Saturday, October 25, 2014

How To Use Cocky Comedy For Online Dating Success

NOTE: I'd like to teach you the direct method of communication with women called Body Language... that will get a woman to notice you, feel attraction for you, and even APPROACH you. Find out more here:



On your video series, you talk about getting past the fluff and "talk to that other part of the woman" How do you do that? Especially with online dating, I keep thinking that my dialogue with these women is all wrong.

I know you gotta be C&F, but sometimes there's not much to go on from an online profile. Here's an example from a girl that lives in my neighborhood:

"I'd like to eventually settle down with someone that I can look to as a best friend and that I can laugh with. I enjoy traveling, working out, yoga, music, and dining out in NYC. I am playful and fun and have a lot to offer the right man. I believe that the best relationships are based on friendship. I am genuine, kind and compassionate and I am looking for the same in a man.

My ideal match is the kind of guy that isn't afraid of being himself. He knows what he wants and goes for it. He is confident, not cocky. He is a person of good character, high morals and loyal. He is thoughtful, considerate and knows how to treat a lady. Last but not least, my ideal man is attractive with a good sense of humor".

I can't think of anything cocky to say to this... or how to communicate that I'm a sexually aware man. I'm not really sure what you mean by sexually aware anyway, unless you mean sexually when you know you're hot and women want you.

So, can you help me understand how you'd respond?




OK, first of all, I recommend that you go back through my program, and pay attention to the workbook that came with it.

I actually included a sample "cut and paste" type of answer for online profiles that works very well.

In fact, when I originally published it in one of these dating tips newsletters, I had literally dozens and dozens of guys from all around the world who wrote in saying that they cut and pasted it and used it online... and had fabulous response.

Now, let me address a few of your comments...

To summarize what I think about your situation, I'd say that you probably need to keep reviewing the material that you have, and keep practicing.

If you have little experience with women, then you have almost no frame of reference for what I'm talking about in general. Until you start DOING more, you just won't "get it" as well.

Especially when it comes to online dating, you have to remember... attractive women are getting TONS of responses and matches.

So you need to stand out.

At some point, the hundreds of men who are trying to get the attention of a beautiful women, will all run together into a big lump of desperate men. Make sure you're not one of them.

Also, forget about trying to start a conversation with a woman by reading her profile, thinking about it, considering what she's looking for, and then responding in a way that she will find interesting.

No no no!

The profile you sent above could have been written by any woman in any part of the world... it might as well be a generic ad template for women.

The one thing it DOESN'T mention (and the one thing that NO female profile EVER mention) is what makes this woman feel ATTRACTION for a man.

Think about it for a minute...

This woman sat down one night at her computer, and said to herself:

"I'm tired of the dating game. Maybe if I write an online profile and describe the kind of guy I'm looking for, Prince Charming will find me and we'll live happily ever after."

Can't you just FEEL it in her words?

"I'd like to eventually settle down with someone that I can look to as a best friend and that I can laugh with..."

"I believe that the best relationships are based on friendship..."

And the whole last paragraph is priceless...

"My ideal match is the kind of guy that isn't afraid of being himself. He knows what he wants and goes for it. He is confident, not cocky. He is a person of good character, high morals and loyal. He is thoughtful, considerate and knows how to treat a lady. Last but not least, my ideal man is attractive with a good sense of humor..."

So what do most guys do when they read this?

Of course... they write back something like:

"Hi, I'm a nice attractive SWM who has a sense of humor, high morals, is honest, and also believes that a good friendship is the foundation for a great relationship."


Someone bring me a bucket, because I'm gonna PUKE.

Look... when a woman is writing about herself, she's usually at a point in her life where she's lonely... and hoping to find a long-term companion.

OF COURSE she's going to write all this sappy stuff.

But that doesn't change ANYTHING about what is going to get her attention and make her feel ATTRACTION.

Again, my gut tells me that you're trying to figure out how to act here with a WUSSY response that will make her love you.


And to address your question of how to communicate that you're a confident, sexually aware man...

You do this by NOT trying to please her, saying what she wants to hear, and kissing up to her.

It sounds to me like you need to spend more time studying the materials you have, practicing your Cocky & Funny skills, and making your personality more interesting... and less time chasing women who are looking for an open, honest, Yoga-loving husband.

Use the materials you have!


Get online and work on your Cocky & Funny. Copy and paste the conversations ideas and tips in your Advanced Series and use it online.

Until you're REALLY good at engineering, quit trying to reinvent the wheel.

And if you're reading this letter and thinking that you also want to try some proven techniques to get the attention of beautiful women online, check out my Advanced Series program:


Hey Dave,

You are right the C & F seem to work but I wanna ask you something... how often are you supposed to be c & f? I mean, are you supposed to sprinkle it in during a normal convo or should you use it moderately or at every single thing she says? I ask b/c id like to hold a normal convo also & in your opinion what would be best? I'm interested in your opinion on this.

CJ, New York


The more you use it, the more you'll get a feel for how much to use Cocky & Funny.

Use it a LOT in the beginning, on the first outing for a cup of tea, during the first dates, etc.

And use it especially if you're doing the whole online dating scene... it's the best way to stand out from all the other guys women are reading about.

The exception is if you don't have a lot of time, and you want to get a woman's number/email fast. In that case, use the 3 minute technique I talk about in Double Your Dating, and as described in a past newsletter that you've probably read. In those cases, it takes too much time.

Also, as you get to know a woman, you'll have more and more "normal" conversations...

Never stop being Cocky & Funny, unpredictable, etc.

But you can ease up a little as you get to know a woman better.

Use it... and you'll get it.


Dear Dave,

I have been reading your newsletter for about a year now and it works great!! True genius!!! I have always been cocky and funny even before knowing what c&f was, you just helped me realize exactly why I was succeeding with women. There is this girl who is probably a 9-10, but has had a boyfriend for some time now. I have been cocky and funny with her since the day i met her (btw she's a bartender) and she really seems to respond to it. She poured me a drink once and after I tasted it I said to her "whoa this is really strong, are you trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me," and she responded by saying "oh yea baby" and smiled at me and rubbed my arm. My question is as follows: I really want this girl and she seems to respond to my cocky and funny routine, in fact I think she likes me, but what do I do about the boyfriend situation?? What are the odds I can actually end up with this chick??

GB Orlando


OK, so what you're trying to tell me is that the only attractive woman in ORLANDO, FLORIDA is a bartender with a long term boyfriend?

Hey, good idea... since there are only about a million or so single women in your area, why not pick one who's already seeing someone?


Stop that!

If a woman has a boyfriend, just walk away, man.

Every month or two, when you're ordering a drink from her say, "Hey, are you still married?"

This is funny because you're busting on her and at the same time asking if she's still with her BF.

At some point she'll probably say, "No, I just dumped him". Most relationships end, so stay in touch.

And in the meantime, do something productive with your time... like dating some of the single women in your area, who don't have boyfriends that are probably the jealous 6'6" 250 pound meathead bouncer at the bar who likes to beat up guys for fun.

Here is what I would do: try online dating.

It's the best place to practice your skills and use humor to build attraction with women. Hey, what's the worse it could happen? You get a few dates with other attractive women in your area and become really good at this for when your favorite bartender is single.

Go check out my Advanced Series... It's FULL with tips and ideas to write your profile, and how to start intriguing conversations online.


Hi David,

thanks for all your great info that i have been receiving over the past several months. I have been putting into practice the things i learned from your e-book and newsletters with much improved results in the dating a few of your newsletters you mentioned that jealousy is the strongest of all emotions. How do you deal with it if it is the woman who tries to make you jealous. What's the best mindset and way to handle it David.

d London


Jealousy is an interesting topic.

I'm not sure that I said it was the "strongest" of all emotions... but I probably did say that it was one of the most powerful.

Jealousy causes people to do all sorts of stupid things... but it can also keep relationships together.

If a woman knows that other women are interested in you, she'll want you more.

If a man finds out that his girl is sleeping with another man, he can fly into a rage that often leads to violence (or worse).

Women are notorious for trying to make men jealous.

Many women intuitively realize that jealousy will make a man more interested and make him work harder for her attention and affection.

If a woman tries to make me jealous, I just laugh.

If she says:

"Oh, this guy I used to date called me last night to see if I was single..."

I might laugh and say:

"Well you should go out with him."

At this point a woman will usually realize that what she's doing isn't working and say, "No, I don't like him, why did you say that?"

It's important to overcome the natural tendency in life to have your emotions triggered by outside events.

It takes some work in many cases, but it's worth it.

Jealousy is an almost useless emotion. Do your best to realize that you don't need it... and then communicate that you're not easily played... and you don't get jealous over other men.

Works wonders, and makes you even more attractive.


Hey Dave,

I read your ebook a few weeks ago and like everyone else, I am going to suck up to you and say it's great. These tips really helped me out in the dating life. To the problem, I've known this Italian girl since the summer. It started out as an Internet thing in a chat room as with my natural humor and new set of balls, I got hooked into me. Fast forward to a few months in November, we still kept talking and views me as a "Friend", even though we didn't even send a single picture to one another. Things are going so well, that *she* decides that we should meet up somewhere. We did, and I bet every reader in this room would be very very very jealous if they saw me with this girl.

Things went well on this "get together", I busted her balls, made her laugh, and her facial expressions were mostly "What the..." look with sometimes leaving her speechless. At the end, she said I was definitely a keeper... wee. Fast forward to a few days ago, and now she tells me that she had sex with her ex-boyfriend who "she loved" and hasn't seen a long time. The reason why they broke up is because he had to move, they were both in good terms. Even though the ex is currently seeing someone else, who he claims he is not interested in this "other", they still did it. She said at the end that she views me as a "friend"

My question: What gives? She was taking initiative to even *ask* me out, which is something that 0.001% of girls ask for, she compliments me, kisses me, the whole package, yet just a few days ago she tells me that she loves her ex?

For some reason I am going to get the feeling you are going to go on with my life, wish I could, but even though I did "double my dating", my dates haven't been all that fulfilling. Let's say my best date besides this one was some Swedish Figure Skater who kept talking about her past 90000 boyfriends.


Oh, yeah. I really feel for you.

In the months since you've been reading these newsletters and few WEEKS since you've read my book you've dated a super-hot Italian girl and a Swedish Figure Skater.

And your dates haven't been "all that fulfilling."

Bummer, man.

OK, as for your Italian girl who slept with her ex.

These things happen, man.

Welcome to life on Earth.

My book is called "Double Your Dating," not "How To Make Sure Every Relationship With Every Woman In Your Life Turns Out Like A Movie."

Get out there and date some more women!

That'll get your mind off of the Italian girl (who you obviously feel attached to)... and onto some other super-babes that you have yet to meet.

Do what you know works...

Didn't you say this thing with her started as an "Internet thing?" Well, do that again.

And use any opportunity to bust on your dates when they talk about their exes. They're probably just testing you anyways, to see if you get jealous.

Don't fall into that trap. Make a joke about it.

Don't let the conversation continue about an ex!

Use the humor and Cocky Funny techniques you're learning from me to stay away from the ex - talk.


Hi Dave,

Well I've read your e-book for about the 4th time now. I'm most likely going to read it at least that many more times. I'm just starting to put your teachings into the real world. The first time out I was with 2 of my buddies and 2 women that they both new a lot better than I did. One girl is a 8/9 the other is a solid 9. Well my buddy was in the process on dating the 8/9 so I started to work on the 9. I did the C/F routine, but I think I was a little short on the funny but after all my teasing and busting she still smiled and laughed. I told her some stuff about how "hotties" view men and how beauty was like a curse to them. She seemed to look at me like I could read her mind. But after that she kind of drifted from me and eventually went over by the guys that I bet her would all sleep with her in a heartbeat.... who all acted like ass kissers might I add. My question is...did I scare her with my knowledge of knowing so much of her game? Also it is really hard for me to work in a group of people. How can you really focus your skills when everybody is always switching who they are talking to. I'd say for a first time out it with my new tools it wasn't a loss but more of a tie.

M Tampa


A "tie?"

And what were you trying to do with this girl, win a popularity contest?

Did you ask her for her email?


Did you ask her for her number?


Did you add her to your social network?


Quit talking so much about losers who like to kiss ass and act like Wussies, and start thinking NEXT STEP.

Remember the bonus booklet that you got with "Double Your Dating" called "Bridges?"

This booklet teaches you how to go from one step to the next.

The principle is that you need to know where you are going... and then take steps to get there.

What... did you expect this girl to jump on your lap and say, "Let's get out of here!"?

Lighten up on being the profound guru a little, and start thinking NEXT STEP.

You didn't have a "tie" here, you had a "I didn't do what it takes to win" here.


Dear David,

I have been reading your emails for about 6 months now, and I gotta tell you. Your words and advice have helped me with my life more than anything else *ever*. I have gone from getting a date with maybe one average looking girl every 4 months, to getting 7 or 8 dates from very beautiful women in less than 2 weeks. My confidence is skyrocketing, and women I would have automatically accepted before (based on their above average looks) are now often unacceptable in one way or another (usually due to neurotic behavior).

I have been changing my patterns and even people at work are noticing the difference. I am way more confident when confronted by my boss. I have gone so far as to make cocky/funny jokes at his expense hehe (surprisingly, it had the same effect on him as the women, he's started following me around, YIKES). I am attempting to find humor in every situation. Even being stalked by my massive... scary... hulking, boss (God help me).

I am still not at the place I want to be, but like anything new, practice makes perfect (I imagine buying your book and DVD set may help too). I can actually notice daily improvements as I apply these principles to my life.

Thank you so much David. Who knows, I may even get a raise ;)

Quick question: I have had so many girls talk to me about their problems like right away. I agree with what you say about becoming a dumping ground and how it has 'wussy' written all over it. Do you have a few examples of how I could stop this behavior without scaring them off or making them think I am some kind of a**hole?




OK, first of all, congratulations on getting 7-8 dates from beautiful women in 2 weeks. You're the man.

To answer your question about what to say to women who start talking about their problems right away...

Here's the deal.

When a woman starts talking about her problems, what she's REALLY saying is, "I'm feeling bad right now. I think that if I talk about my problems I'll feel good... so that's what I'm going to do."

I hope you're with me here.

Most guys go along with this, and try to be "nice" about the whole affair.

If you're like I used to be, you actually TRY TO HELP.

Well guess what?

This is a REALLY bad idea if you want a woman to feel ATTRACTION for you.

The BEST thing to do in these situations is to make her FEEL BETTER.

And being a "nice" Wuss Bag Girly-Man Therapist isn't the way to do it.

Try this:

Next time a woman starts with the problems, just interrupt her and say, "Hey, whoa... wait a minute here... do I look like one of your GIRLFRIENDS?"

She'll say, "No."

You say, "Great, then don't talk to me like I'm one of them, OK?"

Continue with:

"If you want therapy, I'm going to have to charge you at LEAST two hundred an hour... I'm expensive. I'm in WAY too good of a mood to listen to this stuff for free."

Now, you MUST remember something here.

You're NOT trying to come across like a heartless bastard when you say this stuff.

What you ARE trying to say is, "Hey, you have girlfriends, and their role is comforting you and talking about things. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm the person who you feel GOOD when you're around... the one that cheers you up... the one that keeps you interested."

This is a VERY important distinction.

You must understand and believe this when you do it, or else you'll just come across like a selfish prick.

I've done this exact thing NUMEROUS times in my day, and almost EVERY time the woman stops, laughs, and says:

"Oh, sorry. You're right... so what are you doing?" etc.

You can COMPLETELY change the mood and tone of a situation if you stand up, act like a man, and refuse the invitation to be her free Wussy Therapist Buddy.

But you really need to remember that a generous helping of Cocky & Funny will make this work best.

If you listen to her problems and act like a girlfriend, then that's what you're going to turn into.

And thanks for the compliments... I get a lot of feedback that this stuff helps in a lot of different areas of life, and I know that my own life has improved in many different ways as a result.

Oh, and you're right about the fact that investing in my video program will REALLY help your success.

I guarantee that you'll be slapping yourself and saying, "What the hell have I been waiting for?"

If you've been dating average women, you'll start meeting SUPER hot women.

If you've been running into a challenge, this program will solve it for you.

And if you're reading this right now and you've been thinking of investing in my Advanced Dating Techniques program, then you need to do it.

It comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee... if you're not thrilled, and it doesn't take your game to a whole new level, just ask for a refund.


I want you to be one of the success stories in the next Mailbag... go check out the details here:

And in this Mailbag you've also heard from a lot of guys who are using my original eBook "Double Your Dating" to improve their success with women and dating. It comes with three additional free bonus booklets, and it's a complete introduction to my principles and techniques. Of course, it also comes with a 100% guarantee. Go download your copy here... you can be reading it in literally a few minutes from right now:

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Don't forget to look at my online "catalog" of different programs... each one designed to help you learn a different aspect of becoming more successful with women and dating. You can see them all, plus watch video clips here:

Copyright 2012, David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks and/or service marks of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. All emails sent to David DeAngelo become the property of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. Read my privacy policy here.

The material contained in this and any other communication from David DeAngelo is an expression of opinion and is not to be construed as legal, medical or professional advice. This material may only to be used for personal entertainment purposes.

To ensure that you get my relationship advice newsletters each week, click here for instructions on adding me to your address book: Address Book Instructions

If you are under the age of 18, please unsubscribe from our newsletters and other communications by clicking on the link below, or by sending a written request to David DeAngelo Marketing Inc., 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89169. To safely REMOVE your name and email address from our newsletter mailing, unsubscribe here.

If you have a question about these newsletters or anything else related to Double Your Dating, chances are it has already been answered on my Frequently Asked Questions page. This is usually the quickest way to get the answers you need, so always check my FAQ's before sending us an email. Contact us.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

December Live Seminar (Update & question for you)

Love The Final Chapter

Hey Man,

Just a quick reminder that I'm doing my first live Double Your Dating seminar in over 5 years… and it's happening in less than two months!

The program is called:

"LOVE: The Final Chapter"

...and it's the most sophisticated and valuable program I've taught so far on dating, relationships and love.

I made you a new video with all the details - you can watch it here:

The program is already starting to fill up, so make sure you register now if you want to come. My last couple of live programs have been totally full - and I don't want you to miss out.

NOTE: I've had a few requests from guys who would like to attend, but who can't be there in person on those dates.

We are considering adding a "Live Stream" option for people who live outside the country, etc. - but who would like to watch the program live, and be involved over the internet.

If you're one of these people, will you send me an email to let me know that you'd love to be part of the program - and that you'd attend if we had a "live stream" option? Just send me an email here:

...and put the words "Live Stream Request" in the subject line.

I hope to see you in December.

-David D.

P.S. If you have questions, please email me at:

Copyright 2012, David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks and/or service marks of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. All emails sent to David DeAngelo become the property of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. Read my privacy policy here.

The material contained in this and any other communication from David DeAngelo is an expression of opinion and is not to be construed as legal, medical or professional advice. This material may only to be used for personal entertainment purposes.

To ensure that you get my relationship advice newsletters each week, click here for instructions on adding me to your address book: Address Book Instructions

If you are under the age of 18, please unsubscribe from our newsletters and other communications by clicking on the link below, or by sending a written request to David DeAngelo Marketing Inc., 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89169. To safely REMOVE your name and email address from our newsletter mailing, unsubscribe here.

If you have a question about these newsletters or anything else related to Double Your Dating, chances are it has already been answered on my Frequently Asked Questions page. This is usually the quickest way to get the answers you need, so always check my FAQ's before sending us an email. Contact us.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Video Tip: How Beautiful Women are Different (And What To Do About It!)

IMPORTANT: I recorded a special video message about how YOU can get great results with amazingly beautiful women... Click below to watch it now:

If you can't see the video above, just click here.

Hey Man,

I don't even have to say it... you feel it every time you're in the vicinity of a beautiful woman...


You know what I mean...

She's accustomed to getting all that "special treatment" in life.

She gets "hit on" all day long (and rejects 99% of the guys who dare to even try.)

She has very specific "requirements" that a man must meet before she'll even give him a second look.

And you know what?

YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about all of this...

... but NOT in the way that you think!

That's why I'm sending you an URGENT VIDEO MESSAGE TODAY...

I want you to understand that YOU can use these facts to SET YOURSELF APART from that 99% of all other guys...

... and start getting mind-blowing results with beautiful women!!!

So let's get to it... click below to watch the video, and I'll personally reveal the secrets to you:

Listen... you know I wouldn't be sending you this personal video message unless this was MAJOR.


Your friend,

David D.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

NEW David D. Live Seminar (in December)

What turns women OFF instantly

Hey Man,

I'm doing an all-new live 4-day seminar in December on how to play the big game in life: THE GAME OF LOVE.

As you may have heard, I've been exploring a new aspect of life over the past five years, and that is part of life called "Love & Relationships."

Five years ago, I met the most amazing woman - and we got married (as you might know).

I didn't think it would happen for me, but I guess that's how life works - the big things come when you don't expect them.

Last year, we had a daughter, and this year I've decided to take everything that I've learned over the past five years about how to make an intimate relationship work - and teach it in an all-new 4-day live seminar.

To give you a preview: I can tell you that all of the stuff I learned about dating was just the "preparation" for what happens when you decide to have a long-term relationship with an amazing woman. And this past five years, I've been studying how to make a relationship work even more than I studied the dating game (and my wife is a love coach, so we've really taken this on together).

::: How To Attract & Keep An Amazing Woman :::

If you want to attract the most amazing woman in the world (and I believe that you can find the most amazing woman in the world - for you), then you need to know four things:

1) You need to understand the dating, mating and attraction game

2) You need high self-esteem

3) You need to achieve social status

4) You need to know how to have a deep, intimate relationship with a woman

If you don't know all four of these things, and have them "down cold" then it's likely that the woman of your dreams either won't even NOTICE you… or your relationship won't work out in the long-run (as most don't).

::: What Do Women Want? :::

It's really the ultimate question, isn't it?

Well, it's taken me about 15 years to come up with an answer that I'm happy with - and figuring it out has made my relationship work so well that I can hardly believe it.

Instead of explaining what women want here, I want you to watch this new video that I made that explains the four things you need to know to attract and keep a woman - PLUS gives you the answer to this important question.

...and learn about my live 4-day seminar in December.

The last live Double Your Dating seminars that I have done have filled up very quickly, and I expect this one to sell out.

I'm bringing in a roster of amazing guest speakers that you probably know - many of whom have now found their partners in life - and who have also discovered tactics and methods for really making a relationship work.

If you want to be in the room for this monumental event, then I recommend that you watch this new video immediately, and get your registration in as soon as you can.

and I hope to see you in December for my new live seminar!

-David D.

P.S. If you have questions, please email me at:

Copyright 2012, David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks and/or service marks of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. All emails sent to David DeAngelo become the property of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. Read my privacy policy here.

The material contained in this and any other communication from David DeAngelo is an expression of opinion and is not to be construed as legal, medical or professional advice. This material may only to be used for personal entertainment purposes.

To ensure that you get my relationship advice newsletters each week, click here for instructions on adding me to your address book: Address Book Instructions

If you are under the age of 18, please unsubscribe from our newsletters and other communications by clicking on the link below, or by sending a written request to David DeAngelo Marketing Inc., 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89169. To safely REMOVE your name and email address from our newsletter mailing, unsubscribe here.

If you have a question about these newsletters or anything else related to Double Your Dating, chances are it has already been answered on my Frequently Asked Questions page. This is usually the quickest way to get the answers you need, so always check my FAQ's before sending us an email. Contact us.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The 4 Reasons Why Women Reject Men

Most men have never learned to develop their "inner self confidence"... and become the kind of guy that is literally BULLET-PROOF. If you would like to learn some of the best tricks, techniques, and concepts for building a rock-solid self-image and massive self-confidence, then take a minute and read THIS:

Hey Man, most men HATE the idea of "rejection".

I'm not talking about "don't like the idea" or "wish it didn't happen"...I'm talking HATE here.

The idea of walking up to a woman and having her REJECT you causes most men to instantly feel sick in the pit of their stomachs and literally feel a horrible combination of nervousness and confusion.

A guy can psych himself up for an hour to go talk to a woman, but when the moment comes to actually DO IT, EVERYTHING changes.

The heart rate shoots up, breathing quickens, eyes dart back and forth, thoughts of rejection fill the mind, and eventually the pressure becomes too much to bare.

Most men find this state so scary that they end up deciding to forget about approaching the women... just to end the discomfort.

The temptation is great to just "walk away" because just as quickly as the intense nervousness is triggered by the moment one decides to ACT, it goes away when you decide to "forget about it and walk away".

The fact that "choosing to walk away" leads to the "instant gratification" of the nervous feeling going away makes it the most popular option.

Most of the time (and I'm talking about probably 99% of the time here) men just walk away. They give up before they've even started.

I find this topic fascinating.

If I just think about it, I can remember MANY times in my past where I wanted to talk to a woman, but I just didn't do it.

In fact, many of them are so vivid that I can remember the exact setting, what the girl looked like, who else was there, etc...and I'm talking about situations that happened YEARS ago.

These moments obviously made an impression.

I can also remember kicking myself for DAYS afterwards for not approaching and talking to these girls.

Can you relate?


I think it's important to realize that there's a BIG difference between ACTUAL rejection (having a girl who is offended, upset, rude, etc. to you when you start talking to her) and the FEAR of rejection (how you feel when you imagine a woman rejecting you).

I've found that for me PERSONALLY, my FEAR of rejection is actually FAR, FAR more painful and difficult to deal with than ACTUAL rejection in the real world.

The main reason for this is that most of the time when a man starts talking to a woman, she is actually rather nice about the whole affair.

Men aren't "rejected" very often!

If a woman isn't interested, she usually just says "I have a boyfriend" or "No thank you"...or she'll just walk away without saying anything at all.

Out of the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times that I've approached women, I can't remember any time that a woman has yelled "Get away from me you loser! You are unattractive and the very thought of going on a date with you makes me sick to my stomach!"

I'm sure it's happened to SOMEONE, but it's never happened to ME.

The worst I've had is a woman making fun of the words I used (telling me that my pickup line was lame) or just walking away.

No slaps, no boyfriends beating me up, and no yelling.

But here's the kicker...

You can experience an intense FEAR of rejection EVERY time you consider approaching a woman.

Imagine, something you can predict with almost perfect accuracy.

You can be in any situation, anywhere, anytime, and still have FEAR of rejection...which will prevent you from approaching a woman.

Ah, the power of the human mind.


A lot of guys ask me, "How do I deal with rejection?".

The answer: Don't worry about it.

If you get "rejected", you'll be fine.


It's no big deal, and it doesn't happen that often.

And when it does, you'll recover shortly thereafter.

You'll find yourself telling your friends about it, and laughing together. Rejection from a woman is about as painful as getting a "D" on a test.

It's basically insignificant.

The REAL question is "How do I deal with my FEAR of rejection?".

If you can overcome your imaginary FEAR of rejection, you'll be on your way. (Some guys have a type of fear that they might call "terror" when thinking of approaching women.) If you have this level of fear, then you might want to take a minute and check this out before reading on:


Now let's talk about those rare instances where a woman actually REJECTS a man.

For the sake of this discussion, I want to define "rejection" as a woman doing something that lets you know that she's upset and offended that you started talking to her, and she responds in a mean or vicious way to make you go away.

I do NOT consider a woman walking away without stopping to talk to you, her saying "No thank you", or any other time when a woman just simply doesn't engage to be "rejection".

If you DO consider these things to be rejection, please stop reading now, call your mom into your room, and tell her that it's time you grew up and moved out...and that she'll get over the fact that she can't choose your clothes for you and hug you when you have a boo-boo anymore.

I digress...

I've found that there are a few main reasons why women actually DO reject men (by the way, it's VERY rare that I actually get "rejected"'s probably happened to me once in the last 100 times I've started a conversation with a woman...because I don't do dumb-ass things anymore).

Here are the main ones:

1. The guy isn't paying attention, and he does something stupid to begin with.

Some guys think it's appropriate to walk up to a woman, put their arm around her, and say, "Hey baby, you sure do look hot tonight".

Some guys don't see anything wrong with following a woman around all night, staring at her constantly, then walking over with a nervous, sweaty-palmed, stalkerish look and saying, "You remind me of my sister".

These are bad ideas.

2. The guy doesn't stop when he should.

If two women are sitting alone at a table in the corner, and one of them is obviously upset, and you walk over to them and say, "Hi, can I buy you a drink?"...and the upset one looks at you and says, "No thanks, we're in the middle of a conversation" (then looks away from you back at her friend)...and you say, "Aw, come on, have a drink. You need to lighten up and have some fun"...and she looks back at you and says firmly, "We're busy"...and you say, "What, are you in a bad mood or something? I'm just trying to buy you a drink"...and she says, "We don't want a drink"...and you say, "Well maybe your friend does"...and the friend says, "No, I don't want one either"...

OK, hopefully you get it.

If you ever do something like this, you are a dumb ass, and you deserve to be slapped and have 47 drinks thrown in your lap.

3. Making a woman nervous with your body language.

If you start talking to a woman, but your posture is weak and slumped, your eyes are darting around but not meeting hers, and you're wearing an unbuttoned flannel shirt with one of the tails tucked in, you're probably not going to get a favorable response.

If you creep a woman out, things aren't going to work for you.

4. Not understanding a woman's body language and other communication.

When you start talking to a woman, she will let you know within a very short time if she's receptive to talking to you.

If you've been reading too many books that say "A woman will signal her availability and interest by flipping her hair, licking her lips, and cocking her head coyly at you", then get over it.

This stuff happens to Brat Pitt, not to YOU.

And if it DOES happen to you, then skip this part.

When you first start talking to a woman she's either going to keep talking to you in an open, comfortable way or she's not.

She's either going to act like things are cool or she's going to act like they're not.

This is an amazing thought, but women get nervous too. They will often stop talking just because they can't think of anything to say, etc.

But you need to pay attention.

Experience is the best teacher here.

My simple point is that MOST GUYS CAUSE REJECTION by what they're doing. They aren't paying attention, or they're doing things that are offensive.

If you just avoid a few major mistakes, learn how to start conversations with women, and do a few simple things RIGHT, you'll all but totally avoid "rejection" from the women you approach.


The REAL obstacle here is the FEAR.

As I mentioned, FEAR of rejection, or IMAGINING rejection when you should be imagining success, leads to walking away.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Ironically, I've found that the best way to overcome my own fear of rejection was to see that it wasn't going to actually happen.

The more times I approached women and started conversations and the more I saw that women usually responded positively, the less I imagined things going wrong.

This led to a positive feedback loop of me wanting to approach more women and have more success.

Here are a few ideas for overcoming your own FEAR of rejection:

1) Go out to a bar, and watch men approaching women.

Take a Saturday night, and just go out alone. Find a seat at the bar where things are busy, and just watch.

Make sure you visit a place that is REALLY busy, so you can see a lot of people interacting.

Now, pay attention.

You'll begin to pick out the guys who are approaching a lot of women, asking them to dance, buying them drinks, etc. Watch what happens.

You'll be able to see for yourself that most of the time, even if the woman isn't interested, nothing bad happens.

You'll also see that when a guy tries to grab a woman who's walking by, makes a crude sexual comment, or just keeps talking when a woman isn't interested, that the woman's feelings might escalate and she'll respond negatively.

You can watch what works and what doesn't right in front of your own eyes.

This will start to reprogram your mind that women don't usually "reject" men, even in the most intense situations where they're being approached all night.

2) Start small.

If you have to, start by talking to women who are PAID to talk to you.

Go to a mall (one of my favorites).

Stores in malls hire attractive young women.

Walk into every store, and start conversations.

Practice making eye contact.

Come up with a few jokes that you can use in any situation ("So, do you own this store? Perfect, then you won't care if I just take some things...")

Ask the salesgirls to smell your new cologne (the one you sprayed on your wrist next door) and give you her opinion.

The more you do this, the more you'll get used to starting conversations with women you don't know, and having comfortable conversations.

3) Choose one default thing for each situation.

It amazes me that guys don't think ahead.

They don't plan what they're going to do.

As the old saying goes "By failing to plan, you plan to fail".

You really need to figure out a DEFAULT thing you can do to start a conversation with any woman, anywhere, anytime.

Once you come up with your idea, mentally rehearse it until you could do it in any situation.

Then get out and do it.


Human beings tend to want to "save face" when it comes to relationships.

We don't like the idea that another person has outright "rejected" us, and we ALSO tend to not want to "hurt other people's feelings" by rejecting them.

This is one of the reasons why women will often lie and say "I have a boyfriend" when they don't.

You must become aware of these "subconscious" processes and motivations, work with them, and eventually become the master of them.

Learn to recognize when a woman is "politely saying no thanks", and move on.

If a woman isn't interested in you, forget about it. It doesn't matter.

Go to the next one. There are plenty.


Most men believe that if they could only overcome their own fear of rejection, and learn how to start talking to women, all their problems would be solved.

Not so!

Just because you can start conversations with women doesn't mean that they'll feel ATTRACTION for you.

It took me a LONG time to really "get" this.

It took me even LONGER to realize that there is actually a way to make women feel the emotion of ATTRACTION for you...just by the way you communicate with them.

I used to believe that it was a mysterious, lucky accident when a woman felt ATTRACTION.

Now I realize that it's only "lucky" for those guys who don't understand it (and very few do).

I've devoted a lot of time, effort, energy, testing, and development to design a system that any guy can use to start making women feel ATTRACTION for him.

And I'd like you to take advantage of that effort and time that I've invested by checking out my Advanced Dating Techniques program.

In this program, I break down the process of making women feel ATTRACTION for you into easy, step-by-step exercises and techniques that ANY guy can start using IMMEDIATELY.

You'll learn everything from specific exercises to increase your self esteem, to the exact words that I personally use when I approach the specific steps to "getting physical" with women.

It's all in there.

And if you'd like to get an introduction to the main concepts, then download a copy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating". This eBook is a complete intro to the mind set and techniques you need to understand to start being successful with women. It's here:

I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. If you want to get details and watch preview video clips from all of my different programs... each one designed to teach you a different element of how to meet and date more women...then take a minute and go here:

Copyright 2012, David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks and/or service marks of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. All emails sent to David DeAngelo become the property of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. Read my privacy policy here.

The material contained in this and any other communication from David DeAngelo is an expression of opinion and is not to be construed as legal, medical or professional advice. This material may only to be used for personal entertainment purposes.

To ensure that you get my relationship advice newsletters each week, click here for instructions on adding me to your address book: Address Book Instructions

If you are under the age of 18, please unsubscribe from our newsletters and other communications by clicking on the link below, or by sending a written request to David DeAngelo Marketing Inc., 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89169. To safely REMOVE your name and email address from our newsletter mailing, unsubscribe here.

If you have a question about these newsletters or anything else related to Double Your Dating, chances are it has already been answered on my Frequently Asked Questions page. This is usually the quickest way to get the answers you need, so always check my FAQ's before sending us an email. Contact us.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Attraction And How It Works With Women

If you love the topic of attraction, and you'd like to get my most in-depth thinking about it, then go and read THIS:

Our topic this week is ATTRACTION.

Before you read further, I'd like you to take a minute and think about what the word ATTRACTION means to you.

By the way, I'm talking about the romantic concept of ATTRACTION...not gravitational attraction, etc.

If you can, WRITE DOWN exactly what you think the word ATTRACTION means. The process of writing down your thoughts helps you to organize them (I recommend that you also keep a journal of your experiences as you improve in this area of your life). There are no right or wrong answers here, so think about it for a few minutes...





OK, did you do that? Nice.

So what did you come up with?

A lot of guys seem to think that ATTRACTION is when one person wants what another person has.

Some think of ATTRACTION as the result of being good-looking or otherwise "attractive." In fact, I think a LOT of people confuse ATTRACTION with "attractive."

When I think of the concept of ATTRACTION, I think of it primarily as an EMOTION. It seems to me that it's more a COMBINATION of powerful emotions that come together to form a very, very special new SUPER-emotion.

However you think about it, there is a process that happens that keeps men and women getting together to have sex...

You are reading this right now, which is a miracle.

Think of the thousands upon thousands of generations of ancestors that you have had...and think about the fact that NOT ONE OF THEM DIED A VIRGIN.

And not one of them died in childhood. And then think about the fact that you beat out about five hundred MILLION other sperm-racers to get to the egg first.

You are the result of, and represent, probably the most amazing process I have ever heard of.

One of the parts of this process that fascinates me is how each pair of your ancestors decided to get together with THAT PARTICULAR PERSON at THAT PARTICULAR TIME.

I know that some people will be upset that I'm talking about this whole concept in such an analytical, detached way...women in particular seem to love the fantasy of two people being "soul mates" and "knowing that your special someone is out there" and "it just happening."

If you're one of those people, stop reading now! lol...

After working on this area of my own personal life for a few years, and trying all kinds of techniques, it finally dawned on me that ATTRACTION WAS BASICALLY EVERYTHING.

If a woman feels ATTRACTION for a man, then nothing else really matters.

Looks, age, nationality, wealth, religion, personal loss, peer pressure from friends and family...none of it matters!

On the other hand, if a women DOESN'T feel ATTRACTION for a man, then nothing else matters in that case either!

You can't "talk" a woman into feeling ATTRACTION, any more than you can "talk" a person who hasn't eaten for three days out of feeling hungry.

I mean, if you really wanted to be fancy, you could learn to be a hypnotist and talk them into it that way...

But I'll tell you a little secret: Even THAT isn't the best way to do things! (I actually know several people who use this method of hypnotizing women...and I haven't met one yet who could use this technique alone to get women...there's ALWAYS something else going on.)

What I'm trying to say is that one day it hit me like a ton of bricks that ATTRACTION IS THE KEY TO EVERYTHING WITH WOMEN!

If you don't know what it is or how to create it, you'll wander around trying different techniques...and probably never land on something that works consistently.

And once I realized this, all kinds of things that didn't make sense before INSTANTLY made sense to me.

All of a sudden I realized why women dated abusive jerks...ATTRACTION.

I realized why women dated men who were clearly using them and cheating on them... ATTRACTION.

And I also saw the FLIP SIDE!

I realized why women pass up guys who are honest, stable, attractive, and wonderful for losers...ATTRACTION.

Think of ATTRACTION like a drug (which it really is). If a woman is under the influence of it, then she's gone. She'll do anything to get more. One of the things that most fascinates me is the "language" that triggers attraction inside of women. I call it "Sexual Communication" and you can learn all about it here:

If she's NOT under the influence, then YOU'RE gone. Nothing you do will matter if she doesn't feel it.

If you doubt what I'm saying, ask the next 10 SUPER HOT women you see what they think of this. Read this newsletter to them, and watch their reactions. You'll see.

OK, now that you've heard a little bit more of my personal perspective, I'd like you to look back into your life and think about all those situations with women that made no sense at all...

Think about the women that you treated wonderfully that passed you up for the jerks... and think about all the women "friends" you had...the ones who told you about how mean and inconsiderate their boyfriends were... while you looked at them thinking "I would kill my own mother for just one date with you."

Is it all making sense now?

THEY DIDN'T FEEL ATTRACTION FOR YOU! YOU WERE BEING A "NICE GUY" AND PROBABLY A WUSSY BOY, AND YOU HAD NO IDEA THAT IT WAS HAVING THE EXACT OPPOSITE EFFECT OF WHAT YOU WANTED! AND WORSE YET, THERE WASN'T A DAMN THING YOU COULD DO ABOUT IT! It's harsh to think about, but it's true. (By the way, if you don't do something to learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION, then most likely, this is going to keep happening to you for the rest of your life.)

I have to point out one more thing. As I mentioned earlier, I think a lot of guys confuse the idea of being "attractive" with the emotion called ATTRACTION.

You can make a woman feel an INCREDIBLE ATTRACTION, even though you're not what most people would think of as "attractive." Of course, you have to know how...

The point is that if you're not tall, handsome, and dashing, you can LEARN how to make women feel this wonderful emotion called ATTRACTION.

It's a skill. It's taken me YEARS to be able to even talk about this stuff in simple terms like this that makes sense, and it's taken me the same time to figure out how a regular guy like you or I can make women who we used to think of as "out of our league," feel ATTRACTION for us.

How, you ask, can we do that? Well, you've read about the technique called "Cocky and Funny"...that's a part of it.

But there are several other pieces of the puzzle, from voice tone and body language, to specific ways to touch a woman to get her physically turned on, and everything in between. It's a system, and it all works together.

There are two KEY aspects of learning how to be successful with women and dating:

1) The Inner Game

2) The Outer Game

The INNER GAME is all about learning how to THINK and how to manage your thoughts and emotions. It's also about understanding how and why attractive women feel that amazing emotion called ATTRACTION for some men, and not for MOST men.

The OUTER GAME is all of the techniques, what to say and such.

Which is more important? Well, they're BOTH important. But what I notice is that most guys want to learn the OUTER GAME first.

In other words, they want pick-up lines, fancy tricks, and other things.

I can remember when I first started learning this stuff.

I had this idea in my mind that if I could learn how to get women to give me their numbers that I'd be the MAN.

Well, I learned that I can get just about any woman's phone number in a few minutes.

But guess what? Once I learned how to get women's phone numbers, I ran into a much BIGGER issue...the women usually flaked out on me, didn't show up, etc.

And the ones that DID show up were difficult. Nothing happened. I realized that there had to be more. And, as it turns out, there is...A LOT more, in fact.

The REASON that the "Inner Game" is so important, is that attractive women don't judge you on your "pick-up lines."

And just because a woman gives you her phone number or email address DOES NOT mean that she FEELS anything inside (like ATTRACTION).

Women don't DECIDE to feel ATTRACTION for a man.

ATTRACTION is something that happens on its own, for its own reasons.

Attraction Isn't A Choice! The way to cause women to feel ATTRACTION for you is to UNDERSTAND how and why it works, and then communicate in a way that makes it happen.

In my Advanced Dating Techniques program, I spend several HOURS teaching "The Inner Game"

...all those things that help you get the INSIDE together, so you can then get the OUTSIDE together.

This stuff is CRITICAL to your success. I wouldn't have taken all the time, effort, and energy to put this together unless I thought it was important.

If you want to overcome your challenges and really take your success to the next level, then you owe it to yourself to check it out.

It's here:

And if you haven't had a chance to download my eBook "Double Your Dating: What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women," then you need to do that now. You can download it and be reading it within a few minutes...

If you've tried all kinds of techniques, and nothing seems to "work," then you need to work on your Inner Game. When you get the inner game together, everything will start to work a LOT better...

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. If you'd like to see all of the different programs I've created to help you learn how to meet women, take a minute and check this out:

Copyright 2012, David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks and/or service marks of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. All emails sent to David DeAngelo become the property of David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. Read my privacy policy here.

The material contained in this and any other communication from David DeAngelo is an expression of opinion and is not to be construed as legal, medical or professional advice. This material may only to be used for personal entertainment purposes.

To ensure that you get my relationship advice newsletters each week, click here for instructions on adding me to your address book: Address Book Instructions

If you are under the age of 18, please unsubscribe from our newsletters and other communications by clicking on the link below, or by sending a written request to David DeAngelo Marketing Inc., 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89169. To safely REMOVE your name and email address from our newsletter mailing, unsubscribe here.

If you have a question about these newsletters or anything else related to Double Your Dating, chances are it has already been answered on my Frequently Asked Questions page. This is usually the quickest way to get the answers you need, so always check my FAQ's before sending us an email. Contact us.