Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Become More Self-Sufficient Instantly

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Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

If you didn't plant a gar­den for the sum­mer, now is the time to plant win­ter crops such as let­tuce, chard, spinach, onions, brus­sel sprouts, kohlra­bi (real­ly yum­my) and so much more.

Hav­ing a home gar­den is just one of the things you can do to become more self-suf­fi­cient.

Claude David is a sur­vival­ist who has a book called The Lost Ways. It includes edi­ble plants, how to part out an ani­mal, and more of the old ways our grand­par­ents got along.

Check Out The Web­site Here ⇐ Lost Ways On How To Sur­vive


After some extra dig­ging, I man­aged to find more secrets that were almost lost to his­to­ry. I'm more than hap­py to share them with you.

You'll not only find out how to make a super­food with a fan­tas­tic shelf life, but you'll also dis­cov­er all the sur­vival skills nec­es­sary for any cri­sis...

Includ­ing a lost method of pre­serv­ing meat for over a year with­out refrig­er­a­tion and how to make the lost samu­rai super­food.

You'll also dis­cov­er almost all the edi­ble and med­i­c­i­nal plants in North Amer­i­ca, includ­ing a pow­er­ful painkiller, a dri­ve­way antibi­ot­ic weed, a back-pain relief plant, and many more...

Here are some of the secrets this book will reveal:

• A lost super­food that will pro­tect you against any food short­age or famine. This was recent­ly dis­cov­ered by NASA and is being used as rations for their space mis­sions.

• Anoth­er super­food that was a sta­ple meal dur­ing the great depres­sion. This will help you pre­serve food and make one of the tasti­est meats you've ever had.

• The lost "Samu­rai Food" born out of war and neces­si­ty, packed with rich nutri­ents and pro­bi­otics.

• The lost method of build­ing log hous­es used by the pio­neers who set­tled in the West. Use this to help make your very own log cab­in for shel­ter or per­son­al use.

• The lost skill of wild plants. Mas­ter agri­cul­ture and med­i­cine, includ­ing edi­ble and med­i­c­i­nal plants found through­out North Amer­i­ca.

• How to make acti­vat­ed char­coal pills you can use any time. It helps with indi­ges­tion, low­ers bad cho­les­terol, pre­vents gas, and treats food and chem­i­cal poi­son­ing.

And so much more...

Check Out The Web­site Here ⇐ Lost Ways On How To Sur­vive

Sur­vive Health­ily,
Dr. Pat­ti

If you're seeking the pinnacle of orgasmic experiences, Dr. Patti Taylor is THE expert. Did you know she has a PhD in Expanded Orgasms? She's had over 3 decades of experience helping lovers transcend vanilla orgasms to a higher realm of erotic pleasure through her bestselling programs Expand Her Orgasm Tonight and The Seduction Trilogy.

P.S. I almost forgot to mention all of its other benefits, such as increasing energy, boosting immunity, improving bone health, and much more.

Find out everything you need to know right here.

Check Out The Website Here ⇐ Lost Ways On How To Survive

P.P.S. Watch For More Awesome Articles Coming This Week:

- Did you get fat sheltering in place?

- ☄️ 2 Girls 12 Sex Toys? (VIDEO)

"...perfectly stimulates my g-spot and clitoris (and labia)..." (Mailbag)

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