Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The 4 Reasons Why Women Reject Men


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   Hey Man, most men HATE the idea of

   I'm not talking about "don't like the idea" or
"wish it didn't happen"... I'm talking HATE here.

   The idea of walking up to a woman and having
her REJECT you causes most men to instantly feel
sick in the pit of their stomachs and literally
feel a horrible combination of nervousness and

   A guy can psych himself up for an hour to go
talk to a woman, but when the moment comes to
actually DO IT, EVERYTHING changes.

   The heart rate shoots up, breathing quickens,
eyes dart back and forth, thoughts of rejection
fill the mind, and eventually the pressure becomes
too much to bare.

   Most men find this state so scary that they end
up deciding to forget about approaching the
women... just to end the discomfort.

   The temptation is great to just "walk away"
because just as quickly as the intense nervousness
is triggered by the moment one decides to ACT, it
goes away when you decide to "forget about it and
walk away".

   The fact that "choosing to walk away" leads to
the "instant gratification" of the nervous feeling
going away makes it the most popular option.

   Most of the time (and I'm talking about
probably 99% of the time here) men just walk away.
They give up before they've even started.

   I find this topic fascinating.

   If I just think about it, I can remember MANY
times in my past where I wanted to talk to a
woman, but I just didn't do it.

   In fact, many of them are so vivid that I can
remember the exact setting, what the girl looked
like, who else was there, etc... and I'm talking
about situations that happened YEARS ago.

   These moments obviously made an impression.

   I can also remember kicking myself for DAYS
afterwards for not approaching and talking to
these girls.

   Can you relate?


   I think it's important to realize that there's
a BIG difference between ACTUAL rejection (having
a girl who is offended, upset, rude, etc. to you
when you start talking to her) and the FEAR of
rejection (how you feel when you imagine a woman
rejecting you).

   I've found that for me PERSONALLY, my FEAR of
rejection is actually FAR, FAR more painful and
difficult to deal with than ACTUAL rejection in
the real world.

   The main reason for this is that most of the
time when a man starts talking to a woman, she is
actually rather nice about the whole affair.

   Men aren't "rejected" very often!

   If a woman isn't interested, she usually just
says "I have a boyfriend" or "No thank you"... or
she'll just walk away without saying anything at

   Out of the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds
of times that I've approached women, I can't
remember any time that a woman has yelled "Get
away from me you loser! You are unattractive and
the very thought of going on a date with you makes
me sick to my stomach!"

   I'm sure it's happened to SOMEONE, but it's
never happened to ME.

   The worst I've had is a woman making fun of the
words I used (telling me that my pickup line was
lame) or just walking away.

   No slaps, no boyfriends beating me up, and no

   But here's the kicker...

   You can experience an intense FEAR of rejection
EVERY time you consider approaching a woman.

   Imagine, something you can predict with almost
perfect accuracy.

   You can be in any situation, anywhere, anytime,
and still have FEAR of rejection... which will
prevent you from approaching a woman.

   Ah, the power of the human mind.


   A lot of guys ask me, "How do I deal with

   The answer: Don't worry about it.

   If you get "rejected", you'll be fine.


   It's no big deal, and it doesn't happen that

   And when it does, you'll recover shortly

   You'll find yourself telling your friends about
it, and laughing together. Rejection from a woman
is about as painful as getting a "D" on a test.

   It's basically insignificant.

   The REAL question is "How do I deal with my
FEAR of rejection?".

   If you can overcome your imaginary FEAR of
rejection, you'll be on your way. (Some guys have
a type of fear that they might call "terror" when
thinking of approaching women.) If you have this
level of fear, then you might want to take a
minute and check this out before reading on:


   Now let's talk about those rare instances where
a woman actually REJECTS a man.

   For the sake of this discussion, I want to
define "rejection" as a woman doing something that
lets you know that she's upset and offended that
you started talking to her, and she responds in a
mean or vicious way to make you go away.

   I do NOT consider a woman walking away without
stopping to talk to you, her saying "No thank
you", or any other time when a woman just simply
doesn't engage to be "rejection".

   If you DO consider these things to be
rejection, please stop reading now, call your mom
into your room, and tell her that it's time you
grew up and moved out... and that she'll get over
the fact that she can't choose your clothes for
you and hug you when you have a boo-boo anymore.

   I digress...

   I've found that there are a few main reasons
why women actually DO reject men (by the way, it's
VERY rare that I actually get "rejected"
anymore... it's probably happened to me once in
the last 100 times I've started a conversation
with a woman... because I don't do dumb-ass things

   Here are the main ones:

1. The guy isn't paying attention, and he does
something stupid to begin with.

   Some guys think it's appropriate to walk up to
a woman, put their arm around her, and say, "Hey
baby, you sure do look hot tonight".

   Some guys don't see anything wrong with
following a woman around all night, staring at her
constantly, then walking over with a nervous,
sweaty-palmed, stalkerish look and saying, "You
remind me of my sister".

   These are bad ideas.

2. The guy doesn't stop when he should.

   If two women are sitting alone at a table in
the corner, and one of them is obviously upset,
and you walk over to them and say, "Hi, can I buy
you a drink?"... and the upset one looks at you
and says, "No thanks, we're in the middle of a
conversation" (then looks away from you back at
her friend)... and you say, "Aw, cummon, have a
drink. You need to lighten up and have some
fun"... and she looks back at you and says firmly,
"We're busy"... and you say, "What, are you in a
bad mood or something? I'm just trying to buy you
a drink"... and she says, "We don't want a
drink"... and you say, "Well maybe your friend
does"... and the friend says, "No, I don't want
one either"...

   OK, hopefully you get it.

   If you ever do something like this, you are a
dumb ass, and you deserve to be slapped and have
47 drinks thrown in your lap.

3. Making a woman nervous with your body

   If you start talking to a woman, but your
posture is weak and slumped, your eyes are darting
around but not meeting hers, and you're wearing an
unbuttoned flannel shirt with one of the tails
tucked in, you're probably not going to get a
favorable response.

   If you creep a woman out, things aren't going
to work for you.

4. Not understanding a woman's body language and
other communication.

   When you start talking to a woman, she will let
you know within a very short time if she's
receptive to talking to you.

   If you've been reading too many books that say
"A woman will signal her availability and interest
by flipping her hair, licking her lips, and
cocking her head coyly at you", then get over it.

   This stuff happens to Brat Pitt, not to YOU.

   And if it DOES happen to you, then skip this

   When you first start talking to a woman she's
either going to keep talking to you in an open,
comfortable way or she's not.

   She's either going to act like things are cool
or she's going to act like they're not.

   This is an amazing thought, but women get
nervous too. They will often stop talking just
because they can't think of anything to say, etc.

   But you need to pay attention.

   Experience is the best teacher here.

   My simple point is that MOST GUYS CAUSE
REJECTION by what they're doing. They aren't
paying attention, or they're doing things that are

   If you just avoid a few major mistakes, learn
how to start conversations with women, and do a
few simple things RIGHT, you'll all but totally
avoid "rejection" from the women you approach.


   The REAL obstacle here is the FEAR.

   As I mentioned, FEAR of rejection, or IMAGINING
rejection when you should be imagining success,
leads to walking away.

   You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

   Ironically, I've found that the best way to
overcome my own fear of rejection was to see that
it wasn't going to actually happen.

   The more times I approached women and started
conversations and the more I saw that women
usually responded positively, the less I imagined
things going wrong.

   This led to a positive feedback loop of me
wanting to approach more women and have more

   Here are a few ideas for overcoming your own
FEAR of rejection:

1) Go out to a bar, and watch men approaching

   Take a Saturday night, and just go out alone.
Find a seat at the bar where things are busy, and
just watch.

   Make sure you visit a place that is REALLY
busy, so you can see a lot of people interacting.

   Now, pay attention.

   You'll begin to pick out the guys who are
approaching a lot of women, asking them to dance,
buying them drinks, etc. Watch what happens.

   You'll be able to see for yourself that most of
the time, even if the woman isn't interested,
nothing bad happens.

   You'll also see that when a guy tries to grab a
woman who's walking by, makes a crude sexual
comment, or just keeps talking when a woman isn't
interested, that the woman's feelings might
escalate and she'll respond negatively.

   You can watch what works and what doesn't right
in front of your own eyes.

   This will start to reprogram your mind that
women don't usually "reject" men, even in the most
intense situations where they're being approached
all night.

2) Start small.

   If you have to, start by talking to women who
are PAID to talk to you.

   Go to a mall (one of my favorites).

   Stores in malls hire attractive young women.

   Walk into every store, and start conversations.

   Practice making eye contact.

   Come up with a few jokes that you can use in
any situation ("So, do you own this store?
Perfect, then you won't care if I just take some

   Ask the salesgirls to smell your new cologne
(the one you sprayed on your wrist next door) and
give you her opinion.

   The more you do this, the more you'll get used
to starting conversations with women you don't
know, and having comfortable conversations.

3) Choose one default thing for each situation.

   It amazes me that guys don't think ahead.

   They don't plan what they're going to do.

   As the old saying goes "By failing to plan, you
plan to fail".

   You really need to figure out a DEFAULT thing
you can do to start a conversation with any woman,
anywhere, anytime.

   Once you come up with your idea, mentally
rehearse it until you could do it in any

   Then get out and do it.


   Human beings tend to want to "save face" when
it comes to relationships.

   We don't like the idea that another person has
outright "rejected" us, and we ALSO tend to not
want to "hurt other people's feelings" by
rejecting them.

   This is one of the reasons why women will often
lie and say "I have a boyfriend" when they don't.

   You must become aware of these "subconscious"
processes and motivations, work with them, and
eventually become the master of them.

   Learn to recognize when a woman is "politely
saying no thanks", and move on.

   If a woman isn't interested in you, forget
about it. It doesn't matter.

   Go to the next one. There are plenty.


   Most men believe that if they could only
overcome their own fear of rejection, and learn
how to start talking to women, all their problems
would be solved.

   Not so!

   Just because you can start conversations with
women doesn't mean that they'll feel ATTRACTION
for you.

   It took me a LONG time to really "get" this.

   It took me even LONGER to realize that there is
actually a way to make women feel the emotion of
ATTRACTION for you... just by the way you
communicate with them.

   I used to believe that it was a mysterious,
lucky accident when a woman felt ATTRACTION.

   Now I realize that it's only "lucky" for those
guys who don't understand it (and very few do).

   I've devoted a lot of time, effort, energy,
testing, and development to design a system that
any guy can use to start making women feel

   And I'd like you to take advantage of that
effort and time that I've invested by checking out
my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.

   In this program, I break down the process of
making women feel ATTRACTION for you into easy,
step-by-step exercises and techniques that ANY guy
can start using IMMEDIATELY.

   You'll learn everything from specific exercises
to increase your self esteem, to the exact words
that I personally use when I approach women... to
the specific steps to "getting physical" with

   It's all in there.

   And if you'd like to get an introduction to the
main concepts, then download a copy of my online
eBook "Double Your Dating". This eBook is a
complete intro to the mind set and techniques you
need to understand to start being successful with
women. It's here:

   I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.

      Your Friend,

      David D.

P.S. If you want to get details and watch preview
video clips from all of my different programs...
each one designed to teach you a different element
of how to meet and date more women... then take a
minute and go here:

P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,
Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:

1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs

2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask
your question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff
is great" and "I don't need to tell you how well
your stuff works" comments, but the fact is that I
DO need to hear all of the specifics... because
this helps other guys to see what's working in
different situations.

3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success
Story" in the subject line of the email. I read
these first.

4) At the end of the email, give me your initials
and tell me where you're from.

5) Send it to me at:

...don't just hit "reply" to this email.


Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
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Monday, September 27, 2010

LAST CHANCE! How To Get Your Dream Girlfriend-Over 20% OFF!

Better HURRY... Time's almost up...

Learn absolutely *EVERYTHING* you MUST know to
finally get the "Total 10" GIRLFRIEND of your
dreams -- all for OVER 20% OFF!

This is it... your LAST CHANCE to get in on this
powerful special offer... so click here now:

Dear Man,

   Okay... this getting URGENT...

   If YOU'RE feeling like the TONS of men who've
been emailing me lately... men who are ALL
looking for "SOMETHING MORE" out of their love

   Like maybe a mind-blowing TOTAL-10

   ...I've created a major LIMITED-TIME DISCOUNT
OFFER designed just for YOU.

   I want to teach you ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you
need to know about finding the ultimate
GIRLFRIEND OF YOUR DREAMS... from getting dates
in the first place... to becoming the kind of man
that EVERY "TOTAL 10" WANTS as a boyfriend...

   ... all at HUGE SAVINGS to you.

   But you have to act now, because TIME'S ALMOST

   For just a few more days, I can still send you
the ONLY 2-PROGRAM COMBO OFFER that's 100%
GUARANTEED to get you a head-turning, smoking-hot
girlfriend... a HUGE DISCOUNT of OVER 20% OFF!

   To recap:

   If you respond now... you'll get BOTH my
legendary "77 LAWS OF ATTRACTION" Program
(my intensive, 3-hour "crash course" teaching you
EVERYTHING you need to know about meeting women
and getting dates)...


   My life-changing "BECOME MR. RIGHT" program
(featuring the ultimate training for FINDING --

   ...both for MORE THAN 20% OFF when you order
the pair!

   That's right... between my "77 Laws Of
Attraction" Program and my "Become Mr. Right"
Program, you'll finally KNOW IT ALL, including:

-- The "magic secret" of INSTANT SUCCESS with
women (Truth is, I'm kicking myself for not
figuring this out sooner... and you will, too,
when you see how easy it is!)

-- The "4 DEAL BREAKERS" men pull that shows
women you aren't "man enough"... and what you
MUST start doing INSTEAD.

-- How to create unbearable SEXUAL TENSION so
quickly that a woman won't be able to control
herself (Note: Her body will become ADDICTED to
you once you know how to do this...)

-- The "FAST AND EASY" WAY to meet TONS of
incredible new women... EACH AND EVERY MONTH!

-- What every "Total 10" wants in their next
boyfriend... and how you can practically
"read her mind" to become it.

--How to become the kind of man who ALWAYS KNOWS
EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY AND DO (in every possible
situation) with a high-quality woman.

   And MUCH more.

   So much that I don't have time to spell it all
out here.

   Look, the bottom line is this:

   Successfully put these 2 powerful programs to
work for YOU, and I GUARANTEE IT:

   You'll have the "girlfriend of your dreams" on
your arm before all those holiday parties and
family get-togethers this year... or YOUR MONEY

   No questions asked.

   But like I said... this is getting urgent...


   Act now to get my "77 Laws Of Attraction"
Program PLUS my "Become Mr. Right" Program
TOGETHER... for OVER 20% OFF when you order
both... before this offer's gone for good.

   Click here:

   Can't wait to hear how YOUR life changes after
you get in the game...

      Your Friend,

      David D.

PS: Get this...

As part of this powerful 2-PROGRAM COMBO PACKAGE,
I'm going to teach you how to plan out your
ENTIRE LIFE for ultimate success with women.

This includes EVERYTHING that you need to know
(from the smallest details to the major
miracle-workers) to create a life of effortless
success for yourself.

Once you finish this part of these multi-DVD
courses alone, you'll NEVER have to worry about
getting dates again, so click here:

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
all of the following: You understand that this is
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View our permission marketing policy:

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Wish you could learn EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW
about women and dating... from how to approach
beautiful women... to "closing the deal"... even
how to keep that ONE HOT, SPECIAL GIRL for the
long term...

...and get it all in ONE PLACE?

Now you can.

I've put together a HUGE SPECIAL OFFER
specifically designed to make it happen...

In fact, I'm ready to send you EVERYTHING you
need to turbocharge your entire love life...all
for OVER 20% OFF!

Click here to learn more:

Dear Man:

   A quick exercise...

   The subject of this newsletter is:

   "The MAGIC SECRET Of Getting A Hot

   Now ask yourself this:

   "What kind of advice about succeeding with
women is Dave about to share with me?"

   Simple question.

   And if you're like 99% of guys who follow my
teaching, you'd probably answer something like...

   "Dave's going to show me how to come across as
so COOL AND CONFIDENT that women will trip over
themselves to be with me..."

   Or you thought: "Excellent, Dave's going to
teach me how to ramp up the SEXUAL TENSION with a
woman until she's all over me..."

   Or maybe you went a little deeper and guessed:
"Dave's going to show me how to use my TONE and
BODY LANGUAGE in such a powerful way that women
will find me irresistible from clear across the

   Well guess what...

   I can -- and DO -- teach all of those things.

   But read a little closer...

   Again, here's what that subject line says:

   "The MAGIC SECRET Of Getting A Hot

   The key word here: GIRLFRIEND.

   Like I always say... it takes something
the kind of in-demand, smart attractive woman I
call a "Total 10") than it does to just "get
dates" with one.

GIRL in your bed not just tonight but every
night... it takes totally DIFFERENT SKILLS.

   Totally different STRATEGIES and TECHNIQUES.

   In other words -- it takes totally different
KNOWLEDGE to become the kind of man that a
high-quality woman wants to have a RELATIONSHIP

   Key word: RELATIONSHIP.

   So listen up...

   Before I share the "Magic Secret" of getting a
mind-blowing GIRLFRIEND... (as well as a very BIG
LIFE) let's try another quick exercise...

   Take a moment, and imagine what would happen
if I asked a roomful of 1000 men how to create a
great RELATIONSHIP with a woman.

   Of course, I personally don't have to
"imagine" it. I've already done it...

   While filming my DVD programs, I've asked huge
auditoriums full of men what they think it takes
to get -- and KEEP -- a high-quality woman for
the long term.

   And here's the sad truth:


   And, odds are, YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE EITHER
how to create a kick-ass RELATIONSHIP with a
great woman.

   But here's some GREAT NEWS for you...
   If you can master the "basics" of meeting
women and getting dates... it's EASIER THAN YOU
EVER IMAGINED to transform that knowledge into a

   You can learn some pretty mind-blowing details
about all that right here:

   But for now, I'll just tell you this:

   Once you've got the basics down, learn just a
few additional theories and techniques, and
you'll suddenly have what seems like a
"magic power" to keep ANY woman around for as
long as YOU want her.

   So let's dig into the MAGIC SECRET of making
it happen...

   The secret of building and sustaining a
powerful long-term relationship with the woman of
your dreams is all about ONE THING:


   It's about learning how to READ and REACT to
the emotions of the woman you want, so that you
can create a deep, powerful CONNECTION with her

   Now... after spending YEARS trying to
understand exactly how men and woman "connect" on
this emotional level (and then go on to form a
"relationship") I stumbled across a fascinating

   Just look at that word..."relationship".

   It's based on the word "relate."

   What is "relating"?

   After much study and observation, I learned
that when people use the term "connection," what
they're really talking about is how a man and
woman "relate."

   It's the "common ground" they look for as they
get to know each other better. The similar ways
that they see the world.

   For example, I feel like I can "relate" to you
when you see things the same way I do.

   And that makes it possible for us to form a

   Make sense?


   But here's the problem...

   Long before there's even a possibility of a
"relationship" developing between a man and
woman, they usually BLOW UP the whole thing by
failing miserably when they try to "relate".

   And 99.99% of men have NO CLUE how to HELP a
woman relate to them.

   That in mind...

   Want to be successful with a woman for the
long term... as in... getting a GIRLFRIEND and a

   Then learn how to "relate"".
   In other words, stop focusing on where and why
you don't see things in the same way as a woman,
like so many guys do.

   Instead, focus hard and long on any
"common ground" that you share with her.


   Because the whole concept of "disagreement" is
what I call an "ego move."

   It's usually not about having a difference of
opinion... it's usually about taking "power" and
"being right".

   That's why, if you're dating a woman that you
think might be great for a relationship... and
you happen to disagree...


   You should TAKE ADVANTAGE of the situation



   Ask her to describe in detail how SHE feels.

   Ask her to SHOW you how and why she sees
things like she does.

   Then say something like: "I totally get it.
And maybe I see this from a slightly different
perspective... but we're both right to some
degree. And I bet if we put our views together,
we'll come up with something even better."

   This is POWERFUL.

   Know why?

   Because you're not only showing that you want
to understand and learn more about her
viewpoint... but that you also want to COME

   To make something BETTER.


   Trust me... that's the FASTEST WAY to create
the feelings inside a woman that will make her
practically start BEGGING to become your
girlfriend before the end of the night.


   And right now... especially during the fall
season when so many social events are moving
indoors and the holidays are coming... there'll
be TONS of opportunities to CONNECT WITH WOMEN in
this way.

   Want a great girlfriend on your arm come all
those holiday parties and family get-togethers?

   Then it's URGENT that you take advantage of
these opportunities.

   Of course, there's a lot more to it, from
finding out if a woman is a good match for you,
to having the confidence you need to approach a
"girlfriend-worthy" woman in the first place.

   Want to drill down into more specifics that
could CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Then I recommend that you
click here:

   In the meantime...

   Here's another example of how to become a
"master of emotions" so you can connect with a
woman for the long term...

   Let's say you're walking down the street with
the woman you're dating.

   She breaks her heel.

   She starts crying because she just bought
these shoes. They were expensive, she took all
day picking them out, and she loves them.

   Plus now she's going to either have to walk
funny or go barefoot.

   Now... YOU obviously never broke a heel and
cried about it (unless there's something I need
to know about you right now...)

   But SHE just did.

   So what do YOU do?

   How do YOU "relate"?

   Look at it this way...

   If you were a hot woman watching your man try
to stick the heel back on your shoe without
saying a word, what would you start thinking?

   If you're like the attractive women I've
talked to about this, you'd probably think, "I
guess he doesn't care that I'm crying... or why.
He just wants to 'fix' the damn shoe."

   Then you'd start thinking: "I guess he doesn't
get me. He doesn't want to take the time to
understand me, so I guess it's time to move

   (FYI: this is even more true of how "TOTAL 10"
women think -- they get empty, thoughtless
gestures thrown at them by men all day long.)

   But guess what...

   Once a woman feels that a man *IS* trying to
understand her... trying to connect with her
feelings just a little... a MAGICAL thing

   Suddenly, you're looking like a "CATCH".

   Now, this doesn't happen on a conscious level,
but the message is received by her loud and clear
just the same...

   You're that one man out of a thousand who

   And therefore you could possibly be "Mr.
Right" -- the kind of man EVERY woman wants to
have a RELATIONSHIP with.

   And then the sky's the limit... with ANY woman
you want... no matter how hot, smart, or
in-demand she is.

   But the question remains...

   How do you CONNECT with that woman who's just
broken her heel... or maybe just lost her job...
or feels "ugly and insecure"... or WHATEVER?

   How do you RELATE to her and prove that you
GET IT... unlike 99.99% of other men?

   Most of the time, all it takes is this:

   Think about your own life experiences.

   Dial one up that creates the closest emotion
in you to the one that she's feeling.

   Maybe you wrecked your car. Maybe you got
fired. Maybe your dog died.

   The key is: you must GENUINELY MAKE YOURSELF
FEEL WHAT SHE'S FEELING... then communicate those
feelings to her. Show her that you UNDERSTAND
what she's going through in the moment.

   Show her that you know how to RELATE.

   Because, once you can show a woman that you
can understand her EMOTIONS...



   You'll then be able to take things with ANY
woman you want from "dating" to "girlfriend" so
fast you'll probably get whiplash.

   But for now... I know, this all feels like
some VERY advanced stuff.

   Especially for guys who need to get a handle
on the basics of just "getting dates" first.

   But here's why I'm talking about it...

   Up until a few years ago, I swore that I would
NEVER, EVER talk about the "long-term" when it
comes to women and dating.

   I would personally lay the smack down on you
for even asking about this "RELATIONSHIP STUFF".

   But after years of sharing my "magic secrets"
for meeting women and getting tons of dates...
I started to want something more out of MY life.

   I started thinking to myself...

   "How can I do more than just get dates with
great women... How can I find that one perfect,
Total-10 woman who will totally rock my world...
and stick around to rock it again tomorrow?"

   In other words...


   And it didn't take me long to discover the

   For better or worse, I discovered it takes
this totally different set of skills, knowledge,
and techniques to get a TOP-NOTCH GIRLFRIEND...

   You must "BECOME" Mr. Right. The kind of man
that EVERY Total 10 is looking for. The kind of
man who knows how to connect with her

   So listen...

   If you're one of the TONS of guys who've been
emailing me lately saying they want something
more out of their love lives than just lots of

   ...or even if you've just been THINKING it but
suffering in silence...

   ...I'm going to lay it all out for you in a


#1) Get a "crash course" in the basics of meeting
women and getting lots of dates.

#2) Then learn EXACTLY what it takes to move
things to the NEXT LEVEL and KEEP the woman of
your dreams in a relationship.

   And as always, I'm here to help you do it.

   In fact, it's the reason why I've put together
a MAJOR OFFER that I'm positive will make that
dream come true...


   Right now, for a very limited time... I can
teach you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW, from the
basics of getting dates, to finding and keeping
the "TOTAL 10" woman of your dreams. a HUGE DISCOUNT.

   That's right... I want you to HAVE IT ALL, and
my idea is this:

   I want to send you my world-famous "77 Laws Of
Attraction" Program -- the 3-hour DVD crash
course on how to meet women, create attraction,
and get more dates than you can handle...


   My acclaimed "Become Mr. Right" program,
YOUR ULTIMATE DREAM WOMAN and then create a mind-
blowing RELATIONSHIP with her...

   And I want to give you OVER 20% OFF when you
order BOTH.

   Truth is, between my "77 Laws Of Attraction"
Program and my "Become Mr. Right" Program, you'll

   From getting dates to getting "cozy" for the
long term with that one PERFECT GIRL... these two
programs deliver EVERYTHING but the kitchen sink.
(Although, with over XX hours of intensive video
training, the sink may be in there somewhere,

   First up, here's some of what you'll learn in
my "77 Laws Of Attraction" Program...

-- The secret "magic reasons" some men have all
the SUCCESS with women... and how you can "steal
the fire" and start HAVING IT, TOO!

-- How to stand out in a crowd so that woman will

-- A life-changing 5-minute exercise for

-- How to avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES men make to
cause women to REJECT THEM.

-- And much, much more.

   Then... once you've mastered the "basics" of
meeting women and getting dates, pop in the
"Become Mr. Right" program to learn:

--What every "Total 10" is looking for the moment
she meets you -- and how to be it.

--How to create "relationship-level" intimacy
with a woman in a FEW EASY STEPS.

--How to experience the ULTIMATE LOVE LIFE of
your dreams.

--The "MAGIC QUESTIONS" you must ask a woman to
tell if she's a match for you.

--How to change a few, small parts of your life
to have HUGE NEW SUCCESS in *EVERY* area of it.

--How to come across as COOL AND COLLECTED every
time you talk to a woman.


   I have to tell you, I'm pretty proud of

   This is TWO of my most in-demand, powerful
programs... both scheduled to arrive at your home
TOGETHER... available to you right NOW at a HUGE

   Bottom line...

   Want to do more than just sit on the sofa watching
football this fall?

   Then it's time to stop watching your life go
by... stop "dreaming" and start taking action.

   If you do, I guarantee that you'll never look

   It will finally be the end of those days and
nights you spent alone because you didn't "have
a clue"...or an amazing GIRLFRIEND.

   Here's all you need to CHANGE EVERYTHING...

Let me know how it goes...

      Your Friend,

      David DeAngelo

PS: There's a part of my "Become Mr. Right"
Program that's become absolutely

It's where I reveal how to stop tripping over
your words, hemming and hawing, and struggling
to come up with things to say to women...

This tip alone makes talking to ANY woman feel
like being on cruise-control... It will increase
your success INSTANTLY, and you'll notice results
the same night you learn it.

Click here to learn more:

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
all of the following: You understand that this is
simply a set of opinions (and not advice). This is
to be used for entertainment, and not considered
as "professional advice". You are responsible for
any use of the information in this email, and hold
David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members and
affiliates harmless in any claim or event. If you
are under 18 years old, please click the
link at the end, and remove yourself, or to take
yourself off of our list, you can send mail to
"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las
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You'll find answers, be able to chat with a live
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with any of your questions.

View our permission marketing policy:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

OVER 20% OFF: Learn To Get A "Total-10" GIRLFRIEND!

Ever wish you could do more than just get dates
with amazing, "Total-10" women... that you could
actually have your pick of the crop... and make
one your GIRLFRIEND, too?

If so, I have a NEWSFLASH for you:


To prove it, I've put together a LIFE-CHANGING
SPECIAL OFFER designed to unlock every "magic
secret" you'll need to FIND, MEET and KEEP the
"TOTAL-10" woman of your dreams...

...but this offer wouldn't be very "special" if
it lasted for long.

Check it out NOW before it's gone:

Dear Man:

   Can you feel it?

   Something VERY interesting has been going on

   I've been getting an avalanche of email from
guys telling me that they want "SOMETHING MORE"
in their love lives.

   Specifically... MORE than just lots of dates.

   They also want to learn (gulp...) HOW TO

   And believe it or not, I think this is
actually the PERFECT time to talk about it.


   Because now that summer's over, there's just
no denying it... The nights are getting longer...
The "social game" is moving indoors... The
holidays are getting closer.

   And all of this is starting to make a lot of
men really start to "feel it"...

   That intense desire...that CRAVING really...
to do more than just meet women and go out on
lots of dates.

   It's the craving to "get intimate" with ONE

   To have her on your arm at parties. To have
her in your bed every night.

   To "get cozy" in a far more substantial,
long-term way than just flirting and dating.

   So tell me... does this sound like something
YOU want, too?

   If so, I know EXACTLY what you're feeling,
because after years of successful dating, I began
to feel that way, too.

   And I have GREAT NEWS...


   But there's something you need to know right
up front...

(and keep) a TOP-NOTCH GIRLFRIEND than it does to
just "get dates".

   It takes a totally different set of skills.

   It takes totally different knowledge.

   It takes totally different techniques.

   The fact is that you must "BECOME" the kind of
man that EVERY Total 10 is looking for, or you
don't have a chance in hell of making it happen.

   So how do you do that?

   Good thing you have me around...

   Turns out there's just ONE THING that EVERY
Total-10 woman wants to know the moment she meets

   Is there any chance that YOU might be her
perfect "Mr. Right".

   And THAT'S IT.


   I know, I know... it was hard for me to
believe, too... until I started getting
jaw-dropping RESULTS with this critical piece of

   The fact is: all I had to do was learn what it
took to STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD... how to come
across as SLIGHTLY BETTER than every loser, wuss
and dork that's constantly hitting on Total-10
women ...


   It was like a miracle.

   The clouds parted.

   Angels sang.

   I started having success like I never DREAMED
was possible with Total-10 women.

   I even MADE ONE INTO MY GIRLFRIEND in no time
at all.

   And... as always... if I can do it, I know
that YOU can do it, too.

   If you want more details about how it all
happened for me, go here:

   In the meantime, here's the point:

   It was MUCH, MUCH EASIER than I ever thought
possible to "become" the kind of "Mr. Right" that
EVERY Total-10 woman is really looking for...

   But we better put on the brakes here for a

   MOST guys still need to learn how to GET DATES
with great women before there's any hope of them
having a RELATIONSHIP one.

   But the truth is, once you've mastered the
basic "laws of attraction", CREATING A LIFE-

   It doesn't matter how smoking-hot a woman is.

   It doesn't matter how in-demand she is.

   Get this... it doesn't even matter how smart
she is.

   Once you learn how to come across as her
"needle in the haystack" -- the kind of man who
STANDS OUT FROM THE CROWD because he knows
EXACTLY what to say and do -- amazing women will
start to feel instantly, helplessly ADDICTED to
being with you...

   ...because they'll KNOW FOR A FACT that you're
their personal "Mr. Right."

   That in mind...

   If YOU'RE one of the men I've been hearing from
lately who wants "something more" from his love

   I have an amazing, LIMITED-TIME SPECIAL OFFER
in mind that was designed specifically for

   While every other guy is watching football
this fall, I want to teach you EVERYTHING you
need to know about MEETING, FINDING and KEEPING
the "Total 10" Woman of your dreams.

   Sound good so far?


   Because I also want to do it at HUGE SAVINGS

   First, I want to send you my legendary "BECOME
MR. RIGHT" Program -- the ultimate training for
becoming the kind of man that EVERY Total 10
wants to have a relationship with.

   This multi-DVD home-study course teaches you
everything you *must* know... and MUST do... to
spark LONG-TERM ATTRACTION in a high-quality

   Here's just a taste of what you'll learn in

--The #1 THING every "Total 10" looks for in a
man to see if he "measures up" -- and how YOU can
show her that you have it INSTANTLY.

--A STEP-BY-STEP WAY to create "relationship-
level" intimacy.

--How to do MORE than just attract a super-high
quality woman... How to design your ultimate LOVE
LIFE, whether it's dating multiple women or
having that one perfect girl.

--The 2 "MAGIC QUESTIONS" you should ask a woman
to tell INSTANTLY if she's a good match for you.

--How to "clean up" your life to stand out from
all other men... and look like the CATCH OF THE

around hot women so your real personality shines
through... and their attraction to you BUILDS
without your having to give it a second thought!

   And a whole lot more.

   You can get more of the details about
EVERYTHING you'll learn right here:

   But like I said... first off, most guys need
to get a handle on the basics.

   Because if you can't even get a FIRST DATE,

   That's why I'm ALSO going to send you my
ultimate "Crash Course" on how to approach, meet,
and get dates.

It's called "77 Laws Of Success With Women And

   In case you've been living under a rock, my
"77 LAWS" Program is JAM-PACKED with absolutely
everything you need to know about meeting
women... and GETTING DATES.

   In fact, with 77 laws condensed into less than
3 HOURS of DVD video... you'll be in a position

   Here's a small sample of what you get in the
"77 LAWS OF ATTRACTION" program:

--How to make a woman CHOOSE YOU over every other
man in the room (NOTE: After you master this one
"law" alone, you'll have women literally FIGHTING
over you.)

--How to ramp up the SEXUAL TENSION and PHYSICAL
PASSION so powerfully with women that they
become absolutely ADDICTED to you.

--The REAL reason some men have HUGE SUCCESS with
women without even trying... and how YOU CAN
TOO... no matter how you look or how much money
you make.

--My life-changing 5-minute exercise for
developing MASSIVE NEW CONFIDENCE. (I've done
this one for YEARS, and I can't begin to tell you
just how much it's affected my success with
women... and in life in general!)

--The habit you have right now that tells a woman
to REJECT YOU instantly... even if you "appear"
to be a great catch.

   Cool stuff, right?

   But here's the REALLY big news...

   Right now, for a limited time, I can send you

   That's right... you can get my "77 LAWS OF


   Yes... you read that right... that's BOTH

   But this offer won't last forever...

   This fall, I want to see YOU get off the bench
and into the game.

   But if you want to stop wishing and start
enjoying the kind of RELATIONSHIP you've always
dreamed of, I need to hear from you.

   It's just that simple.

   So click here:

      Your Friend,

      David DeAngelo

P.S. I'm so positive that this powerful
2-PROGRAM combo, over 20%-OFF special offer will
totally change your life, I'm also including my

In other words, if you don't have your "dream
girlfriend" on your arm long before all those
holiday parties start, send both programs back
to me for a full refund.

Learn more about that (plus an AMAZING WAY TO

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
all of the following: You understand that this is
simply a set of opinions (and not advice). This is
to be used for entertainment, and not considered
as "professional advice". You are responsible for
any use of the information in this email, and hold
David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members and
affiliates harmless in any claim or event. If you
are under 18 years old, please click the
link at the end, and remove yourself, or to take
yourself off of our list, you can send mail to
"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las
Vegas, NV 89109.

To ensure that you get my Dating Tips Newsletters each week,
add me to your address book.   Instructions are here:

If you are under 18 years old, please follow the
link below to unsubscribe yourself, or you can send
mail to "DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor,
Las Vegas, NV 89109.

To safely REMOVE your name and email address from
our newsletter mailing list go to:

Unsubscribe Here

Questions? Comments? Click Here for customer support.
You'll find answers, be able to chat with a live
support person or be able to send us an email directly
with any of your questions.

View our permission marketing policy:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Much Better Than "Taking Her To Dinner"...

Much Better Than "Taking Her To Dinner"...

IMPORTANT: If you'd like to look at all of the
different programs I have created to help you
learn how to meet women, plus see some great video
clips of them, just go HERE:


Hi David, love your newsletters, always remind me
the great points I read in your book...   You
recently wrote:

"If you buy a woman enough dinners, she may begin
to feel some AFFECTION for you... but food and
gifts will never lead to ATTRACTION. Big

So what do we do after the first date of tea and
stimulating conversation?   I figure that at some
point, I would like to go to dinner with a new
girl.   Should I just let them pay for theirs?   I
did that last time, since we were just becoming
friends, I wasn't that into the woman and didn't
want to look like I was trying to impress her
(since I wasn't trying to impress her), and she
also has her own business and I could tell she
wasn't struggling. Dinner has been my main date
approach in the past, and I have become the Wuss
in most cases!   I recently came up with a good
line for a girl at the Farmers market who told me
I should eat my greens... I told her she should
come over and cook them for me!   She didn't know
how to respond, but I think she liked it by her
smile.   I'm gonna hit her up next time to be
serious about that request, I think she can
probably cook up some nice greens to go along with
my nice Ahi Tuna dish...



    I want to share an interesting story about a
conversation I had this evening.

    I was talking with, of all people, my MOM about
the topic of "men paying for things for women" and
it was fascinating to me to hear her perspective.

    Without hesitation, she said that she believes
that men should pay for everything, and if they
really like a woman that they should SUPPORT her
as well.

    Of course, I burst out with, "YOU HAVE TO BE

    After we shared a laugh, she said, "No, I'm not

    And she wasn't kidding, either.

    My own mother believes that it's just part of
being a "gentleman and good suitor" to pay for
dinners, gifts, and even shelter for the woman he

    I immediately replied with {paraphrased}:

    "This kind of sounds to me like you believe
that men should pay women to give them attention,
affection and sex."

    At this point I think she remembered that I
write books about this kind of thing and she gave
up. But the thing that really got my attention was

    Heavy man, heavy.

    No wonder I was such a loser before with women.

    OK, I love my mom and mean no disrespect
towards her...

    But let's talk about the real world for a

    Here are a few things that I believe about how
things work in general when it comes to women and

1) People in general, MALE OR FEMALE, intuitively
know when they are being "pursued." As soon as we
know that we have something that someone else
wants, the price starts to go up. Economics 101.

2) When the price starts going up (translation:
she realizes that you really like her and she
starts playing hard to get, making you "prove"
yourself, etc.) you start to LOSE CONTROL RAPIDLY.

3) When you lose control, you have a couple of
basic ways you can respond: A) Pursue her harder,
giving her even MORE control OR B) Giving up.
(Neither of these options sounds very good to me.)

4) An alternative is to NEVER START GIVING UP

5) One way to do that is to stay away from things
that put a woman into the "courting" mode of
thinking and behavior.

6) Asking a woman to dinner and then buying is
probably the absolute most certain way to put a
woman in the state of mind that she is being
"pursued" (with the possible exception of stalking
her, which I strongly discourage).

    By the way, I'm not opposed to the idea of
buying dinner for a woman. I'm opposed to the
mindset that you put her into when you buy it.
Make sense?

    A quick thought: This kind of thing is usually
just a "symptom" of a deeper problem that many men
have... which has to do with problems of healthy
"personal boundaries" and other deeper
psychological concepts. If you are interested in
learning how to fix this "deeper" stuff, then you
should go and take a look at THIS right now:

    Before I tell you what to do instead of buying
a woman dinner, let me share what I'm thinking
when I first meet an attractive woman (I like
unusually beautiful women personally, so this
might reflect a bit of a bias):

    "She seems nice, but in my experience you never
know what a person is like until you get to know
them better. I'm willing to take the time to have
a cup of tea with her to find out more."

    Get it?


    I never think, EVEN FOR A SECOND, that I need
to buy her dinner so she'll sit and talk to me. No

    Incidentally, or not so incidentally, having an
attitude that you need something other than
yourself in order for a woman to like you is
UNATTRACTIVE to women. They can smell this kind of
attitude and lack of self-worth. Bad, bad, bad.

    OK, so you get that I'm not real big on the
idea of starting things off by paying for dinners
and gifts.

    "What should you do instead?"

    I thought you'd never ask...

    Well, first off, if you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T HELP
YOURSELF and you just HAVE to take a woman to
dinner, at least frame it as "I want to go out to
this favorite restaurant of mine, and if you'd
like to go you're welcome to join me." Then if you
decide to pay, it can be something you were doing
for yourself, and you were being POLITE by paying
for hers. If you do this, make it clear that
you're there because you want to go there, and
that it's not to court her!

    A much better idea is to be creative and avoid
all of the things that scream "I'm willing to
spend money to have your attention" (and therefore
driving the price of that attention up).

    Why not a walk in the park? Going to an art
show? Going window shopping in an interesting part
of town? Taking her with you to run errands?
Taking her to a party that friends are throwing?

    Here's a hint: DO SOMETHING THAT HAS

    Sitting at a dinner table ALONE with someone
that YOU DON'T KNOW is hardly "interesting
conversation built in". Think about it.

    Take a moment right now and think of 10 things
you could do with a woman that cost little or no
money, but have all kinds of interesting
conversation, adventure, and excitement BUILT

    Then, just do some of those things! Don't
advertise the fact that you're not "taking her out
to dinner", just DON'T DO IT.

    Hey, this is great... you get to have fun, not
look like a wuss, not put her in "courting" mode,
and have interesting conversation built right in.

    Added bonus: You save $$. Nice.

    What I'm really trying to say here is don't set
up the idea that you're paying for her attention.
Just don't do it.

    And as for the gal who you met in the market...

    I love the fact that you suggested she should
come over and cook for you. Cocky and funny, very

    When she got that shocked look and couldn't
respond you might have said, "Oh, I didn't mean to
embarrass you... you can't cook, huh? Well, that's
OK. It's nothing to be ashamed of..."

    These are the best moments to turn up the heat!

    After that, just simply move to the "It was
nice talking to you but I have to get back to my
shopping..." Then, just after turning away, say,
"Hey!... Do you have email?"


    "Great {pull out pen}. Give it to me."

    Then follow up with this email:

"Hey, nice bumping into you at the market today.
After carefully considering it, I've decided that
I can live with the fact that you can't cook. I'll
just have to adjust. I'm busy tomorrow, but maybe
the next day we can get together for a cup of tea
and I can teach you a thing or two about this
cooking thing. It's really not that hard, and I'm
sure you'll get the hang of it in no time..."

    By the way, I have no problem with the idea of
having a woman cook for you. Just remember that if

    Wait a minute; you need to do that anyway...

    There's only one place in the world I know of
that you can learn all of this information
quickly, easily, and thoroughly...

    And that one place is my Advanced Dating
Techniques CD/DVD program.

    In this program, I'll take you all the way
through all of the things that you need to know in
order to be successful with women... from theory
to practice... from nuts to bolts... from meeting
to dating to "getting physical."

    All of it.

    You can check out some great samples here:

    And if you haven't downloaded my eBook "Double
Your Dating: What Every Man Should Know About How
To Be Successful With Women" then you need to do
that now. Just go to:

    This book and the three bonuses that come with
it are the FOUNDATION for success with women.
Everything you read in these newsletters will make
more sense once you have read the book.

    I'll talk to you again soon.

         Your Friend,

         David D.

P.S. Make sure you take a few minutes and look at
some of the video clips from the other programs
I've created to help you learn how to meet women.
You can see them all in one handy place right

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why Women "Run" From NICE Guys

Why Women "Run" From NICE Guys

NOTE: One of the hidden keys to success with women is
understanding the secret language I call "Sexual
Communication." Learning it will give you the
kind of success with women that most men only
DREAM about. Go here to see what I mean:

    I have a lot of guys write me to say, "I know
this girl who's beautiful and smart and
attractive. She and I are great friends, we have
everything in common, and we get along
perfectly... but she says that she's just not
attracted to me..."

    Have you ever noticed that:

1) The most attractive and interesting women seem
to be attracted to men who don't treat them very

2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more
she often seems to act like "just a friend" to

    What's going on here? Didn't mom say to be
"nice" to girls?

    Here's the deal: Women aren't usually
romantically attracted to "nice" guys. Women are
attracted to men who are funny, confident, and
mysterious. Good looks don't hurt, but if you're
not 6'4" tall and model-handsome, then you have to
learn how to attract women with your personality.

    And being "nice" isn't going to do it for you.

    A while back, I mentioned an interesting book
that was written about the band "Motley Crue."
Remember those guys?

    Well, the book is called "The Dirt: Confessions
of the Worlds Most Notorious Rock Band." As I read
through that book, I realized that these guys have
dated more of the world's most attractive women
than anyone (except maybe Hugh Hefner).

    In case you didn't know, the guys in Motley
Crue are not very "nice." They're famous for
taking every drug known to man, beating their
women, fighting, and having a lot of people die
around them.

    Now, the first thing most guys say is, "Yeah,
but they're rich and famous..."

    And this is true, they are rich and famous.
But, and it's a BIG ONE... all of the women that
they have dated, married, and beaten up are ALSO

    These are supermodels and playmates of the year
and such. These women can date whoever they want.
Tommy Lee was MARRIED to both Heather Locklear AND
Pamela Anderson... remember?

    These women didn't need Tommy Lee for his money
or his fame... they're dating these guys for some

    Are you with me on this?

    So what's going on here? And more importantly,
how can you use this information to be more
successful with women and dating?

    First of all, don't go out and start taking
drugs and beating up your dates. I mean, I know
that an occasional woman will drive a man to
drink, but I don't recommend going "Motley Crue"
on a girl... lol.

    The first chapter of my book "Double Your
Dating" is called "Women Don't Make Sense." Here's
what I mean...

*****Side Note*****

    By the way, if you're just learning about how
to be more successful with women and dating, you
need to go and download a copy of my book NOW. You
can download it here, and be reading it in just a
few minutes:


    I believe:

1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about
whether a man is going to be "just a friend" or if
he has romantic potential, and once her decision
is made, it's probably going to stay made.

2) These decisions are made "subconsciously,"
meaning that women make all of them quickly and at
a "gut level."

3) If you know how, you make her feel attraction
feelings rather than "friend" feelings.

4) The way to do it is to stop acting "nice" and
start acting, well... something else... and I
don't mean "not nice."

    So what DOES attract women? And how do you do
it exactly?

    Good questions...

    At the beginning, I mentioned three qualities:
Funny, Confident, and Mysterious.

    Before I talk about each, I first have to
Remember that.

    Here's a good metaphor: Remember when you
learned to drive? It all made sense... turn the
wheel left and go left, turn it right and go

    But do you remember when you learned to back
up? Backing up was a whole new game. Everything
that used to work now works in a different way. At
first you   feel disoriented. Turn the wheel left
and go right... and you have to learn how to
maneuver with the back wheels staying straight
while the front   wheels turn... all with your head
turned around.

    For most people, this takes some time and
practice. But once you "get it" then you can do it
anytime you want.

    Well, women are very similar. At first it's
very confusing. You have to try things that don't
seem to make sense. But once you get the hang of
it, then you see how it works and can make it
work... just like backing up a car.

    As much as many women would hate to admit it,
there's something very attractive about a man who
is just a little more confident than he should be.
And if you combine this with the right amount of
humor, you have a magic combination that will
charm almost any woman.

    Here are a few ways to use this idea:

1) When you first meet a woman, tease her about
something. It doesn't matter what it is, as long
as you do it early on. For instance, you might
say: "So what's with the big purse? Are you
carrying a gun in there?" or maybe "Those are some
pretty tall shoes, what are you like 4' tall
without them?" If you tease a woman, it shows that
you're not intimidated by her, and that you have a
fun sense of humor. KEY: Make sure you say
something FUNNY. If you don't know how to be
funny, get a book on it. The test: If she's not
laughing, then it wasn't funny!

2) Look around at other things and seem kind of
pre-occupied when you first start talking to her.
Make your funny remarks with a carefree, detached
tone. You want to sound like you're talking to
your best friend. Attractive women are approached
all the time. It's not attractive to a woman when
you look like you've just met Madonna. This "just
a little too confident" attitude is very
attractive to women... especially when it's
combined with humor.

3) Don't answer her questions directly. Women love
to ask questions like: "What do you do?" and
"Where do you live?" and "Tell me about your
family." Answer with funny answers, and don't give
her what she wants. Most guys say, "Oh, I'm an
engineer" or "I'm a stock broker." BORING,BORING.
If she asks what you do... say, "Oh, funny you
should ask. I'm a Calvin Klein Underwear Model...
What do you do?..." (This is especially funny if
it's OBVIOUS that you are NOT a model) Do you get
it? Keep it up and keep her laughing.

    It's important to remember that I'm not telling
you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm
telling you to start being confident, funny, and

    If this is starting to make sense to you, and
you'd like to learn more about the art of
communicating with a woman on a "sexual" level,
then you might want to go and check out my "Sexual
Communication" program.

    This is an entire educational program that will
teach you how to use your COMMUNICATION to trigger
and build ATTRACTION with women. All the details,
plus some great video clips are here:

    Now, if you want to REALLY learn how to get
away from being a "nice guy" who never gets
anywhere with women, I recommend that after you
read my eBook, you get yourself a copy of my
Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.

    This program will give you an in-depth
education on how to think and behave in such a way
that will spark a woman's GUT-LEVEL ATTRACTION for
you... no matter what your looks, height, income,
age, etc.

    You will learn literally HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS
of killer ideas for getting over your fears,
approaching women, getting dates, and taking
things to a physical level.

    The best part? I'll send it to you at MY RISK.

    I'm not kidding around here. You can order it
now and try all the techniques YOURSELF... and if
you aren't THRILLED with this program, just send
it back and pay nothing. No questions, and no

    Trust me, I don't get many of them back! But I
DO get back a lot of letters telling me about the
success that guys are having meeting women after
using it... and the complete transformation that
this success leads to in other areas of life. Go
check out the free video preview clips and read
about it here:

    I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.

         Your Friend,

         David D.

P.S. Don't forget to go and look at all of the
other programs I've created to help you learn how
to meet women. You can see them all here:

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DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
all of the following: You understand that this is
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Friday, September 17, 2010


How many times have you watched OTHER guys go
home with the HOTTEST WOMEN in the room and

"What it would take for ME to get a woman like
that, too?"

Well, I'm here to tell you that you *CAN* do

Here's all you need to do:

Dear Man:

   Let's be brutally honest here...

   If you're like 99% of guys, you haven't
experienced what it's like to be with your "DREAM
WOMAN" yet.

   In fact, you haven't even come close.

   You've never even TRIED.

   You've never dared to start a conversation
with the kind of woman I like to call a
"Total 10"... let alone actually gotten a DATE
with one.

   Now make no mistake... I'm not talking about
"regular" women here.

   I'm talking about the kind of woman who's so
smoking hot, she literally drops jaws and turns
heads when she walks by.

   I'm talking about the kind of woman who's so
in-demand, a dozen guys hit on her EVERY DAY.

   I'm talking about the kind of woman who's the
TOTAL PACKAGE -- also so sweet and intelligent
that you don't just think of her as "dating
material"... think of her as RELATIONSHIP MATERIAL.

   So let me say it again...

   If you're like MOST guys...


   But here's the thing...

   That's cool.

   I totally understand it.

   Just IMAGINING talking to a woman like this
makes most guys so nervous they feel sick.

   Their palms sweat.

   Their hearts race.

   Not a pretty picture.

   And because of it, 99% of men will never get a
woman like this.

   I want you to really THINK about that for a

   Think about the REAL reason that you've never
even TRIED to get the kind of sexy, in-demand
woman that drops jaws and turns heads every time
she walks by...

   If you're like these other guys who sit home
FANTASIZING about "Total 10" women, odds are,
this is what's going on:


   You tell yourself things like, "That kind of
woman only goes for guys with movie-star looks
and money."


   "That kind of woman will immediately blow me
off the moment I approach her."


   "I'll hem and haw and get tongue-tied if I
even try to start a conversation with her."

   Or best of all...

   "That's the kind of woman who has so many guys
trying to hook up with her all day long that I
don't stand a chance."

   Any of this sound familiar?

   I could go on and on listing the excuses I
hear from guys, and believe me, I've heard them

   But again...

   What's the REAL reason that you've never even
TRIED to get the kind of women you constantly

   Why do you keep DOING NOTHING...

   ...except watching OTHER guys leave bars and
parties with these amazing women on their arms?

   Before I blow your mind with the REAL
answer... guess what:


   That's right... your old pal Dave used to do
nothing but sit and watch... wish and want...

   But one night, as I sat there wallowing in my
own wussyness... something started to happen...

   The more I watched the success of OTHER MEN,
the more and more AMAZED I became.

   The truth soon became clear, and it was like
a slap to the face.

   The truth was this:

   The guys who were getting these women did NOT
look like Brad-Pitt. And they weren't Donald-
Trump rich, either -- if they were, they wouldn't
be hanging out at the bars and parties that I
could afford.

   So I watched and observed... and the REALITY
of the situation became clear...

   These guys weren't super handsome or filthy
rich -- yet here they were, getting the hottest
women in the room.

   I mean, they made it look so easy.

   Effortless and painless.

   Almost like they had some kind of "magic
power" to make it happen.

   As soon as one of these guys would start a
conversation with one of these hot women, she'd
start to smile at him.

   And I mean SMILE.... that kind of super-sweet,
sexy smile that made me realize it all over again:

   I must be doing something very WRONG in my
life.... because women like that NEVER smile at
me that way.

   But still... there I sat.

   Doing nothing.

   Just watching and wishing.

   And as I did, realizing it:

   Since these guys weren't rich or handsome,
their success with women MUST come from some
other place.

   Logically... if it wasn't coming from the
"outside" (how they looked or what they had in
the bank) then their success must be coming from
somewhere INSIDE them.

   It must be coming from what I call their
"inner game"... the way they THINK, and how
those thoughts and feelings come across in what
they SAY and DO with women.

   And logically...

   ...IF THESE GUYS could master their inner
game so that they naturally knew what to say and
do with women...


   And the more I got to thinking about all this,
the more it became clear to me...

   I knew it all along -- and, at some deep
level, YOU probably know it, too...

   You always knew that there were steps you
could take in your life... things that you could
DO RIGHT NOW... that would make it possible to
have success with amazing women.

   Which leads us back to the big question:

   You KNOW there are things you can do to become


1) You don't know what those steps are.


2) You think taking those steps will be "too

   Either way, I wish I could SLAP you right now
via email.

   Because, in REALITY, there's nothing more than
your "inner game" -- THE WAY YOU THINK AND
FEEL -- standing between you and off-the-hook
success with women.

   In other words... there's nothing but MENTAL
BLOCKS AND OBSTACLES keeping you from escaping
your current life of "wishing" and "wanting"...

   ...and finally GETTING the woman of your

   All you really need to do is this:

   BLOW UP your fears and misconceptions for

   Eliminate the FALSE mental blocks and
IMAGINARY obstacles that have stood between you
and success with women for so long.

   Do just that much, and you can CHANGE
EVERYTHING in your life.


   That's why, without further delay, I want to
dig into 4 STEPS you can take RIGHT NOW to
overcome the fears and mental obstacles
preventing you from getting YOUR DREAM WOMAN.

   Buckle in, because here we go...

STEP #1:


   I want you to look around yourself right now.

   That's right. Do it.

   Right now.

   See any chains holding you to that chair?

   Probably not... unless you're into some very
kinky stuff I don't even want to get into here.

   In other words, the REALITY of your situation
is this:

   The ONLY thing stopping you from getting out
right now is *YOU*.

   It's your own THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS that are
holding you back. Making you miss out on every
opportunity you SHOULD be having to enjoy life by

   But let's go even deeper. Hope you brought
your scuba gear....

   Specifically: it's your personal "baggage" --
all your past failures and bad experiences --
that have robbed you of the "inner game" you need
to experience REAL SUCCESS with women.

   And that's all there is to it.

   There are no chains.

   There are no force fields.

   There's only you... and everything you're NOT
doing to change your life.

   But here's today's NEWSFLASH:

   A few simple techniques can help you to drop
that loser "baggage" forever and move FORWARD...
get you actually DOING the things you know you
should be doing instead of just "dreaming".

   That in mind, we move on to...

STEP #2:


   There's no doubt about it... our past memories
and experiences totally run (and RUIN) our lives.

   They lurk in the dark background of your mind

   For example...

   Ever been in a situation with a woman where
you really wanted to do or say something to

   ...but you suddenly remembered something bad
that happened in the past in a similar situation?

   Maybe your mind went blank and you couldn't
think of anything to say.

   Maybe you hemmed and hawed and tripped over
your words.

   Maybe you just turned around and walked away
because you couldn't get the courage together to
talk to her in the first place.


   All you remember NOW is how EMBARRASSING and
PAINFUL the experience was.

   And guess what:

   NOW you're practically PROGRAMMED FOR FAILURE
because of it.

   Just REMEMBERING past experiences like this
cause you to FAIL... or worse, NOT EVEN TRY...
again and again for the rest of your life.

   So... how do you leave that kind of crippling
failure, anxiety, and self-doubt behind?


   You RE-PROGRAM yourself for success.


   By minimizing -- or even completely ERASING --
all those memories of past pain and failure that
are ruining your "inner game" today.

   In fact, once you can perform just this one
life-changing "trick", you'll be blown away...

   It'll be like you suddenly have SUPER
POWERS... not just with women... but in EVERY
area of your life!

   You'll always feel strong, cool, and calm...
whether you're approaching the hottest woman in
the room or just trying to ace a job interview.

   And like I said, you won't believe it...
before you know it, you won't recognize your old
"loser" self anymore... or YOUR NEW LIFE.

   But like I said, this all gets very deep...

   If you'd like to get more details, encourage
you to drill down about all this right here:

   But in the meantime, here's the short

   Maybe this all sounds too good to be true.

   I once thought so, too.

   But then I put this idea to work for myself...
and totally TRANSFORMED myself.

   I shook off the chains of believing that
people (women in particular) would react to me in
negative ways...

   ...and suddenly I COULD DO ANYTHING.

   Without fear.

   Without doubt.

   And the rest is HISTORY.

   I could suddenly approach mind-blowing "Total
10" women anywhere... any time... and start
conversations with them like it was nothing.

   I could make these women smile at me in that
special way.

   I could make them laugh and twirl their hair
for me... suddenly THEY seemed like the nervous

   I could get women's numbers FAST without
missing a beat. I could get more dates with them
than I had time for.

   Most amazing of all...

   If I really liked a girl, I could choose to
enter into amazing long-term RELATIONSHIPS with
her... and then keep it going for as long as *I*

   But I'm getting ahead of myself...

   Let's reel it in a bit, and get back to the 4

   Once you've reprogrammed your thinking and
broken the chains that have been holding you
back... it's time to move on to:

STEP #3:


   You see, everything I told you about in steps
#1 and #2 is about that "inner game"... rewiring
your brain so that it stops sabotaging you before
you even get started.

   But Step #3 is about putting all that stuff to
work for you in the real, "exterior" world.

   And the truth is, once you've eliminated the
fears and failures that you carry with you
because of your past...'s EASIER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED to say
and do EXACTLY the right things (without even
THINKING about it) to succeed with amazing women.


   Because you won't feel "nervous" or "wuss-
like" with women anymore.

   You'll think and act in a calm, clear way that
shows women you don't need to beg them to like
you or seek their approval.

   Your body language will suddenly reflect new
confidence and control, INSTANTLY making ANY
woman respond to you (...even if they don't know

   You'll know EXACTLY what to say and do in
EVERY SITUATION to ramp up sexual tension and
take things to a PHYSICAL level FAST.

   In other words, once you have NO FEAR, you
have what it takes to make the woman of your
dreams feel **ATTRACTION** for you.

   And once you can make a woman feel
ATTRACTION... she literally can't help herself.
No matter how "smoking-hot" or "super-smart" she

   Which takes us to...

STEP #4:


   Gasp... I know.

   Hardly sounds like me, right?

   But here's the thing:

   Once you've met a woman that you REALLY like,
if you want to keep it going with her, you must
know how to change your behavior as your
interactions progress.

   You see, it's a long journey from "clueless
wussbag" to the kind of man who can get his dream
woman... and KEEP HER... for as long as he wants.

   Yet even guys who have it all "dialed in" when
it comes to getting dates run into SERIOUS
trouble when they go for something more
substantial for the longer term.

   They have no clue how to graduate from the
"approaching women" phase... to the "getting
laid" phase... to the "casual dating" phase...
to the "relationship" phase.


   Because, truth is, there's a LOT MORE you need
to know about CREATING INTIMACY before it can
happen for you...

   ...but this email is getting pretty damn long

   Since I've hardly scratched the surface,
here's what I want to do:

   If you're serious about all this... from
admitting you need to take action... to learning
the "real world" techniques that will make it
happen... to having the kind of LONG-TERM success
with women you've always dreamed of...

   ...then you probably feel like you've already
wasted enough time.

   That's why I decided to pull out all the stops
on this one... and create an epic, 20-DVD
home-study course designed SPECIFICALLY to help

   And help you **ASAP**.

   I've named this emergency, step-by-step home-
training "Man Transformation", and I have to tell
you, I'm incredibly proud of this program.

   The fact is, it teaches you 100% OF WHAT YOU
NEED TO KNOW to turn around your WHOLE LIFE,
from success with women and beyond, including:

-- How to redesign your entire life so that the
success you've always dreamt about with women
(and everything else) starts to happen

-- How to kick ALL your bad habits for good so
they never come back to sabotage you again.

-- The #1 way to make hot women want to be with
Master this, and they'll actually start CHASING
YOU to make it happen!)

-- How to avoid EVERY BIG MISTAKE guys make to
ruin their chances with "Total 10" women... and

   And much, much more.

   Basically, this power-house course is what I
like to call TOTAL IMMERSION -- a wall-to-wall
education that includes ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING YOU
NEED TO KNOW, jam-packed into 20 DVDs.

   I'm talking about my most powerful and
advanced program EVER here... a total guide to
personal "reprogramming" that's 100%-guaranteed
to change your life.

   So make no mistake...

   I'll be with you every step of the way as you
learn EXACTLY what it takes to become the kind of
man who sees what he wants in life...


   Like I said, I'm VERY excited about all this,
so click here now to begin YOUR transformation:

      Your friend,

      David DeAngelo

PS: Ever wonder if there was a "magic" way to

I did... until a friend who's a "natural" with
women shared a mind-blowing secret with me.

It's called the "The Rejection Reversal," and
it's an amazing technique my friend perfected to
not only turn the situation around when you get
rejected by a woman... but to actually "switch
on" her ATTRACTION for you!

This one's a real game-changer, so I want you to
learn more about it here:

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