Sunday, June 20, 2021

Anxiety-Free Relationships, couples will greatly benefit from knowing these tips.
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

Mental health is a big deal, and some of our readers are on anxiety/depression meds and can't get out of their heads when having sex - how can they enjoy the moment? Also, how can they orgasm when these meds tend to lower libido/get in the way?

Satisfying, intimate relationships are a mindfulness practice, even when you aren't on anxiolytics. Everyone has to push outside thoughts away and come back to their sensual experience. So the first thing to acknowledge is that you are more like others than different. Most people have performance anxiety of some sort as well. Can I experience peak pleasure? Can I make them feel excellent? Do they want me?

There are some emotional strategies you can use to counteract performance anxiety. And physical strategies to offset low desire and difficulty achieving peak pleasure.

Many people have anxiety. It can include a lack of confidence or experience; trying too hard to do a good job instead of flowing with the moment. Some people are afraid of failure or criticism. Others have experienced shame or abuse. Sometimes you don't feel attracted to your partner like you used to, which causes more anxiety. Men worry about the size of their tool, if they can achieve rigidity, achieve peak pleasure, or if everything finishes too soon? For some, putting on protection creates anxiety. Women worry about how their vulva looks or smells. Will intimacy hurt? Will I get an STI or conceive?

All it takes is a single experience for the seed of doubt to be planted. Then anxious feelings interrupt the signals going from your entire body to your brain. This makes it easy for our fearful mind to get control. Telling yourself to stop being anxious just causes more anxiety. Making yourself feel bad because you're low on desire just dampens your arousal. Rather than fight or resist anxious thoughts and feelings, shift your attention to something that makes you feel good.

The most important skill you can develop, deep breathing, is also the easiest to learn and practice. Do it right now. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs to the top, then let go and let the breath rush out. Relax. Anxiety excites your central nervous system and puts it on high alert. We call it the "fight or flight response" for a good reason. If you feel threatened, your body releases adrenaline so you can protect yourself from danger. But think about it: If your body wants to flee or gear up for a fight, will your libido want to play? The simplest way to restore calm to the body is to breathe deeply. I recommend a 4-second inhale through the nose, followed by a 7-second exhale through the mouth. This will calm your nervous system and shift you out of fight or flight and into a more relaxed state.

In the context of lovemaking, leading your partner in deep breathing will do two things. First, it will set up a masculine/feminine polarity. When you lead in breathing as the masculine, you're in charge - this aids in arousal. Secondly, when you get your partner to breathe deeply, the calming effect allows them to feel more turned on in their own body.

Let's continue our conversation about how you can lower and eliminate performance anxiety.

Here Are 14 Best Practices To Do That ⇐ Click Here To Read The Full Article

I also want you to check out the articles I sent out over the week. Our bestselling Steamy Sex Ed™ Video Collection is going ON SALE very soon. Here are the articles all about it.

NEW! Intimate Breathing Technique
I want you to try this with your partner tonight so you can "breathe" intimacy and warmth into your relationship. Click here, to learn more.

Sensual Healing Massage Techniques
Watch my Steamy videos to overcome or help your partner overcome past trauma... things like being ashamed about your sensuality, growing up in a repressed environment, being made to feel bad about your body, being abused, etc.

3 Things I Love About You
Whether you're single or in a relationship, what I'm about to share is going to make your life happier.

Slow Sweet Intimacy Videos
You have to take it on yourself to learn the right way to make sweet, heart-connected love. My video program is all about becoming a passionate lover. Click here.

And here are the rest of the relationship-saving, intimacy-reviving, vitality-giving articles I've got for you. Check them out.

Nina's Commitment to Her Sex Life
I was recently on the Head Over Heels podcast talking about hot monogamy with Nina and Roger. They wanted my DESIRE libido vitamins and FLOW blood flow supplements. So I sent them a care package up to Canada.

Suz's Skinspiration Protocol
Staying young, beautiful, and sexually vibrant is a way to make sure we enjoy life, relationships, and sensuality. That's why today I want to show you a video where I reveal my secret Skinspiration Protocol.

The Most Powerful Female Fat Loss Trick Ever
Here's a new video on how women can lose weight by one of the most successful best-selling international author of multiple diet and fitness programs in the world today.

How to Hack Your Genes to Age in Reverse
I'm inviting you to the Advanced Antiaging Technology Summit to learn from my friend, Dr. Mansoor Mohammed, about the incredible ways you can hack your genetics to live a longer, happier, and healthier life.

Complete Sexual Anti-Aging Overview
My segment is titled, "Complete Sexual Anti-Aging Overview: Budget and Luxury Options For Ageless Sexual Pleasure and Connection​." I'll be going LIVE on the 6th day of the event.

Intimacy After Breast Cancer
There's one thing you don't often hear about breast cancer. Intimacy. Suz was invited to join other relationship and intimacy experts to show you that intimacy after breast cancer is not just possible, it's damn near necessary for your emotional healing. Check out her segment on this FREE online event.

Women Reigniting Relationships
It's tough for a woman to juggle life, relationships, kids, careers, and a myriad of other responsibilities on our shoulders. Suz joins Ladies Love Coach Jason Elkins to talk about how to revive your relationship for deeper emotional intimacy, better sex, and harmony... all without losing your mind. Check it out!

How To Help Heal Your Partner From Sexual Trauma (VIDEO)
Helping heal your partner's trauma is one of the most beautiful things you can do for them. You can help open them to their sensual potential.

Live For Love,

Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Wellness Expert to Millions", is the author of 35 techniques, including the Soulmate Embrace and 7 Stimulating Sex Positions. She helps her fans transform having sex into making love. Her orgasm techniques, bedroom communication skills, and ageless sexuality protocols are beloved worldwide for their practical nature.

Susan Bratton
"Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions"
CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

My "Better Lover" Channel
Instagram @SusanBratton

Personal Life Media, Inc.
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Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA
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