Wednesday, January 31, 2018

3 Guaranteed Ice-Breakers (Plus 1 Shocking Prediction!)

When it comes to successfully approaching women, there are 5 DEADLY THINGS a man should NEVER, EVER say.
These are the guaranteed GAME KILLERS...the TOXIC WORDS that lead to INSTANT REJECTION every time.
Learn what they are (and what you should be saying INSTEAD) right here.
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   Know what?
   Sometimes I look back at my life and still can't believe it...
   I can't believe I wasted so much time NOT getting women...all because my FEAR of just walking up  to one and SAYING something!
   Tell me if you know what this feels like:
   I basically went day after day, seeing great women everywhere... the the gym and the park...
   ...some of them so beautiful, friendly and AVAILABLE...
   ...yet there I was -- totally HELPLESS to do anything that might give me a chance to be with them!
   Basically, just the thought of approaching one of these women gave me the cold sweats. It would have been easier to perform a root canal on myself than to just walk up and SAY SOMETHING.
   So, logically enough, I did NOTHING.
   Well, not quite nothing...
   I actually went home alone and fantasized about what it would be like to be with these great  women.
   I know. Not a pretty picture.
   Even worse, each time this happened, it made me feel even MORE HELPLESS (and HOPELESS) about myself and my future with women...
   ...if I couldn't even TALK to one, how was I ever going to get one!
   This, my friend, was a HORRIBLE feeling.
   That's why, if YOU'RE feeling this way right now, I want to do something about it IMMEDIATELY.
   I totally understand that being unable to START CONVERSATIONS with women is the #1 ROADBLOCK guys face when it comes to getting I want to get this handled for you RIGHT NOW.
   To do it, I'm going to share 3 of my all-time favorite ice-breakers -- word-for-word opening lines that CHANGED EVERYTHING for me.
   Simply by helping me kick-start conversations with beautiful woman, they helped me like I never thought possible...
   Looking back, I can see that they actually helped me kick-start my entire life!
   Which leads me to something else I want to share today...
   I'm not getting into the psychic business or anything, but today I ALSO have a SHOCKING PREDICTION for you.
   It's a prediction that'll blow your mind... simply because you'll immediately know it's 100% TRUE...
   ... and it's GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU, almost GUARANTEED!
   In fact, it's going to happen to about 99 out of 100 unlucky guys reading this newsletter right strap in and read on to see if this earth-shaking prediction applies to YOU, too.
   But right now, first thing's first...
   When it comes to succeeding with women, you CAN'T WIN if you can't even GET IN THE GAME.
   So without further delay, here they come...3 of my favorite ice breakers...
   Let's say that you find yourself in a place where there are women you'd like to approach... but that there are lots of OTHER GUYS around as well.
   Of course, this usually is the you need to learn how to make this common situation work for YOUR ADVANTAGE.
   Let's imagine you're at a bar...or a grocery store...or the dog park...or wherever.
   The first thing I want you to do is find ANOTHER who looks a certain way...
   I am NOT talking about picking out a poor homeless fellow who's wearing rags, here.
   I'm talking about spotting one of those totally clueless who wears beach sandals to the store...or Jersey-Shore muscle shirts on the dance floor...or needle-thin ties (straight out of 1982) at the bar.
   Don't worry -- no matter where you are, there will be no shortage of these clueless fashion train-wrecks to pick from.
   Once you spot that guy, here's what I want you to do:
   Walk up to a woman while you LOOK AT THAT GUY.
   We clear on this?
   I want you to make NO EYE CONTACT AT ALL with the woman you're approaching. Then, as you look at the guy, say to the woman:
   Wow! Check out that guy over there. What's up with those flip-flops? (Or shirt, or tie, or whatever he has going on).
   Once you do this, here's what's going to happen next:
   First, the woman will look at YOU in surprise.
   But guess what: you still WON'T look at her.
   You'll still be looking at the guy...shaking your head a little...almost like you can't believe what you're seeing.
   At this point the woman will say something like, Excuse me? What did you say--
   ...but YOU'LL STILL be looking at the other guy.
   So here's what she'll do next:
   She'll follow your gaze to him.
   Now, if you're totally spot-on in picking out a genuinely cluelessly dork, here's what the woman will do next:
   She'll LAUGH.
   But why?
   And the bigger question: Why is this important to your success approaching women?
   It comes down to a simple, fail-proof math equation:
   What I'm saying is, it's basically SCIENTIFIC: Making a woman laugh releases certain chemicals in her brain...
   ...which then create certain feelings in her...  
   ...which then lead to irresistible OPENNESS TO BEING APPROACHED.
   Got that?
   It's why I just can't say it enough:
   Any time that you can make a woman laugh, DO IT.
   It INSTANTLY paves the way to SUCCESS with her. More on the details of how (and why) it works right here.


   But for now, all that YOU need to understand is this:
   Approaching a woman this way comes with a couple MAJOR benefits:
1)  It immediately proves you're not a WUSS. And like I always say...being a WUSS is the fastest way to FAIL with women.

2) When you show (in a humorous way) that you recognize another guy's cluelessness, it instantly pre-qualifies you to a woman. It tells her that YOU are NOT clueless, and that you're worth spending time to get to know.
   These are both HUGE in determining how a woman will react to you when you approach.
   Before you try this one, make sure that YOU do have a clue when it comes to how you dress and your personal hygiene.
   Otherwise, the women will just look at you and laugh AT you.

   So shower. Use deodorant. Make sure you're wearing neat, clean clothes with subdued style and colors (always a safe bet).
   Geez, do I really have to tell you all this? Nuff said.
   Let's get on to our next ice-breaker...and then that SHOCKING PREDICTION of mine...
   Let's say you're in a crowded bar or club, and you see an attractive woman across the room.
   This time before you approach, I want you spot some other guy who's actually hitting on another woman (and, by the way, probably BLOWING IT).

   Walk up to the woman you'd like to meet and point this situation out to her.
   Just that simple.
   Say to her: Wow. Look what's happening over there...
   Again, this one comes down to human nature... women can't get enough of watching guys trying to be smooth and make their move with other women.

   Don't believe it?

   Just check out the latest ratings for THE BACHELOR.

   I rest my case.

   So...find a guy who's in the process of hitting on a girl, and you're set. Point it out, then share one of my favorite observations:
   Know why they call it ‘hitting' on a woman? Because it's usually so PAINFUL for her. Right? This will pull a woman into the conversation with you for 2 reasons:

1) Like I said...women are naturally intrigued by the moment of connection -- especially when the scene is playing out live and in-person in front of them.

2) If a woman's intelligent, she'll immediately LAUGH at the Cocky & Funny nature of your pointing this out to her...She'll realize the irony (and confidence) of your commenting on something that you're actually doing yourself at the same moment...approaching women!
   More specifics on how to then follow through and close the deal right here.


   But for now, on to our final conversation-starter of the day.
   (Damn these are good...I should write a book or something...)

   Here comes the most simple and effective ice-breaker of them all...
   Walk up to a woman and simply say:
   Did you hear what happened today? Say this to ANY woman, and it's GUARANTEED you'll have her FULL ATTENTION.

   Again, proven science is behind this one...the fact that ALL human beings are hard-wired for news and gossip. Simple as that.
   So, what I'm suggesting here is that you do a little homework before you go out.
   Check the newspaper -- or even better, a news website (more on why that is in a moment) and memorize the WEIRDEST, FUNNIEST STORY you can find.

   Then you're set.
   When you go out later, approach a woman and ask her if she's heard what happened today.
   Then tell her the weird/funny story, and the benefits will be three-fold:

1) If the story's odd or funny, it'll MAKE HER LAUGH. (Can you tell how critical this is yet?)

2) You'll show her you're a man who's up on things, and that's a GREAT way to CREATE ATTRACTION in women who value INTELLIGENCE.
(IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: whereas men often see BEAUTIFUL WOMEN as trophies, women often feel the same way about INTELLIGENT MEN.)
3) If you have a link to the story, you can offer to email it to her. And then guess what -- YOU'VE GOT HER EMAIL. Nice!

   So there you have it...3 guaranteed ice-breakers for starting conversations with women, any time, any place.
   What are you waiting for?
   I mean, you understand that you'll NEVER WIN if you can't even GET IN THE GAME, right?
   Of course you do.
   Which takes us to my...

   It's simply this:
   Even with these success-proven ice-breakers locked and loaded, I bet that YOU still won't go out tonight and try approaching women!
   Am I right?
   And it's all because (if you're like I used to be) you still FEAR RESISTANCE, or worse... flat-out REJECTION.
   It's because, even with these ice-breakers in hand, you feel like you still have no clue what to SAY and DO if a woman doesn't react positively to your approach.
   So, as a quick Bonus Tip, I also want to share an easy example of how to handle resistance as well...

   Let's say you try one of these ice-breakers, and the woman tells you, You're a funny guy, but you don't have a chance with me.
   Here's how to handle it:
   Immediately turn to a buddy you're with and tell him: Okay, dude. You lost the bet. Pay up.

   Believe me...just uttering those words will SNAP a woman's attention to you.

   Continue to tell your friend: I told you she would totally blow it...that she was one of 'those' women. I could tell.

   Now you'll have her hook, line and sinker.
   Because you've just set off about dozen ALARMS in her.

   She's now thinking to herself, Wait a minute... what kind of bet was this about me?...What did I 'blow'?...What am I ‘missing out' on?
   And most intriguing of all to her...What kind of woman does he think I am?
   At this point, she'll either try to prove you wrong about her (by doing all the things that a successful approach would have caused her to do in the first place!) or she won't do anything at all.
   If she does try to prove you wrong, EXCELLENT. You're back on track.
   If she doesn't, no big deal, just move on. There are plenty of women out there... and you've got your ice-breakers locked and loaded!
   Either way, here's the bottom line:  
   Your ONLY goal right now is to start making a woman feel interest in you the moment you open your GET TO IT (and prove my shocking prediction wrong!)
   That in mind, I also want to leave you with this...

   If these Ice Breakers make sense to you...if you get how and why they work...then I CANNOT SAY THIS STRONGLY ENOUGH:

   You are the kind of man who stands to BENEFIT THE MOST FROM THEM!
   It's because you already get it...You have the critical instinct (that most men lack) about what it REALLY takes to become successful with women... if you'd only START TRYING!!!

   Of course, maybe you feel like you still need a bit more help and inspiration to make it happen.
   Totally understandable.
   If so, here's what I suggest:
   If you see the science and logic behind the ice-breaking tools I shared today, I recommend you grab my complete Approaching Women program.

   This is my home course where I deliver EVERY SUCCESS-PROVEN TOOL AND TECHNIQUE that the masters use to successfully approach women, including:

--How to INSTANTLY stand out from EVERY OTHER GUY (so that approaching women becomes FUN and EASY instead of scary and painful.)
--Exactly what to say and do to succeed on almost EVERY approach (including DOZENS AND DOZENS of POWERFUL word-for-word lines, tools, and techniques)
--How to eliminate the DREAD and FEAR of approaching women that's crippled your success and self-esteem for so long (and how to CHANGE YOUR WHOLE LIFE FOREVER by starting to SUCCEED!)

   Plus a whole lot more, all of which makes me want to say it again:

   As a prime candidate for success using Approaching Women, I want you to have a look at this program ASAP.

   It's available for INSTANT VIEWING through online streaming... so you can go start watching it right now.
   Just take it for a test drive entirely at MY risk -- if it doesn't work for you (but it WILL!) just let me know, and you'll get a full refund, no questions asked.
   Learn more by clicking here.


   In the meantime, I'll be busy putting together another newsletter packed with more powerful tips (and maybe a few more SHOCKING PREDICTIONS!) so look for it soon.


   I'll talk to you again soon.


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



PS: Did you know it's actually better to NOT be the life of the party when it comes to approaching women?
If you've ever wondered why some sensitive, silent types often do so well with women, here's the secret that every shy guy needs to know.


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You have less than 48 hours left to get one of my top selling eBooks “Attraction Isn’t A Choice” at 50% off.

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Get all the details here.

Your friend,

David D.

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4 Sexual Personality Types: Negotiator (Part 4 of 4)

Are you a "Negotiator,"
Susan BrattonSusan Bratton Dr. Patti TaylorDr. Patti Taylor Sloane FoxSloane Fox Tallulah SulisTallulah Sulis

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Let me catch you up.

Here are the three previous Sexual Personality Types: (I can't wait to hear which one you are and why!)


Now, let's go to the fourth Sexual Personality: The Negotiator

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Though this article is for everyone across the gender spectrum, I've taken one idea - the concept of giving a woman lingerie - and offered you a few ideas for each sexual personality type.

If you're a man who thinks he's a Negotiator, I'd like you to reply to this email and tell me what kind of sexual ideas appeal to you.

If you're a woman, reply to me if you're an Negotiator and refine these ideas or give me others that would appeal to you. Tell me if you'd like your guy to do any of these for you (and definitely tell your guy you'd like to have fun like this if you would! He is probably a different Sexual Personality Type and would love to know what you'd like more.)

Is your lady more of an extrovert? Is she talkative and intuitive around people? Does she remember emotional experiences? Then, she's a Negotiator.

• She's most likely to enjoy a string bikini party with some of her friends. Invite your closest, sex-positive friends over. Put on a throbbing playlist and light some candles, then choose your favorite game. Girls on one side; boys on the other. The winners get to choose whether they or the losers get to wear the bikinis.

• If it's just the two of you, get her a little tipsy. Then with her permission, blindfold her, strip her down, put the string bikini on her, and as you're rubbing your hands all over her, whisper in her ear three things you think are the sexiest about her in the string bikini.

For example, "I love that there's a tiny little itty-bitty strip of fabric that barely covers anything. I get to see your whole body even though you're technically wearing clothing. It's tantalizing." "I love that you're willing to be my sexy little wife. You're not a prude. You're a fun, sensual woman." "I love when you dress up in an outfit like this. It's a signal to me that you want to play. That you are ready for some fun, sexy time together."

Remember to reply to me if you have a refinement, a new idea or a tweak. I'm interested.

To Negotiating Excellent Sex!


P.S. ♥♥♥ The Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection VALENTINE'S VIP SALE NOW OPEN ♥♥♥

GET ON THE VIP LIST ⇐ Squeeze In Through The VIP And Get Your Copy Now!

P.P.S. According to my mentor, Dr. Helen Fisher, anthropologist at Rutgers University and author of "The Anatomy of Love," "Why We Love," and "Why Him, Why Her," our personalities are composed of two basic types of traits: character traits developed through life experience and temperament traits, 50% of which stem from our biology.

Traits of temperament are heritable, relatively stable across your life course and linked to specific genes, hormones and/or neurotransmitter systems. She sampled 28,000 people to come up with these four personality types: Explorers, Builders, Directors and Negotiators.

Let's review the final of four sexual personality types, the Negotiator.

"Prenatal endogenous oestrogen priming is associated with contextual, holistic and long-term thinking, as well as linguistic skills, agreeableness, co-operation, theory of mind (intuition), empathy and nurturing. Traits associated with oestrogen activities also include generosity and trust, the drive to make social attachments, heightened memory for emotional experiences, keen imagination and mental flexibility. Oxytocin, closely related to oestrogen, is also associated with several prosocial traits, including trust, reading emotions in others and theory of mind. Helen designated this trait constellation the "prosocial/empathetic" temperament dimension and dubbed those predominantly expressive of this suite of trait Negotiators."

P.P.P.S. Watch For Ridiculously Stimulating Articles Coming This Week:

- Focusing On Strengths in Relationships (Part 2 of 2)
- ☞ Erotic Massage Coupon Inside
- Get Your FREE 2018 Horoscope, So Accurate!

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- "Helped me feel more sexy!"
- Are you ready to be irresistible?

- "Who taught you that?"

Susan Bratton
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Sunday, January 28, 2018

5 Ways To Flirt (Plus The Most Powerful Pick-Up Line Ever)

Hi Man,


Ever wish there was a simple, success-proven way to become the type of confident, in-control man that EVERY woman is desperately looking for?

Well there is. In fact, there's actually a proven, step-by-step "formula" for getting unstoppable confidence that MOST men have no idea exists...

Even better: once you learn this formula, it works AUTOMATICALLY... you'll never have to give your confidence (or lack of it) a second thought again.

Learn more about it here.


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Here's one that I get all the time:

   "Dave... what's the right way to flirt so that I don't come across as obnoxious or a total dork to a woman... and instead get her attention and make her actually want to go out with me?

   This is a great question... and a very common one.

   No doubt it's because flirting is something that most guys think they "get"... yet something that comes very easily to only a few guys... but not so easily to most.

   And that's why I'm dedicating today's newsletter to explaining easy ways to do it.

   And then, as a special added bonus... I'm going to share the BIG ONE with you...

   The #1 most POWERFUL pick-up line on the planet...

   The one that you can start using tonight to get better results (using far fewer words) than anything else you can possibly say or do with a woman...

   But that's coming up. So stay tuned.

   But first, let's get to it... Here comes:


   I'll start by saying this:

   Most often, flirting is about doing just one thing:

   Getting a woman's attention, but in an unusual way.

   And the best way to do it - bar none - is using a bit of humor that immediately makes a woman start to think to herself, "Hey, I can't tell if this guy's serious or not... but I definitely want to find out."

   Keep doing it right, and she'll start thinking:

   "He’s obviously pretty confident and possibly interested in me at some level... so I think I'll hang around to find out more."

   And then you're in... you've flirted "successfully."

   Now stay with me...

   No matter what you think you may already know about flirting, doing it successfully always comes down to behaving in one of 5 ways toward a woman... let's run through them:
1. Teasing

   This is the one that most guys think of right off the bat when they think about flirting.

   It's basically pulling a girl's pigtails on the playground...

   It's "busting on her in ways" that gently poke fun but that don't hurt her feelings.

   Pretty basic, right?

   So let's jump right into some examples of how to tease:

   Let's say a woman acts a bit bratty in any way toward you. You jump in and say, "Oh, poor baby is throwing a tantrum... You've probably been doing the same thing since you were 2, and you didn't get your way then, either."

   Or maybe she complains about being teased. You'd say something like: "Well then leave and find some other boring-ass guy, because I do this a lot."

   Another simple tease  is to make sure you keep a woman hanging onto your words by never giving her a direct answer.

   For example, if she says, "How do you like my dress?" You might say, "Well, I dunno... give me a few minutes to look at it on you and I'll get back to you."

   Or, when she inevitably asks, "What do you do for a living," say, "Something pretty important, but a woman like you wouldn't be interested... "

   Finally, never let her have what she wants.

   If she says, "Kiss me." say, "No." If she says, "Come over to my house." say, "I'm busy right now, I'll come over later."

   If she says, "I want you so bad, please make love to me." say, "Well, I think that you need to wait a little longer. And besides, I'm not finished kissing you."

   But you get the picture...

   Bottom line with teasing is to:

A) Get her attention

B) Quickly show her that you're not like every other lame, boring guy she meets all day long

C) Show off the kind of confidence that starts triggering the first feelings ATTRACTION

   Okay, onto:

2. Sarcasm

   This one's pretty self-explanatory...

   Sarcasm is mocking or making a much bigger deal out of something than it actually is.

   And, trust me on this one... it works great to get a woman's attention.

   If she's wearing a sexy outfit, simply say something like, "Thanks for wearing that. No way any other guy takes a second look at you tonight..."

   Or, if she's changed her hair or some other aspect of her look, say, "I don't care how hard you try to get my attention, there's no way you're bringing me home."

   You get the picture.

3. Acting too serious

   This one's a close-cousin of sarcasm.

   It's all about acting like whatever is going on around you is far more serious than it really is, and reacting accordingly in a way that brings attention to the fact that you could care less.

Quick example:

   If you walk in to see a scary movie and the place is empty, say something like: "I just know I'm going to have to act all strong and protective of you, but please don't think I mean anything by it. I'd do the same for my sister."

4. Invading personal space

   I love this one.

   It's not just effective, but (when done right) can be a lot of fun.

   For instance, if you're stuck in line somewhere, accidentally press back up against her (not too much... you don't want to on top of her like some kind of creep).

   Then apologize and tell her the guy in front of you smells like your grandpa's Old Spice.

   Or, if you're at the coffee shop, reach a bit too closely across her to grab a stir or some sugar. Brush lightly, but not too hard.

   Remember, this isn't about making her uncomfortable in any way...

   What it IS about is letting a woman know (again, most often in a humorous way) that you're not uptight about physical contact. That you like to have fun. Above all, that you have the confidence to flirt!

5.  Sexual innuendo

   Again, this way to flirt sounds pretty obvious, right?

   It's basically taking a conversation to an unintended level of "raciness" just slightly earlier than a woman expects.

   Now you have to be careful - do it too soon and a woman is very likely to think, "Ewww, creep... " and shut down on you for good.

   But when the moment's right (especially if a woman says something "racy" first) feel free to jump right in - sexual innuendo is the BEST way I know  of to communicate to a woman that you're not interested in being her friend, her brother, or the confidante she talks to OTHER guys about!

   Sound good?


   Then get out there and start trying some of these.

   I think you'll be pretty amazed at the responses you get... probably beyond anything you imagine.

   And now... (drum roll...)as promised, here it comes:

   My Bonus Quick-Tip of the day...


   I get dozens of emails asking, "What's a good pick up line?" And typically, guys want the quick fix, the words, the magic bullet.

   But here's the thing:

   The whole the issue here isn't that the greatest "pick-up" line is NOT about words!

   The whole key to starting ANY conversation with a woman is your body language, facial expression, and voice tone...

   No magic pickup line is going to work if you're shaking so badly that you need to sit down!

   Now, I'm not changing the subject here... I'm still about to reveal the greatest, most powerful opening line there is...

   But, right now, I want all of you to STOP focusing on creating an approach that's all about making a woman think that you're NOT coming on to her!

   Listen... if you're at a party or in a bar, and you walk over and start talking to a woman, she's going to know what you're doing.

   SHOCKER: even if you're not interested in her, she's going to think you are!

   There's nothing you can do to change that fact.

   So what's the answer?

   Focus on starting a conversation with one nice, pleasantly delivered word...

   Wait for it...

   That word is:


   You heard me.

   The greatest pick-up line there is simply a pleasant, confidently delivered "hello."

   What's REALLY important is that you use your body language, voice tone, and humor to make a woman start wondering IMMEDIATELY if you might be good dating material...

   ... also known as a CONFIDENT, IN-CONTROL REAL MAN.

   You see, you can have the best lines in the world... but if you come across as a weak, scared person, NOTHING will work for you.

   On the other hand, if you have confident, calm body language, then almost ANYTHING works.

   So start practicing in front of a mirror... just say, "Hi... you look like someone I want to meet."

   If you say it with the right body language and voice tone, and you talk to several women, you'll get some positive responses.

   Trust me.

   And then you can think about putting things in gear by doing some flirting, using everything we talked about above.

   In other words...


   You feeling me?

   Okay then, that's about it for today...

   Be sure to keep watching your inbox...

   I've got more useful, start-using-them-right- away "quick tips" queued up and coming your way soon.

   Until next time...


   Your friend,


David DeAngelo



P.S. I have to be frank...

In the end, there’s really only one thing that EVERY "master" of dating success agrees on...

It’s that any man who feels NERVOUS and INSECURE about approaching women is guaranteed to "blow it" once he does.

Or worse: he'll NEVER TRY AT ALL.

But here’s the good news: ANY man can leave behind all that nervousness, fear, and insecurity FOR GOOD, faster than he ever imagined possible.

Learn how to do it (fast and 100% guaranteed) right here.


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