Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Secret Body Language Women Find Irresistible

If you can't communicate with a woman in EXACTLY THE RIGHT WAY using BODY LANGUAGE ALONE... you'll NEVER be able to make her feel ATTRACTION for you.

On the other hand...

Once you DO understand how to use body language, a woman will recognize it in you INSTANTLY... before you even say a word... and begin having feelings of ATTRACTION for you.

And once THAT happens, you're GOLDEN. Everything else is a cake walk.

Learn why body language is so important (and how to master it FAST)

by clicking here:


Hello Dave,

I want to say thank you for the Advanced Series. The more I listen to it, the more I get out of it. It's like when you watch a movie about 53 times, you'll always find something new that you didn't notice the previous times you watched it. When I first invested on your book, I thought that it was fantastic chic bible, now that I've invested in the Advanced Series, I understand more of what you talk about in the book. The video Series is soon as I get the

Anyway, to my question. You talk about how body language will affect the moment, if you will, while conversing with a woman. Perhaps I still do not understand how the process works, or maybe it's just one of those things that men aren't supposed to understand, but if you're talking with a woman, oh let's say at a baseball game, somewhere where friends may spot you, and you wonder off to your friends without her as if "you don't care," you say it is creating tension between the two of you, because she's wondering "where the hell did he go?" but is that not creating some sort of negative body language in a way at the same time?

A little help understanding this will greatly be appreciated, Dave. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't capture this concept. Thanks again. D. Yuma, Arizona


Thanks for your email, this is a great question.

I think that the reason you don't "get" this particular concept is because you're trying to fit what I'm teaching you into your way of seeing the world, instead of the other way around.

You're looking for how I'm WRONG instead of how I'm RIGHT.

And I'll bet you dimes to dollars that you have not spent much time TESTING what you've learned in the real world.

I can sit here all day long and explain to you what it's like to drive a car. I can tell you how it's different steering a car when you're driving 5 miles per hour than it is when you're driving 55 miles per hour... and how it's different to back up because you have to think in reverse...

...and you could ask me questions like "Well, how do you mean it's "backwards" when you back up? Wouldn't it just feel the same?" and "Wouldn't it be distracting to turn your windshield wipers on while it's raining and you're trying to drive?"...

...and I could answer all of your questions...

...OR... could just get in a damn car and go see what it's like to drive!

If you want to "capture this concept" you need to get out in the real world and DO IT.

In your example above, you asked if you're also creating "some sort of negative body language" at the same time by walking away from a woman.

What do you mean by "negative"?


Do you mean that if you walk away from a girl that you're talking to, are you going to make her think you don't like her?

GOOD, if she thinks that. Who cares?

If you walk away from a woman because you want to go talk to your friends, it's HER DEAL if she doesn't like it. Not yours.

If, on the other hand, you see your friends, but DON'T go talk to them because you don't want to offend the girl you're talking to, you're going to probably also give her several clues that you're a WUSSBAG, and that you don't have any spine or life of your own... and that you like to live in a way that pleases other people.

And guess what?

That is NOT an attractive quality.


Everything is a trade-off in one way or another.

Everything involves risk.

Everything you do can backfire.

Most guys are painfully aware of these issues.

But, the problem is that most guys take this knowledge and use it the WRONG WAY.

Instead of doing what WORKS, and not caring if it "backfires" or "fails" in that particular situation, they do the "safe" thing.

Of course, anytime you "play it safe" around an attractive woman by being a "nice guy" and trying to "follow her lead" you are almost ABSOLUTELY going to do something that's going to backfire on you MOST of the time.

In other words, by playing it safe and being a "nice" guy, you won't get any "negative" responses or "rejection" in the moment.

But, she's NEVER going to feel ATTRACTION for you, either (unless you look like Brad Pitt, or you're in ColdPlay).

The answer?

Before I tell you, I want to suggest that you don't understand one other KEY element of creating ATTRACTION with a woman. And you can learn about that key element by going HERE:

Stop worrying about "failing" or doing something that doesn't work.

It doesn't MATTER if you "fail" in a particular situation.

You didn't have anything ANYWAY.

If you want to succeed with attractive women, you're going to have to realize that things don't work the way they SHOULD work.

Attraction doesn't happen when you're a "nice, appropriate boy."

Here's an example of "being nice" vs. being a guy who lives in his own reality and does what he wants to do:

You're talking to a girl, and you decide that you like her.

You want to get her phone number and call her sometime.

Nice guy says, "Um, maybe you could give me your number, and I could call you sometime and take you out".

Guy who lives in his own reality says, "Give me your number" with a tone of voice and body language that is EXPECTING her to comply.

But, you might say, "Hey, wait a minute here... if you just try and tell her what to do and ASSUME that she's going to go along and give you her number, she might be offended."

Guess what?

You're right.

But, if she's offended, then she wasn't going to go out with you anyway.

On the other hand, if she WAS going to go out with you, the direct "Give me your number" will make her FAR MORE attracted to you.

Make sense?

In other words, the things that work BEST will get you MUCH BETTER and MUCH WORSE reactions from women.

Women who have boyfriends, are married, are lesbians, or whatever will RUN away... (that is, if they can overcome their emotional attraction to your communication style).

And women who are available and interested will only feel MORE attracted to you because you are just naturally assuming that you're going to get what you want.

If you really take the time to think about it, and think through the different scenarios, you'll realize that being direct and assumptive will work better in the long run.

Now, let's talk a bit about the specifics of what it "says" to a woman when you "walk away" from her in a situation like the one you've described...

You're talking to her for five minutes. She's laughing and you're being Cocky & Funny... you're teasing her, she's responding by hitting you and opening her mouth with the "Oh-no-you-didn't-just- say-that" look.

You see your friends.

You say, "Hey, good talking to you... I'm going to go talk to my friends" and you walk away.

What happens?

Does she think, "That jackass! I'm so offended that he didn't ask for my number!"?

Does she say to her friend, "That guy is stupid because he could have gotten my number and he didn't even ask for it"?

Does she immediately walk away and leave?

No, probably not.

In fact, what she will MOST LIKELY do, if you were being interesting and attractive, is think to herself "What just happened? Why did he leave? Should I go with him and keep talking to him? Should I just leave because he probably doesn't like me? Did I say something wrong?"

In other words, she's going to stand there thinking about YOU and what she can do to start the conversation again.


Is this creating some kind of "negative tension"?

Yes, it is.

But, it's not the kind of negative tension that makes situations with women go BAD.

It's the OTHER KIND. It's the kind that leads to SEXUAL TENSION and CHEMISTRY.

Now, the BEST thing you can do in a situation like this one is to say "Hey, I'm going to get back to my friends over there... good talking to you..." and then turn to walk away.

Right after you've "broken the connection" and she's starting to go into the "what just happened and why is he leaving" mode, you turn BACK around and say "Hey, do you have email?"... then go into the 3 minute email/number technique that I talk about in my ebook and Advanced Series.

Get it?

Another important thought...

When you have to "say" something about who you are as a man, how interesting you are, or how much she should feel attracted to you with WORDS, it automatically creates doubt... because if it was true, then you wouldn't need to SAY it.

It would be OBVIOUS.

In other words, the best way to communicate all of the most IMPORTANT things is through your BODY LANGUAGE.

What most guys try to do is CONVINCE a woman to feel ATTRACTION by telling her all kinds of things about themselves and trying to subtly drop little hints about making money, driving a cool car, etc.


And worse, it usually BACKFIRES.

Women can smell the "I'm actually insecure, so I am trying to cover up for it by bragging" rap a mile away.

It makes them RUN (unless they're out to use you for free food and entertainment).

If you want to say all the right things in the shortest possible time, then you need to learn how to communicate with body language and voice tone ALONE.

WHAT you say isn't very important at all.

It really isn't.

HOW you say it is EVERYTHING.

Go back through my Advanced Series program and notice all of the subtle body language points that I make, and think about what you've just read... it will pull everything together for you.

As you probably know, I also have a complete program that's dedicated to teaching you how to use Body Language to create ATTRACTION.

I highly recommend that you go and get that program. It will help you out TREMENDOUSLY. You can check out some video clips of it here:

Oh, and if you're reading this right now and you would like to learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION for you, then you need to check out my Advanced Dating Techniques online video program.

I spend a lot of time going over the specifics of how to communicate beliefs, status, and self- image in a way that really triggers the "attraction mechanism" inside of women. I'll give you a great introduction on how to use Body Language as well.

This material isn't available anywhere else, in any program, at any price...

This is part of what makes my program unique... and when you see the body language of some of my special guests, you'll immediately "get it", and begin to understand how you need to modify your own body language to trigger ATTRACTION with women... rather than triggering FRIENDSHIP.

All the details, plus some great audio and video samples are here:

...and if you haven't downloaded your copy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating" yet, then you need to do that immediately. You can download it right now and be reading it within just a few minutes. It's here:

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Make sure you take a few minutes and look at the entire list of programs I've put together to help you MASTER this area of your life called "women and dating."

All of my programs are available for INSTANT VIEWING, so you can start watching them in just a few minutes. You can see them all here:

Monday, February 17, 2014

Keeping A Beautiful Woman Attracted

NOTE: One day you WILL meet a woman who is everything you've been looking for... and since she's a quality woman, she'll probably only give you one shot. When this happens, aren't you going to want her to know that YOU are the "Mr. Right" she has been looking for? Learn how here:


Hello, David!

I want to start by thanking you for your work. Once in a great while, someone comes along that truly wants to help others succeed, and puts in the effort to the research and testing, and makes something great for others. You are one of those people, and I'm glad to see you succeed by helping so many others do the same.

I was reaching to find answers, like a lot of us were, and found your material. It has been awesome. In the last week, I saw the most attractive woman I perhaps ever have. She was a 9.5 on my scale, which is truly rare to find for me. Not just in looks, but a great personality. Instead of giving in to my normal habits, I applied the methods you taught. We went out to a club, and had a great time. I had another friend of mine there, and I used him as a means to partially ignore her at times, constantly making jokes that were just too quiet for her to hear, and looking at her and smiling when doing it. She constantly wanted to know what was funny, yet she wasn't mad, just shyly curious. I was aloof, yet not terribly too distant from her. I would wander off by myself, knowing she was with my friend, and leave them hanging alone for a little while now and then. (I knew my friend wasn't going to hit on her). I would go up to other girls and whisper something in their ear right in front of her, to give her the idea that I was completely comfortable in my own skin with women. Once, on my way back from the dance floor, I found her with some other guy. I flashed a sly little smile, but kept on walking right by, as if to imply "You have a good time there. I could care less. As a matter of fact, you look a tad pathetic coming on to him." She soon returned and said that I had been gone too long, and some guy had "dragged her away from me". That night, I had resisted the urge to act like anything but the kind of man you would teach someone to be. All urges at wussness were disregarded, and I played the part to a tee. Even though it didn't entirely feel normal or comfortable at first, I could see that it was definitely working, so I kept it up. I would occasionally catch her staring at me from the corner of my eye, sometimes for 2 or 3 seconds. I didn't react, but just kept saying to myself "Damn. David has been right the whole time".

I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling... this was something I had never achieved before. I don't mean sex with a woman soon after I met her, but the fact that she was so damn gorgeous. At the risk of sounding a little chauvinistic, she was the best girl I have ever had. Well, over the next two weeks or so, I kept coming over and doing things during the days with her and staying at night. This is when things began to change.

You had a timeless question from a guy once who said something like "After I sleep with a woman why do I feel like hating her?" Well, I normally feel the same. But with this girl, it was different. I wanted to keep her. But, the more time we spent together, the more we started to both feel like whatever I sparked was fading quick. I could see the thrill of our initial meeting was dying, and I wanted to add to my image in her mind the idea that I could be a part of her daily life too, not just the nighttime party one.

I felt like I had to show her something that proved I didn't just want her for sex. I knew I couldn't let her interpret it as me buying her attention or body, although I'm afraid that may have been exactly what I did. I ended up purchasing her and her roommate a full stock of groceries, which they definitely needed. It gave me some kind of a sense that I had shown that I was more than just a sex buddy, which really felt good to me. However, lately she has pulled away. We will still go out and have a good time, but more like friends, with only a little flirting. She now refuses sex, saying "it would complicate things." By the way, although she has been in long-term relationships since she was 16, she currently isn't, and seems to be enjoying the party life a lot. She is 22 now. I know you said in your series that it is a mistake to try to tie down a party girl, but she told me of her long-term history with guys, and that's why I tried. Did I screw up by getting too close too fast? Was it unrealistic for me to show that kind of attention to her needs that quick or at all? How many times should a guy see a girl each week if he wants to keep up the attraction and have a great time, but not become too familiar to her?

Thanks man.

Confused, -J


Oh, I feel your pain.

I'm sure that just about every man alive can identify with this story in one way or another... even if it doesn't involve a woman that you'd describe as a "9.5".

So, let's talk about the situation you're in, what happened at first, and what to do now...

First of all, congratulations on the fact that you were able to make this kind of success happen in the first place!

You're doing great, and I know how good it feels to have this kind of success with a really attractive woman.

It sounds like you're really starting to "get it" at a deep level. The more you continue to study the materials you have (especially the CD Series) the more you'll understand how to attract these UNUSUALLY attractive women... and more importantly, KEEP THEM ATTRACTED.

Let's review a few of my main concepts, and how they apply to this situation...


Explained differently, a woman doesn't CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to feel attracted to a man.

A woman also doesn't consciously choose to STOP her attraction for a man.

It happens for reasons that seem very illogical to most men.

The things you were doing when you first met this girl were EXACTLY the right things for creating this wonderful feeling of ATTRACTION inside of her.

And she obviously enjoyed it tremendously.

You mentioned that you didn't feel totally comfortable at first, but since it was obvious that she was becoming more and more interested in you, you kept going... which led to you getting together with her.

But, remember the flip side: If you start doing the WRONG things, the woman will LOSE her ATTRACTION for you as well. And it will happen ALL BY ITSELF. The worst part is that you can't logically convince her to keep feeling attracted to you. If you screw it up, you're probably going to screw it up to a point that is almost impossible to fix.

More of the "psychology" of creating and amplifying attraction is here:


What do most guys do as soon as they meet a REALLY HOT, ultra-attractive woman?

Of course! They call three times a day, and want to see her all the time.

Attractive women know better than to do this.

When an attractive woman meets a man she likes, she usually PLAYS HARD TO GET. Instead of calling, she acts like she's BUSY.

This makes the man try even harder, and pursue her even more...

It sounds like you did exactly the opposite.

In your email here you say:

"Well, over the next two weeks or so, I kept coming over and doing things during the days with her and staying at night. This is when things began to change..."

No no no!

Over the next two weeks you should have called her every few days, and seen her maybe three times for a few hours each.

No "doing things during the days with her and staying at night"!

You really need to remember to GIVE HER THE GIFT OF MISSING YOU!

If you're around all the time, you become predictable, expected, and uninteresting.

On the other hand, if you're mysterious, challenging, and hard to pin down, she will think about you and miss the times she's had with you.


This is one of the biggest mistakes that men make when they meet a woman that they REALLY like.

I get a lot of emails from guys saying "I met this girl, and I used everything I've learned from Double Your Dating to get her... but now that we've been seeing each other for awhile things are changing, and I'm starting to lose control of how I act... and I'm turning into my old Wussy self..."

As I'm sure you can guess, this is bad bad bad for attraction.

When you start out by doing things that are attractive to her, then gradually turn into a WUSS BAG, you go from her wildest dream to her worst nightmare right in front of her eyes.

If you figure out how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING!

Don't start being a clingy Wuss. Translation: Don't spend every day and night with her, don't buy her groceries, and don't try to get her into a relationship fifteen minutes after you meet her.

You also mentioned a few little words that stood out for me: "I kept coming over...".

YOU kept coming over. When you're the one coming to her, then she's the one in control. Think about it. This is a small point, and it isn't always the case, but in this situation it makes a difference.

So, what should you do now?

You should give her some space. Don't call her more than once or twice a week, and don't see her more than once or twice a week for awhile. Don't pressure her physically, and don't try to push for a relationship.

DATE OTHER WOMEN! Get out there and go out with some other women... and when you talk to her don't hide the fact that you're doing it. Be casual about it, but feel free to mention it in conversation once or twice.


Don't get hung up, don't obsess about her, and don't make it important to "win her back". Just move on.

This combination will give you the greatest chance of winning her back...

And the next time you meet a beautiful woman that has an interesting personality, DON'T TURN INTO A PREDICTABLE, BORING, CLINGY, WUSSY!

You've done a great job getting this far. Now get back in there and take this to the next level!

And if you're reading this right now and thinking to yourself "I need to learn this stuff so I can meet beautiful women like this guy...", then we have to talk.

One of the most important insights I've gotten from learning the secrets of how to attract women is very interesting...

I've realized that if a man doesn't know how to attract women, it spills over into all other areas of his life. It's a very special kind of insecurity that causes a lot of problems in other areas as well.

Let's face it.

Just about everything that men do to achieve material success in life is somehow connected to ATTRACTING WOMEN.

But guess what?

Material success won't make the INSECURITY and the FEAR go away!

The only thing that WILL make it go away is actually LEARNING how to attract women.

I know, because I've been there. I can CLEARLY remember how different I felt inside when I had no idea how to meet women... and I know how different it feels now that I do.

My relationships work better, because I'm not acting AFRAID... afraid that she's going to leave, afraid I won't be able to find someone else... etc.

And when I'm single, I'm happy. I don't constantly worry anymore, not knowing if I'll ever meet another woman.

I personally think that taking the time to learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION is one of the best investments you will ever make in yourself and your life, period.

It might be THE best investment.

If you'd like to get the best training available in the WORLD, then you need to get yourself a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques Program.

It's a complete education, from the psychology of how to overcome fear and improve your self image, all the way to specific techniques for approaching, meeting, and dating women... and even how to take things to a "physical level" without rejection.

I absolutely guarantee that this program will change your success with women.

All the details, plus some great free samples are here:

If you've gone through my Advanced Dating Techniques program, and you enjoyed the INNER GAME aspects of attracting women... and you've realized that REALLY attractive women are more attracted to INNER qualities than "techniques"... AND you want to learn how to become the kind of man that women are NATURALLY attracted to... and that they STAY attracted to...

...then you REALLY need to check out my program: "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts Women".

Inside this program you'll learn how to develop the QUALITIES inside YOURSELF that women are "naturally" attracted to.

This program will teach you how to leave your "Inner Wuss" behind, and how to cultivate a natural masculine power that women find literally IRRESISTIBLE.

All the details are here:

And if you haven't taken the time to download my online eBook "Double Your Dating", then you need to go and do that RIGHT NOW. You can download it right now and be reading it within a few minutes. Go and get it here:

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P. S. Don't forget to check out my online "catalog" page, where you can watch video clips of all of my different programs:

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Major Video Tip: How To Project Instant Confidence With A Woman 

Drop everything...

I want you to watch a *FREE* video clip from one of my recent, jam-packed LIVE SEMINARS, and I want you to watch it RIGHT NOW.

It's all about a body-language technique that you can start using *IMMEDIATELY* to communicate "real man" CONFIDENCE to the next woman you meet... or ANYONE ELSE for that matter!

You won't believe how well this works to instantly TAKE CONTROL of a situation. Click the play button to watch and learn from this clip NOW:

If you can't see the video above, click here:

Hey Man,

When a man meets a great woman for the first time (or anyone else he wants to "impress," for that matter) he inevitably behaves in 1 of 2 ways:

1) He smiles nervously... lowers his head... acts "meek" and says stupid, "forced" things.

(Basically, he instantly projects submissiveness and "low status" because he's so desperate for the approval of the person he's talking to.)

On the other hand:

2) Some men (very few, actually) do the RIGHT things to IMMEDIATELY send out powerful signals that *they* are the ones in charge of a situation.

These guys behave in a way that instantly communicates that they're calm, cool, and comfortable in their own skin -- and that a woman would be LUCKY to have a conversation with them.

In other words... some men project CONFIDENCE...

... also known as the fastest way to start creating feelings of ATTRACTION!

You heard right:

Say and do a few simple things the moment you meet a woman, and you can start getting HUGE results in the way she reacts to you -- and how EAGER she is to "explore" things further.

And that's what today's VIDEO TIP is all about...

Watch it NOW to find out how to greet a woman in a way that projects attraction-building confidence INSTANTLY.

This one's so simple and fun, it'll probably make you laugh.

But again.... IT WORKS.

So get to it. Click here to watch an exclusive *FREE* video from one of my "standing-room-only" live events:

This one's so EFFECTIVE at getting real-world results, I want you to go out and try it TODAY.

Your friend,

David D.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Much Better Than Taking Her To Dinner…


Did you know there are 12 WORDS you can say to ANY woman (within minutes of meeting her) that literally FORCE HER TO BE INTERESTED IN YOU... even to start *FANTASIZING* about YOU?

Listen, there was a time I didn't believe this one, either.

But then I used it, and it worked. And then it worked AGAIN. And AGAIN and AGAIN.


This one's like a "magic spell" for making women stop... listen to you... then start seeing you as the guy they might want to be with TONIGHT!

Learn how to "cast your spell" here:


Hi David, love your newsletters, always remind me the great points I read in your book...You recently wrote:

"If you buy a woman enough dinners, she may begin to feel some AFFECTION for you...but food and gifts will never lead to ATTRACTION. Big difference."

So what do we do after the first date of tea and stimulating conversation?

I figure that at some point, I would like to go to dinner with a new girl. Should I just let them pay for theirs?

I did that last time, since we were just becoming friends, I wasn't that into the woman and didn't want to look like I was trying to impress her (since I wasn't trying to impress her), and she also has her own business and I could tell she wasn't struggling.

Dinner has been my main date approach in the past, and I have become the Wuss in most cases!

I recently came up with a good line for a girl at the Farmers market who told me I should eat my greens...I told her she should come over and cook them for me!

She didn't know how to respond, but I think she liked it by her smile. I'm gonna hit her up next time to be serious about that request, I think she can probably cook up some nice greens to go along with my nice Ahi Tuna dish...



I want to share an interesting story about a conversation I had this evening.

I was talking with, of all people, my MOM about the topic of "men paying for things for women" and it was fascinating to me to hear her perspective.

Without hesitation, she said that she believes that men should pay for everything, and if they really like a woman that they should SUPPORT her as well.

Of course, I burst out with, "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING!"

After we shared a laugh, she said, "No, I'm not kidding."

And she wasn't kidding, either.

My own mother believes that it's just part of being a "gentleman and good suitor" to pay for dinners, gifts, and even shelter for the woman he desires.

I immediately replied with {paraphrased}:

"This kind of sounds to me like you believe that men should pay women to give them attention, affection and sex."

At this point I think she remembered that I write books about this kind of thing and she gave up.

But the thing that really got my attention was that she REALLY BELIEVES THAT MEN SHOULD PAY FOR EVERYTHING.


Heavy man, heavy.

No wonder I was such a loser before with women.

OK, I love my mom and mean no disrespect towards her...

But let's talk about the real world for a second.

Here are a few things that I believe about how things work in general when it comes to women and dating...


1) People in general, MALE OR FEMALE, intuitively know when they are being "pursued." As soon as we know that we have something that someone else wants, the price starts to go up. Economics 101.

2) When the price starts going up (translation: she realizes that you really like her and she starts playing hard to get, making you "prove" yourself, etc.) you start to LOSE CONTROL RAPIDLY.

3) When you lose control, you have a couple of basic ways you can respond: A) Pursue her harder, giving her even MORE control OR B) Giving up. (Neither of these options sounds very good to me.)


5) One way to do that is to stay away from things that put a woman into the "courting" mode of thinking and behavior.

6) Asking a woman to dinner and then buying is probably the absolute most certain way to put a woman in the state of mind that she is being "pursued" (with the possible exception of stalking her, which I strongly discourage).

By the way, I'm not opposed to the idea of buying dinner for a woman.

I'm opposed to the mindset that you put her into when you buy it.

Does this make sense to you?


In fact, if you "get" this point, here's how I want you to build on that knowledge right now:

I want you to start to succeed with women (like you never imagined YOU could ever do) by doing just 1 new thing in your life...

I want you to adjust your "mindset" with women so that you always broadcast CONFIDENCE and CONTROL...

... instead of neediness, desperation, fear, nervousness, and anger!

Once you know how to make this adjustment by doing just a few small things (like NOT taking a woman to dinner) I absolutely GUARANTEE IT:

* Your FAILURE and FRUSTRATION with women will quickly become a thing of the past.

* Every part of your dating life will begin to run more smoothly

* You'll feel like you are on "auto-pilot" as you make all of the right moves with women (and in life in general) every time.

If all of this sounds good to you...


Once you do, you'll realize that your lack of success with women may really just be a "symptom" of a deeper problem... one that MANY men have.

In the meantime -- before I get into the SPECIFICS of what you need to do instead of buying a woman dinner -- let me share what I used to PERSONALLY think whenever I first met an attractive woman...

I always thought something like this:

"Well, she seems nice, but in my experience you never know what a person is like until you get to know them better. So what am I willing to do to find out?"

After some thought, it usually came down to... "I guess I'd be willing take the time to have a cup of tea with her to find out more."

Know why?

It was because the investment of going for a cup of tea is just about all the chance I'M GOING TO GIVE HER THE CHANCE TO PROVE TO ME THAT SHE'S MORE THAN JUST A PRETTY FACE.

I never think, EVEN FOR A SECOND, that I need to buy her dinner so she'll sit and talk to me.

No way.

Incidentally, or not so incidentally, having an attitude that you need something other than yourself in order for a woman to like you is UNATTRACTIVE to women.

They can smell this kind of attitude and lack of self-worth.

Bad, bad, bad!

OK, so you get that I'm not real big on the idea of starting things off by paying for dinners and gifts.

"What should you do instead?"

I thought you'd never ask...

Well, first off, if you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T HELP YOURSELF and you just HAVE to take a woman to dinner, at least frame it as "I want to go out to this favorite restaurant of mine, and if you'd like to go you're welcome to join me."

Then if you decide to pay, it can be something you were doing for yourself, and you were being POLITE by paying for hers.

If you do this, make it clear that you're there because you want to go there, and that it's not to court her!

A much better idea is to be creative and avoid all of the things that scream "I'm willing to spend money to have your attention" (and therefore driving the price of that attention up).

Why not a walk in the park? Going to an art show? Going window shopping in an interesting part of town? Taking her with you to run errands? Taking her to a party that friends are throwing?

Here's a hint:


Sitting at a dinner table ALONE with someone that YOU DON'T KNOW is hardly "interesting conversation built in". Think about it.

Take a moment right now and think of 10 things you could do with a woman that cost little or no money, but have all kinds of interesting conversation, adventure, and excitement BUILT RIGHT IN.

Then, just do some of those things!

This is great... you get to have fun, not look like a wuss, not put her in "courting" mode, and have interesting conversation built right in.

Added bonus:

You save $$.


What I'm really trying to say here is don't set up the idea that you're paying for her attention.

And as for the gal who you met in the market..

I love the fact that you suggested she should come over and cook for you. Cocky and funny, very nice.

When she got that shocked look and couldn't respond you might have said, "Oh, I didn't mean to embarrass can't cook, huh? Well, that's OK. It's nothing to be ashamed of..."

These are the best moments to turn up the heat!

After that, just simply move to the "It was nice talking to you but I have to get back to my shopping..." Then, just after turning away, say, "Hey!...Do you have email?"


"Great {pull out pen}. Give it to me."

Then follow up with this email:

"Hey, nice bumping into you at the market today. After carefully considering it, I've decided that I can live with the fact that you can't cook. I'll just have to adjust. I'm busy tomorrow, but maybe the next day we can get together for a cup of tea and I can teach you a thing or two about this cooking thing. It's really not that hard, and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time..."

By the way, I have no problem with the idea of having a woman cook for you. Just remember that if she does YOU NEED TO PLAY HARD TO GET!

Wait a minute; you need to do that anyway...

There's only one place in the world I know of that you can learn all of this information quickly, easily, and thoroughly...

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This book and the three bonuses that come with it are the FOUNDATION for success with women. Everything you read in these newsletters will make more sense once you have read the book!

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. For better or worse, life-changing success with hot women isnt all about "lines" and "techniques."

It's also about learning to FEEL like a "real man" when you're around women... as in, ALL THE TIME... so you'll never need "lines" and "techniques" again.

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