Click Here To Sign Up For FREE ⇐ Watch The Interviews Before The FREE Viewing Encore Weekend ENDS On The 28th Have you heard the word "troll" used to describe numbskulls who leave idiotic comments on web pages? They add no value and are often weirdly skeptical. As you can imagine, being a sexpert opens me up to lots of droll trolls! Haha. I got one yesterday from "SpacticTomato" that was telling. On my Better Lover YouTube channel I tell the story of all of the sexual trauma and abuse I overcame to go on to have a wildly satisfying and extremely fun sex life... so much so that I became a sexpert because if I could have this transformation, anyone could! Below the video the latest comment says, "A sex life after 45yo?? Could only happen in America." with an expletive I won't include in the email but you can see in the picture below. This spastic tomato couldn't believe great sex is possible if you are in you forties. He was skeptical of me because of my age. HAH! Talk about limiting beliefs? This person is not going to have a very good sex life with that paltry attitude. If there's one thing about life that amazes me, it's that IT GETS BETTER. And that it KEEPS GETTING BETTER. And so does your sex life if you BELIEVE in yourself and the power of love and pleasure and having a young mindset. Whatever worry you're having today, it gets better tomorrow. You're going to discover a way to overcome it. And sometimes everything resolves on its own. That's why I make sure I keep myself healthy and well, both in mind and body, so that I can continue enjoying life. So I can continue seeing how wonderful life unfolds tomorrow. One of the recent developments that have amazed me is how much NEW knowledge is being discovered about how we can become healthier and live longer and better lives. My friend Brian Vaszily - a very kind but determined person if there ever was one - asked 20 experts this question to find the BEST advice for reversing middle age. His free online event is called, Your Best Years Start Now. And it's chock full of the most ground-breaking new concepts on longevity. Click Here To Sign Up For FREE ⇐ Watch The Interviews Before The FREE Viewing Encore Weekend ENDS On The 28th AGE IS A MINDSET Because in this once-in-a-lifetime summit, you are going to get total clarity on all the most effective steps you must take now to look your best, feel amazing, and live a LONG life doing it. You see, my good friend (I adore him!) Brian Vaszily, is a highly respected natural health veteran with over 20 years of experience. And for this event, he has gathered 21 of the world's most renowned and respected anti-aging and longevity doctors and researchers together. They each come from different areas of anti-aging and longevity expertise. And he's going to challenge each of them to answer this one mission-critical question for YOU: "From your area of expertise, what are the three most essential steps people must take right now to look their best, feel amazing, and live a long life doing it?" Yes, in a world where we're bombarded by so much information, such clarity from world-renowned experts is going to be pure GOLD. Head here now to see the powerful trailer and sign up FREE: Click Here To Sign Up For FREE ⇐ Watch The Interviews Before The FREE Viewing Encore Weekend ENDS On The 28th PLUS, when you do sign up today, you're also getting two (2) FREE reports... 1) "25 TOXIC Home Products That Cause Early Aging & Disease" 2) "25 Powerful & Little-Known Anti-Aging and Longevity Tips and Tricks." You'll see more about both of these important new reports you're getting right away today on this free sign up page, too. The power to avoid becoming a statistic truly is in your hands. In this once-in-a-lifetime summit, you're going to discover the most effective steps to take to put that power into action... so please do not miss this one! Click Here To Sign Up For FREE ⇐ Watch The Interviews Before The FREE Viewing Encore Weekend ENDS On The 28th To Your Best Years Starting Now, Susan Susan Bratton, "Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions" of lovers who crave lifelong intimacy and passion. As the Dear Abby of Sex, she has helped create and revive countless sex lives with her bestselling books and programs such as Relationship Magic, Sexual Soulmates, The Passion Patch, Revive Her Drive and her Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection. For more insider tips, follow her on Instagram and subscribe to her Better Lover YouTube channel. P.S. Did you know about these worrisome facts? In the US, someone develops Alzheimer's every 66 seconds. About 2/3 of those with Alzheimer's are women. 50 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's, and that number will triple by 2050. It can strike in your 30's and is increasingly prevalent thereafter. Wrinkles certainly impact people on an emotional level, and there are other serious ways they're more than "skin deep." Research shows, for example, excess wrinkles on your face and neck could be a strong indicator of heightened risk for bone fractures. 75% of adults reported moderate to high levels of stress in the past month, and nearly half reported their stress has increased in the past year. Stress increases the risk of heart disease 40%, the risk of a heart attack 25%, and the risk of stroke by 50%. Bad posture is not just a common sign of "looking old." Research shows it can cause headaches and other pain... cause poor circulation and varicose veins... excess fatigue... irritability and depression... and exacerbate arthritis. Loneliness is at epidemic levels. Even among those married. With nearly ½ of all adults experiencing it today. This is no small matter, as "loneliness has an equivalent risk factor to the health of smoking 15 cigarettes a day, shortening one's lifespan by eight years," according to Harvard Medical School. One-third of all women will be diagnosed with cancer. Research suggests just 5% of cancers are hereditary. That means the choices you make today have a profound impact on your overall cancer risk. YOUR REALITY can, should, and will be different than all of the above. That's because you hold tremendous power in being able to avoid and even reverse all of it. And that leads me to one of the strongest recommendations I can make to you... Sign up for the FREE "Your Best Years Start Now" online summit right now, and please listen very closely to all the videos and interviews included in the event. Click Here To Sign Up For FREE ⇐ Watch The Interviews Before The FREE Viewing Encore Weekend ENDS On The 28th |
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