Saturday, March 30, 2013

3 Guaranteed Ice-Breakers (Plus 1 Shocking Prediction!)


When it comes to successfully approaching women, there are 5 DEADLY THINGS a man should NEVER, EVER say.

These are the guaranteed GAME KILLERS...the TOXIC WORDS that lead to INSTANT REJECTION every time.

Learn what they are (and what you should be saying INSTEAD) right here:

Hey Man,

Know what?

Sometimes I look back at my life and still can't believe it...

I can't believe I wasted so much time NOT getting women...all because my FEAR of just walking up to one and SAYING something!

Tell me if you know what this feels like:

I basically went day after day, seeing great women everywhere... the the gym and the park...

...some of them so beautiful, friendly and AVAILABLE...

...yet there I was -- totally HELPLESS to do anything that might give me a chance to be with them!

Basically, just the thought of approaching one of these women gave me the cold sweats. It would have been easier to perform a root canal on myself than to just walk up and SAY SOMETHING.

So, logically enough, I did NOTHING.

Well, not quite nothing...

I actually went home alone and fantasized about what it would be like to be with these great women.

I know. Not a pretty picture.

Even worse, each time this happened, it made me feel even MORE HELPLESS (and HOPELESS) about myself and my future with women...

...if I couldn't even TALK to one, how was I ever going to get one!

This, my friend, was a HORRIBLE feeling.

That's why, if YOU'RE feeling this way right now, I want to do something about it IMMEDIATELY.

I totally understand that being unable to START CONVERSATIONS with women is the #1 ROADBLOCK guys face when it comes to getting I want to get this handled for you RIGHT NOW.

To do it, I'm going to share 3 of my all-time favorite ice-breakers -- word-for-word opening lines that CHANGED EVERYTHING for me.

Simply by helping me kick-start conversations with beautiful woman, they helped me like I never thought possible...

Looking back, I can see that they actually helped me kick-start my entire life!

Which leads me to something else I want to share today...

I'm not getting into the psychic business or anything, but today I ALSO have a SHOCKING PREDICTION for you.

It's a prediction that'll blow your mind... simply because you'll immediately know it's 100% TRUE...


In fact, it's going to happen to about 99 out of 100 unlucky guys reading this newsletter right strap in and read on to see if this earth-shaking prediction applies to YOU, too.

But right now, first thing's first...

When it comes to succeeding with women, you CAN'T WIN if you can't even GET IN THE GAME.

So without further delay, here they come...3 of my favorite ice breakers...


Let's say that you find yourself in a place where there are women you'd like to approach... but that there are lots of OTHER GUYS around as well.

Of course, this usually is the you need to learn how to make this common situation work for YOUR ADVANTAGE.

Let's imagine you're at a bar...or a grocery store...or the dog park...or wherever.

The first thing I want you to do is find ANOTHER who looks a certain way...

I am NOT talking about picking out a poor homeless fellow who's wearing rags, here.

I'm talking about spotting one of those totally clueless who wears beach sandals to the store...or Jersey-Shore muscle shirts on the dance floor...or needle-thin ties (straight out of 1982) at the bar.

Don't worry -- no matter where you are, there will be no shortage of these clueless fashion train-wrecks to pick from.

Once you spot that guy, here's what I want you to do:

Walk up to a woman while you LOOK AT THAT GUY.

We clear on this?

I want you to make NO EYE CONTACT AT ALL with the woman you're approaching. Then, as you look at the guy, say to the woman:

Wow! Check out that guy over there. What's up with those flip-flops? (Or shirt, or tie, or whatever he has going on).

Once you do this, here's what's going to happen next:

First, the woman will look at YOU in surprise.

But guess what: you still WON'T look at her.

You'll still be looking at the guy...shaking your head a little...almost like you can't believe what you're seeing.

At this point the woman will say something like, Excuse me? What did you say--

...but YOU'll STILL be looking at the other guy.

So here's what she'll do next:

She'll follow your gaze to him.

Now, if you're totally spot-on in picking out a genuinely cluelessly dork, here's what the woman will do next:

She'll LAUGH.

But why?

And the bigger question: Why is this important to your success approaching women?

It comes down to a simple, fail-proof math equation:


What I'm saying is, it's basically SCIENTIFIC: Making a woman laugh releases certain chemicals in her brain...

...which then create certain feelings in her...

...which then lead to irresistible OPENNESS TO BEING APPROACHED.

Got that?

It's why I just can't say it enough:

Any time that you can make a woman laugh, DO IT.

It INSTANTLY paves the way to SUCCESS with her. More on the details of how (and why) it works right here:

But for now, all that YOU need to understand is this:

Approaching a woman this way comes with a couple MAJOR benefits:

1) It immediately proves you're not a WUSS. And like I always say...being a WUSS is the fastest way to FAIL with women.

2) When you show (in a humorous way) that you recognize another guy's cluelessness, it instantly pre-qualifies you to a woman. It tells her that YOU are NOT clueless, and that you're worth spending time to get to know.

These are both HUGE in determining how a woman will react to you when you approach.


Before you try this one, make sure that YOU do have a clue when it comes to how you dress and your personal hygiene.

Otherwise, the women will just look at you and laugh AT you.

So shower. Use deodorant. Make sure you're wearing neat, clean clothes with subdued style and colors (always a safe bet).

Geez, do I really have to tell you all this? Nuff said.

Let's get on to our next ice-breaker...and then that SHOCKING PREDICTION of mine...


Let's say you're in a crowded bar or club, and you see an attractive woman across the room.

This time before you approach, I want you spot some other guy who's actually hitting on another woman (and, by the way, probably BLOWING IT).

Walk up to the woman you'd like to meet and point this situation out to her.

Just that simple.

Say to her: Wow. Look what's happening over there...

Again, this one comes down to human nature... women can't get enough of watching guys trying to be smooth and make their move with other women.

Don't believe it?

Just check out the latest ratings for THE BACHELOR.

I rest my case.

So...find a guy who's in the process of hitting on a girl, and you're set. Point it out, then share one of my favorite observations:

Know why they call it 'hitting' on a woman? Because it's usually so PAINFUL for her. Right? This will pull a woman into the conversation with you for 2 reasons:

1) Like I said...women are naturally intrigued by the moment of connection -- especially when the scene is playing out live and in-person in front of them.

2) If a woman's intelligent, she'll immediately LAUGH at the Cocky & Funny nature of your pointing this out to her...She'll realize the irony (and confidence) of your commenting on something that you're actually doing yourself at the same moment...approaching women!

More specifics on how to then follow through and close the deal right here:

But for now, on to our final conversation-starter of the day.

(Damn these are good...I should write a book or something...)

Here comes the most simple and effective ice-breaker of them all...


Walk up to a woman and simply say:

Did you hear what happened today? Say this to ANY woman, and it's GUARANTEED you'll have her FULL ATTENTION.


Again, proven science is behind this one...the fact that ALL human beings are hard-wired for news and gossip. Simple as that.

So, what I'm suggesting here is that you do a little homework before you go out.

Check the newspaper -- or even better, a news website (more on why that is in a moment) and memorize the WEIRDEST, FUNNIEST STORY you can find.

Then you're set.

When you go out later, approach a woman and ask her if she's heard what happened today.

Then tell her the weird/funny story, and the benefits will be three-fold:

1) If the story's odd or funny, it'll MAKE HER LAUGH. (Can you tell how critical this is yet?)

2) You'll show her you're a man who's up on things, and that's a GREAT way to CREATE ATTRACTION in women who value INTELLIGENCE.

(IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: whereas men often see BEAUTIFUL WOMEN as trophies, women often feel the same way about INTELLIGENT MEN.)

3) If you have a link to the story, you can offer to email it to her. And then guess what -- YOU'VE GOT HER EMAIL. Nice!

So there you have it...3 guaranteed ice-breakers for starting conversations with women, any time, any place.


What are you waiting for?

I mean, you understand that you'll NEVER WIN if you can't even GET IN THE GAME, right?

Of course you do.

Which takes us to my...


It's simply this:

Even with these success-proven ice-breakers locked and loaded, I bet that YOU still won't go out tonight and try approaching women!

Am I right?

And it's all because (if you're like I used to be) you still FEAR RESISTANCE, or worse... flat-out REJECTION.

It's because, even with these ice-breakers in hand, you feel like you still have no clue what to SAY and DO if a woman doesn't react positively to your approach.


So, as a quick Bonus Tip, I also want to share an easy example of how to handle resistance as well...

Let's say you try one of these ice-breakers, and the woman tells you, You're a funny guy, but you don't have a chance with me.

Here's how to handle it:

Immediately turn to a buddy you're with and tell him: Okay, dude. You lost the bet. Pay up.

Believe me...just uttering those words will SNAP a woman's attention to you.

Continue to tell your friend: I told you she would totally blow it...that she was one of 'those' women. I could tell.

Now you'll have her hook, line and sinker.


Because you've just set off about dozen ALARMS in her.

She's now thinking to herself, Wait a minute... what kind of bet was this about me?...What did I 'blow'?...What am I 'missing out' on?

And most intriguing of all to her...What kind of woman does he think I am?

At this point, she'll either try to prove you wrong about her (by doing all the things that a successful approach would have caused her to do in the first place!) or she won't do anything at all.

If she does try to prove you wrong, EXCELLENT. You're back on track.

If she doesn't, no big deal, just move on. There are plenty of women out there... and you've got your ice-breakers locked and loaded!

Either way, here's the bottom line:

Your ONLY goal right now is to start making a woman feel interest in you the moment you open your GET TO IT (and prove my shocking prediction wrong!)

That in mind, I also want to leave you with this...

If these Ice Breakers make sense to you...if you get how and why they work...then I CANNOT SAY THIS STRONGLY ENOUGH:

You are the kind of man who stands to BENEFIT THE MOST FROM THEM!

It's because you already get it...You have the critical instinct (that most men lack) about what it REALLY takes to become successful with women... if you'd only START TRYING!!!

Of course, maybe you feel like you still need a bit more help and inspiration to make it happen.

Totally understandable.

If so, here's what I suggest:

If you see the science and logic behind the ice-breaking tools I shared today, I recommend you grab my complete Approaching Women program.

This is my home course where I deliver EVERY SUCCESS-PROVEN TOOL AND TECHNIQUE that the masters use to successfully approach women, including:

--How to INSTANTLY stand out from EVERY OTHER GUY (so that approaching women becomes FUN and EASY instead of scary and painful.)

--Exactly what to say and do to succeed on almost EVERY approach (including DOZENS AND DOZENS of POWERFUL word-for-word lines, tools, and techniques)

--How to eliminate the DREAD and FEAR of approaching women that's crippled your success and self-esteem for so long (and how to CHANGE YOUR WHOLE LIFE FOREVER by starting to SUCCEED!)

Plus a whole lot more, all of which makes me want to say it again:

As a prime candidate for success using Approaching Women, I want you to have a look at this program ASAP.

It's available for INSTANT VIEWING through online streaming... so you can go start watching it right now.

Just take it for a test drive entirely at MY risk -- if it doesn't work for you (but it WILL!) just let me know, and you'll get a full refund, no questions asked.

Learn more by clicking here:

In the meantime, I'll be busy putting together another newsletter packed with more powerful tips (and maybe a few more SHOCKING PREDICTIONS!) so look for it soon.

Until then...

Your friend,

David D.

PS: Did you know it's actually better to NOT be the life of the party when it comes to approaching women?

If you've ever wondered why some sensitive, silent types often do so well with women, here's the secret that every shy guy needs to know:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Painful Secret Revealed

What if I told you there was a place you could you go right NOW - I mean right this moment - to meet HUNDREDS of great women... and they'll practically FIGHT each other to meet YOU?

Surprise: you're already there. It's called the INTERNET, and it's easier than you ever imagined to attract, meet, and get dates with great women who are EXACTLY what you're looking for... because *YOU* get to pick them.

Want to learn the SIMPLE SECRETS of meeting more women than you can handle? Click here:

Hey Man,

Today I have a painful confession to make.

Deep breath. Here goes...

There was a time I didn't think much of "online dating."

I know, hard to believe. But one of my biggest mistakes rising from dating zero to being able to attract women in any situation was my ignorance about putting the web to work for me.

In fact, I never even CONSIDERED online dating to be a "real" way to meet women... until I watched a good friend of mine start meeting one after another using the web.

Soon they were pinging him in droves. He was taking his pick of the crop. Juggling more dates than he knew what to do with.

So, being a sane and rational guy, I had to ask myself:


Was I lazy? After all, mastering online dating meant learning a whole new skill set. Getting familiar with a bunch of sites, social networks, chat groups, etc, that I knew nothing about.

Was I skeptical? After all, most guys who meet women online have trouble transitioning those relationships into the "real world." And that's the only place, as far as I'm concerned, that they really count.

Or maybe I was just doing well enough meeting women in the real world that I didn't think plugging into cyberspace was necessary.

But looking back, I realize it was probably a little of "all the above." And the painful thing for me to admit is this:

I could literally kick myself for all the time I wasted, the great women I missed out on, before I finally jumped online.

I mean, it literally HURTS to think about it.

The good news is, once I learned just a FEW SIMPLE SECRETS, it changed EVERYTHING that I thought I knew about online dating. And soon there was just no ignoring it anymore:


I discovered I could use everything I already knew about meeting women to create a virtual "DATING MACHINE" online. A simple step-by-step system that WORKED EVERY TIME, with absolutely NO ADDITIONAL EFFORT.

And after that, the whole thing took on a life of its own. I got more dates online than I could possibly handle.

In fact, I was lining up 4 TIMES MORE than I was getting the "old-school" way. Better yet, I was meeting exactly the kind of women I wanted to meet (not just whoever I happened to cross paths with that day) because *I* was the one selecting *them*.

I met the women I considered the most physically beautiful. I met the smartest women. I met business women, "regular" women, actresses, models and dancers.

(Full disclosure: I even met my last two long- term girlfriends online.)

And best of all I was doing it all from the comfort of home.

Today, the GOOD NEWS for you is: you don't have to do all the hard work I did to come up to speed on all this. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, because I already have.

I've brought everything I learned about online dating together for you in ONE POWERFUL PROGRAM.

It's called "MEETING WOMEN ONLINE," and it gives you everything you'll need to build your own "Perpetual Dating Machine," a 100% fool-proof, effortless system for attracting amazing woman, one after another, online. Check out the details here:

Using my "MEETING WOMEN ONLINE" program you'll learn:

-- How to avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKE men make online

-- How long to wait before answering a woman's text or email

-- The one thing NO MAN SHOULD EVER REVEAL about himself online

You'll also hear about...

-- How to get an avalanche of phone numbers online, quickly and easily

-- How to handle that critical, first "live" phone conversation

-- How to convert your online connections into real-world DATES

My goal was to bring it all together for you, all in one place, to create a consistent, fail- safe system that WORKS EVERY TIME. I've done it... and after meeting woman after woman online until I didn't know what to do with them all, I want to share the secrets with you.

In my "Meeting Women Online" program, you'll get EVERYTHING you'll need to know so you can:

-- crank out killer emails that FORCE women to read them and respond

-- design an irresistible profile that ATTRACTS exactly the type of women you're looking for

-- make your profile rise to the TOP of search results so you're always the FIRST guy women see

-- "showcase" your flaws in just the right way so they actually become STRENGTHS online

-- add an irresistible "bad boy element" to your online persona that arouses feelings of sexual excitement in every woman who reads it

And so much more.

Best of all, you'll be able to use all of this over and over, and it will WORK EVERY TIME.

From word-for-word messages you can cut-and- paste, to the best web sites for meeting women, I've done all the hard work for you. Now all you need to do is turn on YOUR PERSONAL ONLINE DATING MACHINE.

Click here for the key:

That's it for now. Can't wait to hear how my "Meeting Women Online" Program works for you, so drop me a line. Meantime, it's time to start getting your game on. ONLINE.

Your friend,

David D.

PS: While I'm thinking about it, here's something that blew my mind when I first heard it. Did you know that there's ONE SIMPLE SENTENCE you can add to the bottom of ANY email that makes a woman TWICE AS LIKELY to respond? Learn about it here:

PPS: I'm sure this program will get you more dates than you can handle, so I want you to try it RISK- FREE. If you like it, keep it. But if you decide it's not for you, I'll give you all your money back. No questions asked.

What do you have to lose - except all the women you should be meeting online RIGHT NOW?

Monday, March 18, 2013

How To Be The Man Every Woman Wants

Hey Man,

I wanted to share a secret to attracting women that I believe is one of the ULTIMATE advantages you can have.

When I was first learning about how to get past my internal to approach women and start to create attraction and chemistry...and how to take things to the next level...I wound up trying a TON of different "tricks and techniques".

Whenever I found a new "trick" that worked for me, I felt like I had just put another piece of the puzzle together...that I had gotten just that much closer to REALLY understanding how things worked.

But there was another feeling that happened even MORE often:

It was when I would try something that had "worked" before, but it DIDN'T work this time.

It was the feeling that I must have MISSED something...that I must not REALLY get it.

I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about here.

It was probably a couple of YEARS after starting my quest that I had what I consider to be one of the biggest "Ah Ha!" experiences of my life.

Here's what my realization was:

The guys I knew who were the MOST successful with women didn't read books to learn a bunch of "pick up lines"... and they didn't rely on tricks to attract women.

The guys I knew who were MOST successful had a certain something about them that just seemed to MAGNETICALLY attract women.

In fact, these guys did and said things to women that seemed like they COULDN'T work to create attraction.

But it worked. It seemed to ALWAYS work.

At first, I just assumed that these guys must be good-looking, or have some kind of natural charm that I would never have.

It seemed like an "unfair advantage".

Well, I learned that it WAS actually an unfair advantage. But I ALSO learned that it was something that ANY guy can have.

WARNING: What I'm about to say might sound a little "new-agey"... but stick with me.

This "Ah Ha!" led me to an even deeper and more powerful realization:

These men who were consistently successful with women had a QUALITY about them, and a deep UNDERSTANDING of how male/female attraction works...


Because they had this magical quality, and because they understood how to direct and channel any situation and conversation...they created success without needing the tricks.

In fact, one of my friends who was VERY good with women started LEARNING some "pick up lines" and other tricks, and started doing WORSE with women.

True story.

He had the quality, and the tricks messed it up for him!

Well, after really digging into this topic and trying to translate this "secret knowledge"...and how to develop this quality I speak of... into a system that a regular guy could "get" use, I finally create the Master Key.

It's a Master Key that will unlock doors that NO guy with a bunch of "tricks and techniques" can open.

It's a key that will attract -- AND KEEP -- the more desirable and attractive women...the kinds of women that most guys will NEVER even have a chance to date.

I could go on and on about it, but if you're interested in learning more about this key, then go here and read THIS:

I hope this secret helps you as much as it has helped me in my success with women.

Talk to you in a couple of days.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. You really should take a minute and look through the list of programs I've created to help you learn how to attract and meet women. You can see them all right here, plus watch some KILLER free video clips as well:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Secret Body Language Women Find Irresistible

If you can't communicate with a woman in EXACTLY THE RIGHT WAY using BODY LANGUAGE ALONE... you'll NEVER be able to make her feel ATTRACTION for you.

On the other hand...

Once you DO understand how to use body language, a woman will recognize it in you INSTANTLY... before you even say a word... and begin having feelings of ATTRACTION for you.

And once THAT happens, you're GOLDEN. Everything else is a cake walk.

Learn why body language is so important (and how to master it FAST)

by clicking here:


Hello Dave,

I want to say thank you for the Advanced Series. The more I listen to it, the more I get out of it. It's like when you watch a movie about 53 times, you'll always find something new that you didn't notice the previous times you watched it. When I first invested on your book, I thought that it was fantastic chic bible, now that I've invested in the Advanced Series, I understand more of what you talk about in the book. The video Series is soon as I get the

Anyway, to my question. You talk about how body language will affect the moment, if you will, while conversing with a woman. Perhaps I still do not understand how the process works, or maybe its just one of those things that men aren't supposed to understand, but if you're talking with a woman, oh lets say at a baseball game, somewhere where friends may spot you, and you wonder off to your friends without her as if "you don't care," you say it is creating tension between the two of you, because she's wondering "where the hell did he go?" but is that not creating some sort of negative body language in a way at the same time?

A little help understanding this will greatly be appreciated, Dave. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't capture this concept. Thanks again. D. Yuma, Arizona


Thanks for your email, this is a great question.

I think that the reason you don't "get" this particular concept is because you're trying to fit what I'm teaching you into your way of seeing the world, instead of the other way around.

You're looking for how I'm WRONG instead of how I'm RIGHT.

And I'll bet you dimes to dollars that you have not spent much time TESTING what you've learned in the real world.

I can sit here all day long and explain to you what it's like to drive a car. I can tell you how it's different steering a car when you're driving 5 miles per hour than it is when you're driving 55 miles per hour... and how it's different to back up because you have to think in reverse...

...and you could ask me questions like "Well, how do you mean it's "backwards" when you back up? Wouldn't it just feel the same?" and "Wouldn't it be distracting to turn your windshield wipers on while it's raining and you're trying to drive?"...

...and I could answer all of your questions...

...OR... could just get in a damn car and go see what it's like to drive!

If you want to "capture this concept" you need to get out in the real world and DO IT.

In your example above, you asked if you're also creating "some sort of negative body language" at the same time by walking away from a woman.

What do you mean by "negative"?


Do you mean that if you walk away from a girl that you're talking to, are you going to make her think you don't like her?

GOOD, if she thinks that. Who cares?

If you walk away from a woman because you want to go talk to your friends, it's HER DEAL if she doesn't like it. Not yours.

If, on the other hand, you see your friends, but DON'T go talk to them because you don't want to offend the girl you're talking to, you're going to probably also give her several clues that you're a WUSSBAG, and that you don't have any spine or life of your own... and that you like to live in a way that pleases other people.

And guess what?

That is NOT an attractive quality.


Everything is a trade-off in one way or another.

Everything involves risk.

Everything you do can backfire.

Most guys are painfully aware of these issues.

But, the problem is that most guys take this knowledge and use it the WRONG WAY.

Instead of doing what WORKS, and not caring if it "backfires" or "fails" in that particular situation, they do the "safe" thing.

Of course, anytime you "play it safe" around an attractive woman by being a "nice guy" and trying to "follow her lead" you are almost ABSOLUTELY going to do something that's going to backfire on you MOST of the time.

In other words, by playing it safe and being a "nice" guy, you won't get any "negative" responses or "rejection" in the moment.

But, she's NEVER going to feel ATTRACTION for you, either (unless you look like Brad Pitt, or you're in ColdPlay).

The answer?

Before I tell you, I want to suggest that you don't understand one other KEY element of creating ATTRACTION with a woman. And you can learn about that key element by going HERE:

Stop worrying about "failing" or doing something that doesn't work.

It doesn't MATTER if you "fail" in a particular situation.

You didn't have anything ANYWAY.

If you want to succeed with attractive women, you're going to have to realize that things don't work the way they SHOULD work.

Attraction doesn't happen when you're a "nice, appropriate boy."

Here's an example of "being nice" vs. being a guy who lives in his own reality and does what he wants to do:

You're talking to a girl, and you decide that you like her.

You want to get her phone number and call her sometime.

Nice guy says, "Um, maybe you could give me your number, and I could call you sometime and take you out".

Guy who lives in his own reality says, "Give me your number" with a tone of voice and body language that is EXPECTING her to comply.

But, you might say, "Hey, wait a minute here... if you just try and tell her what to do and ASSUME that she's going to go along and give you her number, she might be offended."

Guess what?

You're right.

But, if she's offended, then she wasn't going to go out with you anyway.

On the other hand, if she WAS going to go out with you, the direct "Give me your number" will make her FAR MORE attracted to you.

Make sense?

In other words, the things that work BEST will get you MUCH BETTER and MUCH WORSE reactions from women.

Women who have boyfriends, are married, are lesbians, or whatever will RUN away... (that is, if they can overcome their emotional attraction to your communication style).

And women who are available and interested will only feel MORE attracted to you because you are just naturally assuming that you're going to get what you want.

If you really take the time to think about it, and think through the different scenarios, you'll realize that being direct and assumptive will work better in the long run.

Now, let's talk a bit about the specifics of what it "says" to a woman when you "walk away" from her in a situation like the one you've described...

You're talking to her for five minutes. She's laughing and you're being Cocky & Funny... you're teasing her, she's responding by hitting you and opening her mouth with the "Oh-no-you-didn't-just- say-that" look.

You see your friends.

You say, "Hey, good talking to you... I'm going to go talk to my friends" and you walk away.

What happens?

Does she think, "That jackass! I'm so offended that he didn't ask for my number!"?

Does she say to her friend, "That guy is stupid because he could have gotten my number and he didn't even ask for it"?

Does she immediately walk away and leave?

No, probably not.

In fact, what she will MOST LIKELY do, if you were being interesting and attractive, is think to herself "What just happened? Why did he leave? Should I go with him and keep talking to him? Should I just leave because he probably doesn't like me? Did I say something wrong?"

In other words, she's going to stand there thinking about YOU and what she can do to start the conversation again.


Is this creating some kind of "negative tension"?

Yes, it is.

But, it's not the kind of negative tension that makes situations with women go BAD.

It's the OTHER KIND. It's the kind that leads to SEXUAL TENSION and CHEMISTRY.

Now, the BEST thing you can do in a situation like this one is to say "Hey, I'm going to get back to my friends over there... good talking to you..." and then turn to walk away.

Right after you've "broken the connection" and she's starting to go into the "what just happened and why is he leaving" mode, you turn BACK around and say "Hey, do you have email?"... then go into the 3 minute email/number technique that I talk about in my ebook and Advanced Series.

Get it?

Another important thought...

When you have to "say" something about who you are as a man, how interesting you are, or how much she should feel attracted to you with WORDS, it automatically creates doubt... because if it was true, then you wouldn't need to SAY it.

It would be OBVIOUS.

In other words, the best way to communicate all of the most IMPORTANT things is through your BODY LANGUAGE.

What most guys try to do is CONVINCE a woman to feel ATTRACTION by telling her all kinds of things about themselves and trying to subtly drop little hints about making money, driving a cool car, etc.


And worse, it usually BACKFIRES.

Women can smell the "I'm actually insecure, so I am trying to cover up for it by bragging" rap a mile away.

It makes them RUN (unless they're out to use you for free food and entertainment).

If you want to say all the right things in the shortest possible time, then you need to learn how to communicate with body language and voice tone ALONE.

WHAT you say isn't very important at all.

It really isn't.

HOW you say it is EVERYTHING.

Go back through my Advanced Series program and notice all of the subtle body language points that I make, and think about what you've just read... it will pull everything together for you.

As you probably know, I also have a complete program that's dedicated to teaching you how to use Body Language to create ATTRACTION.

I highly recommend that you go and get that program. It will help you out TREMENDOUSLY. You can check out some video clips of it here:

Oh, and if you're reading this right now and you would like to learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION for you, then you need to check out my Advanced Dating Techniques online video program.

I spend a lot of time going over the specifics of how to communicate beliefs, status, and self- image in a way that really triggers the "attraction mechanism" inside of women. I'll give you a great introduction on how to use Body Language as well.

This material isn't available anywhere else, in any program, at any price...

This is part of what makes my program unique... and when you see the body language of some of my special guests, you'll immediately "get it", and begin to understand how you need to modify your own body language to trigger ATTRACTION with women... rather than triggering FRIENDSHIP.

All the details, plus some great audio and video samples are here:

...and if you haven't downloaded your copy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating" yet, then you need to do that immediately. You can download it right now and be reading it within just a few minutes. It's here:

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Make sure you take a few minutes and look at the entire list of programs I've put together to help you MASTER this area of your life called "women and dating."

All of my programs are available for INSTANT VIEWING, so you can start watching them in just a few minutes. You can see them all here:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Simple Way To Close The Deal - Every Time

*** POP QUIZ ***

Let's say there's a great woman that you've had your eye on...

But (as usual) you don't have the FIRST CLUE how to approach her... let alone what to say and do once you try.

QUESTION: How can YOU "break through" and get her to NOTICE *YOU*?


There's a SIMPLE way to get her attention -- and then "CLOSE THE DEAL" -- that's so powerful, easy, and effortless, that you'll be kicking yourself for wasting so much time *NOT* knowing it!

CLICK HERE to learn it:

Hey Man,

Have you ever fantasized about how your WHOLE LIFE would be different if you only knew how to "close the deal" a woman?

Well, I can tell you this...

For YEARS, this was all that *I* thought about.

I fantasized what would it be like to be able to easily, effortlessly approach ANY woman... in ANY situation...

... then EFFORTLESSLY start a conversation with her without my usual "shyness", "awkwardness", and "fear of rejection...

... then "close the deal" with her.

Also known as bringing her home, or setting up a date.

Like I said:

I wasted YEARS of my life "fantasizing" about how to make all this happen...

... when I could have been DOING it the whole time... and WAY more easily than I ever thought possible!

In a nutshell, things went like this for me:

I'd see an attractive girl in a coffee shop or bar or the supermarket. And the moment I even started to THINK about approaching her:


In other words, I felt NERVOUS and SCARED.

I started making EXCUSES to myself about why she'd NEVER go out with a guy like me.

And get this...

Sometimes I even started BLAMING HER!

That's right -- without knowing anything about her, I'd imagine how "stuck up" or "shallow" she was... just because I knew she'd NEVER choose a caring, sensitive guy like me over some rich, handsome JERK.


... I found out how INCREDIBLY SIMPLE it really was to CHANGE ALL THIS!

I leaned how easily I could make my painful daily "fantasies" into every day, easy-as-falling-off-a- log REALITIES.

And once I did that, I don't have to tell you...

I wanted kick my own butt for WASTING SO MUCH TIME!!

It literally made me sick.

Truth was, "closing the deal" with a woman was actually EASIER THAN I EVER DREAMED... but I NEVER KNEW IT.


But onto better news...

If you're in the same situation right now... still WASTING YOUR LIFE failing with women (or never TRYING with them at all)...

... All because you have NO CLUE how easy it actually is to succeed...

... then you're right where I used to be.

You're totally convinced that you couldn't possibly "close the deal" with a woman even if you somehow got up the "nerve" to approach her in the first place.

You feel like there's just no way you can possibly say and do everything right, including:

* Successfully starting a conversation with her.

* THEN keeping it going (without hemming and hawing and getting tongue-tied!)

* THEN sparking feelings of ATTRACTION in her.

* THEN stoking that spark into SEXUAL TENSION that makes her want to GET PHYSICAL with you.

I mean, forget about it... prsonally, I could barely get words out of my mouth to a woman I didn't know, let alone get all of this right.

And here's the kicker:

Even if I did "get lucky" and pull off all this stuff... none of it MEANT A THING because I couldn't "close the deal".

Sound familiar?

If SO...

I'm about to hand you a life-changing SOLUTION to this situation, and I mean RIGHT NOW.

Sound good?


Plus, you can get a feel for ALL of the DOZENS and DOZENS of ways that I teach to start approaching women with CONFIDENCE and SUCCESS right here:

But for now, stay with me, because I'm about to share 1 of them right here -- a simple way to "close the deal" with a woman EVERY TIME that's so easy it'll blow your mind...

It starts with what EVERY man must understand before he can "close the deal" with ANY woman...

First, you need to understand what it is that EVERY WOMAN is REALLY looking for in a man when he first approaches her.

And then you need to GIVE IT TO HER -- in SPADES -- before she even has to think about it.

So then... what is it? What is every woman looking for in the men that approach her?

What is this "magic trait" that, if a man is missing it, will get him rejected faster than a 3- dollar bill?

The answer's no surprise... especially after you've spoken to as many women as I have about the subject.

You see, a woman wants to FEEL A SPECIFIC SOMETHING the moment a man approaches her...

Something that makes him STAND OUT from the crowd...

Women CONSTANTLY tell me that they spend the minutes after a new guy approaches them waiting for him to finally "give up" and "go away" because MOST MEN BORE THEM.

They tell me most men act awkward and nervous... using body language that projects fear and uncertainty... hemming and hawing or using lame, stale pick-up lines.

After hearing this from so many women, here were my inescapable conclusions:

1) Approaching women using "pick-up lines" or "rational logic" is a fool's game.

2) "Hitting on a woman" is even WORSE, the ultimate road to nowhere.

(By the way, ever wonder why they call it "hitting" on a woman? It's because it's usually such a horrible, PAINFUL EXPERIENCE for her.)

3) There's just NO WAY that lines, wuss-like "begging" or Spock-like logic will get a woman interested enough to even "hear your story"... let alone CLOSE THE DEAL.

Just won't happen.


More on the fascinating reason (a reason MOST guys will NEVER figure out for themselves...) right here:

But for now, here comes the bottom line:

So... how do YOU make an attractive woman feel differently about YOU than about the parade of losers, wusses and dorks who constantly approach her?

Listen close... slide your chair closer to your computer monitor if you have to...

I LOVE revealing this part to guys, because it's so simple it usually BLOWS THEIR MINDS...

It's the kind of "duh" moment that makes guys realize the answer has always been right in front of their face (and that they've been WASTING THEIR LIVES not seeing it).

Ready for your "duh" moment?

Then strap in, here it comes...

To discover this "magic trait" for yourself, all you have to do is take 2 simple steps:

#1) go to any online dating site

#2) check out the profiles of a few dozen women.

That's exactly what I did. And guess what I noticed...

I noticed that 1 TRAIT popped up again and again in the profiles when it came to what women were looking for...

Something a THOUSAND TIMES MORE POWERFUL than good looks or money....

There it was in plain sight:

ONE WORD kept popping up again and again, when it came to what almost EVERY WOMAN was looking for in a guy...

That word was "FUN".

And that's when the light bulb finally went off for me...

What if I could make my first few moments with a woman just plain FUN?


There was no way I could know it at the time, but this realization was HUGE...

So, getting back to that "duh" moment...

I realized that this "fun" thing could -- and SHOULD -- be an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY for *ME*.

I realized all I had to do was make the experience of "being approached" FUN for a woman, and I'd move straight to the head of the line.

I'd have an INSTANT ADVANTAGE over 99% of other guys.

I'd move closer to closing the deal with her (more quickly and easily) than I ever imagined possible.

And guess what...


Big time...

Once I perfected how to make it FUN for a woman when I approached her, the results I got were NUCLEAR.

Once I had an arsenal of fool-proof ways to IMMEDIATELY make my approach FUN for a woman... suddenly I COULD CLOSE THE DEAL almost every time!


If you'd like IMMEDIATE ACCESS to my FULL "arsenal" (as well as the opportunity to put it all to work for YOU instantly, 100%-RISK FREE) just click here:

In the meantime, here's the SPECIFIC EXAMPLE I was talking about:

Want to show a woman you're FUN instead of a PAINFUL BORE the moment you approach her?

Try this:

Let's say you're close to a supermarket when you see a woman you'd like to meet...

Walk up to her and say: "Excuse me... I was on my way to grab a few groceries to cook a special dinner, and I need a woman's advice. Would you mind helping me?"

Yeah, I know... to most men this sounds unthinkable.

I mean, why would you do something like asking a woman to accompany you on an errand to the supermarket... possibly to prepare for a date with ANOTHER woman.

Well, let's analyze what's happening here for the A-B-C answer:

A) You're asking for her HELP while showing no signs of the usual "pick-up mode" anxiety, twitchy gestures, laughs and ticks, etc. This broadcasts CONFIDENCE to a woman every time.

B) You're INSTANTLY letting her know you're "no threat" and "in demand" because you're possibly preparing for a big date -- with ANOTHER woman!

C) Best of all, you're showing her that you're FUN and SPONTANEOUS.

So, what's going to happen next?

9 times out of 10, she'll be so intrigued that "blowing you off" will be the furthest thing from her mind.

Assuming she's not in a rush, she'll probably say something like: "What? You want me to come grocery shopping with you?"

She'll be wonderfully confused.

She'll be emotionally engaged.

You'll have her full attention.

Communicate all of this to a woman, and she'll immediately be HOOKED.

She'll instantly respect you.

She'll want to know more about you.

In other words:

She'll feel the first tiny sparks of that magic feeling called ATTRACTION.

And, as you know, that's what *EVERYTHING* I teach is all about.

Okay. So now you have her attention.

What's next?

Let's rewind a bit and find out...

Truth is, early in the supermarket visit, I usually make a pass by the MAGAZINE RACK.


Because it's literally a bottomless pit of FUN conversation.

I'll pick up a tabloid and make fun of some handsome movie star's picture ("How does George Clooney get so many women with a nose like that?)

Or, when we're in the aisles, I'll pick up some odd product.

A jar of "Clamato" juice or something.

Show it to her with a baffled look and bust on her "What's in this stuff? Who drinks it? You definitely look like the ‘Clamato' type..."

If the woman picks up anything for herself, I'll bust on that, too... "Wow, that's fattening..."

If she gets nothing at all, I'll ask her if she's fasting.


There are a million possibilities for Cocky & Funny at this point.

*** ALERT ****

If you'd like a CRASH COURSE on how to stop being BORING -- and START mastering the endless possibilities of being "Cocky & Funny" with women -- here's the *ONLY* way to get it:

But here's my point:

Once you have her suggestions about what SHE would like cooked for her on a date, it's time to "close the deal."

At check-out, let her know you're shopping to make dinner for HER.

At this point, it's almost GUARANTEED she won't reject you because:

1) By now, you've engaged her EMOTIONS. She's feeling fun and adventure -- separating you from all the other guys who just make her feel BORED and UNCOMFORTABLE.

2) Because all this was NON-THREATENING to her, she's TEN times more likely to give you the "benefit of the doubt" and go along for the ride a little further.

3) You've proven you're a "FUN GUY" -- and she didn't even realize it was happening!

Basically, whether it's grocery shopping or jumping out of an airplane, when you approach a woman with a sense of "Hey, let's have an adventure, let's go have some FUN..." it's 100% contagious.

A woman will start attributing all those positive feelings to you... and you're IN.

You'll not only end up with her number at the end of the day... she'll probably end up BEGGING YOU to bring her home.

Gotta love it.

Okay... as I said, this just one simple way to successfully approach a woman and "close the deal."

If YOU want to learn a lot more ways to leave behind the FEAR that's DESTROYED your success with women up until now, I'm ready to help.

Just click here:

Meantime... forget the "pick up lines" and focus on learning how to BE FUN, and you'll have success with women like you never thought possible.

I personally guarantee it.

Until then...

Your friend,

David D.

PS: There's 1 LETHAL MISTAKE that 90% of men make when they try to approach a woman:


This one's DEADLY because most guys have NO CLUE that they're doing it -- let alone how to *STOP* DOING IT.

But no worries... I got this...

I've come up with a way to MAKE SURE that you *NEVER* come off as creepy again -- and therefore instantly TURBOCHARGE your success!

Learn about my eye-opening, simple technique for coming off as "unique", "individualistic", and "cool" (instead of just plain "creepy") right here: