Tuesday, October 25, 2011

3 Ways To Make A Great Woman Notice YOU

FACT: The #1 MOST IMPORTANT thing that a man can do to start SUCCEEDING with women is this:

Learn EXACTLY what to SAY and DO to come across as the rare "Mr. Right" that EVERY great woman is looking for!

To make it happen, I've developed a SPECIFIC, step-by-step, totally "can't fail" plan for literally *BECOMING* that mythical man called "Mr. Right."


Hey Man,

Know why 99% of men get INSTANTLY REJECTED when they approach a high-quality woman?

I know you *think* you know the answer... but I can almost guarantee that YOU DON'T.

Fact is, after watching so many men rely on their looks... their bank accounts... lame "pick up" lines and memorized "scripts"... all just to get the attention of high-quality women, here's what I realized:

The REAL reason these guys STILL get rejected has ZERO to do with these things.

The *REAL* reason most guys get rejected is simply this:

High-quality women come "pre-wired" with an idea of what they want in their personal "Mr. Right".

These are the qualities that get their attention in the first place.

These are the qualities that make them want to connect more deeply and emotionally with a particular man.

These are the qualities that make them want to GET PHYSICAL with a particular man.

All of which is why relying on looks, money, "lines" and "gimmicks" are a fool's errand when it comes to succeeding with great women!

IN REALITY, all of these gimmicks and mind-games usually have exactly the OPPOSITE effect...

They make a great woman experience that "Oh no, not this again..." feeling and instantly become disinterested.

They instantly send the lethal "signal" that a man is NOT coming from a place of personal confidence and strength.

In other words... a place where he could possibly be her ultimate "Mr. Right."

This is why, whenever I talk about approaching a great woman in the "right" way, I'm ACTUALLY talking about sending her the "right" signals, right from the start.

And this is something that YOU (or ANY man) can start doing TONIGHT by doing 3 things when you first meet a great woman:

Buckle in, here they come...


SHOCKER: body language is almost MORE important than words when you first meet a great woman!

This is why most guys INSTANTLY destroy any chance of success by acting nervous... submissive... even (gag) apologetic when they approach a woman.

This sends the INSTANT signal that they aren't ANY woman's "Mr. Right"...

... which INSTANTLY shuts down her receptiveness to being approached.

Sounds like a hopeless, vicious cycle, right?

Well, it is.


Once a man can "pave the way" to connecting with a woman by losing the nervous tics and twitches...

Sustaining eye contact...

Speaking, strongly, slowly and clearly...

Then he's MORE than halfway to winning her FULL attention!

Learn more about a few, simple tweaks you can make to YOUR body language right here:

These will literally FORCE women to notice you... then project a primal dominance and trigger an animal magnetism that will MAKE women approach YOU!

all works like a MIRACLE, so check it out.

In the meantime, let's move on to the next way to make a great woman notice you:


How many times do I have to say it...

When it comes to getting noticed by quality women, the best way to "flirt" is to know how to start (and carry on) a great conversation.

And to do it, I recommend that all grown men take a page out of the Boy Scout handbook...

... and BE PREPARED.

That means always continuing to EDUCATE yourself.

It means always having a few "hot" current topics in your back pocket and being well-versed on them.

It means mentally rehearsing them if you have to so that you can converse in a smooth, confident way.

Here's a great way to make all of that happen:

I recommend reading one major newspaper cover-to- cover every day... there's no better way to get a "crash course" on what's happening in the world and the ability to speak on it intelligently.


Mix in some intelligent HUMOR to the conversation (study comedy books if you have to) and you'll suddenly find TONS of great women opening the door to the possibility that you just might be their "Mr. Right".

For example:

Once you've started a conversation, if a woman says something like, "I usually don't go out with guys I haven't known for a long time," be ready with a cocky / funny observation...

... AND then make it highlight one of your personal qualities!

One of my favorite ways to do it is to say something like, "Gee, I hope you've already met your future husband then, and that he's half as (smart... tall... funny... wonderful... whatever) as me..."

See what's happening there?

I'm using the power of being Cocky & Funny... while ALSO signaling my "Mr. Right" qualities.

This works like MAGIC because CONFIDENCE and HUMOR are, by far, the top traits that women use to "size up" a man.

There ARE no close seconds.

That in mind...

If you're looking for a simple system for deploying the power of "Cocky & Funny" correctly EVERY TIME, in ANY situation, I've developed one that's become EXTREMELY famous for its HUGE RESULTS.

I'd love to share it with you. Have a look at the details here:

Meantime, on to the third way to make great women notice you...


No doubt about it: the biggest reason men have trouble with #1 and #2 is because they're so TENSE... so NERVOUS... even SO SCARED when they meet a great woman.

And it's all because they feel like there's so much AT STAKE.

In other words, most guys are so worried that they're going "blow it" and embarrass themselves...

Or they're so certain that, if they DO blow it, they're doomed to never have a chance with a great woman again...

... that they start sabotaging themselves right from the beginning.

This is why I suggest that men look at EVERY first meeting with a woman as one of MANY to come...

... and then act accordingly!

Act like you're meeting with a good buddy or an old friend for a casual outing... and then BEHAVE that way.

Even better:

Imagine how you'd act on a first date if you were behaving like you KNEW with 100%-certainty that a woman already thought you were her Mr. Right...

What would you do?

Here's what....

You'd ask MEANINGFUL questions about her deeper interests and passions instead of making nervous "small talk."

You'd PAY ATTENTION to her answers and follow up in smart, appropriate ways.

You'd REMEMBER what was important to her, and focus on those subjects.

Okay, I know, I know...

"Imagining" all of this sounds like a big shift in the way most guys think...


It actually IS.

But -- once YOU can make this change to your so- called "inner game" -- it will result in a HUGE change in how easy it is for you to get the attention of great women.

In fact... it will start to happen AUTOMATICALLY!!!

If you'd like more details on how to "upgrade" your "inner game"... including PROVEN ways to turbocharge your confidence (while eliminating fear, anxiety, loneliness, anger, and frustration) then I suggest you take a look at this:

Once you do, I'm confident that EVERY part of your life will begin to run more smoothly.

You'll begin to feel like you're on "auto-pilot" as you make all of the right moves in life and with great women every time... just because it's all coming naturally (from DEEP inside you) to do it!

Bottom line:

When it comes to getting great women to notice YOU, it's the qualities that identify you as a potential "Mr. Right" that will peak their interest.

So focus on building THOSE traits inside yourself, and you'll NEVER have to rely on looks, money, canned "lines" or stale "scripts" again...

Great women will receive the signal loud and clear about who you REALLY are (and everything that you REALLY have to offer) and start paying major attention to YOU.

I guarantee it: once this starts happening, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it...

... and why you waited so long to get it!

Until next time...

Your friend,

David D.

PS: I just revealed the 3 most powerful ways to make a great woman notice you.

But once it happens... how can you tell if *SHE'S* the right woman for YOU?

Great question.

And, in fact, there are 2 SIMPLE QUESTIONS you can ask ANY woman to determine INSTANTLY whether she's a long-term match for you.

Learn what those questions are by clicking here:

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