Friday, January 9, 2015

Escape The Friend Zone (For Good!) This Year


Did you know there's a scientifically proven way to approach a woman that INSTANTLY tells her you're a "catch"... that she'd be damn lucky to have you?

In fact, do just this 1 thing, and she'll KNOW RIGHT AWAY that you're a one-in-a-million "great guy".

And guess what happens next...


Sound good?

Then discover the "magic secret" of making women CHASE "YOU" right here:

Learn More:


It's a brand new year, so I want to kick things off with something BIG... something I get more questions about than almost anything else.

And that is...

How to escape the "Friend Zone."

In other words, if there's a woman you're dying to be with, but she only thinks of you as "a friend", this simple technique will CHANGE EVERYTHING for you.

I'd even go so far as to say it will work like MAGIC.

So let's jump right in...

To start things off, tell me if this rings a bell with you:

An attractive woman in your life needs a ride somewhere. So you DROP EVERYTHING to drive her.

Or how about this one:

A cute girl is low on cash, so you give her a couple dollars as a loan -- even though you have a hundred other things you need to do with the money.

Or this one. It's CLASSIC:

A beautiful woman that you know -- and would do ANYTHING to be with -- is upset about something in her life (usually some *other* guy...) and wants someone she can "trust" to talk about it with.

So you, of course, promise to "be there for her."

No matter which of these things may have happened to YOU in 2014, I don't have to be psychic to tell you how things probably turned out:

In the end, no matter how much you "helped" and did favors for women like this... they didn't end up spending time with you...

...until they "needed" something from you, that is.

Or, if they did hang out with you, it was only as "just friends".

Damn. Stings just typing those words.

Well, if all this sounds too familiar to you, ask yourself just ONE QUESTION to start off the New Year:

In all these situations, why are women constantly "being your friend" and asking YOU for "favors"...

...then going off to "get some" from some other guy?

If this scenario keeps playing out again and again in your life, I can almost GUARANTEE it (again, without using my psychic abilities at all)...

You're walking around in the world with a billboard on your forehead that says:


And in fine print beneath:

"If you're an attractive woman, and you ask me nicely, I'll give in like a Wuss and do whatever you want, so ABUSE ME."

Now, of course, this "Wuss billboard" of yours isn't made out of paint and plywood...

It's made out of your outer and inner demeanor...

How you carry yourself...

The voice tones you use...

Your body language...

And most of all:


All of this, broadcasting 24/7 to every woman you meet (and the entire world for that matter):


So, onto the big question...

What's the antidote to all this?

How do you begin broadcasting to women (and everyone else in the world) that you're POWERFUL instead of a PUSHOVER?

How do you start getting what YOU want out of life, instead of giving everything to everyone ELSE and getting NOTHING in return?


Before I answer that with a KILLER EXAMPLE you can start using right away, I need to make a couple CRITICAL points:


Truth is, attractive women react the same way to "pushovers" that ANYONE else does. It happens AUTOMATICALLY.

Whether we're talking about getting a date with a "Total 10" woman... or getting a killer job... or just getting the neighbor to be quiet at night... the fact is this:

Once you broadcast "Wussy" signals to the world, you're DOOMED to being taken advantage of...

...followed quickly by REJECTION and FAILURE.

It's just simple human nature... When you INVITE someone to walk all over you, it's INSTINCTIVE that they accept the invitation.

And here's the kicker:

They often do it without even realizing it!

Bottom line: the FIRST thing you have to do is stop blaming other people for the life of failure and rejection you may be suffering through right now...

...and decide to TAKE ACTION to change it.

Okay... now the GOOD news...


And even better news: Being a "Wuss" and a "Pushover" DEFINITELY doesn't have to be PERMANENT.

YOU could CHANGE EVERYTHING starting tomorrow...

...if, like I said, you only made a decision TODAY to TAKE ACTION and do it.

Truth is, making just ONE MAJOR CHANGE in yourself can cause a virtual chain reaction in your life...

AUTOMATICALLY making every "signal" you send to the world show that you're "POWERFUL" and a "WINNER" instead of a "Wuss" and a "pushover."

So then. What's this "MAGIC" CHANGE you need to make in yourself that will CHANGE EVERYTHING ELSE in your life as well?


You can explore the scientific facts about how critical your "Inner Game" is for success in life (and how to put it to work for YOU right NOW) by clicking here:

But for now, in short, SUCCESS with women (and in EVERY area of life) is all about one thing:

It's about becoming the kind of man who has the CONFIDENCE and SELF-CONTROL he needs to SUCCEED no matter what life throws at him -- from interactions with women to SUCCESS in life in general.

That in mind... here it comes without further delay:


It's simply this:

The next time a woman you really want tries to take advantage of you as a "friend," here's what I want you to do in response:

Use it as a golden OPPORTUNITY to do the ONLY thing that really matters if you want to escape the "friend zone:"

Create irresistible feelings of ATTRACTION in her.

If you can do just this 1 thing, it's guaranteed...

She won't be able to help herself.

She won't be able to look at you as "just a friend" ever again, whether she wants to or not.

So, the next time she asks you for a favor, here's what I want you to say without missing a beat:

Tell her: "Sure, I'd love to help you out. But we're going to TRADE."

Now, first of all, get your mind out of the gutter... It's not "that" kind of trade.

If it was, you'd end up getting nothing but a slap in the face -- and guess what: you'd totally DESERVE IT.

What I'm saying here is, you need to think of some specific ERRAND that you want HER to do for you, and ask her to do it in RETURN for your help.

If she wants you to drive her somewhere today, tell her you need a ride somewhere next week.

If she asks for a loan, tell her that there's a quick errand she can help you with to earn it.

If she wants to spill her guts about some other guy, tell her you won't listen to her go on about some LOSER without getting HER advice on something in return.

Then, when the time comes for YOUR favor, use it as an opportunity to SURPRISE her.


To show her that you're ADVENTUROUS and UNPREDICTABLE.

To broadcast your CONFIDENCE.

In other words, do the things that CREATE ATTRACTION.

One great way that I always recommend is to say that you need advice on a dinner you're planning to cook... for SOME OTHER WOMAN.

Then, as her favor to you, ask her to come to the supermarket with you.

Have her help you pick out ingredients.

Along the way, remember to be COCKY AND FUNNY... busting on the ingredients she chooses... on other customers... on the celebrities on the tabloid magazines...


Then, when it comes time to check out... Tell her that SHE'S the one you're cooking dinner for.

Guess what:

She'll be floored.

But the REAL NEWS here is: she'll INSTANTLY see you in a whole new way.

And it will INSTANTLY CHANGE EVERYTHING about your situation with her.

She'll go from being a woman who used to "walk all over you" in the Friend Zone to being one who's INTRIGUED by you.

One who's EXCITED by you.

One who needs to learn more about you.

One who wants to SPEND A WHOLE LOT MORE TIME with you to do it.

Make sense?

If so, let me assure you it's just the tip of the iceberg -- there are literally DOZENS of FAST AND EASY WAYS to start the trip from "pushover" to "dating powerhouse" in 2015.

In fact, I have MORE GREAT NEWS for YOU specifically about that...

I know it's only January, but I've already heard from WAY TOO MANY guys that last year was a TOTAL DISASTER when it came to being treated like a "friend" by women.

That's why I've decided to take DRASTIC MEASURES... putting together a MAJOR SPECIAL OFFER designed to do something about it...


At *HUGE* savings to YOU.

Get full details by clicking here right now:

But for the moment I want to be completely clear:

If you're living that painful "pushover" existence right now...

...WISHING you had the CONFIDENCE you needed to approach women...

...WANTING to escape the "Friend Zone" forever...

...HOPING you can finally learn how to CONTROL your mind and emotions so you don't "blow it" with a woman every time you try...

...WAITING to feel PREPARED ENOUGH to take ACTION instead of trying to avoid humiliation and rejection...

...then here's what I want you to know:

NOW IS THE TIME to stop wishing, wanting, hoping, and waiting!

Once you have the CONFIDENCE and SELF-CONTROL you need (in other words, once you've mastered your "Inner Game") then EVERYTHING will CHANGE for you.


I'm talking about getting amazing women...

I'm talking about achieving financial success...

I'm talking about living your dreams instead of just "talking" about them...

You see, once a man takes back the power in his life, ALL OF THIS HAPPENS EFFORTLESSLY.

That in mind... I want you to know I'm all over this. BIG TIME.

In fact, I've put together a SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S OFFER that's one of my MOST VALUABLE EVER...

But more importantly, it's 100% GUARANTEED to make 2015 the year that YOUR dream of banishing your "Inner Wuss" forever finally comes true.

And here's all that you have to do:


Make just 1 SIMPLE RESOLUTION to watch my world- famous "Man Transformation" Program... an incredible 25% OFF!

When you take advantage of this exclusive, LIMITED-TIME OFFER, here's what you'll learn from 39+ HOURS of intensive, wall-to-wall home-study training:

--A simple way to GUARANTEE that from now on you'll meet all the women you want... whenever you want... effortlessly!

--Exactly what to say and do to get women trying to pick YOU up!

--How to INSTANTLY make ANY woman feel she needs to "get physical" with you... even if she can't quite figure out why!

--How to immediately show a woman that you have "relationship potential" -- without having to say anything at all!

And a WHOLE lot more.

Like I said -- this program includes almost 40 HOURS of life-changing training, tips, and techniques... viewable INSTANTLY ONLINE and designed to TOTALLY TRANSFORM YOU into the man you've always *dreamed* you could become.

And right now, for a VERY limited time, you can make that dream come true for 25% OFF...

That's a HUGE savings of $125.00!!

(Oh, and by the way... if you choose to begin your 2015 "Man Transformation" NOW, I'll also send you a MULTI-DVD back-up package via regular mail. Just pop the disks into any DVD player!)

Best of all:

As always, "Man Transformation" comes with my worry-free, success guarantee -- if this globally acclaimed program somehow doesn't CHANGE YOUR WHOLE LIFE, simply return it...

I'll issue you a COMPLETE REFUND!!! No questions asked.

Click here for the details:

And make THIS the year you finally leave the "friend zone" behind for good.

Talk soon.

Your friend,

David D.

P.S. Tell me something... are you a "nice" guy who always does the right thing with women and in life in general...

...but somehow you always feel like you're getting the "short end of the stick"?

If so, click below for a FAST, EASY WAY to **CHANGE YOUR LIFE INSTANTLY**

...and COME OUT A WINNER (in life and love) EVERY TIME:

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