that she is used to guys calling
her all of the time and bugging her and that I am
the first guy she's gone out with that didn't try
to call her and ask her out every day. Needless
to say she asked ME if she could see ME more. It
worked like a charm and she spent the night last
night (it was worth the wait). Just wanted to say
thanks for the help and that you are cool as hell
for helping guys to quit acting like "wusses".
Thanks buddy.



What else can I say? NICE!

I should invent a cream called "WUSS-BE-
GONE"... or maybe "WUSS-AWAY"... you could rub it
on yourself and it would overcome the urge to call
women and beg for their attention. I could sell it
for $100.00 a tube. Hmmmmm... I'll have to see if
I can scare up some venture capital for this one.
I'll keep you posted.

...and that about wraps up another one.

I'm still trying to recover from the comedy
above... I really hate my job.

If you found this particular discussion
interesting, then you probably need to learn the
DEEPER secrets of how to be more successful with
women and dating. And if you're ready, then it's
probably time for you to step up and get yourself
an education about how to attract women and KEEP
them attracted. And the best education in the
world is my Advanced Dating Techniques program.
It's over 12 full hours of me teaching all of my
very best concepts.

This program will teach you everything from how
to overcome your fears of women to how to take
things to a "physical" level without running into
rejection. It is literally JAM PACKED with
HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of amazing step-by-step
techniques for overcoming all of your obstacles
and getting to the point in your life where you
have the kind of success that you've always wanted
with women.

I'll send it to you to try with zero risk, and
it comes shipped in a plain box for your privacy.
Can't beat that deal... Go check out the great
free samples here:

...and, if you're reading this right now and
you haven't yet downloaded your copy of my online
eBook "Double Your Dating", I have something to
tell you...

My eBook is the foundation for everything that
I teach in these newsletters, and it's the
foundation for my Advanced Dating Techniques
Program. If you haven't read it, go download it
right now:

And again: if you're interested in learning
more about how to use Cocky & Funny to attract
women, then you MUST go check out my Cocky Comedy
CD/DVD Program. You can watch some good preview
video clips here:

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Don't forget to look over all of the
different programs that I've created to help you
learn how to attract women. You can see them all

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
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Friday, May 28, 2010

How "Regular-Looking" Guys Attract Hot Women

Hey Man,

Have you ever wondered how some "regular looking"
guys manage to date so many attractive women...
without spending tons of money or pursuing them?

I KNOW that you know what I'm talking about.

We've all had one or two friends that were just
ordinary guys... but they had a "magic touch" with
the ladies.

And even though they were just AVERAGE-looking
guys, women always found them SEXY... and wanted
to be with them "in that way".

Well, I honestly believe that I've unlocked one
of the SECRET KEYS that these guys use.

I call it "Power Sexuality", and I want to share
it with you.

If you're interested, go here to read about the
details, and to watch some video clips of me
talking about it...

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Take a couple of minutes and go watch some
of the VIDEO clips of all the different programs
I've created to help you learn to meet and attract
women. You can see them all, and get the details
right here:


Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
all of the following: You understand that this is
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Quick 4-Step System For Getting Her Number

Quick 4-Step System For Getting Her Number

>REMEMBER: If you want to learn about all of the
different programs I've created to help you learn
how to meet women... just go here:


Hi Dave,

I'm glad you put together this newsletter because
it's so helpful and awesome! But anyways, I have a
couple questions if you could please help me.

Number 1, I have your book and follow your stuff
and I LOVE say the least. I've noticed
though, that a lot of your stuff dealing with
first encounters and pickups seems to be best fit
for the club/bar scene which is great and
everything, but I'm wondering how you go about
doing pickups in regular places, like a
supermarket, store, or coffee shop for instance?
What suggestions do you have for meeting women
here and how would you personally approach a women
in these circumstances? I mean, after a
conversation has progressed, I can see how the
cocky and funny will work but I wondering about
the first encounter if you could help please.

Second, I see that one of your biggest suggestions
is seeking out other successful guys in your area
and hanging with them and learning from them. My
problem is even though I live in a huge college
campus area with PLENTY of women around and lots
of stuff to do, I can't find any other guys in my
area who I can go out with and kick some a** with.
Most of my family and friends are back home and I
haven't really made any close guy friends that I
can hit the clubs/bars with here (the ones I do
have are just nerds who want to stay home and just
drink only). I mean I can go out by myself but I
like having a wing with me-it's funner that way! I
really agree with you though about the importance
of this and I was wondering if you any suggestions
on how to find other guys who you can go out and
chase tail with? See...why can't you live closer
to me damn it!!

Thanks for everything Dave and I hope you have
more success in the future because you've helped
bring that to a lot of people.

Sincerely, F.


First of all, I want to point out that the
ideas in my programs and books are NOT designed
for meeting women in clubs and bars only. Most of
my personal success with women, and most of the
success of my readers, happen in more "normal"
places like coffee shops, bookstores, schools,
parties, and even online.

I think that maybe some people just mentally
apply what they read to situations that they're
familiar with, so it might seem that I'm talking
about "clubs and bars" when I'm really talking
about more than that.

With that said, let's talk about some of the
"how to's".

I chose your particular email because of the
way it was worded. Part of the question is:

"...I'm wondering how you go about doing pickups
in regular places, like a supermarket, store, or
coffee shop for instance? What suggestions do you
have for meeting women here and how would you
personally approach a women in these
circumstances? I mean, after a conversation has
progressed, I can see how the cocky and funny will
work but I wondering about the first encounter if
you could help please..."

It sounds to me like you're assuming here that
you should have a fairly in-depth conversation
when you first meet a woman. I think that most
guys have a fear of approaching women because they
don't really know what to say, or where to take
the conversation. I know that was a big one for me
when I first wanted to learn this stuff.

But here's what I learned: YOU DON'T HAVE TO

In my ebook, I teach you how to get a woman's
email and phone number in about 3 minutes. I know
that it kind of sounds sensational... like I'm
probably just using that as a marketing trick...
but I'm actually very serious about it.

Now, there's a lot more to success with women
than just getting numbers. But for the sake of
this argument, let's just say that ALL YOU REALLY

Yep, that's it.

And you can do that in a few minutes, if you
know what to do and how to do it. I've had MANY
friends of mine go out with me and watch me get 5+
numbers in an evening from women, and only talk to
them for a few minutes each to do it. And I'll
tell you what... it changes their perspectives

Long conversations are not a pre-requisite for
getting a phone number, email address, or future

I can hear the arguments now:

"But no woman is going to just give out her

"What makes you think a woman is just going to
hand over her private information to a stranger?"

Well, I'm here to tell you that I, and many
guys I know, have done it SO many times that it's
no longer a question in my mind.

And here's why you might want to do it this

Let's say you're relatively NEW at learning how
to approach women and begin conversations...

The longer you talk to a woman when you first
meet her, the more likely you are to say something
stupid, say something that disqualifies you in her
mind, or get into a conversation that goes down
the wrong road. It's as simple as that.

If you don't waste any time, and just focus on
getting her email and number, you'll be able to
set up a second meeting... where you can focus on
taking things to the next level. And trust me,
it's a lot easier to recover from a mistake or bad
conversation when you're sitting across from her
alone over a cup of tea then when you're looking
at her over the mango section in the supermarket.

Think about it.

So let's land the plane...

The question is, "What do you do to get her to
give up the info so quickly?".


1) Know exactly how you want the conversation to

2) Know HOW to ask.

3) Know WHEN to ask.

4) Have pen and paper on you.

Also, if you're PARTICULARLY interested in
learning how to approach women and start
conversations, then you should get yourself a copy
of my program... it's called "Approaching
Women"... duh! Go check out the free preview video
clips of the program and get all the details about
it here:

I recommend that you take a few minutes every
day to imagine having conversations with new
women. It might go something like this:

"Hi there, you're cuter than the average woman
that I see in the produce section... are you

Her: "Ha ha... well, sometimes."

"So, are you shopping for a special occasion,
or is this just a routine produce visit?"

Her: "No, just here for some fruit."

"Nice. Are you from the area?"

Her: "Yeah."

"Are you from here originally?"

Her: "Born and raised."

"Well, it was nice meeting you... and enjoy
your mango..."

Her: "Thanks."

"Hey... do you have email?"

Her: "Yeah, I do."

Check this out... treat the "Yeah" as an
agreement to give it to you, then take a pen out
of your pocket (I prefer the Space Pen) and hand
it to her to write down her email. As she's
writing say, "and write your number there too...
and your name, which I didn't get..."

The key is that you have to act LIKE THIS IS

...OK, see how easy that was? Is that
realistic? I think so. I've personally gotten
HUNDREDS of emails and phone numbers (from women
I've just met) with dialogues like that.

I think a key is to MENTALLY REHEARSE how you
will handle yourself so you know exactly what to
do when the time comes. It all has to flow and
seem natural.

OK, to address the second part of your
question... how to meet other guys who know what
they're doing...

I think it's a good idea to go out once in
awhile to the local hotspots and WATCH what's
going on. Specifically, I think it's a great idea
to look for beautiful women that are with guys,
and watch how the GUY is behaving. Also, it's
interesting to watch guys picking women up to see
what they're doing. You'll learn a few really
important things first-hand when you do this:

1) You'll see the body language of guys that are
able to attract and keep women.

2) You'll see the gestures and hear the voice tone
of guys that are approaching women, and see how
the women respond.

3) Invariably, you'll see some guys are really
good with women, and you can make friends with
them. It's easy... just say, "Hey, you are the mac
with the babes. Let me buy you a beer. I need you
to tell me a few things." A beer is a cheap price
to pay for wisdom.

Of course, you probably realize, as I did, that
getting a number or a date is A SMALL PIECE of the

If you REALLY want to master all of the
different aspects of success with women and
dating, then you need to get yourself a copy of my
Advanced Dating Techniques program.

Everything I teach in my Advanced Dating
Techniques CD/DVD program is very specifically
designed to teach you the ATTITUDE and BODY
LANGUAGE and all the other little things that
cause women to feel ATTRACTION inside... for
reasons that they don't even understand.

This program will teach you everything from how
to overcome fear and shyness to how to approach
women in different situations... all the way to
how to take things to a "physical" level smoothly
and without "rejection".

Two more important points:

1) I'll send it to you at zero risk... meaning
that you don't have to pay anything at all until
you have gotten it, tried it out, experienced
success, and convinced yourself that it's worth
many times the investment.

2) I'll send it to you in a plain box, with no
identifying marks that indicate what's inside.

Go get it here:

And if you haven't downloaded your copy of my
online eBook "Double Your Dating", then you need
to go and do that right now. You can download it
right now and be reading it within a few minutes.
It's here:

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Don't forget to check out my entire "catalog"
of different programs. You can see them all, plus
watch killer video clips of each of them right

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
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Monday, May 24, 2010

How Women "Test" Men - How To Pass

How Women "Test" Men - How To Pass

>NOTE: If you'd like to see a complete list of my
programs - all designed to help you learn how to
attract and meet women - just follow this link:

Have you ever called a woman on the phone to
set up a date and she says: "Friday night? Sure.
Call me on Friday and we can talk about it..."?

Or, have you ever had a woman ask you if you're
"a player?"

Or, have you ever had a woman challenge you
about something ridiculous?

Or, have you ever had a woman call you five
minutes before a date and cancel?

Or, have you ever had a woman pout and get
upset because she didn't get her way?

Or, have you ever asked a woman for her number
and she says, "Why don't you give me your number
and I'll call YOU?"

Well guess what... you were being TESTED.

All of these are examples of common things
women do to "test" men.

On some level, the woman you were dealing with
was testing to see how much control she had in the
relationship... and how STRONG you were.

The paradox of "testing" is that if you COMPLY
with what a woman SEEMS to want, you will usually
FAIL the test.

Hey, I never said that women made sense... lol.

I was reading a great book recently called "The
Way Of The Superior Man", and inside the author
points out that a woman will often ask a man for
something DIRECTLY... but if he DOES what she
asks, she will be disappointed and ANGRY with him.

Ever been there?

So what's with this testing stuff, anyway?

Well, the answer is fascinating.

And before I tell you about why women TEST you,
I want to mention that there's a LOT more going on
"behind the scenes" when it comes to female
psychology and behavior. I believe that if you can
learn how to understand this "mating psychology,"
then you can learn to attract women MUCH faster...

If you want to get some of my very best ideas
on this topic, just follow this link, and download
my online eBook "Double Your Dating"... it's here:

Back to the answer...

Women test men because they need to QUICKLY
figure out what they're dealing with, and they
can't expect a man to just be straight up and
honest about his strengths and weaknesses.

I mean, let's face it... we guys like to talk a
big game, but when it comes to walking the talk,
we often can't BACK IT UP.

Also, beautiful women have a lot of options.
They have their pick of men. And beautiful women
prefer STRONG men. Not physically strong (although
this can be an advantage), but strong in CHARACTER

Women aren't attracted to WUSSIES.

So let me ask you... if you were an attractive
woman that was being chased around by 100 guys,
how would YOU go about figuring out which one or
ones were the "real deal" and which were merely
FAKING strength and confidence?

Of course... you'd have to TEST them.

But you couldn't test by saying, "OK, I'm going
to give you a test now, so get ready."

No no NO!

You'd have to use "blind" tests. Tests that
would allow you to see a man's true strengths and
weaknesses. And in fact, you'd want to use tests
HIM WITH THOSE TESTS. This way, if he turned out
to be a Wuss Bag, you could slip away quickly and

This would give you the power...

Of course.

And if you did this OFTEN, you'd eventually
become so accustomed to doing it, that MANY of the
tests would become SUBCONSCIOUS and work their way
into your NATURAL, EVERYDAY way of communicating
with men.

Well, guess what?

That's what is going on with beautiful women.

Many of the tests that they use with men are
actually OUTSIDE OF THEIR AWARENESS. They test us

And if you fail one of these tests, there's a
good chance that you won't get another chance.

In this fast-paced world, we humans don't have
the time to spend getting to know people over a
few months or years to figure out whether or not
they're the kind of person that would make a good
friend or mate.

We need to know NOW.

So we use shortcuts.

Testing is a shortcut for women.

It lets them discover VERY RAPIDLY whether you
have BALLS, or if you're just another one of the
bazillion Wusses that are trying to get her

I hope you feel what I'm saying.

So, the next time you're standing in front of a
beautiful woman who you've just asked for her
number and she says, "Why don't you just give me
yours and I'll call YOU..." try CHUCKLING out
loud, and saying:

"Oh, come on. Don't give me that old line. Write
your number down and I'll only call you 25 times a
day until you wind up having to change it because
I have nothing better to do with my time than call
someone who doesn't want to hear from me."

Then hand her a pen, point to the paper, and
look her in the eye expectantly.

Love it.

Now, obviously there's a lot more to this issue
of TESTING. There's a lot more going on than meets
the eye.

There are all kinds of subtle cues and body
language that women read to decide just what kind
of man you are... and these cues also trigger
ATTRACTION (or the opposite).

I've spent a lot of time researching this
topic, and figuring out exactly what makes women
feel that powerful emotion called ATTRACTION, and
what repels them instantly.

If you'd like to get a POWERFUL education on
the topic of women and dating, then I recommend
that you check out my "Advanced Dating Techniques"

In it, I spend several HOURS going into great
detail and teaching the exact, step-by-step
process of communicating with women in a way that
triggers their SEXUAL ATTRACTION mechanism. I also
teach you exactly what to do when you're being
tested by women... to turn her tests into even

You'll also learn HUNDREDS of specific
techniques for approaching women, getting emails
and numbers, kissing, "getting physical," dating,
and everything else that has to do with success
with women. You can go listen to samples and check
it out here:

If you like this "dating psychology" stuff,
then I also recommend that you get yourself a copy
of my "Sexual Communication" program. It's a
complete course in speaking this other "language"
that I constantly refer to.

If you want to master the art of creating
"chemistry" and "sexual tension," then this is the
training you need.

Go here to watch some cool video clips of the

Thanks for tuning in, and I'll talk to you
again in a few days.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Make sure you check out my online "catalog"
of all my different programs... where you can
watch video clips of all of them... it's here:

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Learn The MAGIC SECRET Of Getting A "Total 10"

Ever notice how incredibly hard it is to talk to
a woman that you think is "out of your league"...
let alone try to get a date with her?

You probably get tongue-tied. Maybe you come off
sounding like a "wuss" or "dork". Maybe you try
to make a move at the wrong time - or worse, you
never make your move at all.

If all this sounds too familiar... Did you know
there's a "magic secret" that can virtually
GUARANTEE you'll always stay cool (and know
exactly what to say and do) when you approach a
super-hot woman, no matter how "perfect" or
"unattainable" she seems?

Learn the "MAGIC SECRET" here:

Dear Man,

After talking to so many men for so many
years, I finally had to accept the sad truth...

Most men will NEVER get the kind of
high-quality women that they dream about.

Know why?

Well, here's the surprising reality: it's NOT
for the reasons you probably think.

The fact is, the most mind-blowing women out
there - the women I like to call "Total 10's"
- are totally different creatures than so-called
"average" women.

Now don't get me wrong... I'm all for getting
as many dates as you can with great "average"

But follow me on this, because what I'm about
to say has HUGE implications for your dating

The thing is, every guy has his own idea of
his "perfect" woman built right into his DNA.

This is the woman who has it all as far as
he's concerned. Smoking-hot looks. A great mind.
She's fun, exciting and adventurous.

And every guy also has a secret wish.

A hope. A DREAM that one day, somehow, just
maybe, he can somehow meet and date *THAT* woman.

Which takes me back to the sad truth:

Most men will NEVER get that woman.

But here's what I want YOU to understand today:

Getting a "Total 10" doesn't have to be a wish or
a dream.

Assuming you're not Quasimodo or that guy from
the Sham-Wow commercial, it's something that you

And the most amazing part is:


But your problem is, up until now...


How do I know?

Because, like 99.99% of all guys, chances are
that you're not dating a "Total 10" at the
moment, and you never have.

I know, I know... I can hear you saying: "Come
on Dave, get real. Maybe I'm not Quasimodo or the
Sham-Wow guy, but I'm also not George Clooney or
Brad Pitt or that vampire dude from Twilight."

And my answer is this:

Once you learn what REALLY works with women,
you can make it work with ANY WOMAN, no matter
how unattainable she may seem.

In fact, it comes back to what I wrote above,
so let's all read it again together. With feeling
this time...

"The most mind-blowing women out there, the
women I like to call Total 10's, are totally
different creatures than the 'average' woman."

And you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to
understand why.

The fact is, Total 10's have had men tripping
over themselves to impress them since the
beginning of time.

Total 10's been the target of every come-on.
They've been approached by every type of guy.

They've seen men act out in incredibly
embarrassing ways just to get their attention.
They've been showered with gifts and promises.

What I'm getting at is this:

A Total 10 has seen it all when it comes to
men and dating. And through it all, she's learned
one simple truth:


But here's the big news for YOU: Even though a
Total 10 has no problem finding men...

...she has major problems finding THE RIGHT


Because super-attractive women judge (and
reject) 99.99% of the guys they meet.

In fact, did you know that studies show highly
desirable women do a lightning-fast calculation
the minute they meet a guy? And this calculation
determines (in a matter of moments!) whether he
has the slightest chance with her?

Pretty scary, isn't it?

In just a few seconds, a beautiful woman will
test, grade, and pass judgment on you.

But the REALLY scary part is this:

A "Total 10" will not only test and judge you
a HUNDRED TIMES FASTER than an "average" women
will... she will NEVER, EVER give you a second

Why not?

Simple. She doesn't have to.

With all the options and opportunities that an
in-demand "Total 10" woman has, she tests and
rejects guys faster than they can get their
tongues untied.

But if those "rejects" only knew...


Wondering what that magic secret is?

You and a ten million other guys...

But don't worry. I won't leave you hanging.

The magic secret is this:

99.9% of men crash and burn with a Total 10
because they totally MISS THE BOAT when it comes
to understanding what's *really* important to

Let me prove it by asking a simple question:

What do you think is the first thing a "Total 10"
looks for in a man?

If you're like 99.99% of guys, you probably
answered in one of three ways...




But guess what... you just proved my point.
Just like all the guys who will NEVER get a Total


Here's the truth...


They're looking for a man who can understand
and knows how to deal with their EMOTIONS.

That's right... super-attractive women don't
blow guys off because they don't look like Brad
Pitt or have the cash of Diddy or Donald Trump.

They INSTANTLY DISQUALIFY most guys because
they come off sounding CLUELESS.

In fact, I've had Total 10's tell me that most
guys act like "emotional kindergartners" around


But here's the thing...

That's actually GREAT NEWS for YOU.

It's a HUGE opportunity.

It's the reason it's EASIER THAN YOU EVER
IMAGINED to get dates with the kind of women you
always dreamed of.

It's the reason the highest quality women on
the planet are within your reach (even if you
never knew it).

It's the reason learning just a few simple
secrets can change everything when it comes to
getting the women you really want.

And to do it, here's all you need to know...

When it comes to getting a "Total 10," you
need to connect with her on the level that really
matters to her most -

- the EMOTIONAL level.

The fact that most guys act like "emotional
kindergartners" is a gigantic hole in the defense
for YOU.

If you can become the one guy who DOESN'T act
like one, you'll look like you have "MAGIC

Let me explain it like this:

There's an old saying that applies to almost
everything I teach about succeeding with women.
It goes:

"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is

It means, if you can CHANGE YOURSELF to become
better than most other guys (again, we're not
talking money and looks here), you'll have the
advantage you need to get ANY WOMAN YOU WANT.

No matter how attractive she is.


Here's a prime example of what I'm talking

There are a lot of situations where men blow
their chances with a beautiful woman, and one the
worst is when she's upset.

When a woman is upset, it's actually an
AMAZING opportunity.

Now listen up... I don't mean you should take
advantage of a woman while she's vulnerable or
feeling pain. Stuff like that is just low and
sleazy, and I do not support it.

What I'm really saying is this:

When you see that a woman's upset about
something that's not too major or life-
threatening, it's actually an opportunity to HELP
HER - while passing almost ALL of her tests at
the same time.

But what do MOST guys do when they see that a
woman's upset?

Usually they run away like scared rabbits.

But (assuming they have the confidence to
stick around in the first place) what is it they
usually do next?

They immediately say something like: "Are you
okay?" or "Why are you crying?" or worst of all,
"Don't cry."

Don't say those things.

They're LAME.

There's no better way to instantly identify
yourself as an undateable WUSS than by saying
things like that.

So what SHOULD you do when you see that a
woman's upset?

Well, it's really about a whole lot more than

It's about CHANGING YOURSELF to become the
kind of man who KNOWS INSTINCTIVELY how to
communicate to a woman - the kind of man who can
show her that the world's not ending, and that
everything's definitely going to be okay.

Specifically, it's about learning what it
takes to show strength, empathy and compassion to
her instead of rabbit-like fear and confusion.

So how do you have to change to start doing it?

It can be as simple as learning to maintain
strong eye contact and a calm expression. Or
using a commanding tone of voice that shows peace
and inner strength instead of insecurity.

But most of all, it's about learning what to
say instead of those lame cliches.

For example, when a woman's upset, she might
say something like, "I'm so embarrassed" or "I
shouldn't be acting like this".

What do you do in response?

Hopefully not something Wussy.

What you MUST do is calmly and confidently
communicate to her that:

1) you understand how she's feeling
2) you can deal with her emotions

3) she's "safe" with you because you're calm and
in control

Become the kind of man who can communicate
THAT to a woman, and guess what:

Like MAGIC, she'll know YOU bring something to
the table that 99.99% of other guys DON'T.

She'll sense she's finally in the vicinity of
a rock-solid MAN instead of yet another
"emotional kindergartner".

It's a concept I call "holding space," and
mastering it goes a long way toward making you
"magically" come across as "Mr. Right" to any
woman you choose.

Want to learn more about what it takes to
master these "Magic Powers" and finally start
getting the women of your dreams?

Of course you do - and I want to help you. But
like they say, you have to walk before you can

That means getting a handle on the basics of
male/female ATTRACTION first.

If you haven't read my eBook yet, it's really
the best place to learn those fundamentals
quickly and easily. Have a look at it here:

Once you understand the basics, you'll be in
becoming the kind of "Mr. Right" that every
"Total 10" is looking for.

When you're ready to become the kind of man
who can get dates (or even create long-term
relationships!) with the "Total 10" women of his
dreams, my "Become Mr. Right" program gives you
the "magic powers" you need to:

1) Show high-quality women you're not only "in
their league" but that you're their one-and-only
"Mr. Right".

2) Create such powerful attraction in "Total
10's" that you become absolutely IRRESISTIBLE
to them - and they'll do the rest!

3) Enjoy the love life you always dreamed of,
whether it's dating multiple "Total 10's" at
once, or building a great relationship with that

Bottom line:

If you're interested in getting dates with
"average" women, there's nothing wrong with that.
I say go for it.

But if you're looking to make your dreams come
true with the most amazing women on the planet,
then you need an advantage that most guys have no
clue about... and never will.

You can get that advantage RIGHT NOW with my
"Become Mr. Right" Program.

But even better, the program will also help
you CHANGE YOURSELF to become the kind of man who

Needless to say, I think this one's a real
life-changer, so check out some FREE audio and
video samples here:

And remember: this program is 100% GUARANTEED
to make sure that no woman is ever "out of your
league" again. So when you finally have that
"Total 10" of your dreams on your arm, just do me
just one favor...

...don't blame me if she never wants to leave.

Meantime, let me know how it goes. Nothing
makes my day like another success story.

Your friend,

David D.

PS - The #1 PROBLEM men have with approaching a
super-hot woman is what I call "loss of oral
control." They start tripping over their words.
Getting tongue-tied. Hemming and hawing. It's
awful, it's embarrassing, and worst of all, it's
an instant DEAL KILLER.

That's why I'm excited to share a TOOL THAT WORKS
EVERY TIME to help you stay cool (and ALWAYS say
the right thing) when you meet a Total 10. Check
it out here:

PPS - Can't leave you today without sharing one
last, HUGE SECRET about keeping a Total 10
interested in you for the long term. Want to make
sure SHE NEVER WANTS TO LEAVE? Here's exactly
what you need to do:

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
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View our permission marketing policy:


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Everything I Taught You Was Wrong - Sort Of...

The special pricing on my "Become Mr. Right"
program is ending soon... so go get your copy NOW
if you'd like to learn how to turn yourself into a
man that can attract a "Total 10":

Hey Man,

If you're ready for a long-term relationship
with a "Total 10" - the kind of woman who's a 10
on the inside AND a 10 on the outside - then I
have some important news for you...

Everything I've ever told you about meeting and
dating women is WRONG, and will backfire on you
when you meet that perfect 10.

Let me explain...

A few days ago I told you about the new release
of my "Become Mr. Right" DVD Program.

This program represents a new direction for me,
because I do something I said I would NEVER do...

I give RELATIONSHIP advice.

Not just advice on what to do once you're in a
relationship, but how to GET INTO a relationship
in the first place.

And not just how to get into a relationship
with any woman, but how to get into one with a
special kind of woman - the kind I call a "Total

Why would I create a program like this?

Because time after time, at my live seminars,
guys kept saying that it's great learning how to
date different women... but if they found ONE
QUALITY woman, they'd get into a long-term
relationship with her in a heartbeat.

And I think that's great - in fact, for the
last several years I've spent more time in
relationships than "dating"...

But if you want to find that "one special
girl"'s a whole different ball game.



A woman who I call a "Total 10" - a 10 on the
inside and on the outside - is a different kind of
beast altogether... for a couple of different

1) A Total 10 has had many, MANY high quality guys
show interest in her.

2) All women have options when it comes to men,
but a Total 10 has TEN TIMES as many options as
other women.

3) She's extremely PICKY and knows exactly what
kind of Mr. Right she's looking for

4) She judges men 10x faster than other women -
because she's had so much exposure to men
showing interest.


At the live taping of "Become Mr. Right," I
said something BIZARRE.

I told the audience that everything I had
taught before was WRONG.

Now, the honest truth is that everything I've
taught you ISN'T "wrong" - but if you meet a Total
10 woman, you hit it off with her, and you KEEP
trying to use the techniques I've taught you after
you're in a long-term relationship with her, they
will eventually begin to backfire.

The things you've learned from me will go from
being your greatest friend to your greatest enemy.

Now here's the good news...

The "moves" you've learned can be "re-
channeled" into a powerful system to keep the
woman of your dreams for the long term.

In this new program, Become Mr. Right, I "fuse"
the best of my attraction techniques with the
cutting-edge of relationship methods... to create
the ultimate training for getting - and KEEPING -
a Total 10 for the long-term.

Talk soon,

David D.

P.S. If you want to get in a long term
relationship with the girl of your dreams, this is
the program that will get you there.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

5 Mistakes That Make Women "Flake Out"

5 Mistakes That Make Women "Flake Out"

>If you'd like to see video clips of all of my
different programs, and read the story of how I
learned to attract women, then check THIS out:


I will try to keep this short, but if you don't
read it all, just refer to the question at the
bottom regarding the question.

Okay, I have read through all of your newsletters
ever since I signed up for the service & purchased
your E-Books.

On a Tuesday I am out with a friend & we bump into
his ex & her roommate. Both girls are 9's (pushing
10's). I immediately go to work! She's wearing a
turtle neck sweater (I see a weak spot) so I start
calling her "Tippy the Turtle" all night. She acts
all defensive about it, but keeps laughing &
asking me WHY, WHY, WHY do you keep calling me
that?...So I just keep pouring it on. I bust on
her humorously every chance I get. Within 2 hours,
she's leaning on me, squeezing me & following me
around the club like a puppy..... SO, we go to
another club & I go to the bar to get a drink and
the waitress at the bar (whom I know from being
there in the past) asks me why I have never asked
HER to go out & do anything (LIGHT BULB GOES ON).
So I tell her it's "because I don't have a way to
get a hold of her". So she pulls out a dollar bill
from her money holder & writes her number down and
gives it to me (this girl is a solid 10 by the
way... and trust me, IM PICKY!). Needless to say,
IM STOKED! So I tease her a little about her name
(because her name is B...a guys name), take the
number & go back to my friend & the girls.....
Everything is great RIGHT????

Now the problem & the question:

I ask a friend of mine about her (the waitress).
He works at the same night club she does. He said
that she was "all about money". He also told me
that she just quit her job that weekend & didn't
work there anymore...

So I called her on the following Sunday (gave it
about 5 days). I decided to check this "money
thing" out in a humorous way. When she finally
realized who I was (which kinda pissed me off that
I had to explain to her who I was on the phone...I
went as far as suggesting that I hang up & call
back & try this again) I told her that I heard
she quit her job & then asked her "How are you
going to take me to lunch & pay my way if you
don't have a job"? I thought it was funny & was
awaiting a laugh, but she responded with "why do
you have to start the conversation off like that?
I had to support my last 2 boyfriends, so don't go
there". Needless to say I'm shocked & respond with
"Its becoming a habit huh?"...and then heard
silence & broke the silence with "I'm just giving
you sh**!" (I know, I know....a WUSS moment)

SO, I set a simple meeting with her (for some
lunch before I had to go to work) for that same
Thursday (today actually...4 days later). She said
the date & time were cool so I closed the deal
(kept the phone call at about 3-4 minutes). Before
I hung up she said "why don't you call me between
now & then so we can talk". Well I'm picking up on
that one right away, so I respond with. What would
be the point in that? We are getting together
Thursday to talk". And we said our goodbyes & that
was it....

NOW I get a phone call 3 hours before we have to
meet & she tells me some BS story about her
brother coming in town & she can't meet me for
lunch. Well I'm not stupid, and I just had another
girl cancel in a similar fashion on me last night.
DUHH!!!... So my question is this:

QUESTION: If a girl cancels on you, how should you
really handle it? Especially if you know her
excuse is bull sh**?!?! (I can pick liars out a
mile away... its a gift!). I realize she maybe
testing me, but when a girl expresses interest in
YOU & makes it a point to make sure that YOU leave
WITH HER PHONE NUMBER, how should you handle it
when they cancel last minute with a lame ass
excuse? My feelings are to talk to them in a manor
making them feel as stupid as they think YOU are.
For Example:

When she tells me her brother is going to be in
town & she had to cancel THREE HOURS before we
meet, I felt like saying "Well I gave you 4 days
notice to meet me for ONE hour. Your brother
hasn't seen you in six months & you didn't know
this when we talked the first time??"

I was just real quiet & said nothing when she fed
me this "Line" & responded with "ok, whatever...
maybe some other have my number" &
that was the end of the conversation, I hung up.

Are they testing to see if you WILL be an a**hole
(DO THEY WANT YOU TO?), or are they testing to see
if you will be sympathetic (WHICH WOULD BE
BAD)..... Personally, I want to be an asshole
because I get kind of upset with flakey people in

Also, do you think I should ever call & set a date
up again with a woman like this, or did I already
blow it?

My novel......

C. (Kansas)


OK, first things first.

You really have the right idea here. Your
thinking is right on, and your use of the Cocky &
Funny attitude is great!

And I'm guessing that the REASON why the cute
waitress started asking why you never ask her out
is BECAUSE you showed up with a hot girl that was
chasing you around.

It certainly helps the stock value when you're
seen around with a hottie.

I'd love to talk more about all the RIGHT
things you did, but, alas, I'm going to focus this
newsletter on the WRONG things you did.

Now, please don't take any of what I'm about to
tell you PERSONALLY, because it's all in good fun.

But pay attention, because by making fun of you
in a public newsletter (that many thousands of
guys read) only hurts a little (but remember the
joy I'm getting from it, and maybe you'll feel


Dude, what are you thinking?

When your friend who worked with her told you
that she was "all about money", it probably meant:

- He was in love with her.

- She wasn't interested in him.

- He tried to buy her dinner and gifts, but she
only wanted to be friends.

- He hated the idea that you were going to date

- He wanted to put you off the trail.

Think about it.


Now, of course you don't want to call a woman
ten seconds after you meet her and say, "Hi, I'm
the needy dork you just gave your number to...".

But think about it...

This girl works in a BAR. She meets about a
million guys every night.

She probably gives her number to more guys
every week than you have FRIENDS.

I would have called her the next evening... two
days later at the most.

This way she'll at least REMEMBER you.

And I would have said "You know, I've never had
a woman PAY ME to call her. But this dollar is
only going to buy you about 15 seconds. You can
ask me what I'm wearing or something, and then
you'll have to give me a Visa card to continue the

You're good with the Cocky & Funny, but you
should get THIS to make yourself KILLER:


What are you thinking... bringing up something
like this by telling her that you heard she quit
her job?

Something like this at the beginning of a first
call CAN'T go anywhere but a BAD place.

I can see what you were trying to do, but you
were on a slippery slope, and you were only
irritating her.

Save the ball busting for when you're alone
with her in person.

This is where you REALLY screwed up, man.

At this point she was probably thinking "What
the hell is this guy talking about?" because it
was a sensitive subject for her, and you didn't
have enough of a connection with her to be talking
to her about this topic. Too early.

I'm going to say that you basically SET HER UP
to flake on you.

Shortly after that, she gave you the NEON SIGN
of "why don't you call me between now and then so
we can talk".

TRANSLATION: "I'm going to flake on you for
SURE, but I just don't want the confrontation
right now, so I'll put doubt in your mind".


When you just let the "call me between now and
then" comment go by and hung up, you made a big

Right then and there you should have STOPPED
the conversation and said something to the effect

"Whoa. I'll tell you what, I have a pet peeve,
and I HATE it when people flake out on me. So, if
you're gonna flake, just tell me now. I'm only
going to make plans if you're CERTAIN that you're
going to be there."

Now, a lot of times when you say something like
this, you'll scare a woman off. But it's worth it.

The last thing you need in your life is a flaky

Better to get it handled early on.

But, if she's NOT a flaky woman... but only
trying to figure out how to flake on YOU because
you acted like a DUMB ASS, then this might change

When a woman sees you standing up for yourself,
and basically saying "Look, if you're going to
flake out or be late, then I don't want to meet
you", it shows her beyond the shadow of a doubt
that YOUR TIME is more important to you than HER.
This is a good thing.

This kind of comment will often result in a
woman saying "No, no... I'll be there. I'll be


If a woman called me three hours before we were
supposed to meet and said, "Oh, my long lost
brother is coming to town..." I would say:

"Well thanks for the three hours notice. What
are you going to do to make this up to me?"


Of course, you don't want to do it in an
emotional, hurtful way... or in a way that lets
her know that you have been upset by her.

I'll mention one thing here... I have a friend
who has gotten tired of women flaking out on him.
So he now calls THEM on the day he's supposed to
meet them for the first date, and FLAKES ON THEM.

He tells me that this works like a charm, and
they always show up for the next planned meeting.

Go figure.

Now, I personally don't like the idea of lying
to or deceiving women, but it's an interesting

In the final analysis, I'd say that you screwed
up in the beginning, and created your own

Instead of saying, "I heard you quit your job"
(which makes you sound like an amateur stalker),
you should have just said a few charming things,
set up a meeting with her, and gotten off the

That probably would have prevented your

Which leads me to another idea...

EVERY STEP with a woman will go MUCH SMOOTHER
if you set it up well beforehand.

My experience is that most guys CREATE THEIR
OWN PROBLEMS with women, then come to me to solve

Isn't it a much better idea to not run into
these problems in the first place?

I mean, you'll never reach a point where you
never have any problems with women, but you sure
can prevent and eliminate about 80% of them by
just knowing what to do to set up each step with
women, and how to respond to certain situations.

Where's the best place to learn how to do just

Of course, my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD

One of the most important things you can do to
make your dating life go more smoothly is to
REALLY get your "inner game" together.

By this, I mean how you think about women and
dating, what you believe, how you see the world,
and how you psychologically respond to common

One of the things that separates my materials
from all the other "dating" stuff out there is the
fact that I teach the "inner game" at a DEEP

I think it's important to understand what
ATTRACTION is, and how to create it (which is
something you were NOT doing with this woman on
the phone).

You must understand that there's a time and
place for everything, and if you screw something
up because you DIDN'T KNOW what to do in a certain
situation, the only clue you're going to have is
that the woman just disappears.

In other words, unless you understand what the
RIGHT thing to do is, you might very well keep
doing a WRONG thing (or many of them) without
realizing that you're even making a mistake.

Like I said, my Advanced Dating Techniques
Program is the answer. I spend several HOURS going
over the "inner game" and ATTRACTION... and
teaching you how and why it works the way it does.

Of course, I also spend several hours teaching
the exact, specific, step-by-step techniques that
I personally use to be more successful with women
and dating... and I also interview several of my
friends live and extract their secrets as well.

Go check it out. It's all here:

There's another program that I'd like to
recommend here as well to help cure your bad case
of "dont-get-it-itis".

That's my Deep Inner Game program.

Here's why...

When you've worked out your "inner issues" and
you're not looking to other people for approval...
and when you have a clear sense of who you are as
a person... then you stop screwing up situations
as often... and you start doing the right thing

Women can tell when they're dealing with a man
who doesn't have his "inner stuff together", and
they respond by FLAKING, CHALLENGING, etc.

To make a long story short, get my Deep Inner
Game program. It will give you the specific, step-
by-step tools you need to fix your "inner game
problems" FAST.

The details are here:

And if you haven't read my eBook "Double Your
Dating", then you need to do that NOW. It's my
original manual for success with women and dating,
and it's the place to get started if you want to
take your success with women to the next level.
You can download it at:

I'll talk to you again soon!

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Remember... if you want to see all of my
different programs, and watch video from each one,
just go here:

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DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
all of the following: You understand that this is
simply a set of opinions (and not advice). This is
to be used for entertainment, and not considered
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David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members and
affiliates harmless in any claim or event. If you
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