Get this:
There's a 12-word sentence you can say to ANY woman that, within minutes, will make her wish she was YOUR girlfriend!
This sentence like catnip to a cat... you simply won't believe how it works, all with next to ZERO effort on your part!
Check it out here:
Hey Man,
Okay, time to turn things up a notch around here...
After watching so many guys FAIL MISERABLY when it comes to getting a great girlfriend (while seeing a few "chosen ones" succeed BIG TIME) I finally realized something:
The whole ballgame boils down to 5 things that a man MUST do to experience a great, life-changing RELATIONSHIP with a woman... in other words, to GET A GREAT GIRLFRIEND.
In fact, these 5 tips are all so SIMPLE and absolutely *GUARANTEED* to work for just 1 reason:
It's the fact that EVERY woman has a set of "emotional triggers" inside her that spark feelings of "attraction" toward a man... THEN compel her to want to be with him for the longer term.
And this is exactly why I want *YOU* to take away just one thing from all this today if you take away nothing else:
It's that MOST MEN HAVE NO CLUE what these emotional triggers are (let alone how to actually trigger them inside a woman)... so this is a HUGE advantage for YOU!
What do I mean by that?
Thought you'd never ask...
Hard, cold, reality is, when it comes to getting a great girlfriend, most guys end up doing 1 of 2 things:
1) They focus on doing the usual "nice guy" things to win a woman over, like buying her dinners, gifts, and flowers... giving her lots of compliments... calling her all the time...
... all of which KILL any chance of creating genuine ATTRACTION.
2) Guys moan and complain about the stuff they can't control about themselves (and that women don't really care about anyway...) like their looks, or how much money they have...
... so they end up DOING NOTHING to get the girlfriend of their dreams.
Either way, these mistakes make me want to jump out the window...
It's why you *MUST* get this through YOUR HEAD...
Women feel ATTRACTION for a different set of reasons than men do.
UNDERSTAND these reasons, and you can succeed with almost ANY woman you want.
More specifically...
Where men tend to focus more on looks, women focus more on "intangible" qualities... a combination of emotional and physical feelings that's NEVER really about a man's looks... or his money... or a woman's rational logic.
Women DO often "rationalize" their decisions about who their next boyfriend will be... "He's got to be like this" or "he has to do that for me" or whatever...
But, in the end, they actually HAVE NO CONTROL over who they're actually going to feel ATTRACTION for!
This is precisely why I want you to FORGET EVERYTHING you THINK you know about the traits women "notice" in their next boyfriend.
In fact, after talking with as many 'off-the- hook' beautiful women as I have, 1 shocking truth became clear fast:
When it comes to the qualities that great women are looking for in their next boyfriend, "looks" and "money" don't even make it into the top 5!
Truth is, everything I teach is based on learning EXACTLY what to say and do to create irresistible feelings of attraction in a woman...
... feelings that then make her HELPLESS to do anything but want to be with you.
Once you have the fail-proof tools and techniques you need to make it happen...
... you can get almost ANY WOMAN YOU WANT as a girlfriend!
Make sense?
Then, all of this in mind... without further delay, let's get to it:
Here come my 5 FAIL-PROOF TIPS for getting a great girlfriend FAST:
When it comes to their love lives, most guys tend to ignore the easy path every time.
So let me lay it out for you in plain black and white:
All you really need to do to succeed is make sure a woman feels that you are trying to UNDERSTAND her... really trying to connect with her deepest feelings in a way that 99.9% of men never will...and a MAGICAL thing will instantly happen:
She'll start to see you as "boyfriend material"!
Now, this doesn't happen on a conscious level - but if you make a powerful, genuine, heart-felt effort to find out why a woman's feeling sad about something... or happy... or fearful.... or whatever... she'll receive the message loud and clear:
You're the one-in-a-million potential "Mr. Right" that actually CARES about her and actually GETS HER.
This is VERY powerful.
It creates attraction in a way that goes WAY beyond the whole "prince on a white horse' routine...
Basically, learn how to come across as the kind of man who knows how to connect with a woman in this way, and you'll be UNSTOPPABLE.
Here's how to start doing it:
Stop looking at just the surface of a woman... learn how to look within her to find the beautiful parts that aren't so obvious to everyone else.
Then, use your imagination and creativity to see opportunities for poetic comments... interesting stories... fascinating history.. an emotional interpretation to everything that's going on...and you'll sweep her right off her feet.
Also, be sure to let her know that you're spending the time to think about all this stuff... women LOVE to know that a man's thinking about them.
Even if you just tell a woman that you don't like it that she's going out with another guy, she'll love it, because it PROVES you were thinking about her, but in an indirect way.
Even better: try connecting with her emotionally by showing that you also spend your time thinking about the welfare of OTHERS.
This kind of unselfish compassion goes a LONG way toward helping a woman see you as "boyfriend" material."
So volunteer in a shelter. Help out folks who are less fortunate.
If it's REALLY in your heart to do all of this, it will send her heart to fluttering.
And like I say - much more importantly, you'll be doing good for the world, too.
Want to learn a LOT more about my Fail-Proof Tip #1 for getting a great girlfriend FAST?
Then learn EXACTLY what it takes to CONNECT EMOTIONALLY with the woman you want... quickly... deeply... passionately... and then take things to the NEXT LEVEL with her.
It's all RIGHT HERE:
Meanwhile, onto:
Listen, it's no big secret... humor and confidence are PROVEN biological aphrodisiacs to women.
In other words, if you can show a woman that you're in control and keep her laughing while you do it, everything will go your way no matter how you screw up otherwise... all because women are helplessly, magnetically drawn to men with a great confidence and a sense of humor.
No, naturally, this is tough to explain to some guys...
Lots of men take this advice and immediately start coming across as ‘overly arrogant', which is not what I mean at all.
The formula for how to do RIGHT it is actually very simple:
1. Speak in a highly confident way.
2. Add humor to make it funny instead of just arrogant and obnoxious.
Here's one of my most famous examples how to put this formula into action...
Let's say you're walking down the street with a woman and she says, "Hey, I like those shoes in the window."
You might answer, "You would".
Or, if you're talking to a woman who's wearing four inch heels, you could say, "What, are you four feet tall without the shoes?"
Basically, you're saying things that are funny while being arrogant at the same time.
Best of all, while it's obvious that you're making fun of her, it's not exactly clear what you mean.
This creates interest and intrigue as she tries to "figure you out."
But naturally, 99% of guys wouldn't dare to say things like this right away to a woman they LACK CONFIDENCE.
And I can totally understand it, because I used to be that way, too... that is, until I saw guys doing Cocky & Funny CORRECTLY with women, and therefore getting all the opportunities that I (and 99% of other guys) never got.
To get you started on the right path, I recommend that you watch Chevy Chase in "Caddyshack" or "Fletch". Pierce Brosnan was AWESOME at this in "The Thomas Crown Affair". Clarke Gable, of course, in "Gone With The Wind". Even Tom Cruise in "Top Gun" showed the kind of humor I'm talking about.
Want more SPECIFICS on how to cultivate the skill of being Cocky & Funny, including WORD-FOR- WORD responses and FAIL-PROOF IMPROVE techniques that WORK EVERY TIME?
Here you can get the INSTANT, 100% RISK- FREE crash course:
In the meantime, start trying to be Cocky & Funny on your own... you'll notice a mind-blowing difference in the way that women respond to you!
Let's face it... characters like those just mentioned usually make the rest of us feel like "cool" is something we don't have enough of... can't get more of... and are doomed to fail with women because of our lack of.
Much worse:
Our attempts to fake "being cool" ruin any chance we actually have to build a long-lasting relationships with a great woman.
But here's the question:
Jason Bourne and James Bond aside, what exactly does it mean to "be cool" in the REAL world?
Well, despite what TV and movies have us believe, the only "cool" that really matters to women isn't about swagger, looks or money.
Genuine COOL is all about one thing only:
A man's INNER STRENGTH. Also know as the kind of strength that translates into personal confidence, control, and leadership.
It basically means being unaffected by the opinions of others.
It means seeing situations for what they really are without bitterness or paranoia.
It means being able to evaluate challenging situations in life, and then being quick to take mature, decisive action.
It means having the strength to do your own thing while encouraging others to do theirs as well.
But okay... how do you go about getting this kind of cool for YOURSELF?
First off, it's critical that you start PUSHING YOURSELF and TRYING NEW THINGS.
Because, fact is, the only way to TRULY be cool in ANY situation is to have faced a SIMILAR SITUATION at some time in the past.
The more experiences you can gather in your life, the greater the chances that you'll come across as cool in a FUTURE situation.
And -- most importantly -- you'll automatically "be cool" in situations that present themselves while you're with that great woman you want as a girlfriend!
So get out there and start experiencing new stuff IMMEDIATELY...
Maybe you want to learn more about different types of wine. Or maybe foreign movies.
Maybe you can start playing ice hockey instead of just shooting hoops all the time.
Do you understand ANYTHING about fashion? Have you ever even HEARD of Frank Sinatra?
I think you get the message.
If you'd like more SPECIFICS on how to become the kind of cool, in-control man you thought only existed in movies and TV, I suggest that you check this out:
Oh, and one more thing:
Remember that one of the MOST CRITICAL parts of coming across as "cool" is NEVER CHASING A WOMAN.
I can't say this enough...
Women who are true "girlfriend material" have guys chasing them all the time.
Calling them. Texting them. Constantly checking in.
Ugh. It's not pretty.
Like I said -- what YOU have to do to be successful is stand out from THAT pathetic, Wussy crowd.
Yet most guys sabotage themselves with their overwhelming impulse to chase a woman...
They try so hard to say "cool" things.
They act so nervous during a simple, casual conversation.
Worst of all, they act like a "wussy"... not daring to tease or bust on a woman because they're so scared they'll upset her.
All of this positively MURDERS any chance of ATTRACTION.
So STOP doing all that CHASING.
Which, conveniently, takes us to...
Okay, listen up:
It's another scientific fact that most women have an unconscious, helpless attraction to so- called "dominant" men...
Did you know that the dominant males in some primate groups account 75% of all matings (while the Wussiest of the hairy knuckle-draggers go home and watch Skin-A-Max all alone)?
Same goes for humans...
When a high-quality woman is looking for "boyfriend material," she's most likely to notice the kind of man who knows what he wants and goes after it.
In other words, one who comes across as "in charge" of his life.
I'm NOT talking about the kind of "in charge" that makes a woman feel intimidated or uncomfortable. I AM talking about an assertiveness that's about setting goals and then going after them with passion.
Most women, particularly women looking for a BOYFRIEND, are magnetically drawn to this kind of assertiveness.
It's because desirable women are accustomed to being held up on pedestals.
Like I said above -- they're used to being CHASED by men all day long.
So... want an EASY way stand out from the other apes who hit on a woman all day long?
Then show her that you're IN CHARGE.
Act indifferent and aloof.
Make her think that you're only calling because you're bored.
Act disinterested sexually in her.
These behaviors drive a high-quality woman crazy! It practically makes them obsess over you (even though they'll NEVER, EVER admit it.)
Bottom line on this one:
If YOU need to amp-up your assertiveness level and "in-charge" inner confidence, I want to help.
I've discovered there's only 1 way to do it... and it involves totally "overhauling" what I call your "Inner Game."
Learn about it here:
Finally, on to:
Time to talk about your ULTIMATE WEAPON for creating INSTANT ATTRACTION (and therefore having your pick of great girlfriends)...
I'm talking about being just plain FUN.
I can't say it enough. In fact, I recently wrote a whole newsletter about this being the #1 way to "close the deal" with a woman...
No two ways about it, this is the big one:
Absolutely nothing is a bigger turn-off to a great woman than a guy who's a total buzz-kill.
All women -- especially the ones who make a great girlfriend -- are looking for a man who likes to have fun and do adventurous, unusual, even dangerous things.
It's instantly intriguing to a woman. It's immediately enticing. It's an escape from the hum- drum of every day.
Women absolutely go out of their way to spend time with a genuinely "fun" guy who makes their whole life more enjoyable.
So remember...
One of the biggest mistakes men make to blow it with a woman is being completely boring and predictable.
And that instantly kills the two things that all women are desperately searching for in longer- term relationships:
A) EXCITEMENT here and now.
b) ANTICIPATION of a FUN FUTURE. Deliver them both, and you're GOLDEN.
So mix things up and keep her guessing. Don't always call when you say you will. Go here instead of there. Do this instead of that.
Get the picture? Keep her guessing and you'll have no problem ramping up the fun and keeping her attention.
This is absolutely crucial because boring predictability is LETHAL to ANY relationship...
Let alone when you're looking for that perfect GIRLFRIEND!
Okay, that about wraps things up for now.
Sorry if I went on and on, but it's because I never stop hearing it:
Too many of you guys still think that it takes movie-star looks and rock-star money to get a great girlfriend...
And I don't want YOU to waste your life NOT experiencing what it's like to have a great girlfriend because of it.
So listen to your Zen-Yogi-Jedi Master David D., on this one...
Start SAYING and DOING the simple things that create UNSTOPPABLE ATTRACTION inside a woman... the things that set you apart from 99% of all other guys...
... and YOUR dream of getting a great girlfriend will finally COME TRUE.
Your friend,
David D.
PS: Ever wonder if it's possible for a "regular" guy like you to do MORE than just get a girlfriend... but actually get one who's an off- the-hook, super-hot, smart and exciting "Total 10"?
I'm here to tell you that I know it IS possible...
... because I did it!
And now I want to share the jaw-droppingly simple "magic secrets" of how YOU can do it too...
Check this out NOW:
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