Many people feel guilty about taking their pleasure. Often this comes from societal programming.
Perhaps you grew up in a very repressed household without affection or the acknowledgment of pleasure? Maybe you never had the modeling for how to enjoy pleasure? Don't despair. I'm here to help you feel more sensation and pleasure with this sensation experience you can do solo or with your partner.
First, let me ask you. Are you taking enough pleasure in your life,
Did you nourish yourself and your family today?
Have you gotten some sunshine?
Did you perform some small act of self-care?
Did you notice something beautiful?
Or take a moment of gratitude?
When you give pleasure it's rightful due, the satisfaction you feel toward your life instantly improves.
Today I ask you to take a moment to create an opportunity for pleasure.
Many of life's sensual pleasure comes from feeling sensation in your body.
Today I want you to lie down flat, close your eyes and look inward.
You can do this solo or with a partner next to you.
Do a body scan. Are there parts that are sore? Tingly? Dull? Jumpy?
Use your lungs like a bellows - a long, soft breath alllll the way in (about 6 counts).
Then a long, soft breath alllll the way out. (6 more seconds.)
Even your breathing so that you are going in and out very smoothly.
If your mind wanders, bring it back to your body sensations and your breath.
Bring your breath to all parts of your body. Start with the areas that don't feel good.
Breathe into them with a loving thought.
Then breathe into the parts that feel good, alive... make them come more alive with your breath.
Next, breath into your genitals. Spend 5-10 breaths just bringing your awareness to your vulva or your penis.
See if you can warm your genitals from inside with your intentional breathing.
Take as long as you'd like breathing and feeling yourself. This exercise will naturally come to an end.
You will arise feeling refreshed, turned on and more pleasurable.
And don't miss this week's articles...
These articles are written to talk about the many ways you can enrich and expand your intimate relationship.
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