Friday, May 27, 2011

Two Big, Embarrassing CONFESSIONS

A lot of guys ask me what my greatest obstacle was on the road to becoming successful with women...

It was simply this:

After years and years of CONSTANT, PAINFUL FAILURE, I couldn't believe it was possible to QUICKLY and EASILY SUCCEED.

But man, was I WRONG...

Something happened that started MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE right before my eyes...whether I believed it could happen or not!

Learn what this "magic" something was (and why ANY man can succeed with women once it happens to him) right here:

Hey Man,

Before I get to not one but *TWO* big, embarrassing confessions (hell, I'd rather not get to them at all...) let me ask you a question to make myself feel better:

Tell me something...

Have you ever "blown it" with a great woman you really thought you had a "chance" with?

Maybe it was a friend...a woman you just met...whatever.

But somewhere along the line, you did something WRONG... she was nice to you at first, even acted INTERESTED in you, and then you either:

1) said or did something so LAME that she totally blew you off


2) you didn't screw up in any OBVIOUS way...yet somehow you still got banished to "The Friend Zone"

Either way, here comes big, embarrassing CONFESSION #1:

Not only have both of these discouraging disasters happened to ME more than just once or twice...

Truth is, I went through YEARS of agonizing failure and soul-crushing much that it finally became UNBEARABLE to me.

To make matters worse...

The whole time, I'd look around and see some other extremely "average" guy walking around with a hot woman on his arm...

...a guy that wasn't any better looking or any richer than me!

But still, there he was...walking around with that amazing "Total 10." And I don't mean just

physically, but the whole package...the real woman of your dreams (funny, smart, interesting...)

I don't have to tell you...this made me feel even WORSE about myself.

It was like an unsolvable "magic trick" or something... Guys like this had no obvious advantages over me, yet they were constantly approaching women like I never could...flirting...making women laugh...

...all without any of the fear or nervousness that basically PARALYZED ME in life.

Yep -- hard as it is to believe, your dedicated teacher David D. used to look at these guys and think:


Like I said...these guys were NOT better looking than me. They didn't have more money.

So, logically, the reason they succeeded with women must come down to some kind of "SECRET WEAPON"...

There had to be a REASON these incredibly "regular" guys succeeded big-time (while I constantly went down in flames and finally STOPPED TRYING).

Eventually, when things got bad enough, I decided to start watching these guys...

The whole "know your enemy" thing.

Even started making friends with some of them.

Started observing up-close what they said and did.

And here's what I learned:

When one of these apparently "average" guys saw a woman they wanted, they approached her without fear or hesitancy.

They came across as supremely confident, laid-back, and funny with her.

You get the sense rubbing it in, right?

Basically, what I saw was that these guys acted like REAL MEN...

...while I, obviously, did NOT.

Despite their lack of movie-star looks and money, they seemed to be tapping into something "behind the scenes".

Some kind of hidden treasure trove of BUILT-IN INSTINCTS.

All of which is leading us to my second BIG CONFESSION, so stay with me...

Now, like I said, it turns out these apparently "average" guys who succeeded with women weren't actually AVERAGE at all...

This in mind, I went to the mirror and asked myself:

"Aren't you a MALE HUMAN BEING...also known as a MAN...too?"

As the man in the mirror stared back at me, I realized I must have been born with the same "secret weapons" inside of ME...the SAME "REAL MAN" INSTINCTS must be "hard-wired" into ME, too.

Makes sense, right?

Which takes us to...


Even once I realized EVERY GUY has the instincts BUILT INTO HIM to succeed with amazing women...


Probably EVEN WORSE!!!

Here was the problem:

I still didn't know how to find and start using my "STANDARD EQUIPMENT."

For many deep, inner reasons (fear...negative memories...laziness...self-doubt...) I couldn't harness the power of my built-in "real man" qualities.

Even though I knew that, as a man, I was capable of acting in certain, specific ways...


...none of it came EASILY or NATURALLY to me. Especially when I was around attractive women.

I just couldn't tap into the UNSTOPPABLE POWER SOURCE...I couldn't "switch on" the TURBO-CHARGED ENGINE all men have but most have NO IDEA how to operate.

Long story short...

Once I took action to find and "turn on" my inner "real man," it INSTANTLY started changing my life in MIND-BLOWING WAYS.

So now I want to help you find YOUR inner "real man," too...

It was after years of research and working with the experts in this field that I perfected a revolutionary "Owner's Manual" for ALL men that's 100%-GUARANTEED to turn them into what they were MEANT to be.

It's a home-study program called "ON BEING A MAN" designed to teach so-called "average" guys how to FIND and IGNITE their built-in, "real man" qualities, including:

* how to develop the powerful, masculine confidence and charm that all women are BIOLOGICALLY programmed to respond to

* how to stop being intimidated by beautiful women...and everyone else in life

* how to approach and "close the deal" with a "Total 10" woman EVERY ANY situation

* the secret formula for all-round "cool" that all women want in a man (and all men envy)

* how to act SEXUALLY CONFIDENT with women, even if you're not very experienced at all.

This last one, by the way, is CRITICAL...

It's the ONLY way to break the "vicious cycle" of failure with women that's caused by your failure with women. And so on. And so on.

But you know me...

You'll ALSO get a whole lot more...from guaranteed CONFIDENCE BOOSTERS to simple, step-by-step instructions GUARANTEED to turn you into the REAL MAN you were born to be.

But, as always, FIRST you must take action to make it happen.

CLICK HERE to learn how:

Meanwhile, truth is, it wasn't easy for me to make these confessions about myself today.

I mean, my situation used to be so off-the-hook PAINFUL and PITIFUL.

It was like I had a Porsche in the garage but NO CLUE how to operate it.

Like I had a weapon that could WIN THE WHOLE "WAR" to get women, but no idea how to FIRE it.

If this sounds like YOU...

...STOP FAILING WITH WOMEN when you don't have to!

Just watch "On Being Man" now, 100% RISK-FREE.

That's all there is to it.

Cancel it if you don't like it (you WILL).

Sound good?


Then let's do this...

Your friend,

David D.

PS: I still need to get one more thing off my chest...

Tell me the truth:

Are you planning to remain a VICTIM of the immature, scared, wussy-boy that lives inside you FOREVER (like I once did)?

Or will you "man up" and make SUCCESS IN LIFE AND LOVE happen (like I finally decided to)?

Either way, I can tell you this:

Women can't change what ATTRACTS them, so YOU'LL have to change what you SHOW them. Period.

And I's WAY easier to do it than you think.

It all starts here:

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